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Best Nose Jobs For Different Shapes and Faces

Jul 16, 2021 | Rhinoplasty

Best Nose Jobs For Different Shapes and Faces - Female, photo model

Knowing the best nose jobs for issues like shape and trauma helps you pick the right procedure.

From health to aesthetics, there are various reasons why people want to reshape their noses. Knowing the best nose jobs for these issues helps you choose the right procedure.

Noses come in different shapes and sizes. Thus, a certain nose job fit for others might not be fit for you. In this article, I’ll discuss the different nose shapes, reasons why patients get nose jobs, and the best nose jobs for certain issues.

What Is a Nose Job?

What Is a Nose Job? - Smiling man, photo model

A nose job improves the symmetry, shape, and size of your nose.

As the central point of your face, your nose is important. However, not everyone has a perfect nose.

Whether it’s congenital (something you’re born with) or accident-related, reshaping your nose is crucial if it negatively affects your daily life. If you’ve been self-conscious or if your nose is not functioning well, a nose job can help.

Also known as rhinoplasty, a nose job enhances the symmetry, shape, and size of a patient’s nose. By doing this, a nose job helps your nose become proportionate with the rest of your face.

When performed by a skilled and experienced surgeon, a nose job can be life-changing. Patients will have an enhanced appearance. This can help boost their confidence and live well.

While often done to reshape the nose, a nose job can also be done for functional purposes. Septoplasty is a nose job done to enhance the function of the nose.

Types of Nose Jobs

Types of Nose Jobs - Happy female, photo model

There are two main kinds of rhinoplasty― closed and open.

A nose job is a procedure involving the nose. This term is more commonly referred to as rhinoplasty, a surgical procedure done to enhance the nose’s appearance. There are two main types of rhinoplasty― closed and open.

Open Rhinoplasty

Open rhinoplasty is the external type of rhinoplasty. It is done by making small incisions on the columella― the soft tissue between the nostrils.

This type of rhinoplasty allows for access to the cartilage and underlying bone structures. The main benefit of open rhinoplasty is higher accuracy for changing the nose’s shape. This allows the cosmetic surgeon to achieve the desired contour.

The open technique is best used during revision rhinoplasty. It’s because revision rhinoplasty is for noses with disturbed original structures. With better accuracy, an open technique is better than a closed one for revision rhinoplasty.

In addition, open rhinoplasty might also be used for patients with crooked noses and nasal tip irregularities. It’s because this technique gives a clearer view of the necessary correction. Open rhinoplasty also makes it easy for intricate grafting and/or suturing. The resulting scar is barely noticeable and fades over time.

Closed Rhinoplasty

Closed rhinoplasty is the internal type of rhinoplasty. It is done by making incisions totally hidden within the nostrils.

This type of rhinoplasty involves the surgical openings of the nose. The technique is done by separately operating in the right and left nostrils. The main benefit of closed rhinoplasty is the absence of external incisions. With a less invasive nature, closed rhinoplasty doesn’t produce visible scars.

The lack of external incisions can also result in less swelling after the surgery. This allows the patient to recover faster.

The closed technique is best used for standard rhinoplasty― a procedure that aims to change the nose’s appearance without prior damage. It’s because a closed rhinoplasty doesn’t produce any visible scars.

Open vs. Closed Rhinoplasty: Which is Better?

The differences between open and closed rhinoplasty are minor. With better accuracy, open rhinoplasty provides more precision for complex cases. On the other hand, a closed rhinoplasty requires less recovery and produces visible scars.

I can achieve your desired results using either of the two. With decades of experience in rhinoplasty, I am an expert in giving my patients the best nose surgery.

Nose Structure

Nose Structure - Female, photo model

The nose is made of three parts namely the bridge, tip, and nostrils.

Before you can have your nose reshaped, it’s important for you to understand the structure of your nose. Here are the three main parts of your nose:

The bridge is the part that holds all other components of your nose together. Its main purpose is to serve as the physical structure for your nostrils and nasal passages. It also helps with the overall function of your nose in relation to your other body parts.

