Knowing how much does an eye bag surgery cost lets you think wisely about the treatment.
Blepharoplasty or eye bag removal surgery is one of the most popular surgical cosmetic procedures in the UK. Knowing eye bag surgery cost helps you make an informed decision whether about the treatment.
If you’ve been planning to enhance your appearance, you probably heard about blepharoplasty. You also likely wondered why people get it, how it goes, and how much does an eye bag surgery cost.
I am here to address all of your questions. In this article, we will talk about the reasons why patients have blepharoplasty. I will also walk you through the procedure and discuss eye bag removal cost.
Reasons Why People Get Blepharoplasty
There are several reasons why patients go through blepharoplasty.
1. Eye Bags
Popular belief says that lack of sleep causes eye bags. However, it’s not always the case. Most of the time, it’s not lack of sleep that causes eye bags.
It’s the lower eyelid fat prolapse that usually causes eye bags. To put it simply, lower eyelid fat prolapse is a condition that occurs when the fat around the eye socket comes forward.
This results in the fat protruding. This also makes the fat appear in the lower part of your eyelids. Your eye bags become bigger and more prominent when this happens.
Thus, getting lifting eyelids will help reduce the appearance of your eye bags. Just make sure you’re a good candidate for eyelid surgery first.
You can remove the excess fat under your eyes through surgery, making your eye bags become smaller and less visible as a result. In fact, surgery is the only way men can permanently remove bags under their eyes.
2. Dark Circles
Just like its name, the dark circles describe the condition where dark skin appears under your eyes. Usually, they are linked with a lack of sleep. Sometimes, with bruising. However, neither of these situations mainly causes dark circles.
Typically, the shadows cast by hollows under your eyes cause dark circles. As blood pools under your eyes, they become even more visible.
Additionally, dark circles are also linked with eye bags. The tissue around your eyes becomes weak as you age.
Because of this, fat moves further into the front part of your under-eye. Also, fluid can also accumulate under your eyes. Together, these make your eyes puffier. They can also cause aggravation or dark circles under the eyes.
The shadows cast by the hollows under your eyes can be reduced through surgery eye bags. The dark circles under your eyes will become less visible as a result.
3. Crow’s Feet
An eye bag surgery cost involves getting rid of crow’s feet.
Another common issue that patients cosmetically solve through blepharoplasty is crow’s feet.
Crow’s feet can be described as the fine lines and wrinkles spreading from the outer corners of your eyes. A lot of old people suffer from crow’s feet as a sign of ageing.
Additionally, crow’s feet can be caused by repeated facial movements. Repeated facial movements make crow’s feet inevitable along with the other signs of ageing.
Moreover, the skin becomes thinner over time. It could also become less elastic, and weaker. Hence, crow’s feet develop. Thus, crow’s feet are a common problem among older people.
Your doctor can make your skin tighter and stronger through blepharoplasty. This will result in your crow’s feet becoming less visible.
4. Hooded Eyelids
Hooded eyes are a common condition of the eyes due to ageing. This condition involves tiny flaps of excess skin. These tiny flaps of skin can be found beneath each eyebrow.
The flap of skin conceals the natural crease of the eyelid. Therefore, the eye looks like it’s hooded. Hooded eyes can be a disturbance to one’s line of sight.
Furthermore, hooded eyes can possibly block your vision. The excess skin hangs on your eyelids. Therefore, it causes issues with your vision.
Hooded eyes can also affect your appearance. They cover the natural crease of your eyelid. Thus, they make your eyes appear smaller. Hooded eyes make you look tired and grumpy as well.
While non-surgical eyelift sounds promising, it cannot treat all types of hooded eyes cases. The only treatment that can permanently fix the problem would be blepharoplasty or hooded eye surgery.
Eyelid surgery or blepharoplasty can treat all cases that involve hooded eyes. A cosmetic surgeon can manipulate your skin and the underlying muscles on your skin to get rid of your hooded eyes.
Blepharoplasty also produces results permanent results. The results of blepharoplasty can last up to a lifetime compared with its non-surgical counterparts.
5. Tired and Grumpy Appearance
How people see you can be affected because of a tired appearance. Some people had their jobs compromised because their subordinates thought that they were unapproachable.
Conditions such as eye bags, dark circles, and crow’s feet can make you look tired and grumpy. In order to make yourself appear alert, you have to get rid of them. Eye surgery can help you restore your appearance.
You can reverse the signs of ageing through eye surgery. As a result, you will look more alert, approachable, and cheerful.
6. Vision Obstruction
An eye bag surgery cost involves solving vision obstruction.
One of the most common medical issues patients solves through eyelid surgery is the obstruction of their vision.
Usually, eye problems cause vision problems. These include the likes of astigmatism. However, eye problems can also be aggravated sometimes by excess skin on the upper eyelids.
Additionally, your vision might be affected by the excess skin obstructing it. Your vision might be obscured due to loose or sagging skin in the upper eyelid. It can droop so much and can interfere with your vision.
