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Before and After Results of a Mini Facelift

Apr 21, 2022 | Facelift & Neck Lift Surgery (Rhytidectomy)

Seeing mini facelift before and after photos is crucial when getting the procedure.

A mini facelift is an invasive type of facelift that includes small incisions. It can bring natural and subtle results as well. Seeing mini facelift before and after photos lets you decide if the procedure suits your goals.

But what happens when you get a mini facelift before and after the procedure? What do mini facelift before and after photos look like?

In this article, I will talk about what a mini facelift is. I will also walk you through a mini facelift before and after the procedure and show you mini facelift before and after photos.

What Is A Mini Face Lift?

What Is A Mini Face Lift? - male model, face

An effective way of tackling the early signs of ageing is through a mini facelift.

A mini facelift is just like the traditional facelift. However, it’s a modified version.

Considerably, a mini facelift is less invasive than a regular facelift. It involves fewer incisions. These incisions are also discreetly hidden. Normally, it will be very difficult to see the stitches if you’re not an expert.

Generally, a mini facelift focuses on tightening the skin that’s sagging in the face’s lower region. These parts include the chin, jaw, jowls, and upper neck. The mentioned areas always show visible signs of ageing first. Thankfully, a mini lift face can help eliminate these signs.

In addition, a mini facelift is an ideal procedure for those in their 30s or 40s. When successfully done, a mini facelift can help you appear a decade younger. This makes you look more youthful and natural.

A mini facelift can also be performed with other cosmetic surgical procedures. These include a neck lift, brow and forehead lift, and chin augmentation.

Additionally, fat transfer can be done with a mini facelift. These procedures help restore a healthy and youthful appearance by bringing back the plumpness of your face.

One should also consider receiving non-surgical procedures, to maintain the results of the mini facelift. These non-surgical treatments include Botox in London and dermal fillers.

What Happens Before a Mini Facelift

What Happens Before a Mini Facelift — female face with rose

Extensive consultation must be done before receiving a mini facelift UK.

First, your needs and goals will be discussed. Your medical history will also be discussed to ensure that possible complications get avoided. I will also tell you if there’s any conflict with the procedure based on your medical history.

Next, I will explain the procedure itself and the risk associated with it to you. However, a mini lift face is a procedure that’s minimally invasive and involves few risks.

After discussing these things, I will determine whether a mini lift face suits you or not.

To get the most out of the mini lift face procedure, I might suggest other complementary procedures.

If everything’s settled on the day of the consultation, you may be scheduled for a mini facelift UK procedure.

What Happens During a Mini Facelift

What Happens During a Mini Facelift - male model, face

Before the mini lift face, anaesthesia will be administered to numb the target area.

My clinic uses sedation anaesthesia because it’s safer. Additionally, it allows patients to recover faster compared to general anaesthesia.

The incisions will be placed around your ears and hairline. The stitches will be intricately done to make sure that the scars will not be visible after the procedure.

Then, the tissues underneath the skin will be lifted. Any excess tissue will be removed if necessary. Once everything’s in place, the incisions will be closed.

What Happens After a Mini Facelift

What Happens After a Mini Facelift — lady in red

Minimal bruising and swelling might be experienced after the mini facelift UK.

Recovery time usually takes one to three weeks since a mini facelift is a minimally invasive procedure.

A few things can be done to speed up your recovery. For one, placing ice on the affected area for 10 minutes will help reduce the swelling. As you recover, getting plenty of rest can help as well.

It’s also important to note that while you’re not yet completely recovered, it’s best to avoid any strenuous activities.

Recovering From a Mini Facelift

Recovering From a Mini Facelift — smiling lady

If you’re getting a mini facelift UK, you must follow certain protocols.

Seeing the final results of a mini facelift may take up to a few months. However, the recovery process will take less time.

The length of recovery can vary from person to person. The duration of recovery depends on various factors like age and health status.

Therefore, knowing your expectations and following the recommended postoperative care instructions below can make the recovery process better:

1. Plan Ahead

To ensure a smooth recovery, you must plan things out. It can be difficult for you to perform some tasks after the surgery, even the most uninteresting ones.

