Blepharoplasty Surgery: Causes, Treatment, and Costs in the UK

by Admin||The Centre London

Knowing how much does an eye bag surgery cost lets you think wisely about the treatment. Blepharoplasty or eye bag removal surgery is one of the most popular surgical cosmetic procedures in the UK. Knowing eye bag surgery cost helps you make an informed decision whether about the treatment. If you’ve been planning to enhance your appearance, you probably heard about blepharoplasty. You also likely wondered why people get it, how it goes, and how much does an eye bag surgery cost. I am here to address all of your questions. In this article, we will talk about the reasons why patients have blepharoplasty. I will also walk you through the procedure and discuss eye bag removal cost. Reasons Why People Get Blepharoplasty There are several reasons why patients go through blepharoplasty. 1. Eye Bags Popular belief says that lack of sleep causes eye bags. However, it’s not always the case. Most of the time, it’s not lack of sleep that causes eye bags. It’s the lower eyelid fat prolapse that usually causes eye bags. To put it simply, lower eyelid fat prolapse is a condition that occurs when the fat around the eye socket comes forward. This results in the fat protruding. This also makes the fat appear in the lower part of your eyelids. Your eye bags become bigger and more prominent when this happens. Thus, getting lifting eyelids will help reduce the appearance of your eye bags. Just make sure you’re a good candidate for eyelid surgery first. You can remove the excess fat under your eyes through surgery, making your eye bags become smaller and less visible as a result. In fact, surgery is the only way men can permanently remove bags under their eyes. 2. Dark Circles Just like its name, the dark circles describe the condition where dark skin appears under your eyes. Usually, they are linked with a lack of sleep. Sometimes, with bruising. However, neither of these situations mainly causes dark circles. Typically, the shadows cast by hollows under your eyes cause dark circles. As blood pools under your eyes, they become even more visible. Additionally, dark circles are also linked with eye bags. The tissue around your eyes becomes weak as you age.Because of this, fat moves further into the front part of your under-eye. Also, fluid can also accumulate under your eyes. Together, these make your eyes puffier. They can also cause aggravation or dark circles under the eyes. The shadows cast by the hollows under your eyes can be reduced through surgery eye bags. The dark circles under your eyes will become less visible as a result. 3. Crow’s Feet An eye bag surgery cost involves getting rid of crow’s feet. Another common issue that patients cosmetically solve through blepharoplasty is crow’s feet. Crow’s feet can be described as the fine lines and wrinkles spreading from the outer corners of your eyes. A lot of old people suffer from crow’s feet as a sign of ageing. Additionally, crow’s feet can be caused by repeated facial movements. Repeated facial movements make crow’s feet inevitable along with the other signs of ageing. Moreover, the skin becomes thinner over time. It could also become less elastic, and weaker. Hence, crow’s feet develop. Thus, crow’s feet are a common problem among older people. Your doctor can make your skin tighter and stronger through blepharoplasty. This will result in your crow’s feet becoming less visible. 4. Hooded Eyelids Hooded eyes are a common condition of the eyes due to ageing. This condition involves tiny flaps of excess skin. These tiny flaps of skin can be found beneath each eyebrow. The flap of skin conceals the natural crease of the eyelid. Therefore, the eye looks like it’s hooded. Hooded eyes can be a disturbance to one’s line of sight. Furthermore, hooded eyes can possibly block your vision. The excess skin hangs on your eyelids. Therefore, it causes issues with your vision. Hooded eyes can also affect your appearance. They cover the natural crease of your eyelid. Thus, they make your eyes appear smaller. Hooded eyes make you look tired and grumpy as well. While non-surgical eyelift sounds promising, it cannot treat all types of hooded eyes cases. The only treatment that can permanently fix the problem would be blepharoplasty or hooded eye surgery. Eyelid surgery or blepharoplasty can treat all cases that involve hooded eyes. A cosmetic surgeon can manipulate your skin and the underlying muscles on your skin to get rid of your hooded eyes. Blepharoplasty also produces results permanent results. The results of blepharoplasty can last up to a lifetime compared with its non-surgical counterparts. 5. Tired and Grumpy Appearance How people see you can be affected because of a tired appearance. Some people had their jobs compromised because their subordinates thought that they were unapproachable. Conditions such as eye bags, dark circles, and crow’s feet can make you look tired and grumpy. In order to make yourself appear alert, you have to get rid of them. Eye surgery can help you restore your appearance. You can reverse the signs of ageing through eye surgery. As a result, you will look more alert, approachable, and cheerful. 6. Vision Obstruction An eye bag surgery cost involves solving vision obstruction. One of the most common medical issues patients solves through eyelid surgery is the obstruction of their vision. Usually, eye problems cause vision problems. These include the likes of astigmatism. However, eye problems can also be aggravated sometimes by excess skin on the upper eyelids. Additionally, your vision might be affected by the excess skin obstructing it. Your vision might be obscured due to loose or sagging skin in the upper eyelid. It can droop so much and can interfere with your vision. Doing daily activities may become difficult for you once this happens. An everyday activity such as driving can become dangerous for you, as your sight gets blocked by the excess skin. Your surgeon can remove excess skin through eyelid surgery. Whether it obstructs your vision or aggravates vision impairment, eyelid surgery can fix your problem. Your vision will become clear as a result of the treatment. 7. Irritation Other than obstructing your vision, excess skin on the eyelids can also cause your eyes to be itchy. If you experience this, you will rub your eyes together when they become itchy. Irritation can occur when you rub your eyes with excess skin. Sometimes red, dry, and even puffy eyelids characterise this condition. Excess skin irritates your skin further if you wear glasses or contact lenses. Wearing your glasses or contact lenses for long periods of time can become difficult as well. Eyelid suregry can remove excess skin that causes irritation. You can avoid irritating your eyes as a result of the procedure. Therefore, will become easier for you to wear glasses or contact lenses becomes as well. Before Blepharoplasty An eye bag surgery cost typically involves an extensive pre-surgery consultation with Dr. Julian De Silva. You need to talk to a cosmetic surgeon like Dr. Julian De Silva who specialises in eyelid surgery before you undergo the procedure. You can book a consultation with him here. During the consultation, your medical history and current state will be discussed. Specifically, I will ask you about any previous surgeries you received, if there were any. Also, I will ask about your current health condition. This includes any medications that you take. We will also talk about your lifestyle during the consultation. If applicable, I will ask you to disclose your alcohol and cigarette usage. After the discussion of your medical history, your goals and expectation will also be discussed. You have to openly discuss your goals and expectations. I will then explain whether blepharoplasty surgery treatment suits you or not. This depends on your medical history. Also, I might suggest complementary procedures along with your blepharoplasty. This includes facelift and brow & forehead lift. If you agree with what we discussed, you can set an appointment for your blepharoplasty. You need to make sure that the appointment you set suits your schedule best. During Blepharoplasty An eye bag surgery cost involves the use of my tools, facility, and sedation anesthesia. The points of the incision will be marked prior to the hooded eye surgery. I will also administer sedation anesthesia during eyelid surgery. I use this type of anaesthesia because it’s safer and lets you recover quickly compared to general anesthesia. The excess skin or fat will be removed by the doctor during the procedure. Once done, your incisions will be stitched up. After Blepharoplasty An eye bag surgery cost involves the aftercare support of my team. You have to stay for some time in the facility after the surgery. The staff has to monitor you for any complications. Usually, hooded eye surgery does not require an overnight stay. This means that you can go home after you’re cleared from any complications. Also, you need to make sure someone will take you home after the surgery. After the eyelid surgery, your vision won’t be normal. Thus, you must not drive. You may also temporarily experience blurred vision after the surgery. Other side effects might include sensitivity, numbing of eyelids, swelling, and bruising. However, the side effects are just temporary and will soon subside. The following post-operative care guidelines need to be followed: Iced gauze pads should be applied to the eyes for the first 48 hours. This also needs to be applied to the cheek. In order to minimize swelling and discoloration, the gauze pads must be dipped in ice water and wrung out before applying it to the areas of concern. In order to minimize swelling, you need to keep your head elevated. A recliner will work well. However, adding an extra pillow to your bed should be adequate. Two to three weeks after the hooded eye surgery, you may resume wearing contact lenses. You should refrain from doing any extreme physical activity. This includes athletic activities. However, activities like light walking may be resumed three days after the surgery. Other activities like aerobic exercise, weight training, heavy lifting, and straining can be resumed gradually, three weeks after the surgery. Sun exposure, sun lamps, or tanning beds should be avoided for at least six weeks after surgery. This is because heat can cause your face to swell. I recommend you to use sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher. If your eyes show some swelling, do not be concerned. Usually, this will be resolved within two weeks after the surgery. Only take the medications prescribed for you. Wearing of makeup may be resumed seven to ten days post-surgery. Eye Bag Surgery Cost An eye bag surgery cost involves many factors. You must take note that several factors contribute to the cost of your surgery. For one, you should factor in the cost of any test, pre-surgery consultation, and follow-up consultation. Since every surgery eye bags is unique, eye lift cost UK varies. Also, the eye lift cost UK will be determined by the surgeon’s fee. In the UK, eye bag surgery cost can range between £2,000 and £6,000. Depending on the factors mentioned above, eye lift cost UK can either increase or decrease. Causes of Eye Bags There are many reasons why eye bags appear. Ageing is the most common. Contrary to popular belief, ageing is not the only reason why eye bags appear and become more noticeable. Here are the causes of eye bags. 1. Ageing Ageing is the most common cause of eye bags. As you age, the skin under your eyes becomes less elastic and thinner. The bony foundation under your eyes changes as well, allowing fat to go forward. Tear troughs, the hollow part under your eyes, also become deeper and more noticeable. The same thing happens to under eye wrinkles. As a result, you develop eye bags. The fat sinks further, making your under eye look swollen. The older you get, the bigger your eye bags get. 2. Heredity It’s also possible for you to inherit eye bags. Some families have more prominent eye bags than others. Hence, if eye bags run in your family, you will probably have them, too. Heredity can also contribute to a condition called periorbital hyperpigmentation. This condition makes you predisposed to having dark circles. As you may well know, dark circles emphasise the presence of eye bags. Moreover, some people are genetically prone to subluxation, which is the moving of fat under the eyeball to the front of the eye. 3. Ethnicity Eye bags are more noticeable in people who have pale skin. It’s because a fair complexion cannot hide eye bags. Hence, when people with pale skin develop eye bags, they become prominent. For this reason, Caucasians tend to have deeper, more noticeable eye bags compared to African Americans. On the other hand, African Americans produce more pigment around the eye area. This can cause general darkening on the lids and under the eyes. 4. Smoking Free radicals weaken the supporting structures in our skin, leading to looseness and puffiness. Moreover, certain habits drain essential nutrients required for skin repair and promote dehydration, accentuating under-eye shadows and puffiness. Another factor to consider is the nicotine found in cigarettes, which can interfere with restful sleep. 5. Sleep Patterns Your resting patterns can impact the appearance of your eyes. An example is noticing more pronounced puffiness after extended wakefulness. Specifically, insufficient rest can lead to fluid accumulation beneath your eyes, making them appear puffier. A lack of adequate sleep can also result in a lackluster skin tone, highlighting darker areas beneath your skin. 6. Sun Exposure Overindulging in sunlight can trigger the body to produce an excess of a specific pigment. Post-procedure, sometimes a protective covering might be placed either on the entire eye area or just the treated spot. 7. Stress When you are stressed, blood circulation in your eye area slows down. This allows blood to pool there. Specifically, your thin blood vessels leak and stretch. The blood spreads out under the skin and oxidises. This process leads to puffy eye bags and a dark purple hue over them. In addition, more blood is directed away from your face, making it look pasty. Consequently, your eye bags become more visible. 8. Poor Diet A poor diet can lead to eye bags as well. To begin with, a diet mostly composed of sugar can cause inflammation. Since the skin under your eyes is thinner compared to other body parts, inflammation can aggravate your eye bags. Salty food including canned goods can also make your eye bags swell. It’s because they have a lot of sodium in them. Excessive sodium can make you retain water, which aggravates your eye bags. 9. Allergies When you experience allergies, your body releases histamine in response to it. Histamine then causes symptoms including redness, itchiness, and puffy eyes. It also makes your blood vessels dilate and become more visible. In addition, allergies urge you to scratch and rub the skin around your eyes. This can worsen your dark circles and make your eye bags more prominent. 10. Dehydration Not drinking enough water each day can worsen your eye bags. When your body doesn’t receive enough water, the skin under your eyes starts to look dull. Your eyes become sunken as well. Drinking alcohol also dehydrates your body. Hence, you might want to watch out how much and how often you drink. More Visible Blood Vessels A thinner under-eye skin, a tear trough, accentuates your bags. This skin is naturally thinner than most skin on our body. The thinning process is attributed to ageing. It becomes more translucent with age, showing more blood vessels and producing a puffy effect under your eyes. Dermatitis and Skin Irritation People living with atopic dermatitis (AD) suffer from swollen and inflamed eyelids and under-eyes. This common type of eczema develops around the eyelids and the eye area, causing skin irritation. As a result, people with AD have under eye wrinkles and puffiness and should pay more attention to potential eye problems down the road. Disadvantages of Having Eye Bags Eye bags cause problems that can be solved through under eye bag removal. Most people hate having eye bags for many reasons. Here they are. 1. Eye bags make you look tired. Having prominent eye bags makes you look tired all the time, even if you are not actually tired. If you have noticeable eye bags, people around you will often say that you look tired. Some of them might say that you lack sleep, despite sleeping a lot the night before. 2. Eye bags can stress you out. What others say about our appearance can bring us down. If someone says that you look unpleasant because of your eye bags, you might get hurt. As a result, you’ll keep thinking about your flaws, including your eye bags. The constant thought of your flaws can stress you out. If going through eye bags removal surgery helps reduce your stress levels, go for it. 3. Eye bags can be a permanent problem. Since most eye bags are caused by ageing and genetics. If not dealt with, they will be a permanent problem. Eye cream and makeup, while somehow effective, are not permanent solutions to eye bags. Cream can slightly lighten your eye bags, but they will still be there. Makeup can conceal them, but they will remain. Remember, a permanent problem needs a permanent solution. 4. Eye bags affect your self-confidence. Looking at the mirror every day and seeing those prominent eye bags can affect your self-confidence. If your career is mainly based on your appearance (e.g acting, modelling), eye bags affect your confidence to do your job. As your self-confidence decreases, so does other people’s confidence in you. It’s because your confidence determines how other people see you. What You Should Know Before Blepharoplasty Surgery Blepharoplasty, which can be done on the lower and upper eyelids, helps restore your eyes’ youthful appearance. Eyelids stretch and sag due to our body’s natural ageing process. The muscles underneath your eyelids can also weaken over time. This is where blepharoplasty or eyelid surgery comes in. In this article, I’ll talk about the essential information you need to know about the said surgery. I’ll also answer the questions most patients ask about blepharoplasty. What Is Blepharoplasty Surgery? Blepharoplasty or eyelid surgery can be performed for cosmetic or functional purposes. Excessive fat and skin may come together on the top and beneath your eyelids. They can lead to sagging upper lids, drooping brows, and prominent eyebags. Blepharoplasty or eyelid surgery removes excess skin from your eyelids. In addition, significantly drooping skin around your eyes can mess with your vision, specifically in the top and outer regions. These vision problems can be eliminated or decreased with blepharoplasty, giving you a fresher and younger look. Why Is Blepharoplasty Done? Eyelid surgery helps fix facial skin concerns around the eyes that may cause blurred vision or a tired look. Blepharoplasty addresses multiple skin concerns in the eye area. It helps fix droopy eyelids, remove excess skin in the eye region, and under eye bag removal. While the procedure can be cosmetic in nature, it also addresses functional or eyesight concerns. Sagging skin in the upper eyelids can obstruct eyesight and affect peripheral vision. Removing the excess skin in the treatment area can dramatically improve vision. The treatment can also be done with other surgical procedures. These include treatments like the brow and forehead lift, facelift, and neck lift. Who Is a Good Candidate for Blepharoplasty? Eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) candidates can enjoy a more rejuvenated, refreshed look after the treatment. Patients in excellent physical conditions who do not have visual impairments can undergo eyelid surgery. Middle-aged and older patients can opt for the treatment to address skin issues in the eye area. Young patients with early signs of ageing can be suitable candidates for eyelid surgery. Patients undergo eyelid surgery for several reasons. Sagging skin that creates unwanted folds and creases in the upper eyelids and lower eyelids can be reduced by this treatment. Puffiness in the upper eyelids can be diminished by removing excessive fat and skin in the treatment area. The procedure also helps in removing eye bags that cause dark circles. In general, patients with realistic and achievable aesthetic goals can be excellent candidates for eyelid surgery. Does Blepharoplasty Get Rid of Excess Skin? Eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) addresses multiple skin concerns in the eye area. Blepharoplasty or eyelid surgery gets rid of excess skin from both the upper eyelids and lower eyelids. This treatment eliminates loose fat and skin around the eye area for dramatic cosmetic improvements. Patients look younger and well-rested after the new procedure for under eye bags. Moreover, this type of plastic surgery can also address medical concerns. Excessive fat and skin in the eyelids can impair vision. Eyelid surgery effectively removes saggy skin on your upper eyelid for vision improvements. How Long Does It Take To Recover From Blepharoplasty? The recovery process varies depending on the specific techniques used and the individual patient. Most people can return to work and other normal activities within a week after the cosmetic surgery. However, you must not do any strenuous activities after the surgery because it can strain you, tear your stitches, and impair your body from recovering well. Before and After Examples Here are some before and after pictures of my patients after blepharoplasty: After the surgery, the patient’s eyes looked gentler and more awake. He was extremely pleased with the results and no longer had to worry about looking tired and angry. The after photo shows significantly fewer eye bags and a smoothened contour between his eyelids and cheeks. The patient’s eyes looked fresher and more awake after the procedure. She was extremely happy with the natural results. At What Age Should You Get a Blepharoplasty? Blepharoplasty is most commonly performed on people in their 40s, 50s, and 60s. It’s because the lower and upper eyelids tend to become loose and saggy as we age, and blepharoplasty can help enhance the appearance of the eyelids. However, blepharoplasty is not always age-dependent. Some individuals may want to have this procedure at an earlier age if their family has a line of sagging or drooping eyelids or if they have excessive fat and skin on their eyelids leading to functional issues like blurry vision or painful blinking. How Should I Prepare for Blepharoplasty Treatment? Here are the steps you can take to prepare for the blepharoplasty procedure: Consult with qualified plastic surgeons. Have a consultation with an experienced and qualified plastic surgeon. Your cosmetic surgeon will take note of your needs and help you determine the best treatment to achieve your aesthetic goals. Stop smoking. Do not smoke, uner any circumstances, for at least a month before your eyelid surgery. Smoking can mess with how your body heals itself and raise the risk of complications like infections and swelling. Avoid certain pills. Your eyelid surgeon may ask you to stop taking certain medicine including blood thinners, before the treatment to reduce significant bleeding during the operation. How Do I Wash After Blepharoplasty? Your surgeon will provide specific instructions on caring for the treated area and when it is safe to wash your face. You’ll receive detailed guidelines from your healthcare professional regarding post-procedure care. Typically, it’s advisable to keep the treated zone dry for an initial period of 24 to 48 hours. Subsequently, it can be cautiously cleaned with a gentle cleanser and lukewarm water. Refrain from any vigorous actions during cleaning. It’s also crucial to steer clear of cosmetics near the treated region for a specified duration to avoid potential complications. Does the Procedure Leave Marks or Scars Thankfully, the strategic placements of cuts in natural skin folds render them nearly invisible post-healing. The unique properties of the skin in that area also aid in speedy recovery and reduced visibility of any potential marks. Are There Any Risks Involved? Some concerns to be aware of after the procedure include: Discoloration: Some might notice color changes or bruising. Puffiness: The area around the eyes might appear puffy post-procedure. Markings: While the procedure requires incisions, any resulting markings usually fade over time and are usually not noticeable. Dryness: Occasionally, individuals might experience a dry sensation, which can be managed with suitable solutions. Everything You Need to Know About Eyelid Surgery Recovery The recovery process can be tricky, but following your doctor’s instructions will make it easier. Here’s everything you need to know about blepharoplasty recovery time and recovery process: 1. Consult about your self-care routine. Consult your surgeon and their team about self-care instructions before the eyelid surgery. It differs from one patient to another, but your doctors know what routine works best for you. Basics after blepharoplasty include keeping your head elevated, cool compresses or ice packs for the swelling, eye drops for moisture, antibiotic ointment for lubrication, and sterile gauze to dab on your surgical incisions if it oozes out. 2. Take time off. Ask a colleague, family, or friend to cover daily tasks you can’t do, and be ready to have someone to contact in case you need something urgent. Your pantry should also be fully stocked. This way, you can focus more on healing and speed it up significantly. 3. Get plenty of rest. You will feel tired easily during your recovery period. Rest is a crucial component of healing for the body, and this applies to your eyes too. Aside from the quantity, the quality of your rest is also critical, so be sure to get a good night’s sleep to speed up the wound and swelling healing process. 4. Avoid intensive exercise and strenuous activities. Don’t do strenuous exercise to reduce post surgery bruising and swelling. Avoid strenuous and heavy physical activities for two to four weeks during recovery. They increase blood flow and pressure in your head, which impacts wound healing around your eyes. Heavy lifting, jogging, running, aerobics, and bending are a few activities to skip during this time. 5. Protect your eyes from external elements. Wind, sunlight, and other elements are very harmful to your eyes during recovery, so observe safety measures as much as possible. If you are required to go out, wear dark sunglasses and sunscreen to protect your eyes. 6. Stay relaxed. Promoting proper recovery after your eyelid surgery requires stress-free environments. Avoiding stressors like work calls and emails is crucial for faster healing. You can also look into activities that require little to no eye activity and relax you the most, such as listening to calm music and audiobooks. 7. Cut on your device use. Description: Avoid rubbing your eyes and watching TV for the first few weeks after your surgery to reduce swelling and bruising. Computers, TVs, and mobile devices can strain your eyes quickly, so make sure not to spend long hours on the screen. You should also not wear contact lenses. These post-surgery activities can dry your eyes, affecting the healing process. 8. Stop smoking. If you are a smoker, it’s a no-brainer to avoid smoking for this procedure. It stunts your healing and increases your risk of infection. It is recommended to avoid smoking at least six weeks before the eyelid surgery and the entirety of your recovery period of two to four weeks. 9. Sleep with your head raised. During the first week after your surgery, sleep with your head raised. This reduces pressure on the surgery incisions. How Long Is Recovery From Lower Blepharoplasty? Blepharoplasty recovery takes 10 to 14 days, depending on factors like your lower eyelid skin condition. Most patients are expected to feel well and fit to return to their physical activities during this period, but they should prepare to give the eyelids more time to heal and observe self-care. However, some patients may take longer for social recovery after the expected healing period. Some patients might feel too conscious during social interactions due to the visible results of the procedure. Risks and Side Effects of Eye Bag Surgery Risks of eye bag plastic surgery include bruising and swelling. Though this rarely happens, you might have dry eyes after eye bag surgery. However, it only lasts for a week. If this persists for weeks, consult your doctor. In addition, eye bag plastic surgery can cause bruising and swelling. However, they usually go away one to two weeks after the surgery. You should not be alarmed by them unless they persist for many weeks. My patients’ vision returns back to normal right after the eye bag plastic surgery. They usually return home right after the procedure. Many of them also go back to work or school on the same or the next day. Hence, eye bag surgery must be done by a qualified and experienced cosmetic surgeon. If you choose a subpar practitioner, you might suffer from a more noticeable eye bag on one side or worse, suffer from eye bag surgery gone wrong. Surgery: The Only Way Men Can Permanently Remove Bags Under Their Eyes While many men are not as self-conscious as women, one thing bothers them― eye bags. If you are wondering how to get rid of bags under eyes men, there are solutions to it. Heavy, noticeable eye bags are unattractive. Due to this, they let many men down. If you are annoyed by your eye bags, it’s time to get rid of them. But how exactly do you get rid of eye bags? Can you rely on home remedies? Should you trust blepharoplasty or eye bag surgery? In this section, I will talk about the best way to get rid of eyebags for men. How to Get Rid of Bags Under Eyes Men: The Best Solution Surgery is the best solution to eye bags in men. If you’ve been wondering how to get rid of eye bags men, I will explain the best solution to you. Surgery, also known as blepharoplasty is the best solution to bags under eyes men. There are many reasons why. For one, blepharoplasty effectively gets rid of eye bags. All of my patients’ eye bags decreased after surgery. They were all satisfied after seeing the results they wanted. Getting rid of their eye bags also boosted their confidence. Second, eye bag surgery is more cost-efficient in the long run. While it is more expensive in the short run, the costs of creams and makeup over time are higher. Eye bag removal surgery also permanently removes your eye bags. The results of surgery can last up to a lifetime. Many of my patients enjoy the results for decades. Interestingly, surgery is the only permanent solution to eye bags. Unlike other under eye bags treatments, eyelid surgery is the only solution that lasts for years. How to Get Rid of Bags Under Eyes Men: An Excellent Alternative Tear trough fillers are an excellent alternative to surgery. While surgery is the only permanent solution to eye bags in men, it is not for everyone. Some patients prefer a non-surgical alternative. Tear trough fillers can fix your eye bags as well. A tear trough filler treatment can deliver results just like surgery. The main difference is that this treatment’s results do not last as long. Hence, you have to go under it again once the results fade away. Despite this, many patients choose tear trough filler treatments because they do not involve surgery. In addition, some people cannot afford to pay a one-time fee for surgery. Hence, non-surgical treatment works for them.Find out more in our detailed blog post on surgery: the only way men can permanently remove bags under their eyes. Conclusion Blepharoplasty or eye bag surgery can change your life for the better― whether by enhancing your look or solving some medical issues with your eyes. If you want to know how much does an eye bag surgery cost for you, contact us now!