Doing daily activities may become difficult for you once this happens. An everyday activity such as driving can become dangerous for you, as your sight gets blocked by the excess skin.
Your surgeon can remove excess skin through eyelid surgery. Whether it obstructs your vision or aggravates vision impairment, eyelid surgery can fix your problem. Your vision will become clear as a result of the treatment.
7. Irritation
Other than obstructing your vision, excess skin on the eyelids can also cause your eyes to be itchy. If you experience this, you will rub your eyes together when they become itchy.
Irritation can occur when you rub your eyes with excess skin. Sometimes red, dry, and even puffy eyelids characterise this condition.
Excess skin irritates your skin further if you wear glasses or contact lenses. Wearing your glasses or contact lenses for long periods of time can become difficult as well.
Eyelid suregry can remove excess skin that causes irritation. You can avoid irritating your eyes as a result of the procedure. Therefore, will become easier for you to wear glasses or contact lenses becomes as well.
Before Blepharoplasty
An eye bag surgery cost typically involves an extensive pre-surgery consultation with Dr. Julian De Silva.
You need to talk to a cosmetic surgeon like Dr. Julian De Silva who specialises in eyelid surgery before you undergo the procedure. You can book a consultation with him here.
During the consultation, your medical history and current state will be discussed.
Specifically, I will ask you about any previous surgeries you received, if there were any. Also, I will ask about your current health condition. This includes any medications that you take.
We will also talk about your lifestyle during the consultation. If applicable, I will ask you to disclose your alcohol and cigarette usage.
After the discussion of your medical history, your goals and expectation will also be discussed. You have to openly discuss your goals and expectations.
I will then explain whether blepharoplasty surgery treatment suits you or not. This depends on your medical history. Also, I might suggest complementary procedures along with your blepharoplasty. This includes facelift and brow & forehead lift.
If you agree with what we discussed, you can set an appointment for your blepharoplasty. You need to make sure that the appointment you set suits your schedule best.
During Blepharoplasty
An eye bag surgery cost involves the use of my tools, facility, and sedation anesthesia.
The points of the incision will be marked prior to the hooded eye surgery. I will also administer sedation anesthesia during eyelid surgery. I use this type of anaesthesia because it’s safer and lets you recover quickly compared to general anesthesia.
The excess skin or fat will be removed by the doctor during the procedure. Once done, your incisions will be stitched up.
After Blepharoplasty
An eye bag surgery cost involves the aftercare support of my team.
You have to stay for some time in the facility after the surgery. The staff has to monitor you for any complications.
Usually, hooded eye surgery does not require an overnight stay. This means that you can go home after you’re cleared from any complications.
Also, you need to make sure someone will take you home after the surgery. After the eyelid surgery, your vision won’t be normal. Thus, you must not drive.
You may also temporarily experience blurred vision after the surgery. Other side effects might include sensitivity, numbing of eyelids, swelling, and bruising. However, the side effects are just temporary and will soon subside.
The following post-operative care guidelines need to be followed:
- Iced gauze pads should be applied to the eyes for the first 48 hours. This also needs to be applied to the cheek. In order to minimize swelling and discoloration, the gauze pads must be dipped in ice water and wrung out before applying it to the areas of concern.
- In order to minimize swelling, you need to keep your head elevated. A recliner will work well. However, adding an extra pillow to your bed should be adequate.
- Two to three weeks after the hooded eye surgery, you may resume wearing contact lenses.
- You should refrain from doing any extreme physical activity. This includes athletic activities. However, activities like light walking may be resumed three days after the surgery. Other activities like aerobic exercise, weight training, heavy lifting, and straining can be resumed gradually, three weeks after the surgery.
- Sun exposure, sun lamps, or tanning beds should be avoided for at least six weeks after surgery. This is because heat can cause your face to swell. I recommend you to use sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher.
- If your eyes show some swelling, do not be concerned. Usually, this will be resolved within two weeks after the surgery.
- Only take the medications prescribed for you.
- Wearing of makeup may be resumed seven to ten days post-surgery.
Eye Bag Surgery Cost
An eye bag surgery cost involves many factors.
You must take note that several factors contribute to the cost of your surgery.
For one, you should factor in the cost of any test, pre-surgery consultation, and follow-up consultation.
Since every surgery eye bags is unique, eye lift cost UK varies. Also, the eye lift cost UK will be determined by the surgeon’s fee.
In the UK, eye bag surgery cost can range between £2,000 and £6,000. Depending on the factors mentioned above, eye lift cost UK can either increase or decrease.
Causes of Eye Bags

