Facial procedures to beautify face help increase your confidence

Facial procedures to beautify face help increase your confidence.

Thanks to advances in cosmetic surgery, you can choose from a lot of facial procedures to beautify face. These procedures help increase your self-esteem, work performance, and self-respect.

But what exactly are the procedures that can help you do all of these?

In this article, we will talk about what defines a beautiful face and the facial procedures to beautify face.

What Is a Beautiful Face?

What Is a Beautiful Face?

Facial procedures to beautify face help you get closer to the Golden Ratio.

I, Dr. Julian De Silva, spent years analysing the most beautiful faces on the planet. Thanks to my research and observation, I can now define what a beautiful face is.

In a gist, a beautiful face coincides with the principles of the Golden Ratio (more about this later).

I also use a personalised treatment plan to enhance someone’s look. To do this, I ask every patient to bring an old photograph, ideally from their 20s or 30s. This gives me an idea of how they used to look.

Then, I create a treatment plan that will rejuvenate their faces and restore them to what they used to look like in their younger years.

Moreover, there are three universal aspects of ageing. These are gravity, increased skin laxity, and volume loss. However, everyone ages differently. Hence, each facial rejuvenation should be tailored to the individual.

For some patients, minor tweaks can enhance their facial balance and increase their relative beauty.

I also did extensive research on using the Golden Ratio to assess facial beauty and how a face can be naturally enhanced using minor tweaks and refinements.

Analysis of Beautiful Male Face

Analysis of Beautiful Male Face

Facial procedures to beautify face help achieve an attractive male face.

Running The Centre For Advanced Facial Cosmetic And Plastic Surgery in London for several years has allowed me to study the male face more. In fact, my experience and research in the field have led me to give safe and effective male facelifts.

In addition, I have invested in new computer mapping equipment and techniques to discover more about what makes males look physically attractive.

The Phi ratio of 1.618 has long been regarded to hold the secret of beauty. Thanks to the equipment and techniques my clinic uses, we can now determine exactly how it relates to males.

The Golden Ratio was a mathematical formula devised by the Greeks to quantify beauty. While the ratio can be used on anything, Leonardo Da Vinci used it in his classic work, The Virtruvian Man,  to depict the ideal human male body.

Hence, the nearer a face, object, or body’s proportions are to 1.618, the more attractive it is.

Given these, George Clooney has been the planet’s most handsome man for several years. His status was also proven by science, giving it more validity.

Firstly, Clooney possesses an impressive facial balance, closely mirroring what ancient Greeks believed to be the epitome of male beauty.

In particular, Clooney received the highest total score across the 12 essential criteria. The proportion of his nose and lips is impeccable, scoring a striking 99.6%. Additionally, the spacing between Harry’s eyes and chin is near perfection.

Based on the Golden Ratio, which assesses physical perfection, Clooney is 91.9 percent accurate. Moreover, according to the same formula, Ryan Gosling has the most gorgeous nose. Meanwhile, Harry Styles has the most ideal eyes and chin, while David Beckham possesses the most ideal facial shape.

Harry Styles is the fourth most handsome man in the world

Harry Styles is the fourth most attractive man globally, based on Dr. De Silva’s findings.

Based on my mapping techniques, here are the world’s ten most attractive men:

These outcomes are based on a composite assessment of 12 crucial facial markers. Such markers encompass features like the eyes, lips, nose, chin, eyebrows, forehead, and overall shape of the face.

  1. George Clooney 91.86%
  2. Bradley Cooper 91.80%
  3. Brad Pitt 90.51%
  4. Harry Styles 89.63%
  5. David Beckham 88.96%
  6. Will Smith 88.88%
  7. Idris Elba 87.93%
  8. Ryan Gosling 87.48%
  9. Zayn Malik 86.5%
  10. Jamie Fox 85.46%

Bradley Cooper

Bradley Cooper is the second most gorgeous man globally, based on Dr. De Silva’s evaluation.

Here’s the overall ranking according to the techniques I, Dr. Julian De Silva, developed:

  1. Nose – Ryan Gosling 99.7%
  2. Eyes – Harry Styles 98.15%
  3. Chin – Harry Styles 99.7%
  4. Face Shape – David Beckham 96.4%

Analysis of Beautiful Female Face

Amber Heard

Dr. De Silva (based on his specific criteria) has stated that Amber Heard possesses features closely aligning with the Greek Phi ratio of beauty,

Now that we have covered the analysis of a beautiful male face, let’s talk about the female face.