Nose Surgery: Why Might It Be Cheaper Long-Term?

by Admin||The Centre London

A nose job can change your life for the better, so you must know how much is nose surgery. From fixing its appearance to restoring its function, nose surgery can do wonders for your nose. For these reasons, it’s crucial for you to know how much is nose surgery. You also have to know the benefits of getting rhinoplasty and why a typical nose job cost in the UK becomes cheaper in the long run. In this article, I will talk about the medical reasons why people get nose jobs and the benefits of having nose surgery. I will also talk about how much is nose surgery and why it becomes cheaper in the long run. Medical Reasons Why People Get Nose Jobs A nose surgery can solve many medical issues such as sinusitis and trouble breathing. 1. Sinusitis Sinuses are found in the four-paired cavity spaces in the head. Narrow channels connect these sinuses are connected by narrow channels. Additionally, sinuses make thin mucus that drains out from the nose channels. This drainage aids the nose in keeping away bacteria. It also makes the nose clean. Sinuses are normally filled with air. It can also get blocked and be filled with fluid. When this happens, bacteria grow and cause an infection or bacterial sinusitis. Other than bacterial sinusitis, this can also be called rhinosinusitis. This comes from “rhino” which means nose. If the tissue is inflamed, the nasal tissue will most likely always be swollen. Fortunately, rhinoplasty can treat sinusitis. 2. Trouble Breathing When some people get colds, they develop trouble breathing. In some cases, infections like sinusitis cause trouble with breathing. It’s also difficult to breathe using your nose for one to two weeks because of sinusitis. You will experience trouble breathing until the inflammation eases and/or your congested sinuses get drained. Fortunately, rhinoplasty can help treat difficulty breathing. 3. Deviated Septum The bone and cartilage that divide the nasal cavity of the nose in half are called the nasal septum. A condition that features difficulty in breathing caused by the nasal septum being significantly off-center, a deviated septum can affect your everyday life. The majority of people somewhat have an imbalance in the size of their breathing passages. This indicates that at least 80% of people have misalignment of their nasal septums. Only those severe imbalances cause significant breathing problems. Hence, they require treatment. Fortunately, a nose job in the form of deviated septum surgery can treat a deviated septum. 4. Pain Management A nose job can relieve pain, so you must know how much is a nose job UK. Various several sinuses are located above and below your eyes. It can also be found behind your nose as well. These air-filled cavities can hurt when you incur a sinus infection. A common form of sinusitis also involves facial pain. Sinuses can ache due to inflammation or swelling. The sensation may be of dull pressure. It’s because inflammation can alter the usual path of mucus from the nose to the back of the throat. Moreover, trauma causes one of the most common bridge nose pain. Nasal trauma includes injuries sustained while playing sports or due to a fight, fall, or car accident. Nasal trauma causes swelling that makes it difficult for a person to tell whether their nose is broken or only bruised. Fortunately, rhinoplasty can treat pain induced by nasal defects or nasal traumas. 5. Cleft Palate A cleft palate features a split or opening in the mouth’s roof. involving the hard and soft palates. The opening can go through the bony hard palate. This is located around the top row of teeth. It can also go through the fleshy soft palate at the mouth’s back or through both parts. A cleft palate occurs when the mouth’s roof does not completely close. The opening can extend into the nasal cavity. The cleft may also involve either or both sides of the palate. It can also extend from the front of the mouth (hard palate) to the throat (soft palate). Oftentimes, the cleft also includes the lip. However, a cleft palate is not as noticeable as a cleft lip. This is because the cleft palate is located inside the mouth. For some people, a cleft palate may be the only defect. For others, the condition may be associated with cleft lip or other syndromes. Fortunately, rhinoplasty can treat a cleft palate. 6. Cleft Lip A cleft lip features a condition where there’s a physical split on both sides of one’s upper lip because it didn’t form correctly during infant development. The cleft lip also appears as a narrow opening or gap in the skin of the upper lip. This lip separation often extends past the base of the nose. Additionally, it includes the bones of the upper jaw and/or upper gum. The degree of the defect can vary. A cleft lip can be mild, which features a notching of the lip. It can also be severe, which features a large opening from one’s lip going to the nose. Fortunately, rhinoplasty can treat a cleft lip. 7. Structural Abnormalities Due to Trauma A nose job can fix deformities, so you must know how much is nose surgery. Nasal problems caused by trauma are different from congenital or developmental nasal issues. They also frequently lead to aesthetic and functional problems. These problems usually include nasal obstruction or easily noticeable asymmetry. Fortunately, rhinoplasty can treat structural defects caused by trauma. 8. Nasal Inflammation from Chronic Allergies Nasal allergies feature inflammation of the nose caused by irritating particles. These particles can be dust, pollen, or dander. In addition, nasal allergy symptoms can include sneezing, and an itchy nose and eyes. Symptoms can also include congestion, a runny nose, and postnasal drip or mucus in the throat. Sinusitis and allergy symptoms can happen altogether. Sometimes, it can appear as a common cold. Fortunately, rhinoplasty can treat nasal inflammation caused by chronic allergies. 9. Nasal Masses or Polyps Nose polyps are harmless, soft, and aren’t linked to cancer. You can find them inside your nose or in the sinuses. These polyps dangle and look a bit like small teardrops or grapes. They usually form because of lasting inflammation and can be linked to things like asthma, repeated infections, allergies, reactions to medicines, or some immune issues. If the nasal polyps are tiny, you might not even notice them. But if they grow big or there are many, they’re able to block your nose, making it hard to breathe, causing you to lose your sense of smell, or leading to regular infections. While anyone can get nasal polyps, they commonly happen in adults. Medicines can often reduce or get rid of these polyps. However, sometimes, an operation is needed to take them out. 10. Botched Nose Surgeries A nose job can fix a botched nose, so you must know how much is nose surgery. Botched nose surgery is a surgery that produced an undesirable. These surgeries cause deformities and abnormalities in nasal function. These can affect your everyday life, the way you look at yourself, and the way others look at you. Fortunately, rhinoplasty can treat botched nose surgeries. Benefits of Altering Nose Size Through Rhinoplasty A nose job can solve medical issues and enhance your confidence, so you must know how much is nose surgery. 1. You can treat several medical issues. Other than improving the looks, nose surgery can also improve your physical health. Rhinoplasty or nose job transformation surgery improves the aesthetics of the nose. At the same time, it may help improve breathing. Nose jobs bring aesthetic results that the patients often seek. However, it’s also one of the best solutions to deal with a deviated septum, which can cause breathing issues. 2. Your nose’s appearance will be enhanced. A lot of patients who undergo rhinoplasty have been unhappy with the size of their noses. Other times, it could be the shape or another aspects of their noses. Throughout your lifetime, the nose continues to grow. Concerns about it often become more severe over time. Common complaints that can be addressed or corrected with rhinoplasty include: Too large or too small nose Too narrow or too wide nose Bump in the bridge of the nose Asymmetrical nose Hooked nose Nostril size Bulbous nasal tip Upturned nose The nose looks too masculine or too feminine 3. You will gain more confidence. A lot of significant emotional impacts are possible if you’ve been insecure about your nose. Negative emotional impact may also come from being teased about it in the past. Your nose is considered to be one of the most prominent features of your face. Even the smallest modification to its shape can significantly alter the proportions and symmetry of your face. These changes can boost your self-esteem. Additionally, it can give you confidence beyond your expectations. By choosing rhinoplasty, you have an option to control a feature that controlled you emotionally in the past. In addition, rhinoplasty can greatly benefit a patient’s emotional well-being. If opting for rhinoplasty to correct your nose’s form or function, you will immediately notice changes. These changes will be made according to your desires. You might feel relieved after seeing your new nose. This will instantly boost your self-confidence. It will also hush your negative self-talk. However, it’s important to note that you must have realistic goals before entering surgery. You must understand the implications as well. Rhinoplasty can also alter your personal view of yourself. If you spent your life hating your nose, rhinoplasty could take your worries and concerns away. By giving you the nose you’ve always wanted, you will start feeling good about how you look. After your nose heals, your confidence will begin radiating from within. It will also improve your outlook on everything else. 4. Your everyday life will improve. Having to perform your everyday life with a nose that doesn’t do its supposed function is a struggle. However, rhinoplasty or nose surgery can address everyday life’s struggles and can improve your living condition. Both snoring and other issues occur when you are unable to pass enough air through your nose while you sleep. Rhinoplasty may be an option to improve your chances of getting better sleep. It may seem like a luxury, but avoiding other sleep disorders can help lower your risk of developing dangerous health conditions. These dangerous health conditions include diabetes, depression, heart disease, high blood pressure, and stroke. How Much Is Nose Surgery? Nose Surgery Cost UK A nose job cost in the UK mainly depends on the complexity of the procedure. The main factor that determines the cost of rhinoplasty is its complexity. Costs may vary depending on the clinic and procedure. Nose surgery cost UK can start from around £4,000 and reach up to £10,000 at the higher end. Before paying for anything, have a consultation appointment with an expert rhinoplasty surgeon. Long-Term Medical Cost vs. One-Time Plastic Surgery on the Nose: Which Is Better? A surgical nose job is better in the long run, so you must know how much is nose surgery. Of course, there are alternatives to rhinoplasty. You can opt for non-surgical nose jobs in London. However, you must take note that non-surgical procedures produce temporary results. On the other hand, plastic surgery on the nose does. When done by the best rhinoplasty surgeon in London, the best surgical nose job for your face shape produces permanent results. This means that you don’t have to go through another nose procedure again. Hence, getting rhinoplasty saves you more money in the long run. So, if you want to solve your nasal issues once and for all, a surgical nose job UK is a better option. Conclusion I usually perform rhinoplasty due to cosmetic reasons and to boost my patient’s self-confidence. However, rhinoplasty can also correct many functional problems, nasal issues caused by trauma, and congenital nasal defects. boosting self-confidence, getting better sleep, correcting a chronic stuffy nose, and improving the nose’s function. Are you ready to change your life now? Book a consultation with an experienced rhinoplasty in London today!