There are many reasons why eye bags appear. Ageing is the most common.
Contrary to popular belief, ageing is not the only reason why eye bags appear and become more noticeable. Here are the causes of eye bags.
1. Ageing
Ageing is the most common cause of eye bags. As you age, the skin under your eyes becomes less elastic and thinner.
The bony foundation under your eyes changes as well, allowing fat to go forward. Tear troughs, the hollow part under your eyes, also become deeper and more noticeable. The same thing happens to under eye wrinkles.
As a result, you develop eye bags. The fat sinks further, making your under eye look swollen. The older you get, the bigger your eye bags get.
2. Heredity
It’s also possible for you to inherit eye bags. Some families have more prominent eye bags than others. Hence, if eye bags run in your family, you will probably have them, too.
Heredity can also contribute to a condition called periorbital hyperpigmentation. This condition makes you predisposed to having dark circles. As you may well know, dark circles emphasise the presence of eye bags.
Moreover, some people are genetically prone to subluxation, which is the moving of fat under the eyeball to the front of the eye.
3. Ethnicity
Eye bags are more noticeable in people who have pale skin. It’s because a fair complexion cannot hide eye bags. Hence, when people with pale skin develop eye bags, they become prominent.
For this reason, Caucasians tend to have deeper, more noticeable eye bags compared to African Americans.
On the other hand, African Americans produce more pigment around the eye area. This can cause general darkening on the lids and under the eyes.
4. Smoking
Free radicals weaken the supporting structures in our skin, leading to looseness and puffiness.
Moreover, certain habits drain essential nutrients required for skin repair and promote dehydration, accentuating under-eye shadows and puffiness.
Another factor to consider is the nicotine found in cigarettes, which can interfere with restful sleep.
5. Sleep Patterns
Your resting patterns can impact the appearance of your eyes. An example is noticing more pronounced puffiness after extended wakefulness.
Specifically, insufficient rest can lead to fluid accumulation beneath your eyes, making them appear puffier.
A lack of adequate sleep can also result in a lackluster skin tone, highlighting darker areas beneath your skin.
6. Sun Exposure
Overindulging in sunlight can trigger the body to produce an excess of a specific pigment.
Post-procedure, sometimes a protective covering might be placed either on the entire eye area or just the treated spot.
7. Stress
When you are stressed, blood circulation in your eye area slows down. This allows blood to pool there.
Specifically, your thin blood vessels leak and stretch. The blood spreads out under the skin and oxidises. This process leads to puffy eye bags and a dark purple hue over them.
In addition, more blood is directed away from your face, making it look pasty. Consequently, your eye bags become more visible.
8. Poor Diet
A poor diet can lead to eye bags as well.
To begin with, a diet mostly composed of sugar can cause inflammation. Since the skin under your eyes is thinner compared to other body parts, inflammation can aggravate your eye bags.
Salty food including canned goods can also make your eye bags swell. It’s because they have a lot of sodium in them. Excessive sodium can make you retain water, which aggravates your eye bags.
9. Allergies
When you experience allergies, your body releases histamine in response to it. Histamine then causes symptoms including redness, itchiness, and puffy eyes. It also makes your blood vessels dilate and become more visible.
In addition, allergies urge you to scratch and rub the skin around your eyes. This can worsen your dark circles and make your eye bags more prominent.
10. Dehydration
Not drinking enough water each day can worsen your eye bags.
When your body doesn’t receive enough water, the skin under your eyes starts to look dull. Your eyes become sunken as well.
Drinking alcohol also dehydrates your body. Hence, you might want to watch out how much and how often you drink.
More Visible Blood Vessels
A thinner under-eye skin, a tear trough, accentuates your bags. This skin is naturally thinner than most skin on our body.
The thinning process is attributed to ageing. It becomes more translucent with age, showing more blood vessels and producing a puffy effect under your eyes.
Dermatitis and Skin Irritation
People living with atopic dermatitis (AD) suffer from swollen and inflamed eyelids and under-eyes. This common type of eczema develops around the eyelids and the eye area, causing skin irritation.
As a result, people with AD have under eye wrinkles and puffiness and should pay more attention to potential eye problems down the road.
Disadvantages of Having Eye Bags