Thus, you must plan to have a friend or a family member drive you to and from after your operation. You also should have someone with you 24 to 48 hours after the procedure. During this time, your main goal is to relax and recover from your surgery.

Before your procedure, make sure that the majority of your weekly tasks are already taken care of. Child and pet care should also already be lined up for weeks while you’re recovering.

2. Avoid Certain Medications, Alcohol, and Smoking

Substances that thin the blood should be avoided. This should be practiced before and after the mini facelift. Substances to be avoided include medications like aspirin, ibuprofen, alcohol, and particular types of health supplements.

In addition, you must stop smoking four weeks before the surgery. This reduces the amount of nicotine in your bloodstream.

Nicotine constricts blood vessels. Thus, exposure to it may delay the healing of your surgical wounds. Additionally, non-smokers may also be at risk of wound healing problems if they’re exposed to secondhand smoking.

You must stop drinking as well.

Alcohol can dilate the blood vessels. This can cause an increased chance of bleeding and bruising post-surgery. Thus, you must quit both smoking and consuming alcohol after getting a mini facelift.

3. Don’t Overexert Yourself

Cosmetic or not, you need to take it easy after receiving any type of surgery. During this time, undue exertion should be avoided.

Activities like bending over or picking up heavy items can increase your blood pressure. Thus, the risk of bleeding under the facelift flap increases. This can result in a hematoma.

Hematoma occurs when there’s a localised collection of blood. This can lead to a decreased blood supply to the overlying skin of the face and may lead to wound-healing problems.

In addition, resuming daily activities should be done at least two weeks after the surgery. Strenuous activities should be done at least four to six weeks after the surgery.

During this time, swelling should be reduced. Also, incisions should be healed, decreasing the risk of bleeding.

4. Eat Healthy Meals

In general, a well-balanced diet is essential to your body. It’s also crucial after receiving surgery. hence, you must enhance your nutrition before undergoing a mini facelift.

Good nutrition is even more crucial post-surgery since it can increase metabolic rate and slow down your appetite. Following a well-balanced diet with protein, fruits, and vegetables can also maximize wound healing.

5. Stick To Your Doctor’s Schedule

Your schedule may not coincide with the recommended post-treatment plan from your facelift surgeon. However, skipping the required post-op examinations could be a big mistake.

Remember, post-operative appointments are vital. They help you identify any possible problems and get them corrected.

If missed, these problems can cause less optimal results.

To sum it up, it would be best to plan a month of recovery and healing from your facelift procedure. The time would be sufficient enough to let the bruising and swelling subside.

Mini Facelift Before and After Photos

Female face, before and after Mini Facelift treatment, front view, patient 1

Mini Facelift Before and After Patient 1: This patient was unhappy about the sagging skin on her jaw. She wanted to get rid of the sagging skin, as well as the lines around her mouth and nose. The patient pointed out that these things make her look old.
I, Dr. Julian De Silva, performed a facelift to reduce the appearance of the patient’s sagging jowls. The procedure also helped in lifting her cheeks back into their original place. I also worked on smoothening the lines around her nose and mouth. After the procedure, the patient looked younger and refreshed with her new appearance.

Male face, before and after Mini Facelift treatment, front view, patient 2

Mini Facelift Before and After Patient 2: This patient was unsatisfied with the sagging jowls on his face. He also pointed out the deep lines around his mouth and eye area. These visible signs of ageing made the patient appear tired and older than he is.
With my expertise, I worked on eliminating the sagging jowls by performing a mini facelift. The procedure also helped smoothen the deep lines on the patient’s face. After receiving the procedure, the patient looked more alert, younger, and more approachable.

Female face, before and after Mini Facelift treatment, front view, patient 3

Mini Facelift Before and After Patient 3: This patient had visible fine lines on her face. These lines made her look old and tired. The patient also wanted to address her eyes that appear sunken due to the sagging skin underneath her eyes.
Dr. Julian De Silva worked on resolving the patient’s concerns by performing a facelift. The sagging skin underneath the patient’s eyes was significantly reduced, along with the fine lines that were smoothened through the procedure. The patient looked younger and happier after getting a facelift. Her eyes also appeared more alert and natural.