Do Men Get Nose Jobs?

by Admin||The Centre London

Male nose jobs can solve many medical and cosmetic problems. Men, just like women, experience nose-related problems. These problems can be medical or cosmetic. Thanks to advances in cosmetic surgery, a male nose job can solve them. So, if you are a man who suffers from medical issues such as difficulty breathing, a nose job can help. Furthermore, if you suffer from cosmetic issues like a humped nose, a nose job can help. But how exactly can male nose jobs help you solve these problems? How does the procedure go? How much does a male nose job cost? In this article, I will talk about male nose jobs, reasons why men get them, and how the procedure goes. I will also talk about recovery and male nose job cost. What Are Male Nose Jobs? Men’s rhinoplasty involves surgery that changes the shape and size of the nose. As its name implies, male nose jobs are a nasal procedure for men. Also known as rhinoplasty, the procedure involves rhinoplasty. Contrary to popular belief, men also get nose jobs. According to a report by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, men comprised 25% of rhinoplasty patients last year. While women comprised 75% of rhinoplasty patients last year, data shows that men go through rhinoplasty as well. Male nose jobs improve the symmetry, shape, and size of your nose. By doing this, your nose becomes proportionate with the rest of your face. Whether it’s congenital (something you’re born with) or caused by an accident, a strange-looking nose can negatively affect your daily life. If it does, your nose needs reshaping as soon as possible. Plus, if you’ve been self-conscious about your nose’s appearance, a nose job can help. While often done to improve a nose’s appearance, surgeons also perform nose jobs for medical purposes. Deviated septum surgery― a nasal procedure― can solve medical issues such as difficulty breathing and nasal infections. When performed by the best rhinoplasty surgeon, a nose job can be life-changing. For one, a nose job can enhance your appearance. This helps you improve your confidence and work performance. Men’s rhinoplasty can also improve your day-to-day life. It can ease your breathing and prevent nasal infections and nosebleeds. Do Men Get Nose Jobs? Men get nose jobs because of the same issues women suffer from. Yes, men get nose jobs. Surgeons can perform nose jobs on any gender, as long as they meet the criteria for ideal candidates. Furthermore, men also suffer from cosmetic issues. While men are usually less vocal about their insecurities, this doesn’t mean that they don’t suffer from them. So, if you are a man who wants to get men’s rhinoplasty due to cosmetic issues, I commend you. You deserve applause for accepting your insecurities and taking action to overcome them. Interestingly, men are more interested in nose jobs. Data from 2020 showed that men comprised 25% of nose reshaping procedures. While women comprise the majority of rhinoplasty patients, I believe that men’s rhinoplasty procedures will increase in the near future. Remember, there’s nothing wrong with wanting to change how you look. Whatever your gender is, you deserve to feel and look beautiful. Reasons Why Men Get Nose Jobs Men get nose jobs because of medical problems, reconstruction, and aesthetics. There are many reasons why men get nose jobs. In this section, I will explain the three main reasons why men get nose jobs. 1. Medical Problems A deviated septum is extremely common. Approximately 80% of all septa deviate in some way, according to the American Academy of Otolaryngology. The nasal septum describes the cartilage that separates your nostrils. Typically found at the center, the nasal septum divides your nostrils evenly. However, some people have irregular septa. This condition, also known as a deviated septum, makes one nostril bigger than the other. Severe irregularity can cause complications. Given this, you might be suffering from a deviated septum without you knowing. A deviated septum leads to many other problems that can affect your everyday life. For one, a deviated septum comes with many symptoms. These include difficulty breathing, nosebleeds, nasal infection, headache, and sinusitis. In severe cases, a deviated septum aggravates sleep apnea. Sleep apnea can be dangerous. In some cases, it causes people to die in their sleep. For these reasons, you must have deviated septum surgery as soon as possible. Preventing the complications caused by a deviated septum is better than treating them all together. 2. Reconstruction Athletes playing high-contact sports such as football, boxing, and basketball often end up with broken noses. This makes broken noses one of the most common injuries in sports. When athletes get a fractured or broken nose, they seek help from cosmetic surgeons to fix the damage. However, a broken nose is also common for people who do not engage in sports or other intense physical activities. Since the nose is central to your face, it becomes vulnerable to injuries. Specifically, you can get a broken nose because of vehicle accidents, falling on your face, or someone hitting you in the face. In addition, botched surgeries can cause a broken nose. Cheap nasal procedures come with a greater cost― a broken nose or more complications. As a result, patients have to pay more for other medical bills. This could have been prevented if patients went to an expert rhinoplasty surgeon offering high-end procedures. A male nose job fixes a broken nose. Particularly known as revision rhinoplasty, this reconstructive surgery fixes noses that went through severe trauma. 3. Aesthetics One of the most common factors men consider when getting nose jobs is their appearance. As I said, there is nothing wrong with wanting to improve your looks. Doing what you think is best for your appearance and your life in general improves the way you live. Given this, you should not hesitate if you want to change the way your nose looks. After all, men suffer from many cosmetic issues, too. For one, a hump on your nose can become unsightly especially if it looks huge. A bulbous nose also looks disproportionate to the rest of your face, especially if you have a small face. Moreover, an extremely short, long, or tall nose can affect your self-esteem. If you act or model for a living, this can affect your work performance as well. Male Nose Job Based on the Golden Ratio The golden ratio is the standard of universal beauty. You probably heard about the golden ratio in your mathematics class. Interestingly, experts worldwide have assigned numbers indicating universal beauty― about 1.62. The golden ratio describes, in numerical terms, the human perception of beauty. Leonardo Da Vinci, the famous painter, realised that the closer an object gets to the golden ratio, the higher its perceived level of beauty. Interestingly, Da Vinci used the golden ratio when painting the Mona Lisa. This makes the golden ratio a crucial indicator of universal beauty. Hence, I base the procedures I perform on the golden ratio. By using the golden ratio as a basis, I offer my patients the symmetry their faces need. This principle also helps me make customised treatment plans for different conditions. Contrary to popular belief, the golden ratio applies to men as well. In fact, I used the golden ratio to determine the most handsome man in the world. I, Dr. Julian De Silva, was recognised by many news outlets and magazines worldwide including CNN, People Magazine, and Oprah because of this. Cosmetic Issues a Male Nose Job Can Solve From asymmetry to other deformities, a male nose job can solve many cosmetic issues. Interestingly, the American Society of Plastic Surgeons reported that male nose jobs ranked first among all male cosmetic surgical treatments in 2020. There are many cosmetic issues male nose jobs can solve. Here they are: 1. Asymmetrical Face Your nose is at the central point of your face. It gets a lot of attention, simply because of its position. A strange-looking nose destroys your facial balance. Even if the rest of your face looks fine, an unattractive nose can ruin your overall appearance. Moreover, if you have a strange-looking nose, people easily notice it. Some will point it out, others won’t. Those who tell you that your nose looks strange can hurt your confidence. A male nose job can solve this. By fixing your nose’s appearance, rhinoplasty can restore your facial balance. 2. Crooked Nose A crooked nose becomes highly noticeable from the sides. Crooked noses cannot be usually noticed from the front. However, some crooked noses become too severe that they get noticed from the front. A bump on the bridge of your nose usually causes its crooked appearance. When the bump on your nose becomes too large, it becomes noticeable at any angle. In addition, an injury can cause a crooked nose. In particular, an injury can damage your nasal bridge, making it look crooked. Hence, a crooked nose needs to be fixed as soon as possible. A male nose job can do this. By removing the hump on your nasal bridge, rhinoplasty can make your nose look straight. 3. Long or Narrow Bridge A long or narrow bridge describes an excessively long, excessively narrow, (or a combination of both) bridge appearance. It often looks like a seagull’s beak. Unfortunately, this unflattering nose shape cannot be easily changed without surgery. While non-surgical rhinoplasty can help, it cannot totally change a long or narrow bridge. Fortunately, a cosmetic surgeon can change a long or narrow bridge. In particular, a surgeon can change the nose’s appearance by shaving it down, shortening it, or widening it. Just like female rhinoplasty, a male nose job can also do the improvements mentioned above. By changing the nose’s dimensions, rhinoplasty can enhance a nose with a long or narrow bridge. 4. Bulbous Nose A bulb-like shape at the end of the nose characterises a bulbous nose. A bulbous nose also involves a droopy tip and narrow bridge. In some cases, the bridge is wide. In addition, a bulbous nose can be caused by ethnicity. Interestingly, a bulbous nose is common among eastern European men. In fact, I have operated on European patients suffering from this. Fortunately, a male nose job can improve the appearance of a bulbous nose. By altering the nasal tip and bridge, rhinoplasty makes the tip more refined. It can also make the nasal bridge look proportionate with the rest of the face. 5. Pinched Tip Does your nose look as if someone endlessly pinches it? You likely have a pinched nasal tip. Unlike many nasal cosmetic issues, a pinched nose is often not caused by accidents or congenital conditions. Instead, botched surgeries usually cause pinched nasal tips. Due to this, a pinched nose can lead to serious structural and functional problems. If a botched surgery caused your pinched nose, you need to correct it immediately. A male nose job can correct a pinched nose. By reconstructing your nose, a cosmetic surgeon can eliminate your nose’s pinched look for good. 6. Uneven Nose Another common reason why men get nose jobs is an uneven nose. Often caused by a deviated septum present at birth, an uneven nose can also be an immediate product of accidents and botched surgeries. Just like any part of your body, your severe trauma can change your nose’s shape. While a deviated septum falls under the medical category, it can also be a cosmetic issue for men. Not only does it lead to complications, a deviated septum also decreases men’s confidence. A male nose job can help you solve this problem. By altering bone, cartilage, or both, a cosmetic surgeon can make your nose look even. 7. Boxy Tip A boxy tip describes the wide, rectangular shape at the tip of your nose. Like others in this list, a boxy tip destroys your facial balance. Worse, it can affect your self-esteem and relationships. The bridge of your nose might be perfectly straight, but if its tip looks boxy, your nose remains strange-looking. Moreover, a boxy tip becomes more noticeable from the bottom view. While a boxy tip does not cause alarm, you might want to change it. If it negatively affects your life, you should have it fixed as soon as you can. A male nose job can help you get rid of your nose’s boxy tip. By manipulating your nasal tip, a cosmetic surgeon can make your nose look better. 8. Hanging Nose A hanging nose is another reason why men get rhinoplasty. Interestingly, a hanging nose is usually congenital. It has been present since my patients’ birth. However, there is nothing they can do about it so they opted for surgery. People have hanging noses because of issues with their columella. The columella describes the tissue and cartilage that separate your nostrils. When the columella hangs or goes beyond the outer rim of your nostril, it looks drooping or pointed. Scientifically known as alar columellar disproportion, you can live just fine with a hanging nose. However, if you want to improve your appearance, you can opt for surgery. A cosmetic surgeon can help eliminate your hanging columella by trimming it. 9. Pointed Tip As its name suggests, a pointed tip is an extremely raised tip. An excessive amount of cartilage at the nasal tip usually causes this. Consequently, this cosmetic issue makes men’s faces look unbalanced. It becomes worse when the nasal bridge looks wide and short. In addition, a pointed tip with a narrow bridge looks great on women, but not on men. A narrow bridge and pointed tip are associated with a feminine look. Hence, men with narrow bridges and pointed tips opt for surgery. Rhinoplasty can make them look more masculine. A male nose job can help you eliminate your nose’s pointed tip. By trimming the excessive cartilage on the tip of your nose, a cosmetic surgeon can make you look more masculine. 10. Other Deformities When your nose gets exposed to severe trauma, its form changes. Accidents can slash your nose, break your nasal bridge, or destroy your nasal tip. Similarly, several conditions can cause your nose to look bigger over time. For instance, rhinophyma, a condition in which the lower part of your nose grows too much, makes your nose look bigger. A male nose job can help get rid of these deformities. By removing diseased skin and reconstructing the nose, a cosmetic surgeon can restore the look and function of your nose. Before a Male Nose Job Before getting a male nose job, you need to consult a doctor. Before getting a male nose job, you need to consult an experienced surgeon who specialises in mens nose jobs. You can book a consultation with me here. During the consultation, we will talk about your current condition and medical history. I need to see whether a certain condition or accident caused your nose to look strange. If you are coming to me because of a botched surgery, I will ask you about what happened. This helps me plan your surgery accordingly. I will also ask if you have other nose-related problems such as sinusitis. In relation to this, I will ask you what medicine you take, if any. In addition, you have to disclose whether you smoke or drink on a regular basis or not. Then, we will talk about your goals. Whether it’s improving your looks, fixing your nose’s function, or correcting the damages of severe trauma, you need to tell me everything. Depending on your goals, I will explain whether male rhinoplasty will work on you or not. If yes, I might suggest complementary procedures such as deep plane facelift and eye bag removal. I will then explain how the procedure goes and the risks associated with it. If you opt to have the complementary procedures that I suggested, I will explain them as well. If you approve and agree with everything discussed, you can set an appointment for a male nose job. During a Male Nose Job A male nose job involves the manipulation of bone, cartilage, or both. Before the surgery, you need to have anaesthesia. This minimises the pain caused by surgery. Since incisions are painful, you need anaesthesia. The anaesthesiologist will administer the anaesthesia. For full disclosure, my clinic uses sedation anaesthesia, a safer alternative to general anaesthesia. After the anaesthesia takes effect, I will make an incision on the target area. Depending on the goals, I will manipulate cartilage, bone, or both. I might trim, reposition, or remove them. Once I finish manipulating what needs to be manipulated, I will stitch the incisions up. After a Male Nose Job You must take care of yourself to recover from a male nose job properly. Once the surgery is done, you have to stay in the facility for observation. The staff will monitor you during this time for any immediate complications. A male nose job usually does not require an overnight stay, so you can go home once the staff clears you. You should have someone drive you home after rhinoplasty. Your nose is fragile and you might not feel well, so you should not drive. Male Nose Job Side Effects Side effects of a nose job include swelling, bruising, and numbness. After the surgery, you may temporarily experience: Bruising Swelling Pain or discomfort Congestion Numbness Dryness Fortunately, these effects are temporary. You will recover from them soon enough as long as you take care of yourself properly. Recovery Recovering from men’s rhinoplasty takes time, so you have to be patient. Recovery can take weeks to happen. In this section, I will explain to you the male nose job recovery timeline. The week after your surgery, your cast will be removed. Most of the swelling will go away and bruising will improve. You also won’t feel pain. During this week, you can use makeup. Two weeks after the surgery, your bruises will completely go away. There will be some swelling left, but your scars will be less noticeable. Three weeks after the surgery, your scars won;t be noticeable from afar. The next week, your sense of smell will go back to normal. Your nose won’t be dry. In addition, you will notice the fine changes in your nose. Two to three months after the surgery, swelling will completely go away. Nasal dryness will go away as well. How Much Is Nose Plastic Surgery? How much is nose plastic surgery depends on many factors like location and goals. A male nose job in the UK costs between £4,000 to £7,000. Nose job prices depend on a lot of factors including the location and your goals. For instance, a nose job in London might be more expensive compared to a nose job in Asia. Aside from the nose job cost, you should also factor in your expenses for post-op consultations, recovery, and time off work. These cost at least £1,000. However, you must remember that a nose job is a huge investment. Hence, you must be willing to spend thousands of pounds for a successful nose job. To see what men’s rhinoplasty can do for you, check out these nose job before and after male photos. Conclusion A male nose job has been gaining traction for the past few years. If you are suffering from the issues mentioned above, reach out to us for a consultation now!