Eye bags cause problems that can be solved through under eye bag removal.
Most people hate having eye bags for many reasons. Here they are.
1. Eye bags make you look tired.
Having prominent eye bags makes you look tired all the time, even if you are not actually tired.
If you have noticeable eye bags, people around you will often say that you look tired. Some of them might say that you lack sleep, despite sleeping a lot the night before.
2. Eye bags can stress you out.
What others say about our appearance can bring us down.
If someone says that you look unpleasant because of your eye bags, you might get hurt. As a result, you’ll keep thinking about your flaws, including your eye bags.
The constant thought of your flaws can stress you out. If going through eye bags removal surgery helps reduce your stress levels, go for it.
3. Eye bags can be a permanent problem.
Since most eye bags are caused by ageing and genetics. If not dealt with, they will be a permanent problem.
Eye cream and makeup, while somehow effective, are not permanent solutions to eye bags. Cream can slightly lighten your eye bags, but they will still be there. Makeup can conceal them, but they will remain.
Remember, a permanent problem needs a permanent solution.
4. Eye bags affect your self-confidence.
Looking at the mirror every day and seeing those prominent eye bags can affect your self-confidence.
If your career is mainly based on your appearance (e.g acting, modelling), eye bags affect your confidence to do your job.
As your self-confidence decreases, so does other people’s confidence in you. It’s because your confidence determines how other people see you.
What You Should Know Before Blepharoplasty Surgery