The tip of the nose is also known as the dorsum. This part is connected to the nostrils. It is supposed to be the furthest from the face. Interestingly, most patients want to enhance the tips of their noses.

The nostrils are the openings found at the bottom of the nasal cavity. They serve as channels that bring air in and out of the nasal cavity so you can breathe.

Nose Shapes

Nose Shapes - Female, photo model

Noses come in different shapes including humped, hanging, and pinched.

Here are the most common nose shapes that people usually want to change:


As its name suggests, a humped nose is characterised by the presence of a hump on the bridge of the nose. It can either be inherited or accident-related. The size and shape of the hump differ from one patient to another. A humped nose is most noticeable from a side view of the nose.


A bulbous nose shape is characterised by a bulb-like shape with a droopy tip and narrow bridge. This nose shape is common among eastern European men. Since most people prefer a more refined tip with a proportionate bridge, a nose job is needed to correct a bulbous nose.

Crooked or Asymmetrical

A crooked or asymmetrical nose makes your face look uneven and unbalanced. It is usually characterised by a great bump on the nasal structure. In some cases, a crooked nose can cause breathing issues. Hence, it needs to be corrected immediately.

Pointy Tipped

A pointy tipped nose is characterised by an excessive amount of cartilage at the very tip of the nose. This destroys a person’s facial balance. This can be easily corrected by eliminating the right amount of cartilage from the tip of the nose via surgery.

Boxy Tipped

A boxy tipped nose is characterised by a wide, rectangular shape at the very tip of the nose. Like its pointy counterpart, it destroys one’s facial harmony. A boxy tipped nose is most noticeable from a bottom view of the nose.

Long or Narrow-Bridged

A long or narrow-bridged nose is characterised by an excessively long, excessively narrow, (or a combination of both) shape. This unflattering nose shape often resembles a seagull’s beak. This can be easily corrected by shaving down, widening, and/or shortening the nose.


A hanging nose is characterised by a hanging columella, the tissue that separates the nostrils. The nostrils are in a strange position, making it look separated from the rest of the nose.


A pinched nose is characterised by a look as if you’re endlessly pinching your nose. Unlike the previous nose shapes on this guide, a pinched nose is often a result of a botched nose job. A pinched nose can also cause serious functional and structural issues if not corrected immediately.

Reasons for Nose Reshaping

Reasons for Nose Reshaping - Womens, photo model

Aesthetics and difficulty breathing are some of the reasons for nose reshaping.

From gaining confidence to correcting a previous procedure, people get nose jobs for many reasons. Here are the most common reasons for nose reshaping:


Not every nose is perfect. Some are born with a deformed nose. Others got a broken nose from an accident. Whatever the reason is, a deformed nose can hurt one’s confidence.

Since the nose is the center point of the face, many people get nose jobs for aesthetic reasons. Hundreds of patients come to my clinic with pressing aesthetic concerns.

If you’re suffering from an irregular nose, you might feel bad for yourself. As a result, your self-confidence decreases, leading you to believe less in yourself. When this happens, the way you approach life is negatively affected.

In addition, a deformed nose can seriously hurt careers in the entertainment industry. If you are an actor or a model, an irregular nose can have a negative impact on your work. Hence, it’s best to get it fixed as soon as possible.

Difficulty Breathing

When your nose’s bone and/or cartilage breaks, your breathing can be affected. You might notice a whistling sound when you breathe. You also might have difficulty breathing. A cold can makes this worse by further blocking your nasal passages.

In some cases, people can breathe somehow. However, even the tiniest changes in one’s breathing can be a disturbance.

Moreover, some patients are born with a deformed nose. This can be in the form of uneven nostrils or a problematic bridge, among others. In these cases, parents often let their children get nose jobs to improve breathing.


While many people are not born with normally functioning noses, some ethnicities are predisposed to have noses that are not universally attractive.

Due to this, these people seek nose jobs. Some of my patients have ethnicities that tend to have bulbous or humped noses. In particular, Asians and African Americans tend to have bulbous noses. Caucasians have humped or hanging noses.