What Does a Scar Removal Surgery Cost in the UK?

by Admin||The Centre London

Knowing scar removal surgery cost helps you make an informed decision about getting the treatment. Scars, especially the big, unsightly ones, can change your appearance. If you have been wanting to remove your scars, you must know the scar removal surgery cost first. But is scar removal really worth your hard-earned money? What exactly are the benefits of surgery scar removal? What types of scars does surgery remove? In this article, I will talk about the types of scars surgery can remove and scar removal surgery cost. I will also discuss why facial scar removal is the best option. Types of Scars A scar removal surgery cost includes treating many types of scars. Here are the types of scars surgical scar treatments UK can remove: 1. Normal Scars Normal scars are produced by the body’s healing process. Usually, normal scars do not become large. They also eventually fade and flatten. Other than minor wounds, scars can also come from cuts or slightly deep scratches. At first, these scars leave raised lines. However, it will gradually fade as long as it does not get infected. These types of scars can take up to two years to fade. However, It does not totally disappear. Normal scars typically leave visible marks or lines. Furthermore, normal fine-line scars can be itchy for a few months. These normal scars are either caused by a wound or surgery. On the other hand, they are not painful and gradually flattens out as they heal. Lastly, normal scars which are flat often come in pink or red colors. These scars may eventually become slightly darker or lighter than the surrounding skin. 2. Keloid Scars Keloid scars are a product of an extreme and aggressive healing process. These scars are huge and raised. Normally, keloid scars come in colors of pink, purple, or red. Also, they can become darker than the rest of the surrounding skin. Other times, keloid scars have the same color as the surrounding skin. Additionally, Keloid scars can appear on any part of the body. However, keloid scars can be commonly found on the head. It’s mostly on the earlobes after having piercings. Keloid scars can also be frequently found on the shoulders, neck, and upper chest. No one is exempted from the possibility of getting keloid scars. However, people with dark skin have higher chances of getting keloid scars. Keloid scars can develop after minor skin damage. This can be from a piercing or an acne mark. Then, keloid scars spread beyond the area from where the initial damage was. These types of scars extend beyond the area of damage. Therefore, it can hinder movement over time. Also, keloid scars do not fade away without proper treatment. 3. Hypertrophic Scars Hypertrophic scars, similar to keloid scars, result from an overproduction of collagen at the area with the wound. Normally, hypertrophic scars come in colors of pink or red. They also develop one to two months after incurring trauma. Hypertrophic scars can appear in any part of the body. However, these scars commonly occur in areas where the skin is tight. Although hypertrophic and keloid scars seem similar at first glance, they have many differences. In contrast to keloid scars, hypertrophic scars remain confined to the injury site. Moreover, hypertrophic scars gradually diminish over time. They thicken for up to six months and then gradually improve over subsequent years. 4. Contracture Scars Contracture scars are a type of scar that are a product of burns. Burns are painful. Therefore, the scars they produce become painful as well. If your skin was burned, then you most likely incurred a contracture scar. The skin may acquire a lot of damage from burns. Particularly, contracture scars tighten your skin. These types of scars also become too sensitive. Contracture scars may lead to functional and aesthetic problems. Also, contracture scars can affect the way you move. Contracture scars can cause extreme pain on joints and other body parts you always move. As a result, they limit your body’s movement. Also, contracture scars leave unsightly marks. These marks appear extremely wrinkly. They also come in colors of red and pink. Additionally, these scars can completely change the way you look when they appear on your face. Contracture scars may go also deeper into your skin. In some cases, they can affect the nerves and muscles. 5. Pitted Scars Skin conditions such as chickenpox and acne produce pitted scars. Pitted scars can also be caused by an injury or loss of underlying fat. These scars are also known as atrophic or ice pick scars. Pitted scars have a sunken appearance. Due to this, many people treat this as an aesthetic issue. Though the appearance of pitted scars may improve over time, they might not totally disappear. Therefore, if you want to get rid of them, you need to seek professional help. Scar Removal Surgery Cost A scar removal surgery cost includes surgeon fee, anaesthesia cost, consultation fee, and more. Here are the things included in scar removal surgery cost you have to prepare to pay for: 1. Surgeon Fees Fees vary from one cosmetic surgeon to another. Usually, more experienced surgeons charge higher than less experienced doctors. Despite the higher cost, more experienced surgeons are always worth the price. More experienced surgeons perform safer scar removal surgeries. Depending on the surgeon’s practice expenses, the surgeon determines the fee. 2. Anaesthesia The anaesthetic fee is frequently another cost that’s separate from the surgeon fees. How much you have to pay for this depends on many factors, such as the nature of the surgery, kind of anesthesia administered, time of surgery, anaesthesiologist’s experience, and the like. 3. Use of the Facility A scar removal surgery cost usually invovles the facility fee. In most cases, scar removal surgery doesn’t make you stay overnight at the facility. However, you have to pay for being in the clinic. For one, the facility needs to be cleaned. In addition, you have to pay for the maintenance of tools and equipment. 4. Consultation Some cosmetic surgeons charge a consultation fee. Other cosmetic surgeons don’t. You might be required to pay a consultation fee on top of the cost of your surgery. This depends on your doctor. At my clinic, the Centre for Advanced Facial Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery, the consultation fee gets deducted from your scar removal surgery cost. 5. Travel Comparing the cost of cosmetic surgery in your country to another country can be challenging. On top of that, you should also calculate the total cost of having your procedure done overseas. Additionally, since you will be traveling abroad, you will need to add in the cost of getting to and from your destination. This will also include the cost of accommodations and transportation while you are there. 6. Pre-Operative Processes A scar removal surgery cost includes the cost of pre-operative processes. The preoperative period may last for months for patients who have their surgery planned. Some patients require extensive testing in order to determine whether they can tolerate the surgery and anaesthesia. Others patients require a certain period of time. During this time, they work to improve their overall health under the care of the preoperative team. In addition, your surgeon may order you to undergo a series of tests. The tests are done to make sure you are healthy enough to tolerate the stresses of surgery. These tests may range from blood tests, chest x-rays, and stress tests. This also includes imageing tests like CT scans, MRI, Ultrasound, or PET scans. Any additional tests that the surgeon deems necessary will also be done. The cost of these tests can range from hundreds of pounds to thousands of pounds. 7. Postoperative Care Aftercare support is necessary for some patients. Other patients might also need post-op consultation. Your doctor may include aftercare-related expenses in your bill. 8. Time Off of Work Factoring in the cost of scar removal surgery, consider the financial implications of taking leave from your job. The recovery phase post a cosmetic operation can vary in duration. The healing process is unique for each individual and hinges on several aspects. These can range from the type of surgery undergone to your overall well-being. Given these variables, it’s crucial to consult with your cosmetic surgeon about the expected duration of your recovery. Why Surgery Is the Best Treatment to Remove Scars Undergoing scar removal surgery has its perks, including lasting effects and a boost in self-confidence. Here’s why many consider surgery the top choice for facial scar treatment: 1. Surgery offers permanent results. While non-invasive facial treatments have their merits, they typically provide short-term outcomes. For long-lasting effects, non-surgical methods might need to be done repeatedly. In contrast, surgical options promise extended, often permanent results. A surgical approach addresses scars effectively, particularly if the skin is taut. Surgeons can employ specific techniques that align and relax the skin perfectly. Surgical strategies for scar amelioration differ based on the scar’s nature. Options might involve grafting skin to mend extensively damaged areas or layered closures to attend to both superficial and deeper skin layers. It’s pivotal to remember that changes from surgery can be profound, influencing both how you feel about yourself internally and externally. 2. Scar removal surgery enhances your look. Scars can manifest in diverse ways – they might be raised, recessed, discoloured, or even cause discomfort. Thankfully, surgical scar treatments can mitigate scar visibility, whether they stem from accidents, previous surgeries, or other incidents. While it’s a myth that scars can be wholly erased, surgical interventions can significantly soften their appearance, making them almost imperceptible. Opting for scar removal surgery can enhance your social and professional interactions. Especially in professions where your look plays a pivotal role, the benefits can be substantial. 3. Surgery scar removal gives you more confidence. Paying for a scar removal surgery cost can increase your confidence. While scars might linger for years, treatments can rejuvenate your skin’s texture, often in conjunction with other cosmetic procedures. Most individuals pursue these procedures to refine their aesthetics, leading to a surge in their self-worth. A renewed appearance often instills heightened self-belief, prompting a more vivacious engagement in social contexts. 4. Scar removal surgery can prevent complications Scars might limit movement in certain areas. In places with less skin flexibility, this could result in contractions. Scar revision surgery can liberate these constraints, reinstating full mobility. Furthermore, scars can sometimes be intensely painful, more so if neuromas develop. Surgical intervention can ward off these ensuing complications. 5. Surgery scar removal can be more cost-effective in the long run. In the grand scheme of things, surgery can be more wallet-friendly, especially if multiple treatments are in the cards. Even if the initial outlay seems steep, remember that the benefits are long-lived. Conclusion While there’s an array of treatments for facial scars, the best fit is subjective, depending on your personal preferences, budget, and the scar’s specifics. It’s paramount to collaborate closely with a top-tier facial plastic surgeon in the UK to pinpoint the optimal solution. While scars might never vanish completely, the right treatment can render them barely noticeable. Fancy a chat with one of the UK’s premier cosmetic surgeons? Book a consultation with me today!