Blepharoplasty, which can be done on the lower and upper eyelids, helps restore your eyes’ youthful appearance.
Eyelids stretch and sag due to our body’s natural ageing process. The muscles underneath your eyelids can also weaken over time.
This is where blepharoplasty or eyelid surgery comes in.
In this article, I’ll talk about the essential information you need to know about the said surgery. I’ll also answer the questions most patients ask about blepharoplasty.
What Is Blepharoplasty Surgery?

Blepharoplasty or eyelid surgery can be performed for cosmetic or functional purposes.
Excessive fat and skin may come together on the top and beneath your eyelids. They can lead to sagging upper lids, drooping brows, and prominent eyebags. Blepharoplasty or eyelid surgery removes excess skin from your eyelids.
In addition, significantly drooping skin around your eyes can mess with your vision, specifically in the top and outer regions.
These vision problems can be eliminated or decreased with blepharoplasty, giving you a fresher and younger look.
Why Is Blepharoplasty Done?

Eyelid surgery helps fix facial skin concerns around the eyes that may cause blurred vision or a tired look.
Blepharoplasty addresses multiple skin concerns in the eye area. It helps fix droopy eyelids, remove excess skin in the eye region, and under eye bag removal.
While the procedure can be cosmetic in nature, it also addresses functional or eyesight concerns. Sagging skin in the upper eyelids can obstruct eyesight and affect peripheral vision. Removing the excess skin in the treatment area can dramatically improve vision.
The treatment can also be done with other surgical procedures. These include treatments like the brow and forehead lift, facelift, and neck lift.
Who Is a Good Candidate for Blepharoplasty?

Eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) candidates can enjoy a more rejuvenated, refreshed look after the treatment.
Patients in excellent physical conditions who do not have visual impairments can undergo eyelid surgery. Middle-aged and older patients can opt for the treatment to address skin issues in the eye area.
Young patients with early signs of ageing can be suitable candidates for eyelid surgery.
Patients undergo eyelid surgery for several reasons. Sagging skin that creates unwanted folds and creases in the upper eyelids and lower eyelids can be reduced by this treatment.
Puffiness in the upper eyelids can be diminished by removing excessive fat and skin in the treatment area. The procedure also helps in removing eye bags that cause dark circles.
In general, patients with realistic and achievable aesthetic goals can be excellent candidates for eyelid surgery.
Does Blepharoplasty Get Rid of Excess Skin?

Eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) addresses multiple skin concerns in the eye area.
Blepharoplasty or eyelid surgery gets rid of excess skin from both the upper eyelids and lower eyelids. This treatment eliminates loose fat and skin around the eye area for dramatic cosmetic improvements. Patients look younger and well-rested after the new procedure for under eye bags.
Moreover, this type of plastic surgery can also address medical concerns. Excessive fat and skin in the eyelids can impair vision. Eyelid surgery effectively removes saggy skin on your upper eyelid for vision improvements.
How Long Does It Take To Recover From Blepharoplasty?

The recovery process varies depending on the specific techniques used and the individual patient.
Most people can return to work and other normal activities within a week after the cosmetic surgery. However, you must not do any strenuous activities after the surgery because it can strain you, tear your stitches, and impair your body from recovering well.
Before and After Examples
Here are some before and after pictures of my patients after blepharoplasty:
After the surgery, the patient’s eyes looked gentler and more awake. He was extremely pleased with the results and no longer had to worry about looking tired and angry.
The after photo shows significantly fewer eye bags and a smoothened contour between his eyelids and cheeks.
The patient’s eyes looked fresher and more awake after the procedure. She was extremely happy with the natural results.
At What Age Should You Get a Blepharoplasty?

Blepharoplasty is most commonly performed on people in their 40s, 50s, and 60s.
It’s because the lower and upper eyelids tend to become loose and saggy as we age, and blepharoplasty can help enhance the appearance of the eyelids.
However, blepharoplasty is not always age-dependent. Some individuals may want to have this procedure at an earlier age if their family has a line of sagging or drooping eyelids or if they have excessive fat and skin on their eyelids leading to functional issues like blurry vision or painful blinking.
How Should I Prepare for Blepharoplasty Treatment?
Here are the steps you can take to prepare for the blepharoplasty procedure:
Consult with qualified plastic surgeons.
Have a consultation with an experienced and qualified plastic surgeon. Your cosmetic surgeon will take note of your needs and help you determine the best treatment to achieve your aesthetic goals.
Stop smoking.
Do not smoke, uner any circumstances, for at least a month before your eyelid surgery. Smoking can mess with how your body heals itself and raise the risk of complications like infections and swelling.
Avoid certain pills.
Your eyelid surgeon may ask you to stop taking certain medicine including blood thinners, before the treatment to reduce significant bleeding during the operation.
How Do I Wash After Blepharoplasty?