Male face, before and after Mini Facelift treatment, front view, patient 4

Mini Facelift Before and After Patient 4: This patient had extremely visible sagging skin on his neck. Deep lines can also be visibly seen on his face. The patient was unhappy about it and wanted to get a solution to eradicate his facial concerns.
With the help of Dr. Julian De Silva, the patient was able to get rid of these problems. I performed a mini facelift to reduce the visible deep lines on the patient’s lines. I also eliminated the sagging skin on the patient’s face and neck with the facelift procedure. After the procedure, the patient looked happier and younger.
The deep lines were significantly reduced on the patient’s face. The sagging jowls were also eliminated. The procedure also helped a lot in lifting the patient’s skin, giving him a more refined and natural look.

Female face, before and after Mini Facelift treatment, front view, patient 5

Mini Facelift Before and After Patient 5: This patient had very visible fine lines all over her face which made her look old and dull. She looked for a treatment that could address her concern and get rid of these fine lines.
Dr. Julian De Silva provided an excellent solution to the patient’s concern by performing a facelift. This procedure allowed Dr. De Silva to lift the patient’s skin.
As you can see in the picture, the results of the procedure were amazing. The fine lines were significantly reduced. Her face also appeared to be smoother and more refined for her age. She also looked younger than she is. The patient’s face appeared to be more refreshed and alert as well.

Male face, before and after Mini Facelift treatment, front view, patient 6

Mini Facelift Before and After Patient 6: This patient was unhappy about the sagging skin on his jaw. He wanted to get rid of the sagging skin, as well as the lines around her mouth and nose. The patient pointed out that these things make her look old.
I, Dr. Julian De Silva, performed a facelift to reduce the appearance of the patient’s sagging jowls. The procedure also helped in lifting his cheeks back into their original place. Dr. De Silva also worked on smoothening the lines around the patient’s nose and mouth. After the procedure, the patient looked younger and refreshed with his new appearance.

Female face, before and after Mini Facelift treatment, front view, patient 7

Mini Facelift Before and After Patient 7: This patient was very dissatisfied with her look. The deep lines on her face make her look older than her age. The sagging jowls on her neck and face make her look grumpy as well. Her eyes also looked dull due to the sagging skin underneath them.
Hence, the patient sought treatment to eliminate these problems.
To address the patient’s concerns, I, Dr. Julian De Silva, performed a facelift and neck lift to reduce the appearance of the prominent lines on the patient’s face.
Through the procedure, I was also able to eliminate the sagging jowls from the patient’s jaw and neck. Her skin also looked better since the skin was lifted because of the mini facelift procedure.
The results of the procedure gave the patient a more alert look. Her appearance also became younger due to the elimination of the prominent lines. The patient’s eyes appeared to be naturally brighter as a result of the procedure as well.

Male face, before and after Mini Facelift treatment, front view, patient 8

Mini Facelift Before and After Patient 8: This patient had very prominent smile lines around his mouth. He also had sagging skin on his neck. This made him look old and approachable.
In addition, his overall appearance seems to be dull. The patient wanted to fix this problem with a solution that suits him.
I, Dr. Julian De Silva, performed a facelift and neck lift to address the concern of the patient. As you can see in the picture, the prominent smile lines were significantly reduced.
I also worked on eliminating the sagging skin on the patient’s neck. The results of the procedure looked natural, which gave the patient a younger and refreshed look.

Female face, before and after Mini Facelift treatment, front view, patient 9

Mini Facelift Before and After Patient 9: This patient was upset about the excess skin on her cheeks that was protruding. At the same time, the excess skin that sags made her look gloomy. She wanted to get rid of it along with the minimal roughness present on her skin.
I, Dr. Julian De Silva, addressed the patient’s concern by performing a mini facelift. This allowed me to get rid of the protruding and sagging skin on the patient’s face.
At the same time, the procedure helped me, Dr. De Silva, lift the patient’s skin, giving her a smoother and refined look. Significant improvements after the facelift can be observed on the patient’s face. She also had a natural-looking younger appearance as a result.