Yes, each nose has its own beauty. However, if you are not happy with the way your ethnicity predisposed your nose to look a certain way, feel free to fix it.


Your nose protrudes more than the rest of your face. Due to this, it is prone to damage during accidents.

A broken nose caused by a serious injury needs serious attention. More often than not, an injured nose that’s not immediately treated leads to complications. It can cause more problems such as nosebleeds and difficulty breathing.

If you have an injured nose, consult a doctor as soon as possible. If your physician sees the need for a nose job, have the procedure as soon as possible. Surgery realigns your nasal bones and/or reshape cartilage so everything goes back to normal.

Previous Procedures

A majority of my patients come to me because of previously botched procedures. It’s either their noses get damaged during the process or they did not get the results they wanted. A pinched nose is a common result of failed nose jobs.

Nose jobs are major surgical procedures that require skill and experience. Hence, you must carefully choose a nose surgeon. Remember, the wrong surgeon can cost you thousands of dollars and a lot of stress.

Best Nose Jobs According to Nasal Issues

Best Nose Jobs According to Nasal Issues - Female, photo model

Specific issues call for specific nose jobs in London.

Shape of the nose greatly depends on genetics. An injury or previous procedure can also change your nose’s shape. If the shape of your nose is bothering you for any reason, consider getting it altered.

Whether you’re getting a nose job due to health or cosmetic reasons, here are the best nose jobs designed to suit your needs and improve the quality of your life:

Aesthetics: Reduction Rhinoplasty

If you want a nose job because of aesthetic purposes, reduction rhinoplasty might be the best treatment for you.

As its name implies, a reduction rhinoplasty mainly aims to reduce the size of your nose. Given this, reduction rhinoplasty can correct a humped, bulbous, crooked, pointy tipped, boxy tipped, long, or hanging nose.

Reduction rhinoplasty reduces the overall size of your nose or decreases the size of specific areas such as the tip or bridge. Despite its name, a reduction rhinoplasty can also increase specific parts of the nose to make it look balanced.

Difficulty Breathing: Septoplasty or Septo-Rhinoplasty

If you need a nose job because you have difficulty breathing, septoplasty or septo-rhinoplasty might be the best treatment for you.

Septoplasty is the most common solution to breathing problems. It is a surgical procedure aimed at restoring your nose’s function. In particular, septoplasty is used to fix a deviated septum. It is a condition characterised by uneven nostrils that lead to difficulty breathing, nosebleed, and nasal infection.

Another procedure for breathing problems is septorhinoplasty. As its name suggests, it is a surgical procedure that combines septoplasty and rhinoplasty.

Septoplasty’s main goal is to restore your nose’s function. Rhinoplasty enhances your nose’s look. Hence, septorhinoplasty improves both the inside and outside of your nose.

Ethnicity: Ethnic Rhinoplasty

If you want a nose job because you are not satisfied with the nose your ethnicity predisposed you to have, ethnic rhinoplasty might be the best treatment for you.

Ethnic rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure usually done to non-Caucasian patients. It aims to enhance the beauty of your nose without changing the uniqueness of your ethnicity.

In other words, an ethinc rhinoplasty gives you a better-looking nose without totally losing its ethnic features. Since each nose is special, a customised plan must be carefully carried out to get the right results.

Trauma & Previous Procedures: Revision Rhinoplasty

If you suffer from a failed nose job or an injury that seriously affected your nose, revision rhinoplasty might be the best treatment for you.

Revision rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure done to correct the nose’s shape due to previous nose jobs and substantial trauma. It is usually done to patients whose original nose structures are compromised.

For one, patients are often dissatisfied with their prior nose jobs. This is mostly because they did not see the results they wanted. Second, patients’ noses are often damaged after a botched procedure. As a result, they suffer from health problems on top of a deformed nose.

Since revision rhinoplasty is a form of corrective surgery, it is among the most complex types of nose jobs. Given this, only a qualified and experienced surgeon should do it. Fortunately, I can do this surgery. Contact us if you want to know more about revision rhinoplasty at my clinic.