What Is The Typical Nose Job Cost In London?

by Admin||Rhinoplasty

A higher nose job cost usually means better service and treatment. One of the most popular cosmetic treatments in the world is nose reshaping. When done by a skilled surgeon, it can change your life. It can increase your confidence, boost your career, and solve nasal issues. Given this, those who want to get the procedure often ask how much is a nose job. When it comes to plastic surgery, knowing the nose job cost in the UK can help you make the right decision. What Is A Nose Job? Nose job cost should not be a worry because it is more practical in the long run. Also known as rhinoplasty, it is a surgical procedure that aims to change the shape of one’s nose. The procedure can change your nose’s appearance, improve its function, or both. The upper vault of your nose is composed of bone. The lower part is made of cartilage. Nose surgery can change bone, cartilage, or both. Your cosmetic surgeon will decide what changes to make and to what extent. When planning a nose job, your surgeon has to examine your nose relative to your face. Dr De Silva examines the patient’s nose in relation to other parts of the face including the eyes and chin. After this, he will determine exactly what to change. In some cases, I recommend complementary procedures based on individual goals and needs. These procedures include a chin implant, facelift and eyelid lift. While mainly done to reshape the nose, it can also be done for other purposes, such as correcting a prior nose job or enhancing an ethnic nose. These procedures are called revision- and ethnic rhinoplasty, respectively. My clinic offers these surgical procedures. Cost Of Nose Job Components If you have been asking how much nose reshaping is, you must know how much each component costs. By doing this, you will arrive at a more accurate estimate. Here are the prices of nose surgery components: Consultation Before getting rhinoplasty or nose surgery, you must consult a doctor. Some doctors charge an upfront fee for consultation, while others do not. Depending on the doctor, you might be required to pay a consultation fee in addition to the procedure fee. During our consultation, I will walk you through the process. We will discuss your current health and medical history. Then, I will explain whether the procedure is best for you. I also might suggest other procedures that complement your new nose. After we finalise your treatment plan, you can set an appointment for your surgery. Medical Tests Depending on the case, some patients have to get medical tests. These usually apply to those who need revision surgery. Revision rhinoplasty is a kind of surgery that fixes the effects of severe trauma. Since revision involves corrective surgery, you might need to get an X-ray before the procedure. In addition, you might also be required to get a COVID-19 test because of the pandemic. Depending on the test, you might have to allocate at least £100. Anaesthesia Rhinoplasty is a major surgery and therefore requires anaesthesia. Depending on the type of anaesthesia and your doctor, you might have to pay a few hundred pounds. In my clinic, I use sedation anaesthesia. It is because sedation is safer than general anaesthesia. In addition, sedation anaesthesia has a shorter recovery period than general anaesthesia. For these reasons, I prefer sedation anaesthesia over general anaesthesia. Though more expensive, sedation anaesthesia ensures your comfort and safety. They are worth spending a little bit more money on. You might need to prepare up to a thousand pounds for sedation anaesthesia. Surgeon Fees Nose surgeons with more experience charge more than those with less experience.Surgeon fees vary. It mainly depends on the experience and skill of the cosmetic surgeon.For instance, cosmetic surgeons with more experience charge more than those with less experience. In addition, surgeons with more advanced skills charge higher than those who do not. Given these, you have to allocate thousands of pounds for a more experienced surgeon. Despite this, more experienced and skilled surgeons are worth the price. It is because they are safer and deliver better results. You are, after all, investing in an improved quality of life. Facility Even though the procedure does not require you to stay overnight, you have to allocate funds for using the facility. For one, the facility needs to be maintained. The maintenance fees are usually divided among the patients using it. In addition, tools have to be regularly cleaned to avoid infection. Given these, prices usually include facility fees. The cost depends on the type of facility you are using. Private facilities cost more, but they are usually cleaner and less crowded. They are also safer because they have a low infection risk. There are different types of facility some are private hospitals that have a mixture of different procedures, some are more specialist. Although I have used private hospitals with general facilities in the past, I now use a specialist facility that is only for facial surgery, this is more customized for the specific purpose of rhinoplasty. Depending on the facility, you might have to pay a few hundred to a thousand pounds. Medicine You might need medicine after your surgery. Your doctor might prescribe medicine and let you buy them. On the other hand, your doctor might give the medicine to you. If you get a prescription, you will most likely pay for the medicine. In contrast, you might get the medicine for free as part of your nose surgery cost. Depending on what you need, your medicine can cost less than a hundred pounds. Post-Op Care You might need to buy other things such as ice packs for your nose job recovery. This is an additional cost you have to consider. Some cosmetic surgeons offer post-op support for free. You can usually contact the staff anytime if you have any concerns or queries after the surgery. Other cosmetic surgeons, however, might ask for an additional fee.I personally include all of these fees with the surgery so there are no additional costs. You might have to set aside a few hundred pounds for post-op care and support. How Much Do Nose Jobs Cost in the UK? Nose job cost usually include surgeon fees, anaesthesia cost, and facility use. Now that we have discussed the components of a nose job, it is easier to estimate costs. Nose jobs cost between £5,000 to £15,000 in the UK. The price varies depending on location, facility type, cosmetic surgeon, and goals. The cost can vary from one city to another. In London, it might be priced differently compared to Birmingham or Asia. In addition, costs can add up if you want to improve the overall look of your face, because you need other procedures to achieve this. Expensive vs Cheap Nose Job Cost: Which Is Better? Depending on some factors, your nose job cost can go higher or lower. Frankly put, rhinoplasty can take 1 hour or it can take 2.5x longer, 2.5 hours. The detail involved in this procedure means measuring and meticulous technique takes time which adds up to more time in surgery and a higher cost. Some nose jobs attract patients mainly because of their low prices. However, you might end up spending more when the cheap procedure gets botched. For one, a cheap nose operation has a higher chance of failing. When this happens, you will need another surgery to correct your nose. This means that you have to pay another set of fees. A cheap nose procedure also has a higher chance of deteriorating compared to its costly counterpart. A high-end nose procedure, on the other hand, can last for up to a lifetime. In addition, an affordable one can cause complications. When this happens, you need to pay for another set of medical bills. In this case, you end up paying more than the high-end cost. Given these, an expensive nose job is more cost-effective than a cheap one in the long run. Why Pay For The Best Rhinoplasty Surgeon in London? A high-end nose job is always better than a cheap one. A nose job is a big yet rewarding investment. Given this, you need to work with the best rhinoplasty surgeon. Here are the reasons why paying for the best nose surgeon is worth it: 1. You get the best results. Skilled and experienced surgeons give you the best results. These results match the existing features of your face. They do not look artificial. I, for one, give natural and subtle results that complement your face. After the surgery, people will notice your appearance improving. However, they won’t be able to pinpoint how it exactly changed. That is the beauty of getting treated by a high-end surgeon. In addition, the results of your surgery are based on the Golden Ratio, a universal standard for beauty. 2. You are as safe as possible. Cheap procedures can come at a price, i.e. botched. It is because the doctors performing them have less experience, skills, or training. In addition, a botched operation might cause complications that you need to recover from. These complications can be harmful in the long run. Hence, you must ensure that your operation does not get botched. A competent rhinoplasty surgeon ensures your safety. I, for one, check your medical history and current condition before the surgery. I do this to ensure you won’t have any complications. Using state-of-the-art equipment and techniques, I guarantee your nose job will be as safe as possible. 3. You experience minimal pain. A nose job is major surgery. Therefore, it is painful. However, surgery does not have to be extremely painful. The best rhinoplasty surgeon makes sure that you experience minimal pain. Aside from anaesthesia, your surgeon must use certain techniques to minimise pain. I use sedation anaesthesia instead of general anaesthesia. It is because sedation is safer and lets you recover faster. On top of that, I use special techniques to further decrease the pain. After the surgery, I can prescribe pain medicine depending on your situation. I will also give you tips to minimise pain as you recover. 4. You get the best value for your hard-earned money. You have to spend thousands of pounds on a nose operation. It is a huge investment and therefore, you must make the most out of it. Working with the best surgeon lets you get the best value for your hard-earned money. It lets you make the most out of your investment― one that can last up to a lifetime. 5. You have a customised treatment plan. A treatment plan customised for your face is important. Every patient’s face is unique. Due to this, there is no one-size-fits-all approach. Hence, you must have a treatment plan customised for your face. I always tell my patients that what works for others might not work for them. Sometimes, I have to recommend complementary procedures like deep plane facelift and brow lift. Other times, I do not. A customised treatment plan is crucial to achieving your goals. If your goal is to be more attractive or look younger, your treatment must be tailored according to your current face condition. 6. You get the best customer service and patient-centred care. An excellent surgeon works with an excellent team that understands patient-centred care. Thus, you get the best customer service possible. At my clinic, my staff is fully trained to serve you. My team ensures that you get nothing but the best service― from the moment you contact us to after the surgery. The receptionists, nurses, and other specialists at my clinic will treat you with the utmost respect. Choose To Work With One Of The Best Rhinoplasty Surgeons There are several reasons why a better nose job costs more. When it comes to getting cosmetic surgery, you get what you pay for. If you want to get the best rhinoplasty results in London, then you must work with the best nose surgeon in the UK. I am proud to be one of the best rhinoplasty specialists in the UK. I was also given several awards like the Imperial College London Innovation Award and West London Gold Medal Research Award. To know exactly how much is a nose job, book a consultation with me. Call us to book your consultation today!

How Much Is a Neck Lift Surgery in the UK?