Using the same facial mapping techniques, I, Harley Street surgeon Dr. Julian De Silva, discovered that Amber Heard’s face is closest to the Golden Ratio.

Her features including her eyes, nose, eyebrows, chin, lips, jaw, and overall facial structure were meticulously evaluated, with 12 significant points taken into consideration. It was discovered that AMber Heard’s eyes, nose, brows, chin, lips, jaw, and facial shape closely matched the Greek Phi ratio of 1.618, scoring 91.85%.

Kim Kardashian

Kim Kardashian is the second most beautiful woman in the world, based on Dr. De Silva’s evaluation.

After that, computer mapping technology combined Amber Heard’s nose, Kim Kardashian’s brows, Rihanna’s facial shape, Scarlett Johansson’s eyes, Kate Moss’ forehead, and Emily Ratajkowski’s lips to produce an image of the most beautiful female face.

Combining the different facial parts

Combining the different facial parts of the prettiest women in the globe produced the picture above.

Moreover, Kim Kardashian followed closely in the ranking with 91.39%, Kate Moss was next at 91.06%, Emily Ratajkowski secured the fourth spot with 90.8%, and Kendall Jenner rounded off the top five with 90.18%.

I also determined which celebrity’s nose, eyes, brows, chin, lips, forehead, and face shape were the most attractive. Here are the outcomes:

  • Nose – Amber Heard 99.7%
  • Eyes – Scarlett Johansson 97.25%
  • Lips – Emily Ratajkowski 96.7%
  • Eyebrows – Kim Kardashian 94.85%
  • Chin – Amber Heard 99.6%
  • Forehead – Kate Moss 98.8%
  • Face Shape – Rihanna 91%

In addition, we have developed a brand-new computer mapping technology that can determine how to modify facial contours in subtle ways. We have cracked some of the riddles of what makes someone physically beautiful thanks to this ground-breaking technology.

Emily Ratajkowski

Emily Ratajkowski is the fourth most beautiful woman in the world, according to Dr. De Silva.

The average of 12 essential markers throughout the entire face, including the lips, eyes, nose, brows, chin, forehead, and facial shape.

Here are the results:

  1. Amber Heard 91.85%
  2. Kim Kardashian 91.39%
  3. Kate Moss 91.06%
  4. Emily Ratajkowski 90.8%
  5. Kendall Jenner 90.18%
  6. Helen Mirren 89.93%
  7. Scarlett Johansson 89.82%
  8. Selena Gomez 89.57%
  9. Marilyn Monroe 89.41%
  10. Jennifer Lawrence 89.24%

Kate Moss

Kate Moss is the third most beautiful woman in the world, based on Dr. De Silva’s research.

Golden Ratio and Art

After completing extensive research on the Golden Ratio, I discovered that it is the ultimate determinant of universal beauty.

So, I also compiled the most beautiful women in art, according to the techniques I developed that were inspired by the Golden Ratio:

1. Marilyn Monroe by Andy Warhol – 89.1%

Marilyn Monroe by Andy Warhol

Marilyn Monroe by Andy Warhol is the most beautiful woman in art, according to Dr. De Silva.

2. The Birth Of Venus by Sandro Botticelli – 89%

The Birth Of Venus

The Birth Of Venus is the second most beautiful woman in art, according to Dr. De Silva.

3. Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci – 86.6%

Mona Lisa

Mona Lisa is the third most beautiful woman in art, according to Dr. De Silva.

4. Girl With A Pearl Earring by Johannes Vermeer – 86.3%

Girl With A Pearl Earring by Johannes Vermeer

Girl With A Pearl Earring is the fourth most beautiful woman in art, according to Dr. De Silva.

5. Olympia by Edouard Manet – 85.4%

Olympia by Edouard Manet

Olympia is the fifth most beautiful woman in art, according to Dr. De Silva.

Most Common Facial Procedures to Beautify Face

The most common facial procedures

The most common facial procedures to beautify face can improve your life.

Here are the most popular facial procedures to beautify face:

Fat Transfer

One of the common features of facial ageing is the loss of natural fat. However, using your own fat with fat transfer can replenish this volume, resulting in a longer-lasting facelift.