Your surgeon will provide specific instructions on caring for the treated area and when it is safe to wash your face.
You’ll receive detailed guidelines from your healthcare professional regarding post-procedure care. Typically, it’s advisable to keep the treated zone dry for an initial period of 24 to 48 hours. Subsequently, it can be cautiously cleaned with a gentle cleanser and lukewarm water. Refrain from any vigorous actions during cleaning.
It’s also crucial to steer clear of cosmetics near the treated region for a specified duration to avoid potential complications.
Does the Procedure Leave Marks or Scars
Thankfully, the strategic placements of cuts in natural skin folds render them nearly invisible post-healing. The unique properties of the skin in that area also aid in speedy recovery and reduced visibility of any potential marks.
Are There Any Risks Involved?
Some concerns to be aware of after the procedure include:
- Discoloration: Some might notice color changes or bruising.
- Puffiness: The area around the eyes might appear puffy post-procedure.
- Markings: While the procedure requires incisions, any resulting markings usually fade over time and are usually not noticeable.
- Dryness: Occasionally, individuals might experience a dry sensation, which can be managed with suitable solutions.
Everything You Need to Know About Eyelid Surgery Recovery

The recovery process can be tricky, but following your doctor’s instructions will make it easier.
Here’s everything you need to know about blepharoplasty recovery time and recovery process:
1. Consult about your self-care routine.
Consult your surgeon and their team about self-care instructions before the eyelid surgery. It differs from one patient to another, but your doctors know what routine works best for you.
Basics after blepharoplasty include keeping your head elevated, cool compresses or ice packs for the swelling, eye drops for moisture, antibiotic ointment for lubrication, and sterile gauze to dab on your surgical incisions if it oozes out.
2. Take time off.
Ask a colleague, family, or friend to cover daily tasks you can’t do, and be ready to have someone to contact in case you need something urgent.
Your pantry should also be fully stocked. This way, you can focus more on healing and speed it up significantly.
3. Get plenty of rest.
You will feel tired easily during your recovery period. Rest is a crucial component of healing for the body, and this applies to your eyes too.
Aside from the quantity, the quality of your rest is also critical, so be sure to get a good night’s sleep to speed up the wound and swelling healing process.
4. Avoid intensive exercise and strenuous activities.

Don’t do strenuous exercise to reduce post surgery bruising and swelling.
Avoid strenuous and heavy physical activities for two to four weeks during recovery. They increase blood flow and pressure in your head, which impacts wound healing around your eyes. Heavy lifting, jogging, running, aerobics, and bending are a few activities to skip during this time.
5. Protect your eyes from external elements.
Wind, sunlight, and other elements are very harmful to your eyes during recovery, so observe safety measures as much as possible. If you are required to go out, wear dark sunglasses and sunscreen to protect your eyes.
6. Stay relaxed.
Promoting proper recovery after your eyelid surgery requires stress-free environments. Avoiding stressors like work calls and emails is crucial for faster healing. You can also look into activities that require little to no eye activity and relax you the most, such as listening to calm music and audiobooks.
7. Cut on your device use.
Description: Avoid rubbing your eyes and watching TV for the first few weeks after your surgery to reduce swelling and bruising.
Computers, TVs, and mobile devices can strain your eyes quickly, so make sure not to spend long hours on the screen. You should also not wear contact lenses. These post-surgery activities can dry your eyes, affecting the healing process.
8. Stop smoking.
If you are a smoker, it’s a no-brainer to avoid smoking for this procedure. It stunts your healing and increases your risk of infection. It is recommended to avoid smoking at least six weeks before the eyelid surgery and the entirety of your recovery period of two to four weeks.
9. Sleep with your head raised.
During the first week after your surgery, sleep with your head raised. This reduces pressure on the surgery incisions.
How Long Is Recovery From Lower Blepharoplasty?