Male face, before and after Mini Facelift treatment, front view, patient 10

Mini Facelift Before and After Patient 10: This patient was extremely dissatisfied with his previous look. The fine lines on his face made him look older than his age. Sagging of the skin can also be observed on some parts of his face, particularly, around his eyes and on his jaw.
The patient wanted a treatment that could eradicate his concerns and provide him with a revitalised look.
Through a facelift procedure, I, Dr. Julian De Silva, was able to meet the patient’s goals. Not only that― I was also able to tailor a treatment that suits the patient’s needs. This can be observed through the lines on the patient’s face that were significantly reduced.
The procedure also lifted the patient’s skin. This allowed the sagging skin underneath his eyes and neck to be eliminated. His overall results were amazing as it looked subtle and all-natural.

Female face, before and after Mini Facelift treatment, front view, patient 11

Mini Facelift Before and After Patient 11: This patient had a very prominent set of smile lines around her mouth and nose. Her skin also doesn’t look as young as her actual age. Thus, the patient wanted to get rid of this problem and smoothen her face.
I, Dr. De Silva, performed a mini facelift procedure to get rid of the prominent smile lines around the patient’s mouth and nose. After the procedure, it can be seen that the smile lines were significantly reduced. Her skin also looked smoother as a result of the procedure.
Overall, the patient had a younger and smoother-looking appearance.

Male face, before and after Mini Facelift treatment, front view, patient 12

Mini Facelift Before and After Patient 12: This patient had very prominent forehead lines. These lines made him look older than his actual age. At the same time, the patient pointed out that he looks gloomy because of it. To solve this concern, the patient wanted to get a treatment that could help him bring back the glow on his face.
I, Dr. De Silva, performed a facelift procedure on this patient. The procedure helped significantly reduce the forehead lines on his face. As you can see in the picture, the results of the procedure are very natural.
The patient looks amazing and younger. His face also became brighter after getting the procedure.

Female face, before and after Mini Facelift treatment, front view, patient 13

Mini Facelift Before and After Patient 13: This patient had sagging skin underneath her eyes, as well as her jaws. This made the patient look older than her age since the sagging skin pulls down the muscles on her face. She wants to get rid of this problem with an effective treatment.
Considering the patient’s goals and needs, I, Dr. De Silva, performed a facelift. After getting the procedure, the patient’s face looked plumper and younger. As seen above, the patient also looked happier and more satisfied with the natural-looking results brought by the procedure.

Male face, before and after Mini Facelift treatment, front view, patient 14

Mini Facelift Before and After Patient 14: The patient was unhappy about the prominent lines on his face. It can also be observed that excess skin sags from his neck. This pulls down the patient’s face. His eyes also looked sunken due to the lines around his eyes.
The patient wanted to eliminate the prominent lines and get rid of the jowls to improve his appearance.
I, Dr. De Silva, performed a mini facelift on the patient to get rid of the sagging jowls and reduce the fine lines. After getting the procedure, it can be seen that the patient’s appearance had significantly improved.
The prominent lines on his face were reduced, as well as his jowls. He also looked more revitalised and younger as a result of the mini facelift.

Female face, before and after Mini Facelift treatment, front view, patient 15

Mini Facelift Before and After Patient 15: This patient was concerned about the lines around her mouth and nose. Prominent lines can also be observed on her forehead. She aimed to eliminate these visible signs of ageing with proper treatment.
To address the concern of the patient, I, Dr. De Silva, performed a facelift. After undergoing the procedure, it can be observed that the prominent lines on this patient’s face were significantly reduced.
The results of the procedure also gave the patient younger and more refined skin. She looks naturally amazing with her new appearance now.