by Admin||The Centre London

Neck Lift Surgery. Smiling Female model Knowing how much is a neck lift surgery lets you make an informed decision about the procedure. From treating turkey necks to neck wrinkles, a neck lift can do wonders. If you have been wondering how much is a neck lift surgery, you’re at the right place. In this article, I will discuss the ideal candidates for neck lifting surgery, the issues a neck lift solves, and the whole neck lifting process. I will also show you before and after photos of my patients and tell you how much is a neck lift surgery in the UK. Ideal Candidates for Neck Lifts Ideal Candidates for Neck Lifts. Smiling Female model If you are a healthy adult, you are most likely an ideal candidate for neck lifting. Generally, excellent candidates for a neck lift include: Individuals in perfect health, who don’t have any medical condition that may impair healing. Non-smokers Individuals with attainable goals and realistic expectations Some patients feel that they are not ready to undergo a full facelift procedure because their upper face still looks great. However, some patients get disturbed by excess wrinkling on the neck skin, a double chin, and jowl lines. If the neck area does not match the appearance of the upper face, a neck lift is an excellent solution. Most of the patients in their 40s or above undergo neck lifting surgeries. Issues That Neck Lifts Solve Issues That Neck Lifts Solve. Asian Female model A neck lifting surgery can treat neck skin laxity and crepey neck skin. Neck lift procedure can address the following issues: ● Neck Skin Laxity As we age, our skin’s ability to retract is reduced. This results in sagging skin in different areas of our body, including our necks. “Turkey neck” is a term used to describe wrinkled, and sagging skin on the neck which are all side effects of ageing. This condition occurs when the neck muscles weaken and the skin loses its elasticity, and its ability to stretch and stay tight. A neck lift can alleviate drooping or sagging skin on the neck that makes a person look old and unattractive. ● Neck Muscle Laxity As we grow old, our neck muscles weaken. They also lose their structure and elasticity. Interestingly, a neck lift surgery also tightens the neck. Through this procedure, a chiseled, 90- degree neck is achieved by tightening the muscles. Folding the neck muscle allows better redrawing of the neck skin compared to neck lifts without it. ● Neck Fat Deposits and Buildup With ageing, you may notice that fat deposits accumulate under the chin and around the jowls. A rare disorder called Madelung’s disease results in a disturbing accumulation of fat deposits around the neck, shoulders, upper arms, trunks, hips, and thighs. These fat deposits progress depending on one’s body. Neck surgery is an excellent solution in removing these fat deposits. ● Neck Wrinkles Wrinkles are a natural part of ageing and are most prominent on skin frequently exposed to the sun. This includes the face, neck, hands, and forearms. Neck wrinkles are just like any wrinkles that you can see on the different areas of your body. Although wrinkles are a natural part of ageing, other factors like smoking or too much exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays can make them worse. If your wrinkles concern you, you can have many options. These options vary from medications to skin resurfacing techniques, fillers, and neck lift. ● Crepey Neck Skin Crepey skin got its name from the looks of crepe paper― thin and fine. It can also be saggy and loose. Crepey skin can be similar to wrinkles in many ways, but this condition tends to impact larger areas. This condition also becomes more noticeable over time. The condition also makes your skin feel fragile and thin. This commonly occurs in the areas under the eyes and on the inner part of the upper arms. With ageing, your skin’s ability to produce oil is not the same as it did when you were younger. The oils that your skin produces create an essential lipid barrier that protects your skin and helps lock in moisture. Dryness of the skin can cause crepey skin. If a crepey skin condition comes and goes with the season, your skin likely lacks moisture. Fortunately, a neck lifting surgery can treat crepey neck skin. Neck Lifting Before and After Photos Here are before and after photos of my neck lift patients: Patient 1: This patient had a very saggy neck caused by fat deposits. It made her look old. She also had wrinkles on the neck area.After getting a neck lift, her fat deposits are gone. The appearance of lines and wrinkles also got reduced. These gave her a younger look. Patient 2: This male patient had a condition called turkey neck, where excess skin from the neck sags. Because of this condition, his face appeared old and tired.After getting a neck lift, the patient’s appearance became younger. The sagging skin on his neck was also eliminated. Patient 3: This female patient had wrinkles all over her face, as well as sagging skin on her neck. Because of the excess skin and fat deposits, her skin got stretched downwards. This made the wrinkles on her face more prominent.After the patient underwent a neck lift, she appeared to be younger. The visibility of the lines on her face was minimised as well. The excess skin that’s sagging from her neck was also removed, making her look more refreshed. Patient 4: This male patient had excess skin sagging from his neck. Because of this, his smile lines became more prominent. He also had an older look.After the patient underwent a neck lift, his appearance significantly changed. He appeared younger than his age. The sagging skin from his neck was eliminated, minimising the appearance of his smile lines. Patient 5: This female patient aged drastically because of the fine lines on her face. Her turkey neck also added to the impression of her looking old and tired.After the patient underwent the neck lift procedure, she became younger-looking and energised. The fine lines on her face are not that prominent anymore. Her neck also had a more flawless appearance. Patient 6: This male patient had fine lines around his mouth, as well as very prominent smile lines. The excess skin sagging from his neck caused these.The patient underwent a neck lift, and the results are amazing. His smile lines and other fine lines became less prominent. The excess skin on his neck was also removed, giving him a more youthful appearance. Patient 7: This female patient definitely aged due to the excess skin that settled on her neck. The excess skin caused her to have a saggy neck, somewhat like a turkey.After the patient underwent the neck lift procedure, the excess skin sagging from her neck was gone. Her neck became more flawless and tighter, making her look younger. What Happens Before a Neck Lift Knowing how much is a neck lift surgery and what happens before it helps you make an informed decision. Before getting a neck lift, you need a medical check-up. Here are some steps to prepare: Send your past medical records to the plastic surgeon before your first meeting. Write down all the things you take, like medicines, vitamins, or herbal stuff, and show it to the surgeon. Change any regular medicines if the surgeon says so. Don’t smoke for a while, or for long as the surgeon suggests. Finish any heavy tasks before your surgery so you can relax afterward. Have someone ready to take you home after the operation. Plan some quiet time after the operation, if needed. Think about taking a week off work. The day before your neck lift, remember to: Sleep well. Don’t eat or drink for at least eight hours pre-surgery. Stay away from alcohol for two days before the surgery. On the day, don’t wear makeup, jewelry, nail polish, piercings, or contacts. If you have diabetes, get a health check on the day of the surgery. What Happens During a Neck Lift? Knowing about the neck lift’s cost and the procedure can help you decide if it’s right for you. The following steps are included in a neck lift procedure: Anaesthesia First of all, anesthesia will be administered. My clinic uses sedation anesthesia. This type of anesthesia is safer and requires less recovery than general anesthesia. The Incision Depending on your aesthetic goals, your neck lift procedure might involve traditional incisions, minimal incisions, or both. Traditional neck lift incisions normally start at the hairline, at the level of the sideburn area. The incision then goes around your ear and ends your posterior hairline. During this process, I might sculpt and/or redistribute fat that I am going to get from your neck and jowls. The underlying neck tissue will be repositioned and tightened. Next, I will redrape your skin above the elevated contours. Then, I will trim your excess skin. Then, I will make another incision beneath your chin, which is necessary for fat reduction in this area. On the other hand, a minimal incision neck lift solely includes incisions around your ear. Since the incisions are minimal, the effects might be limited. Closing the Incisions I will close the incision lines using sutures or adhesives. If I use sutures, they might dissolve or it might be necessary to remove them a few days after the surgery. I wiill then hide the scars and lines due to this treatment within your hairline and in your ears’ natural contours. Once healed, it is less likely that these scars will be visible. Take note, a neck lift can be done with other procedures such as facelifts and eyebrow & forehead lifts. If you get these procedures, the duration of your surgery will be longer. What Happens After a Neck Lift? Knowing how much is a neck lift UK and what happens after it helps you make an informed decision. Here are some guidelines on how to take care of yourself after a neck lift surgery: Elevate your head at all times. Avoid frequently turning your head after the neck lift. Get out of bed with help. You can expect some swelling and bruising the day after the surgery. Call if swelling on one side is definitely more pronounced or harder than the other side. You must also call if you experience pain that cannot be relieved by pain medication. Do not smoke or be around smoke. You can gradually resume normal activities two weeks after your neck lift. Protect yourself by wearing sunscreen (SPF 30 or greater). You must also avoid steam baths and saunas four weeks after your neck lift. How Much Is a Neck Lift? Neck Lift Cost UK Knowing how much is a neck lift surgery in the UK helps you make an informed decision. The cost of a neck lift procedure will depend on your skin condition. The amount of unwanted fat in a certain area, as well as the strength of your neck muscles also play an important role in the cost of your surgery. A typical neck lift cost covers the fees for the following: anaesthesia, consultation, facility, equipment, medical tests, post-surgery medicine, and your cosmetic surgeon. Generally, the more extensive a procedure is, the more costly it is. Other than paying for the neck lift surgery, there are other procedures that might be done together with it (e.g. revision blepharoplasty and rhinoplasty) to achieve your expected look. Since neck lift is a case-to-case basis on every patient, there is no exact price for the procedure. By estimate, neck lift usually starts at £5,000. However, it greatly varies according to the patient’s wants and needs. The cost also depends on the scale of the procedure. The surgeon’s fee for the procedure will be based on his expertise, way of the procedure, and location. Take note, health insurance plans normally don’t cover neck lift surgery. Best Neck Lift Surgeon UK A neck lift gets rid of sagging skin, one of the most visible signs of ageing. As the name implies, a neck lift is a surgical cosmetic procedure that enhances your neck’s look by lifting it. The specific technique or combination of procedures you need to have depends on what results you’re looking for. Often, neck contouring is part of a facelift, but it can be done separately if you’re happy with the appearance of your face. A neck lift procedure is also a major, complex surgery that must only be done by certified aesthetic plastic surgeons. Since it deals mainly with the neck muscle or platysma muscle, you must only work with a qualified cosmetic surgeon. Given this, people wonder who is the best neck lift surgeon in the UK. If you’ve been asking the same thing, this post outlines who is the best and other things you need to know about neck lift surgery. Who Is the Best Neck Lift Surgeon in the UK? A bad neck lift can rupture your blood vessels, so you must only work with the best surgeon. The best neck lift surgeon for you is someone who can perform the surgical procedure with minimal risk. The surgeon must be able to treat loose skin and get rid of excess fat without any complications. The final result must also give you a youthful appearance and fight the ageing process. I am proud to say that I, Dr. Julian De Silva, am one of the best neck lift surgeons in the UK. I have been heavily featured in the media and received many awards that recognise my expertise. My patients also testify to my professionalism, as seen in their video diaries. How Much Does Loose Skin & Saggy Neck Surgery Cost? The cost of a neck lift depends on factors like post operative care expenses and the complexity of incision sites. Your current condition, skin quality, and goals will determine how much a neck lift operation will cost you. The quantity of excess fat, as well as the quality of your neck muscles or platysma muscle, both play a vital influence in determining how much your plastic surgery will cost. The following are some of the things that are typically included in the price of a neck lift: Anaesthesia Expenses The fee for the anaesthesia is usually included in the overall fee. Surgical Facility Costs The maintenance of tools and equipment also needs to be included in the neck lift cost. Post-Surgery Guidance Your doctor’s aftercare guidance also gets accounted for. Surgeon Fees The fee depends on your doctor’s experience, credentials, and performance. Consultation The consultation is either included or deductible from the total cost. Medicine You also have to be prepared to buy prescription medicine and other expenses during recovery. Moreover, the cost of neck lift surgery will increase in proportion to its level of complexity. In addition to the cost of the neck lift surgery itself, there may be additional procedures such as facelift surgery or rhinoplasty that need to be performed in conjunction with it. Additional procedures, of course, will increase the cost of the surgery. There is no set cost associated with having a neck lift performed because the treatment is customised for each patient. The cost of a neck lift is typically estimated to begin at £10,000. High-end doctors can charge as much as £20,000 to £25,000. While more expensive, high-end doctors produce effective results that are worth your investment. Neck Lift (Platysmaplasty/Cervicoplasty) One of the signs of ageing is a double chin, something a neck lift can help with. Neck contouring can be done independently or in conjunction with other facial cosmetic surgery treatments to get more all-encompassing results. A necklift surgery, also called platysmaplasty or cervicoplasty, gives the neck a firmer, smoother, and more elegant appearance. A thick, wrinkled, or drooping neck (aka turkey neck) can be significantly improved even without any other alterations to the face (e.g. facelift surgery), making the patient look years younger or even as though they have lost weight. By creating a more defined neck area that frames the rest of the face, a neck lift can also help balance out facial features. The patient’s cosmetic objectives usually determine the course of the procedure. For instance, for a patient who wants to get rid of a turkey neck, a cosmetic surgeon will use a different surgical technique than a patient who simply wants to contour the skin of the neck. Mini Facelift (Plication Suspension of SMAS) A surgeon can also remove excess fat and do fat transfer during the procedure. A neck lift can also be done with a mini facelift in London. During this procedure, tiny incisions are made in front of the ears for a tiny face lift. Then, they reach down to the bottom of the earlobes from where they begin at the hairline. Following this step, the surgeon will carefully pull the excess skin and tissues upward and away from the ear. Your face will then look tighter by removing excess loose skin and tissue. In general, the procedure doesn’t manipulate the underlying muscle as much as a traditional facelift or SMAS facelift. It will also take you a few weeks to recover from a mini facelift. It is extremely rare for a neck lift and mini facelift to produce complications when done by the right doctor. A mini facelift improves the appearance of wrinkles on the lower half of the face, helps define the jawline, and eliminates the sight of drooping skin on the lower half of the face. Clients emerge looking significantly younger and more refreshed as a result of the treatment. When it comes to making these incisions, you absolutely need to have the training, experience, and an unmatched sense of aesthetics. As one of the most renowned surgeons in the UK, I am responsible for helping hundreds of patients appear their absolute best by performing facial procedures. My clients can’t also stop raving about how astonishingly natural the outcomes of the treatments turned out to be. You can check all before and after photos of my neck lift patients here. About Neck Lift with Facial Surgery Generally speaking, a neck lift can be done with a facelift and fat transfer. A face lift and neck lift are both surgical treatments that tighten the facial muscles, skin, and underlying soft tissue. Facial fat may also be repositioned during these procedures. In addition to this, the treatments get rid of sagging facial skin and produce a youthful neck. In order to achieve the most effective results in facial rejuvenation, it is common practice to conduct a face and neck lift together. Because of the complexity of the dissections involved in this treatment, it should only be carried out by a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon. It is a highly delicate and complicated process, but in skilled hands, it may provide very natural looking dramatic rejuvenation. The results can be quite stunning. Typically, the incision sites are concealed within the hairline as well as along the margin that is immediately in front of the ear. They run under the ear and loop up immediately behind it. In most cases, the scar will not adversely affect the appearance and will be difficult to spot. Before the Necklift: Preparing for Neck Lift Surgery Your skin loses elasticity as you age and a neck lift can help. Here’s how you can prepare for a neck lift: 1. Maintain a healthy diet. Focus on maintaining a diet that includes a variety of foods, including fruits, vegetables, proteins, carbs, and healthy fats. Your healing will go more quickly as a result of this. 2. Exercise within reason. In most cases, plastic surgeons would advise against beginning or ramping up an intense workout routine in the weeks leading up to a neck lift treatment. They recommend, rather, that you stick to your regimen and stay away from intense activities that could potentially cause harm. 3. Plan for your recovery. A neck lift doesn’t require local anaesthetic because it is a major surgery. Be sure to stock up on post-operative goods such as pillows, ice packs, towels, and gauze so that you can keep your head elevated and feel comfortable after the surgery. 4. Get help. Following a neck lift treatment, just like after any other type of surgery, you will need to have a responsible adult, such as a member of your family, drive you home. Additionally, you will require the assistance of another person for 24 hours after your operation. 5. Wear loose, comfortable clothing. On the day of your surgery, you should put on a top that is comfortable and loose and that buttons down the front. After your neck lift procedure, you won’t be able to pull a shirt over your head easily. Recovering After Neck Lift Younger patients usually recover faster and don’t experience as much pain as older ones. Here are the tips for recovering after the surgery: 1. Keep yourself hydrated, especially when you live in a hot environment. Your skin will contract as a result of dehydration if you do not drink enough water. This will be most noticeable at the location where the incision was made. It can also lead to the wound not healing properly and the creation of scar tissue. Eight glasses of water should be consumed by you in order to avoid any difficulties. 2. Drink your medicine on time. Take your medicine as prescribed by your cosmetic surgeon. Stay away from self-medication at all costs, even if you’re having OTC pills. It is possible for medications to have an adverse interaction with one another, which can lead to difficulties. Always ask your cosmetic surgeon before taking medication that was not prescribed specifically for you. 3. Have an ice and chin strap ready. You should also stop smoking and wear a head bandage during recovery. You can benefit from using ice packs to help manage the pain and swelling in your body. However, before you apply the cold packs to your skin, you should wrap them using a cloth first and avoid doing so immediately. In addition, a strap for your chin helps with swelling and pain relief. It also helps fight gravity and maintain your blood pressure after surgery. 4. Don’t take a bath right away. Do your best not to take a bath for a minimum of two days. You must also avoid having hot showers or baths for 30 to 60 days after the procedure. 5. Always keep contact with your cosmetic surgeon. A neck lift and facelift manipulate remaining tissue for skin to be pulled taut and give you facial contours. You must keep all of your follow-up visits and check-up appointments to monitor your progress in healing. Doing this lets your doctor detect early complications or side effects of the process, reducing the danger of irreversible damage. Conclusion To know exactly how much is a neck lift surgery near me, book a consultation with me to discuss your expectations and needs.

Facial Scar Removal: The Best Treatment for All Types of Facial Scars

by Admin||The Centre London

The landscape of facial scars is vast and varied. Factors such as burns, trauma, acne, and previous surgeries can lead to these scars. Notably, the deeper and more entrenched the scar, the more challenging it becomes to eradicate. Enter the domain of facial scar surgery. Now, you might wonder, what’s the efficacy of facial scar surgery? Which scars can be eliminated by surgical intervention? Is surgery the ultimate scar solution? In this piece, I will discuss the benefits of facial scar surgery for those with scarring, classify the scars that can be treated by surgical correction, and emphasise why surgical intervention stands out as the superior scar treatment. Treatments for Scar on the Face Treatments for scar on the face include chemical peels and surgery. Various methods exist to address facial scars, each with varying degrees of efficacy. The pinnacle of scar treatments? Undoubtedly, surgical scar correction. Before we delve deep into the intricacies of surgical scar treatment, let’s be familiar with some prevalent scar management techniques: 1. Dermabrasion Dermabrasion is frequently used to address scars on the face. It is usually performed by a dermatologist using a wire brush or a wheel. This process exfoliates the top layer of your skin, making it a skin-resurfacing procedure. Right after a dermabrasion session, the treated skin will become reddish. Then, the skin will grow back and become smoother. 2. Chemical Peels Chemical peeling is an effective treatment for mild scars. As its name suggests, the procedure uses chemical peels that contain mild acids. A cosmetic practitioner applies a single layer of the chemical solution on the skin. As a result, the epidermis of the upper layer of skin gets exfoliated, exposing a new layer of skin. There are three main kinds of chemical peels: ● Deep Peel A deep peel involves phenol. It is the most popular type of chemical peel used for scars because it deeply settles into the skin. Since deep peels are intense, your skin will take up to three weeks to heal. ● Superficial Peel A superficial peel has milder effects. It can help improve discoloration linked to mild scars. ● Medium Peel A medium peel usually involves glycolic acid. While also used for discoloration, this type of chemical peel is frequently used as an anti-ageing treatment. 3. Laser Resurfacing Laser resurfacing can help improve the appearance of mild scars. Laser resurfacing has the same goal as dermabrasion and chemical peeling― to remove the top layer of skin. Unlike dermabrasion and chemical peeling, laser resurfacing uses laser beams to remove the top layer of the skin. There are two types: erbium and CO2 laser resurfacing. While erbium is the safest and often less painful method for your face, carbon dioxide laser resurfacing appears to be more effective in treating scars. 4. Home Remedies While not technically a treatment, I included remedies here because some people prefer to use them. In addition, they can be used to provide relief right after you contract a scar. They can also help during the healing process. Here are some options: ● Petroleum Jelly Petroleum jelly can be beneficial during and after the healing process. This substance is known for protecting minor burns and cuts by creating a protective barrier on the skin’s surface. The barrier helps lock in moisture to help protect your skin as it heals. In addition, this helps decrease the dryness of scarred skin, improving the appearance of scars. ● Honey Honey can help decrease redness and infections. Scientists have also found some evidence suggesting that honey can promote wound healing. ● Over-the-Counter Cream, Gel, or Sheeting You can also use over-the-counter medicated creams, gels, and sheetings to help improve the appearance of your scars and wound healing. For instance, an antihistamine cream can help with scar sensitivity. Silicone gels or sheetings can also improve the appearance of your scars, according to some research. They can also relieve discomfort and itching. 5. Facial Scar Removal Surgery Scar removal surgery is the ultimate treatment for scars. Unlike the treatments mentioned above, surgery is the only way to totally remove scars. During this process, a cosmetic surgeon removes the scar tissue. Depending on your goals, needs, and the severity of the scar, your surgeon may remove the epidermis or the scar and even move the scar. Unlike the options mentioned above, you may need to see a plastic surgeon instead of a dermatologist for this procedure. Remember to find the best plastic surgeon that suits your needs and goals. Types of Scars Surgery Removes Facial scar removal surgery can remove all types of scars. Here are the different types of scars surgery can remove: 1. Normal Scars The most common scars produced by the body’s healing process, normal scars usually do not become large. They also eventually fade and flatten. Minor wounds (e.g. cuts, slightly deep scratches) often produce normal scars. These scars leave marks in the form of raised lines at first. However, these lines gradually fade as long as they do not get infected. Normal scars take up to two years to fade away. However, they do not completely disappear, as they leave marks or lines. Moreover, normal fine-line scars caused by surgery or a wound may be itchy for a few months. On the upside, they flatten out and do not become painful as they heal. 2. Keloid Scars An extremely aggressive healing process produces keloid scars. Keloid scars are huge and raised. They come in pink, purple, or red colors and become darker than the surrounding skin. In some cases, keloid scars have the same color as the skin surrounding them. While keloid scarring is commonly found on the head (mostly on the earlobes after having piercings), shoulders, neck, and upper chest, keloid scarring can take place anywhere on the body. Keloid scars can start to appear after minor skin damage (e.g. piercing or acne). Then, the said scars spread beyond the damaged area. While anyone can get keloid scars, people with dark skin (e.g. African Americans, African-Carribeans, South Indians) have higher chances of getting keloid scars. 3. Hypertrophic Scars Hypertrophic scars are a result of excess collagen that built up in the area where the wound developed. They usually develop one to two months after the post traumatic event. More often than not, hypertrophic scars come in pink or red colors. While commonly developing in areas with tight skin, hypertrophic scars can appear anywhere in the body. Hypertrophic scars also do not go beyond the damaged area and can partially fade over time. 4. Contracture Scars Contracture scars are burn scars. Since burns are painful, contracture scars become as painful. Therefore, if your skin was burned, you will most likely have contracture scars. In particular, contracture scars cause your skin to tighten. They also become extremely sensitive. Consequently, these scars lead to aesthetic and functional issues. For one, contracture scars can negatively affect your movement. Contracture scars on body parts you always use to move (e.g. joints) can be painful, therefore, limiting your movement. In addition, these scars leave marks that appear wrinkly. They also come in pink and red colors. When contracture scars develop on your face, they can heavily change your appearance. 5. Pitted Scars Medical skin conditions such as chickenpox and acne produce pitted scars. In some cases, loss of underlying fat or injury can cause pitted scars. Also known as ice pick or atrophic scars, pitted scars look sunken. As a result, this type of scar becomes a cosmetic problem for several people. While the appearance of pitted scars can improve over time, they might not completely disappear. Thus, you need to have surgery if you want to completely eliminate them. FAQs about Scar Removal Facial scar removal surgery produces quick, permanent results. Here are the most frequently asked questions about facial scars removal surgery: 1. How long do the effects of scar removal surgery last? The final results of a scar removal surgery last for a long period of time. However, it may take many months for the final results to appear. In some cases, it may take almost a year for the scar to totally heal and fade. 2. How long does the procedure last? There is no universal answer to this question. Several factors affect the duration of a scar removal surgery. The location, size, and severity of your scar affect the length of the surgery. In most cases, a scar removal procedure can be performed within one to two hours. However, if the scar is huge and severe, scar removal surgery will likely take longer. The presence of other procedures such as a facelift or neck lift. Facial scar removal surgery can be done with complementary procedures. 3. What are the risks involved? Just like any type of surgery, scar removal surgery comes with risks. During your pre-operative consultation, your cosmetic surgeon will explain the risks to you. Risks of scar removal surgery include: Numbness Skin sensation changes Pain Swelling Discolouration Anesthesia risks Bleeding Infections 4. How much does scar removal surgery in the UK cost? The price of scar removal surgery in the UK depends on several factors. These include the severity & size of the scar, consultation fees, type of facility, location, and the doctor’s fees. Scar removal surgery can cost £500 to £2,000, depending on the factors mentioned. In some cases, the cost can go beyond the said range, 5. How do you choose the right cosmetic surgeon for scar removal? Here are the things you need to consider when choosing a cosmetic surgeon for scar removal: ● Board Certification If the surgeon is board-certified, he or she is qualified to perform scar removal surgery. ● Surgeon’s Approach Review the surgeon’s gallery of before and after photos to see the results he can deliver. ● Facility You must ensure that the facility where you will be operated adheres to the highest standards of safety, cleanliness, and care. ● Trustworthiness Find a surgeon that you can completely trust. Once you do, you will feel more confident discussing your goals and getting into surgery. ● Honesty The best cosmetic surgeons will give you honest, clear explanations of your options and the results you can expect. You must consider many factors before getting facial scar removal surgery. 6. What are the benefits of scar removal surgery? Here are the top benefits of scar removal surgery: ● Quick Treatment If you are looking for a treatment that won’t take years to produce results, surgery is the best option for you. ● Cost-Effective Paying for creams and gels costs more over the years compared to the one-time fee for surgery. Creams and gels also waste your time. Thus, getting surgery saves time. ● Permanent Results Scar removal surgery produces permanent results. Unlike non-surgical treatments, you won’t need to have the procedures again to maintain your scar-free appearance. ● Improves Movement Some scars affect the movement of people who have them. Removing scars through surgery lets you move freely again. Conclusion Stop wasting time and money on creams and other over-the-counter products. Completely get rid of disturbing scars through surgery. If you want to get rid of your scars as soon as possible, book a consultation with me now!