Moreover, the effects are subtle and natural. Yet, they improve the condition of your skin by eliminating shadows and wrinkles. Furthermore, regenerative cells found in your own fat help to improve the condition of your skin.

Laser Resurfacing, Radiofrequency, and PRP (Regenerative Medicine)

Over the last decade, I’ve refined my rejuvenation procedures to a trio of laser resurfacing, radiofrequency, and PRP. Radiofrequency tightens skin by two to four mm, while laser resurfacing stimulates collagen. I also created my own PRP-based treatment.

Laser resurfacing

Because there is no prolonged recovery or redness, the method is a huge improvement over standard carbon dioxide (CO2) lasers. Depending on the skin type and degree of facial ageing, laser skin resurfacing must be adjusted to the needs of the patient.



Morpheus8 focuses on the deeper layers of the skin and tissue to reshape collagen on both the face and body. This fractional treatment stimulates the production of collagen in the foundational layers of the dermis. Additionally, the adaptable tips of Morpheus8 enable treatments to be customised for various areas of the body, regardless of their size.


FaceTite is a cosmetic technique that targets wrinkles and sagging skin on the lower half of the face. The operation combines the use of radiofrequency radiation and fat reduction with a small device and requires only a few incisions.


Platelet Rich Plasma or PRP, is a common injection treatment for cosmetic purposes. This is due to its capacity to use our own platelet-rich blood cells to naturally regenerate the skin and mend the signs of ageing.

Upper Third of the Face


Facelifts can be improved with eyelid surgery. The most popular cosmetic procedure that I, Dr. De Silva, do for patients is blepharoplasty, sometimes known as eyelid surgery.

The skin and muscle around the eyelids loosen as a result of age and heredity, resulting in loose skin, puffiness, and dark rings that can make you look exhausted.

Endoscopic Brow Lift

Endoscopic brow lift surgery elevates the forehead through keyhole surgery, using small hidden incisions hidden beneath the hair and a tiny camera.

With sophisticated equipment and a camera, the surgeon can see the anatomy beneath the brow; the method is complicated and takes skill to raise the brow successfully and long-term.

Temporal Brow Lift

A temporal brow lift or lateral brow lift involves making alterations to the forehead while also raising the brows It is used to enhance the appearance of your eye while correcting the outer one-third position of your brow.

The Lower Third of the Face

Male face, Chin augmentation

Chin augmentation is a common facial procedure to beautify face.

Chin Augmentation or Chin Implant

A chin implant balances a person’s face and is a low-risk procedure that can improve facial harmony significantly. When glancing at a person’s side profile, chin insufficiency is usually visible, as the chin should line with the philtrum (junction between the nose and upper lip).

Masculine Face

The neck and eyes are the most essential features of a man’s face; these two places might give him a fatigued appearance due to loose skin.


Male blepharoplasty is a procedure that involves an upper and/or lower blepharoplasty to give the eyes a more manly appearance. We can achieve an appearance that better suits the natural features of the male face and its structures by making minor changes to the method. Though these alterations may appear simple, they can help many patients achieve a far more appealing and natural result.

Neck Lift

Male jawlines are often larger and sharper than female jawlines. When tightening muscles or skin tissue in male patients, surgeons must be aware of Adam’s apple; overdoing it or being careless could cause discomfort or injury to the patient’s neck. Although there aren’t many distinctions between male and female neck lift patients, it’s critical to have a trained surgeon who understands the slight differences.

Chin Augmentation/ Chin Implant

The ideal chin position is established by placing the individual’s Frankfort horizontal. It is defined as an imaginary line drawn from the bottom of one’s eye socket to the top of one’s ear canal parallel to the ground. The chin should protrude forward to an imaginary line formed from the lower lip downward in this position (Frankfort horizontal).

While chin projection to this line is good, chin projection beyond this line is masculinizing, whereas chin projection behind this line is feminizing. Prior to undergoing a facelift or neck lift, the location of the chin should be evaluated, as proper chin projection will improve the outcome. For guys, increasing the facelift effect while also producing a more masculinizing appearance is possible.


Do you want to enhance your look and get closer to the Golden Ratio? Facial procedures to beautify face can help you.

I believe that these procedures can improve your life, so I invested in the latest technology for you. In particular, we bought three new machines in 2021 and 2022 to perform facial procedures to beautify face. Contact us to book a consultation with Dr. Julian de Silva now!