Male face, before and after Mini Facelift treatment, front view, patient 16

Mini Facelift Before and After Patient 16: This patient was dissatisfied with the sagging jowls on his neck, as well as the prominent lines all over his face. He pointed out that this made him unapproachable and look older than his age.
I, Dr. De Silva, worked on the patient’s concern by performing a facelift and neck lift. After the patient underwent the procedure, it can be observed that the prominent lines on his face were significantly reduced. The sagging jowls on his neck were also eliminated.
The overall results of the procedure gave the patient a younger and more revitalised look. He also appeared younger and more approachable.

Female face, before and after Mini Facelift treatment, front view, patient 17

Mini Facelift Before and After Patient 17: This patient had a concern about the lines around her mouth, as well as the crow’s feet around her eyes. She’s still young, but these facial issues made her look older than her age. So, the patient looked for a treatment that can eliminate these problems.
By performing a facelift, I was able to work on the patient’s concern. The procedure allowed me, Dr. De Silva, to eliminate the prominent lines around the patient’s mouth. It can also be observed how the crow’s feet around her eyes were significantly reduced.
After the procedure, the patient looked refreshed and even younger than her actual age. The results look good on her as it appears to be natural.

Male face, before and after Mini Facelift treatment, front view, patient 18

Mini Facelift Before and After Patient 18: This patient was concerned about the skin on his face that had started to sag. He wants to get rid of this problem and look like his age.
I, Dr. Julian De Silva, addressed the patient’s goals and needs by performing a facelift procedure. This procedure allowed me, Dr. De Silva. to work on eliminating the excess skin on the patient’s face that causes sagging. It also helped lift the patient’s facial muscles.
After the procedure, it can be observed that the patient’s face looked smoother. His facial lines due to ageing were also eliminated. The results looked great on the patient, as he appeared younger than his actual age. On top of that, the patient became happier and more satisfied with the natural results brought by the facelift.

Female face, before and after Mini Facelift treatment, front view, patient 19

Mini Facelift Before and After Patient 19: This patient was bothered about the lines that appeared on her face. She’s still young, but signs of ageing were already visible on her face. Thus, she wanted to get rid of the lines and look like she’s her age.
With my expertise, I performed a mini facelift procedure that addressed the patient’s concerns. The lines on her face were significantly eliminated. This gave her a younger, natural, and smoother look.

Male face, before and after Mini Facelift treatment, front view, patient 20

Mini Facelift Before and After Patient 20: This patient’s eyes appeared to be sunken. He also had prominent lines on his face. In addition, sagging jowls can be observed on his neck and some parts of his jaw.
I, Dr. De Silva, performed a facelift and neck lift to eliminate these problems. After the patient underwent the surgery, his face became smoother and more refined. His sagging jowls were also eliminated.
The results of the procedure were very natural, that the patient looked like several years younger. His new appearance also made him look refreshed.

Benefits of Mini Facelift

A mini facelift has many benefits including a short downtime and subtle results.

Here are the benefits of a mini facelift.

1. A mini facelift is minimally invasive.

A mini facelift is often chosen by patients because it’s minimally invasive. 

Interestingly, a mini facelift’s incisions are significantly smaller compared to other types of facelift. Due to this, the procedure can be completed in less time.

Specifically, I make small incisions around your hairline. I do this to effectively hide the scars. I then remove some excess skin to tighten your face.

At times, complementary procedures are done with a mini facelift. This helps maximise results, as a mini facelift only involves the lower half of the face. 

2. A mini facelift has a short downtime.

Due to its minimally invasive nature, a mini facelift requires shorter downtime than other kinds of facelift.

Since I use sedation anaesthesia at my clinic, my patients feel little to no pain after the procedure. They also heal faster. 

Recovery time is as fast as 1 week. You can assume activities the next day, given that they are not strenuous. 

To be safe, you must wait for at least 3 weeks before doing strenuous activities like exercising. 

3. A mini facelift produces subtle results. 

If you’re looking for subtle and natural results, a mini facelift is an excellent choice.