Brow Lift Surgery in London

by Admin||The Centre London

Knowing the eyebrow lift cost in London helps you determine if the treatment suits your needs. People will often focus on enhancing the appearance of their eyes since they are the window to the soul. However, unpleasant-looking brows can overpower your eyes’ beauty. You may have beautiful eyes, but unnatural eyebrows can easily negate that. The solution may be an eyebrow lift. Knowing the effects of getting a brow lift in London can help you make an informed decision regarding the surgery. In this article, I’ll talk about what a brow lift is, its benefits, and the ideal candidates for the procedure. I’ll also show you testimonials and before and after photos from some of my London clients. What is a Brow Lift? People with excellent health are often ideal candidates for brow lifts. A brow lift can be a permanent solution to your problems. A youthful brow is typically found above the orbital rim and has a lateral gradual arch. Its lateral or tail end is often higher than its medial end. However, as a person becomes older, the brows become flat and shift into a horizontal position. This results in saggy brows― a condition that makes a person look dull and old. A brow lift, also known as a forehead lift, browplasty, or forehead rejuvenation, is a cosmetic procedure used to lift the eyebrows. It mainly aims to enhance the appearance of the brow and forehead area. It does this by lifting the skin and tissue of the brow and forehead. There are different techniques your plastic surgeon can use to perform a brow lift. This surgery typically involves making incisions on the scalp. However, incisions must sometimes be made on the upper lids and/or forehead. Each year, thousands of people, including London celebrities, undergo brow lifting surgeries. This makes them one of the most popular forms of plastic surgery. Brow lift methods mainly vary according to location and length of incisions. The best method varies per patient. Consult our office to know which method is the best for you and whether you should combine it with other cosmetic procedures such as a facelift, neck lift, or eyelid surgery. Benefits of Brow Lifting A brow lift is a life-changing procedure that provides many benefits to the client: A brow lift clears up tired and angry looks Low, sagging eyebrows can make you look tired and angry, causing other people to make negative assumptions about you. They might think that you are not approachable or friendly, preventing you from making new connections. With the reduction of saggy brows and under-eye wrinkles, patients have reported looking younger and friendlier. A brow lift highlights the elegance of your eyes. Your eyes may be attractive, but low, sagging eyebrows can create more fullness above your eyes, grab attention and ruin your look. Resolving the issue with your brows can produce positive changes to your face overall. Additionally, raising your eyebrows opens your eyes more, generally speaking more open eyes look larger and brighter. This emphasizes the beauty of your eyes, as it takes unnecessary attention from your brows away. In short, your brows can’t distract people anymore. It smoothes your fine lines and wrinkles. Forehead lines and wrinkles are among the most prominent signs of ageing. When you have a lower brow, your face adapts by using your forehead to lift the area resulting in more forehead lines. While fine lines and wrinkles are a natural part of getting old, a lift can smooth them out by reducing the need for you to lift this area. The procedure can also get rid of the vertical and horizontal lines between and across the brow. Your frown lines will disappear, making your face look smoother and younger. A brow lift produces high-quality results. Injectable treatments like dermal fillers can smooth out wrinkles and lift your brows. However, the results are only temporary. The results are also more limited compared to eyebrow lifting surgery. A lift can achieve the results of any injectable treatment and more. For one, the brow lifts performed at my clinic produce natural-looking, long-lasting results. Many of my patients enjoy the results for a lifetime. A brow lift boosts your self-confidence. Saggy brows can cause an individual to become dismayed at their appearance and lose self-confidence in themselves. Constantly worrying about your appearance can be a drain on your mental and physical well-being. Low self-confidence has negative consequences. It can affect your self-esteem, work performance, and relationships. Combat the physical characteristics that you dislike and reduce the worry in your life. Failed botox treatment because of low brows. If you have low brows, you face adapts by using your forehead to lift the brow area, this can result in forehead horizontal lines. However botox in this area can result in the brow dropping a further 1-2mm, this can result in very heavy brows and fullness in the upper eyelid, and in some people can reduce vision. Many patients over the years have come to see me with “failed botox” as a result of low brows. Lifting the brows to a normal position means that there are less lines in your forehead and you can have botox in the future. A lift can achieve the results of any injectable treatment and more. For one, the brow lifts performed at my clinic produce natural-looking, long-lasting results. Many of my patients enjoy the results for a lifetime. Who are Ideal Candidates for Brow Lifts? People aged 40 or above who are in good health are typically excellent candidates for brow lift surgery. At this age range, people’s brow lines usually start to droop, and wrinkles start to develop around the brow. However, a few people in their late 20s or 30s may need a lift, especially if brow-related problems run in their families. Ideal candidates for brow lifts have realistic expectations. They are also committed to following the cosmetic surgeon’s post-surgery care instructions. If you experience at least one of the following issues, you may be an ideal candidate for a brow and forehead lift: Drooping brows Tired appearance Heavy upper eyelids Forehead fine lines and wrinkles Deep, visible grooves between the brows Vision interference from sagging brows ‘Failed anti-wrinkle treatment’ treatment from low brows Types of Eyebrow Lifting Surgery There are three main types of surgeries― open, endoscopic, and limited incision brow lift. We will explore details of the different surgeries later in the text. Before a Brow Lift You must choose the right surgeon and get a consultation before a brow lift. There are several things you need to consider before proceeding. First, you need to choose the best cosmetic surgeon. Then, you need to schedule a consultation. Choosing the Right Surgeon A surgical brow lift is a procedure that involves complex techniques near the delicate eye area. For these reasons, patients must identify a highly qualified cosmetic surgeon. The first step is choosing a board-certified cosmetic or plastic surgeon, as they will invest in top-quality standards and best surgical practices. They also use the latest technologies and techniques. On top of that, board-certified plastic surgeons continue to educate themselves to upgrade their surgical knowledge and skills. In addition, you must choose a cosmetic surgeon with a proven track record. The right surgeon for you must have excellent reviews, credentials, and a gallery of before and after photos. You must also consider the surgeon’s experience. The more experience a plastic surgeon has, the less likely it is for you to experience complications. Consultation During the pre-operative consultation at our office, you will have the chance to share your needs, concerns, and goals. We’ll talk about your goals, medical history, and current condition. Based on these, I will determine whether you are fit for an eyebrow lift and explain your potential results. Then, I will evaluate your face and note your skin and muscle condition. After that, we can determine the best treatment plan for you. I may also suggest complementing procedures based on my assessment, including a deep plane facelift, rhinoplasty, and/or a neck lift. If possible, you should bring along photos of yourself from your younger days. These photos can serve as an excellent reference point when discussing your cosmetic goals and how the procedure will work. In general, a qualified plastic surgeon will do the following during a consultation: Ask why you want to get a brow lift Take photos of you for medical records and/or computer imageing Measure your face and brows Ask you to look in front of a mirror and point out what disturbs you Assess your skin’s condition Ask about your medical history Determine whether you are an ideal candidate Make recommendations in case you need other procedures Discuss the risks of surgery Tell you the cost of a brow lift in London During a Brow Lift Your cosmetic surgeon will make an incision and stitch it up during a brow lift. Lifting your brows involves getting incisions in designated areas. The duration of your brow lift depends on the type of surgery best suited for you. It can go longer if there are complementary procedures needed. First, I will make markings on your face indicating the location of the incisions. You will then receive anaesthesia to numb the area and provide relief. In this section, I will explain how each type of brow lift typically goes. Endoscopic Brow Lift During an endoscopic brow lift, I insert an 3D camera (termed an endoscope: a long, thin tube with a light at its end affixed to a camera) through tiny incisions on the scalp. The endoscope allows me to see and work on the several internal structures of the forehead. This technique results in small and minimal scars, all hidden with the hair. This is a modern way of completing brow lift surgery as it does hide scars within the hair. Direct Brow Lift During an direct brow lift, I will make a long incision at the upper border of the brows. This technique is helpful for people who have receding hair or baldness. I will lift the skin away from the underlying tissues. After doing this, I will loosen the muscles and remove fat. I will also remove excess skin. Depending on your case, I may reposition muscle and tissue as well. Once the lifting is complete, the remaining skin and stitch the brow into its new placement. The scar is often pink initially and with time hides at the upper border of the brow. Coronal Brow Lift This older technique involved a large scar in the hair along the top of your head. It is less commonly used as it is considerably more involved that the endoscopic or direct brow lift. Other techniques often result in faster healing and more discreet scars. Since many brow and forehead lift procedures occur along with upper eyelid surgery, the incisions will finish the brow and forehead lift. This treats the lines between the eyebrows and elevates the internal structure of the brows. Recovery After a Brow Lift You need to take care of yourself after an eyebrow lift. After your eyebrow lifting surgery, I, or a staff member, will dress your forehead to minimize swelling. I will then give you specific instructions on how to take care of your incisions. Follow these instructions closely for a speedy recovery. As your scars heal, you might feel itchy and numb, but these symptoms will lessen over time. As a rule of thumb, you must not do any intense physical activity such as running or lifting for a few days after the surgery. You can do less intense activities such as daily chores. Keep in mind that your bruising and swelling might last for a few weeks. Your scars will fade over time if you follow my post-op instructions. There are several things you must do after getting an eyebrow lift. You need to take care of yourself and closely follow your surgeon’s aftercare instructions. You also need to be aware of the risks of a brow lift. Post-Operative Care for a Lifting Eyebrows Here are the usual post-op care instructions that surgeons give to patients: Apply ice on the forehead and eyes for the first 48 hours to reduce swelling and discolouration Keep your head elevated to reduce swelling. Using a recliner or an extra pillow helps Always keep the dressing dry. You may wash your face, but make sure the dressing does not get wet You may gently wash your hair 72 hours after the brow and forehead lift Avoid using hair dyes or permanent tints for one month after the brow lift Do not expose yourself to the sun or tanning beds for six weeks after the brow lift. Heat may cause your eyelids and face to swell. If you must go out in the sun, use sunscreen with SPF30 or higher Risks of Brow Lifts As with any surgery, a brow lift includes some risks, including: Sensitivity Scarring Swelling Changes in skin sensation Bruising Hair loss Cost of a Brow Lift An eyebrow lift cost in London depends on various factors like facility type and consultation fee. The cost of getting an eyebrow lift in London varies depending on several factors. These factors include: The location The type of facility The amount of experience of the surgeon The consultation fees The cost of post-op medicine Since the factors vary so broadly, you should ask your surgeon for details of all charges, including the fees for follow-up consultations. Remember, health insurance usually doesn’t cover cosmetic procedures. If you’re not sure about your case, ask your cosmetic doctor and health insurance provider first. Tips to Ensure Brow Lift Quality Care and Fair Pricing in the UK You must evaluate the cosmetic surgeon and the staff to ensure you get quality care. You must evaluate the cosmetic surgeon and the staff to ensure you get quality care. Here are some tips to ensure that you receive high-quality care and fair pricing in the UK: Evaluate how the doctor and staff treat youHigh-quality care requires open and effective communication between you, your doctor, and the staff. Look for a safe environmentThe cosmetic surgeon must provide an environment where you feel safe. This includes personal privacy and excellent customer service. Evaluate the cost of the lifting eyebrows surgeryCheap brow lifts often put you at a higher risk for complications. High-end, expensive surgeries often produce the best results. Look for medical professionals who respect youEach person has the right to receive dignity and respect. This includes the absence of discrimination based on their gender, age, sexual orientation, cultural background, or religion. Brow Lifts Before and After Photos Patient Before and After 1: This Asian doctor had a tired, heavy look when she came to me. After full eye surgery, she looked younger and more alive. Patient Before and After 2: This young Asian lady had monolids and an older-looking appearance when she came to me. After full eye surgery, she looked better and refreshed. Patient Before and After 3: This Caucasian woman had a tired look when she came to me. After full eye surgery, she looked younger. Her skin became smoother, too. Client Testimonials Here are some testimonials from my patients: “I really wanted to get my eyes done but the first surgeon I had seen said I was a poor candidate. Dr De Silva had no reservations at all and recommended a brow lift as well. He was absolutely right and the whole procedure went very smoothly. I had a headache from the sedation (I didn’t hear or see anything – I might as well have been under a general anaesthetic) but that passed by the evening of the day of surgery. I was very well informed about what to expect and aftercare was made very easy. I’m thrilled with my results and have booked in to have my lower face done too in the autumn with Dr De Silva and his team. I highly recommend him.” Source: BirdEye “I had an upper and lower blepharoplasty and a brow lift in March 2019 and I am so pleased with the results. I had lost quite a bit of weight so had lots of sagging skin. This op has made a huge difference to my appearance. I would certainly recommend Dr De Silva.” Source: RealSelf “I am a trained ophthalmologist and GP myself and took a very long time to research the best and famous surgeons available in London. Knowing how many things potentially could go wrong stopped me from having done blepharoplasty earlier, so I opted for eyebrow lift to start with. However it didn’t completely resolve my problems with heavy and Asian eyelids. After keeping a track of Dr De Silva’s reviews for a few years (yes, years – not months!) I was reassured that he is The Surgeon to go to. The whole process was like a dream: safe, very straightforward, very professional, most accommodating- I have little children and a busy professional life, and caring. Despite the COVID-19 pandemic in the country there was not a moment that I didn’t feel safe and protected. After meeting Dr De Silva face to face for the first time I knew I made the right choice. His second to none expertise, experience and very pleasant manner gave me confidence and trust I needed to make the final step. The surgery went perfectly smooth as expected of course and the results are spectacular. Not only 10 years were wiped off my face, but it looks natural! I guess the best compliment to the doctor is when the happy patient comes back for more and I am definitely coming back.” Source: RateMDs With over 22 years of experience and a total of 1,530 reviews with an average rating of 5/5 stars, I am proud to be one of the best cosmetic surgeons in London. Brow Lift London: Top Destination for Cosmetic Surgery Tourism Brow lifts are surgical treatments that remove sagging skin and tighten tissues. Our skin loses elasticity due to our body’s natural ageing process. It causes our brows to flatten and descend, contributing to brow asymmetry and aesthetic features. As such, multiple surgical techniques are available to perform an eyebrow lift procedure. These techniques tighten underlying tissues in the treatment area to produce a more youthful appearance. What brow lift treatment best works for you will depend on your surgeon. London has become a hotspot for specialists and cost-effective