Best Nose Jobs in London

Best Nose Jobs in London - Female, photo model

Through experience and expertise, we offer the best nose jobs in London.

I lead the Centre for Advanced Facial Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery in London. Our state-of-the-art facility ensures you get nothing but the best nose jobs UK. From ethnic to revision rhinoplasty, I will walk you through the best noses for nose jobs. I will answer your questions so you can make an informed decision about your nose job.

My clinic offers the best nose jobs in London because of many factors. For one, my clinic specialises in facial procedures. This means that my team and I are nose job experts.

On top of that, I have decades worth of research about facial anatomy. Because of this, I have extensive knowledge of nose jobs. This knowledge is enhanced by decades’ worth of experience in the field. Over the years, I have operated on thousands of patients.

Lastly, I use special anaesthesia for the nose jobs I administer. Unlike many cosmetic surgeons, I don’t use general anaesthesia.

I highly prefer sedation anaesthesia because it is safer. It poses fewer risks than general anaesthesia. You will also recover faster from sedation anaesthesia than general anaesthesia.

Candidacy and Pricing

Candidacy and Pricing - Smiling man, photo model

Consultation is crucial in determining candidacy and pricing for the best nose jobs.

Nose jobs are generally suited for healthy adults. Since each patient’s need is unique, candidacy can only be accurately determined by consulting with a doctor. During our pre-operative consultation, I can determine whether you are an ideal candidate for the nose jobs I mentioned in this article.

Furthermore, a nose job’s cost depends on many factors. To start with, it depends on the type of nose job and the techniques it needs. For instance, a reduction rhinoplasty that only involves the tip of your nose will more likely cost less than revision rhinoplasty.

Second, a nose job’s price depends on the location. In the UK, standard rhinoplasty ranges from £4,000 to £7,000. Septoplasty approximately costs between £5,000 to £10,000, while septorhinoplasty costs about £6,000 to £12,000.

Since each patient’s nose is different, the type, complexity, and scope of nose jobs vary. Book a consultation with us to determine if you’re an ideal candidate and get more accurate pricing.


Conclusion - Female, photo model

Each person’s nose varies, so consult with your doctor to get advice about the best nose jobs.

One person’s nose varies from the other. Some are born with a deformed nose, while others get it from an unfortunate accident.

Noses come in different shapes― humped, bulbous, crooked, pointy tipped, boxy tipped, long, hanging, and pinched. Due to this uniqueness, a certain nose job might be ideal for you but not for others.

Whether it’s for aesthetic or health purposes, a nose job can turn your life around. It can relieve years of suffering and let you live a better life.

Fortunately, the best nose jobs in London can effectively fix these problematic shapes. If you want to correct the shape, size, or function of your nose, contact us for a consultation today.

Dr Julian De Silva

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Dr. Julian De Silva is a renowned and highly skilled facial plastic surgeon based in Harley Street, London. With a reputation for excellence in aesthetic and reconstructive surgery, Dr. De Silva is the founder of the Centre for Advanced Facial Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery. Specialising in procedures such as facelifts, rhinoplasty, and eyelid surgery, he is known for his meticulous attention to detail and commitment to achieving natural-looking results. 

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About the Author Dr Julian De Silva
Specialist Facelift & Facial Surgeon in London

Finding the most reputable facelift expert is never easy. Therefore, you should always research the best surgeons in your area and ask plenty of questions. Dr De Silva is a facial cosmetic and plastic surgeon, author, global educator, with a track record of doing procedures for top celebrities. He is based at world-renowned Harley Street in Central London and specialises in three main procedures: Facelift and Neck lifts, Blepharoplasty, and Rhinoplasty.

By specialising in only the face, you can rest assured knowing that you’re getting premier results. Dr De Silva achieves natural-looking results for his patients using the latest regenerative technology, so they can heal quickly and look their absolute best. No matter what your reason for wanting a cosmetic treatment is, Dr De Silva and his team are here to help. To find out more information about Dr Julian De Silva and his work, check out our website.

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