Since the incisions are smaller, the scars will be smaller as well. Though the results are not as dramatic as a full facelift, they still enhance your overall appearance.

In addition, a mini facelift can only treat mild to moderate skin laxity, so the results look natural.

4. A mini facelift comes with minimal risks.

A mini facelift results in less swelling and bruising than a more extensive facelift surgery. 

Additionally, scars are barely visible. The incisions are hidden beneath your hairline and facial contours.  

Moreover, a mini facelift typically doesn’t come with serious complications like nerve damage. It’s because it is a minimally invasive procedure. All of my patients never had  such complications. 

5. A mini facelift increases your self-confidence.

Self-confidence is crucial in living a happy, fulfilling life. 

Unfortunately, signs of ageing decrease your self-confidence. When you look at the mirror and see those wrinkles and fleshy jowls, your confidence goes down. 

A mini facelift enhances your self-confidence. By getting rid of the issues that bother you, you become more confident about yourself. 

Your newfound confidence then reflects on the way you treat others. It helps you perform better at work, especially if you are into acting or modelling. 

Mini Facelift vs. Other Kinds of Facelift

There are many kinds of facelift, so you should weigh the pros and cons to decide which one to choose.

The best facelift for others might not be the best for you. While a mini facelift offers various benefits with less surgery, it helps knowing the differences between a mini facelift and other kinds of facelift

Mini Facelift vs. Skin-Only Facelift

A skin-only facelift is among the most traditional kinds of facelift. It’s because cosmetic surgeons used to operate on the skin only. However, advances in cosmetic procedures led to other kinds of facelift.

As its name suggests, the skin-only facelift solely operates on the skin. It does not touch the tissues beneath it. A mini facelift also works this way, but with smaller and fewer incisions. 

Just like a mini facelift, a skin-only facelift can produce instant results. However, the results of a mini facelift can last longer than a skin-only facelift.

A skin-only facelift requires a shorter recovery time (1 to 2 weeks) than that of a mini facelift (1 to 3 weeks). A skin-only facelift is best for people aged 30 to 40. On the other hand, a mini facelift is best for those in their late 30’s to 40’s.

Mini Facelift vs. SMAS Facelift

An SMAS facelift operates on the superficial muscular aponeurotic system (SMAS). Just like a mini facelift, it also targets the lower part of the face. However, an SMAS facelift can have a larger scope than a mini facelift. 

However, the primary difference between a mini facelift and SMAS facelift is that the latter raises the skin and SMAS layers separately. 

A mini facelift manipulates the tissue by lifting and then pulling them up. If needed, excess tissue will be removed. 

An SMAS facelift requires a longer recovery time (3 to 8 weeks) than that of a mini facelift (1 to 3 weeks). An SMAS facelift is best for people in their 40’s to 60’s. On the other hand, a mini facelift is best for those in their late 30’s to 40’s.

Mini Facelift vs. MACS Facelift

A MACS (minimal access cranial suspension) facelift involves the underlying muscles of the face.

This procedure targets a larger area than a mini facelift. It’s tailored for people with excellent skin tone and limited facial sagging. 

In addition, a MACS facelift usually covers a larger area than a mini facelift.

A MACS facelift requires a longer recovery time (3 to 4 weeks) than that of a mini facelift (1 to 3 weeks). A MACS facelift is best for people in their late 30’s to 60’s. On the other hand, a mini facelift is best for those in their late 30’s to 40’s.

Mini Facelift vs. Deep Plane Facelift

A deep plane facelift is an extensive facelift surgery. 

On the other hand, a mini facelift is a minimally invasive procedure. Due to this, a deep plane produces more dramatic results than a mini facelift. 

In addition, a mini facelift only involves the skin. In contrast, a deep plane facelift includes manipulating the skin and supportive layer of the face. 

A deep plane facelift usually has a longer recovery time than that of a mini facelift. However, due to the special techniques I use, my signature deep plane facelift requires a shorter recovery time (approximately 2 weeks) than that of a mini facelift (1 to 3 weeks). 