Blepharoplasty recovery takes 10 to 14 days, depending on factors like your lower eyelid skin condition.
Most patients are expected to feel well and fit to return to their physical activities during this period, but they should prepare to give the eyelids more time to heal and observe self-care.
However, some patients may take longer for social recovery after the expected healing period. Some patients might feel too conscious during social interactions due to the visible results of the procedure.
Risks and Side Effects of Eye Bag Surgery

Risks of eye bag plastic surgery include bruising and swelling.
Though this rarely happens, you might have dry eyes after eye bag surgery. However, it only lasts for a week. If this persists for weeks, consult your doctor.
In addition, eye bag plastic surgery can cause bruising and swelling. However, they usually go away one to two weeks after the surgery. You should not be alarmed by them unless they persist for many weeks.
My patients’ vision returns back to normal right after the eye bag plastic surgery. They usually return home right after the procedure. Many of them also go back to work or school on the same or the next day.
Hence, eye bag surgery must be done by a qualified and experienced cosmetic surgeon. If you choose a subpar practitioner, you might suffer from a more noticeable eye bag on one side or worse, suffer from eye bag surgery gone wrong.
Surgery: The Only Way Men Can Permanently Remove Bags Under Their Eyes
While many men are not as self-conscious as women, one thing bothers them― eye bags. If you are wondering how to get rid of bags under eyes men, there are solutions to it.
Heavy, noticeable eye bags are unattractive. Due to this, they let many men down. If you are annoyed by your eye bags, it’s time to get rid of them.
But how exactly do you get rid of eye bags? Can you rely on home remedies? Should you trust blepharoplasty or eye bag surgery? In this section, I will talk about the best way to get rid of eyebags for men.
How to Get Rid of Bags Under Eyes Men: The Best Solution

Surgery is the best solution to eye bags in men.
If you’ve been wondering how to get rid of eye bags men, I will explain the best solution to you.
Surgery, also known as blepharoplasty is the best solution to bags under eyes men. There are many reasons why.
For one, blepharoplasty effectively gets rid of eye bags. All of my patients’ eye bags decreased after surgery. They were all satisfied after seeing the results they wanted. Getting rid of their eye bags also boosted their confidence.
Second, eye bag surgery is more cost-efficient in the long run. While it is more expensive in the short run, the costs of creams and makeup over time are higher.
Eye bag removal surgery also permanently removes your eye bags. The results of surgery can last up to a lifetime. Many of my patients enjoy the results for decades.
Interestingly, surgery is the only permanent solution to eye bags. Unlike other under eye bags treatments, eyelid surgery is the only solution that lasts for years.
How to Get Rid of Bags Under Eyes Men: An Excellent Alternative

Tear trough fillers are an excellent alternative to surgery.
While surgery is the only permanent solution to eye bags in men, it is not for everyone. Some patients prefer a non-surgical alternative.
Tear trough fillers can fix your eye bags as well. A tear trough filler treatment can deliver results just like surgery. The main difference is that this treatment’s results do not last as long. Hence, you have to go under it again once the results fade away.
Despite this, many patients choose tear trough filler treatments because they do not involve surgery. In addition, some people cannot afford to pay a one-time fee for surgery. Hence, non-surgical treatment works for them.Find out more in our detailed blog post on surgery: the only way men can permanently remove bags under their eyes.
Blepharoplasty or eye bag surgery can change your life for the better― whether by enhancing your look or solving some medical issues with your eyes.
If you want to know how much does an eye bag surgery cost for you, contact us now!