A deep plane facelift is best for people in their 40’s to 60’s. On the other hand, a mini facelift is best for those in their late 30’s to 40’s. Mini facelift cost is also lower compared to that of a deep plane facelift.

Mini Facelift vs. S-Lift

The S-lift includes S-shaped incisions, which are usually larger compared to incisions made during a mini facelift. 

An S-lift requires a shorter recovery time (3 to 5 days) than that of a mini facelift (1 to 3 weeks). 

An S-lift is best for people in their late 30’s to 60’s. On the other hand, a mini facelift is best for those in their late 30’s to 40’s.

Problems a Mini-Facelift Can Solve

A mini facelift can get rid of fine lines, wrinkles, and sagging skin.

Thousands of people all over the world get mini facelifts each year. Here are the problems a mini facelift can solve:

1. Fine Lines

As its name implies, fine lines appear shallow. They are usually the first indicator of ageing. Since they are shallow, fine lines are not extremely noticeable. 

You can typically find fine lines around your eyes and mouth. It’s because these parts get used the most for facial expressions.

As you age, your collagen and elastin levels decrease. This causes fine lines. Other factors such as sun exposure, poor lifestyle habits, and genetics can also aggravate fine lines. 

Fortunately, your cosmetic surgeon can reduce the appearance of your fine lines through a mini-facelift.

2. Wrinkles

When fine lines become worse, they turn into wrinkles. They are usually the second indicator of ageing. Since wrinkles are deeply seated in your skin, they are easily noticeable.

Just like fine lines, you can typically find wrinkles around your eyes and mouth. It’s because these parts get used the most for facial expressions.

The breakdown of collagen and elastin mainly causes wrinkles. Other factors such as sun exposure, poor lifestyle habits, and genetics can also aggravate them.

Fortunately, your cosmetic surgeon can reduce the appearance of your wrinkles through a mini-facelift.

3. Facial Volume Loss

Another sign of ageing people commonly experience is facial volume loss.

Just like fine lines and wrinkles, facial volume loss is caused by decreasing collagen levels. Collagen provides structure to your skin, so your face loses volume once it decreases.

In addition, your fat balance changes― you gain it in some areas and lose it in others. Your genes can also aggravate the process.

Fortunately, your cosmetic surgeon can add volume to your face through a mini-facelift.

4. Sagging Skin

Sagging skin is often linked with fat loss. While fat loss is a common factor, decreasing collagen and elastin levels also cause sagging skin.

As you may well know, ageing causes the breakdown of collagen and elastin. So, while anyone can get saggy skin, it tends to occur in ageing people. 

When you’re young, your skin is firm. It easily stretches and snaps back to its original place. Once your skin loses this ability, it begins to sag. 

Sagging skin occurs almost anywhere on your body. It commonly occurs on your eyelids, jowls, chin, and neck. 

Fortunately, your cosmetic surgeon can reduce sagging skin through a mini-facelift.

5. Jowls

As you age, your jawline and neck become less defined. Consequently, you get fleshy jowls. Your jowls describe the area below your jaw that leads to your neck.

In addition, less elasticity makes your jowls look worse. 

Even if your face bounces back, your jowls might not do the same. It’s because the skin on your neck is thinner than most parts of your body. 

Therefore, your jowls are more prone to becoming fleshy and looking worse. At times, your jowls look worse before you see signs of ageing on your face. 

Fortunately, your cosmetic surgeon can reduce fleshy jowls through mini facelift jowls.

Does Mini Face Lift Leave Scars?

A mini face lift can also help improve your skin tone and laxity over time.

Any cut creates scars, so a mini facelift technically leaves scars. However, as the name implies, mini facelift surgery creates tiny incisions. Such incisions have a considerably lower likelihood of leaving noticeable scars.

In addition, a skilled plastic surgeon like me, Dr. Julian De Silva, knows how to conceal scars. Using advanced facelift techniques, I make small, exact cuts. Each incision is made in a location where the scar will be less obvious.

Using specific methods that hasten wound healing and lessen scarring, I close the incisions. My patients are also given post-operative incision care instructions. This increases the likelihood that your incisions will swiftly shrink and disappear.

Where Are the Scars for a Mini Facelift?

Depending on your goals, different techniques will be used.

During a traditional facelift, a cut is made in the hairline on each side close to the temples. The incision begins in front of the ear. It then follows the earlobe area closely and returns to the lower scalp behind the ears.

On the other hand, mini face lift surgery involves smaller and fewer incisions than a traditional facelift. To address drooping and excess skin, I typically make small incisions over each of your ears and along your hairline.

For patients who are prone to scarring, small incisions allow for minimum scarring after a mini face lift surgery. Typically, recovery takes two to three weeks after the mini facelift procedure. This is usually shorter compared to traditional facelifts.

Everything You Need to Know About Mini Facelift Surgery: Post-Procedure Scarring Tips

Following post-surgery tips will help you minimise scarring.

Here are some tips that will help you minimise scarring after a mini facelift:

1. Stop Smoking

I can’t stress enough how important it is to stop using smoking for at least two months before and after an invasive procedure.

The nicotine in cigarettes and vape constricts the blood vessels. This then hinders blood from coming to the incision areas. As a result, it slows down healing and worsens scarring.

2. Avoid Sun Exposure

As your scars from mini facelift heal, they become sensitive to sunlight. They also burn more quickly and continued sun exposure can cause the scar to thicken and discolour. Avoid the sun when you can for at least six months. Should you go out, make sure to use sunscreen.

3. Eat a Nutritious Diet

Avoiding and minimising scarring means letting your incisions heal properly. Nourishing your body with proper nutrients will help with this.

4. Drink Plenty of Water

Just like keeping your skin moisturised on the outside, you need to stay hydrated on the inside. Drinking plenty of water throughout the day will keep your skin supple and reduce the appearance of scars from mini facelift as they heal.

Mini Face Lift Cost London

Mini face lift cost London is a long-term investment.

While a mini facelift is a minimally invasive procedure, it is still considered a major one. If you’ve been wondering about the cost of mini facelift UK, here’s what you need to know.

On average, a mini facelift costs £5,000. The mini facelift cost varies depending on your aesthetic goal, and the complementary procedures that come with it.

On the upside, a mini facelift is a long-term investment. The procedure is worth it especially if you want to get rid of your age-related problems with less surgery.


A mini facelift involves the removal of excess skin, smoothing wrinkles, and tightening of the facial tissues.

While a mini facelift UK is minimally invasive, it’s important to note and plan your recovery from this procedure. Knowing the face lift cost in the UK also helps.

Getting a consultation with a board-certified cosmetic surgeon like me, Dr. Julian De Silva, is also recommended if you consider getting a mini facelift. Speaking of that, book a consultation with me now!

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Dr. Julian De Silva is a renowned and highly skilled facial plastic surgeon based in Harley Street, London. With a reputation for excellence in aesthetic and reconstructive surgery, Dr. De Silva is the founder of the Centre for Advanced Facial Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery. Specialising in procedures such as facelifts, rhinoplasty, and eyelid surgery, he is known for his meticulous attention to detail and commitment to achieving natural-looking results. 

Dr Julian De Silva - top facelift surgeons uk

About the Author Dr Julian De Silva
Specialist Facelift & Facial Surgeon in London

Finding the most reputable facelift expert is never easy. Therefore, you should always research the best surgeons in your area and ask plenty of questions. Dr De Silva is a facial cosmetic and plastic surgeon, author, global educator, with a track record of doing procedures for top celebrities. He is based at world-renowned Harley Street in Central London and specialises in three main procedures: Facelift and Neck lifts, Blepharoplasty, and Rhinoplasty.

By specialising in only the face, you can rest assured knowing that you’re getting premier results. Dr De Silva achieves natural-looking results for his patients using the latest regenerative technology, so they can heal quickly and look their absolute best. No matter what your reason for wanting a cosmetic treatment is, Dr De Silva and his team are here to help. To find out more information about Dr Julian De Silva and his work, check out our website.

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