brow lift treatment. More people are looking to achieve their aesthetic goals and reduce skin laxity in the city due to its quality services and treatment options. In this article, I will talk about the surgical procedure, its cost, benefits, and results. How Much Does a Brow Lift Procedure Cost in the UK? Endoscopic brow lift surgery is still considered an affordable option among facial cosmetic treatments. Eyebrows are one of our defining facial features. They give our face its shape by framing our eyes strategically. Our brows lose elasticity as we age, so an eyebrow lift procedure is a popular surgical treatment to address it. Depending on your aesthetic goals, you can choose to raise, lower, or curve it. The cost of surgical brow lift treatments depends on how long the procedure is and where you have it done. In the UK, the average price of eyebrow lifts is between £5,000 and £8,000, depending on which city. Compared to other cosmetic procedures, brow lift surgery is on the more affordable side of the spectrum. Is an Endoscopic Brow Lift Worth It? Eyebrows frame the eyes and give the face shape, making it one of our most crucial facial parts. As one of our essential facial features for a natural appearance, eyebrows are prone to the effects of our body’s natural ageing process, causing them to sag, droop, and lose shape. Brow lifts are simple surgical procedures to remove loose skin and tighten our forehead creases to address these concerns. Whether this procedure is worth it or not depends on what your goals are. Brow lift surgery is a set of cosmetic procedures that can give you better, younger-looking skin. They help restore your eyebrow’s natural shape and arch, reduce eyelid sagging, and remove excess sagging skin on the face. They soften and smoothen wrinkles and frown lines in the treatment area, lift your eyebrows, and provide facial improvements. How Long Do Brow Lift Results Last? Lateral brow lift is a minimally-invasive procedure that produces results lasting a very long time. While no cosmetic procedures are permanent in addressing age-related concerns, the results last for a very long time. Depending on the lift treatment you received, non-surgical and surgical eyebrow lifts vary in longevity. A London brow lift surgery can last an average of 10 to 12 years. These minimally-invasive procedures require smaller and fewer incisions to improve the treatment area. Factors like age, skincare routine, and health condition determine how long the results will last. Surgical Brow Lifts A surgical brow lift helps improve the appearance of the forehead. Depending on your desired results, this type of cosmetic surgery requires different and specific techniques. Your surgeon strategically determines the incision locations and resulting scars, depending on the brow lift methods used. In an endoscopic brow lift, the doctor makes several small incisions on the forehead skin behind the receding hairline. A long thin tube with a camera and light is inserted through one of the incisions to view and evaluate the muscle and skin tissue in the treatment area. Another instrument is inserted through the other incision, used to adjust and lift forehead tissues, stitch or screw them in place, or employ a different, more appropriate technique. The incisions are closed by stitching or using clips. The location of the incision varies depending on the technique used. In a temporal brow lift, small incisions are made behind the hairline and near the temples. In a direct brow lift, the procedure is done by removing the skin directly above the eyebrows. In a coronal brow lift, small incisions are made behind the hairline across the top of the head from ear to ear or on the top of the head. The forehead is adjusted into a more natural position. Incisions are covered by lifting the scalp in front of them so that it overlaps and covers the incisions. What Is a Brow Lift? A brow lift is a cosmetic procedure that improves the eyebrows, giving a more youthful look. Also known as a forehead lift or forehead rejuvenation, it targets tissues on the forehead to produce younger-looking, smoother skin. It addresses facial concerns, including uneven, sagging, and low eyebrows. Our eyebrows frame our eyes and shape our faces, and it’s not exempt from the effects of our body’s natural ageing process. As such, eyebrows move down, sag, and become uneven, making you look tired, older, and not in the mood. Performing this treatment improves your overall appearance. Why Undergo Brow Lift Treatment? 1. Reshapes eyebrows to their natural arch Our eyebrows go down as we age, but brow lift procedures can address them. This treatment can restore the shape and natural arch of your eyebrows, similar to what they looked like back when you were younger. Our eyebrows start to go down and sag as we age, causing them to lose shape and form. It gives you a tired, older appearance and can affect your self-confidence. A brow lift can drastically improve the appearance of your forehead. Your eyebrows can be contoured and shaped to give you a more youthful face. 2. Removes excess skin This treatment helps tighten the skin by removing excess skin in the treatment area. Both surgical and non-surgical options, such as laser resurfacing, smoothen and soften the frown lines on your forehead. 3. Improves upper eyelid appearance The treatment pulls the skin around the eye area to improve the upper eyelid appearance. As ageing affects our skin appearance, sagging eyebrows can push down the eyelids in the process. It results in heavier-looking eyelids that make you look tired and unrested. As such, an eyebrow lift helps reduce upper eyelid sagging as a consequence, giving you a more refreshed look. 4. Reduces fine lines around the eye area The outer corners of the eye are also affected by ageing, producing wrinkles and fine lines known as crow’s feet. An eyebrow lift surgery effectively addresses these concerns, together with eyelid and forehead appearance. Pairing the procedure with post-treatment preventive habits improves the results drastically. 5. Minimises forehead lines A brow lift, also known as a forehead lift, improves the appearance of the forehead. The forehead is the most prominent and visible indicator of ageing, producing accentuated fine lines and wrinkles as we grow older. A brow lift surgery reduces these unwanted skin effects through skin tightening and stretching, giving you instant younger-looking skin. 6. Opens up the eyes Your eyes are one of the main areas affected by eyebrow sagging and forehead wrinkling. The surrounding skin can push and pull the skin around your eyes, which can sometimes obstruct vision and accentuate tiredness in your eyes. A brow lift helps pull the skin back around the treatment area, drawing the eyelids and tightening the skin in the corner of your eyes to brighten them up. 7. Gives long-lasting facial improvements A brow lift procedure, both surgical and non-surgical, has long-lasting results you can enjoy. Not only does a brow lift surgery give you fast and immediate results, but its transformative effects on your face also last long. Surgical brow lifts can last between 10 to 12 years, depending on your skincare routine, diet, and preventive habits. Non-surgical options can stay up to two years, but they may require additional treatments and complementary procedures to achieve the best results. How Is a Brow Lift Performed? The specific technique will depend on your aesthetic goals. Your doctor will decide where to make incisions in the treatment area strategically. Moreover, a brow lift surgery is performed either with general or sedation anaesthesia. The incisions of an endoscopic brow lift are made behind the hairline. This minimally-invasive procedure involves a thin tube with a mounted light and camera inserted in one incision to view the muscles and tissues and an instrument to adjust the forehead tissues in the treatment area. In a coronal brow lift, the incisions are made behind the hairline across the top of the head to adjust the forehead into its new, more natural position. The incisions are covered by overlapping the scalp in front of it. Other techniques also place incisions differently during the procedure. A temporal brow lift makes small incisions near the temples, while a direct brow lift removes the loose skin directly above the upper eyelids. What Happens During a Brow Lift Consultation? During your consultation, your brow lift surgeon evaluates your current health condition and medical history. Your doctor outlines your options and recommends the most suitable treatment method for you. In order to study and assess your face, measurements and photos are taken. Your post-treatment care and treatment are also discussed during consultation. The likely results of the surgical brow lift are presented, and the possible complications are explained in detail. Always be prepared to ask questions and raise concerns during this stage. How Should I Prepare for a Brow Lift? You must properly prepare for a brow lift procedure to make it successful. Here’s what you should do before a brow lift: 1. Research nearby doctors and clinics. Research the most experienced doctors and centres around your area before your treatment. Make sure they have the necessary certifications and qualifications to perform the surgery. Look up online reviews and read through previous patients’ experiences if there are any. It helps you narrow down your options depending on your aesthetic goals and resources. 2. Acquire lab testing. Your doctor needs your lab results and medical evaluation to examine your current health condition more accurately. They rely on your lab tests to see which procedure works best for you. 3. Adjust your current medication. Consult your specialist if you are already taking other medications or prescriptions. They will help adjust your prescription to prepare you for the surgery. You can also discuss your consultation with your surgical brow lift doctor to prepare and arrange what you need to do. 4. Avoid aspirin and other anti-inflammatory drugs. Aspirin and anti-inflammatory drugs increase bleeding and bruising. It is recommended to stop taking these medicines and supplements before the treatment. 5. Stop smoking. Smoking slows down your recovery period after the surgery, so it’s advisable to stop it weeks or a month before the treatment if you are a smoker. 6. Prepare questions to ask your surgeon. You can find checklists of questions you can ask your surgeon during the consultation and on the day of your procedure to ensure a smooth process. 7. Arrange your aftercare needs. Prepare your responsibilities ahead of the procedure. You need time to recover, and it’s best to follow your doctor’s aftercare routine to ensure a faster recovery. Recovery After Brow Lift Recovery from a brow lift surgery takes one to two weeks. It’s always crucial to give yourself time to heal. Here’s what you can do: 1. Strictly follow aftercare instructions. Actively follow your doctor’s post-treatment care routine. If possible, ask someone to take care of you for the first three nights. 2. Limit going outside. External elements such as direct sunlight, dust, and water can affect the rate of healing. Avoid going outside as much as possible. Use proper protection like umbrellas, hats, and sunglasses if you have no choice. 3. Avoid strenuous physical activities. Avoid such activities for up to two weeks to recover faster. 4. Avoid alcohol and anti-inflammatory drugs. Alcohol and anti-inflammatory drugs can trigger more bleeding and bruising in the first week of your recovery period. Avoid taking these substances for a quick recovery. 5. Get plenty of rest. Rest is essential for our body to heal. Make sure to grab every opportunity to get quality sleep. Keep your head elevated while sleeping, and avoid using mobile devices before your bedtime. 6. Stop smoking. Smoking greatly impedes your recovery. As much as possible, do not smoke until your wounds have healed within a 10- to 14-day period. Are Brow Lifts Painful? Doctors use sedatives to give you maximum comfort, and while minimally invasive, you may still experience mild discomfort and pain during surgery. Does Brow Lift Surgery Leave Scars? Scarring is an unpredictable outcome in any surgery, but brow lift surgeons make sure that scars are well-hidden in the hairline or the natural creases of the eyes. Scars from this procedure heal exceptionally well. Are Brow Lifts Permanent? The results of a surgical brow lift can last between 10 to 12 years. While these are not permanent, they last a very long time with a proper skincare routine, sun protection, and healthy habits. Brow lift surgery can enhance your appearance. Also known as a forehead lift, it is a cosmetic procedure that elevates the brows. Find out more about it now Achieve the Perfect Look With an Endoscopic Brow Lift Brow lift surgery can enhance your appearance. A brow lift, also known as a forehead lift, is a cosmetic procedure that elevates the brows. This surgical treatment enhances the appearance of the forehead and the brow. It also improves the area around your eyes by raising the skin of the forehead and brow. In this article, I will talk about the procedure and answer the most commonly asked questions about it. How Long Do Endoscopic Brow Lifts Last? An endoscopic brow lift surgery can enhance your appearance. If you’re going to invest in a cosmetic procedure or surgery, it’s natural to want to know how much the results will last. An endoscopic brow lift can last for up to more than a decade. You can enjoy the results of your endoscopic brow lift and get rid of frown lines for a long time. The length of your treatment will be determined by factors such as your age and skincare routine. How Much Does an Endoscopic Brow Lift Procedure Cost? The cost of a forehead endoscopic lift depends on many factors. Here are the factors affecting the cost: Factors Affecting the Cost Here are the factors contributing to the cost of the procedure: Location Brow lifts in London are typically higher than those performed elsewhere in the UK. Facility Type Private clinics and hospitals also charge more than public facilities. Surgeon Experience Furthermore, more experienced cosmetic surgeons charge more than less experienced surgeons. Consultation Fee Consultation prices differ amongst clinics as well. In some places like my Harley Street clinic in London, the consultation fee gets deducted from your surgery fee. Post-Op Care The cost of post-op treatment is also determined by what your doctor prescribes. As a result, you should ask your surgeon for a breakdown of all payments, including those for follow-up appointments. How Painful Is an Endoscopic Brow Lift? This type of procedure is not as painful as reconstructive surgery. The pain and healing time for a forehead and brow lift is mostly determined by the techniques used. Traditional methods, such as a coronal brow lift, require a significant amount of time for healing. They also produce more pain. In general, it takes longer to recover from a coronal brow lift than an endoscopic lift. The cosmetic treatments are also more painful. However, after an endoscopic forehead lift, the majority of my patients experience minor to no discomfort. If they do, the pain can be alleviated by taking pain medication after the treatment. After the treatment, patients usually experience some numbness in the forehead. However, using the endoscopic technique significantly lessens this sensation. This seemingly permanent numbness will also improve after approximately six weeks. It may be accompanied by some brief itching. After an average of one week has passed since the surgical procedure, the patient may resume doing normal, non-strenuous activities. Keeping your head elevated as you recover can also help with the pain. Is an Endoscopic Brow Lift Permanent? There are a lot of people interested in finding out whether or not this treatment is a permanent one. Although a brow and forehead lift will produce effects that last for a long time, the procedure’s primary purpose is to repair problems that have already developed on the patient’s face and forehead. In a sense, an endoscopic brow lift is permanent given that you have it at an older age. However, you might have to have another brow lift if you had the procedure at a young age. On the upside, the effects of a brow or forehead lift typically remain for several years, despite the fact that the skin will normally continue to lose some elasticity as a natural part of the ageing process. It’s also possible that maintaining healthy skin will help the results last even longer. Techniques that support the formation of collagen can assist improve the laxity of the skin. Protecting the skin from sun exposure can also encourage healthy skin that may age at a slower rate. What Is Endoscopic Brow Lift Surgery? This procedure is a cosmetic treatment, just like breast augmentation. An endoscopic brow lift is a cosmetic surgical technique used to restore the elasticity of soft tissues in the upper portion of the face. Excess sagging skin around the forehead causes brow drooping (ptosis). Wrinkles are also eliminated by rearranging the underlying muscle and soft tissue. It gives the upper third of the face a more rejuvenated, youthful appearance. It can also be used in conjunction with a facelift. Endoscopy is the insertion of a flexible tube containing a lit camera and surgical equipment through a surgical incision. Endoscopes are increasingly employed in numerous reconstructive and cosmetic surgical treatments. Therefore, endoscopic brow lift surgery is becoming more popular since it is less intrusive. It also allows you to recover faster than standard brow lift surgery. In some cases, the entire forehead skin had to be manipulated for proper brow rejuvenation. This type of facial surgery can get rid of frown lines and an unsightly brow line. It can also lift the upper third of the face. In my patients, the lift achieved their desired forehead rejuvenation. Endoscopic Brow Lift Surgery: The Process During the procedure, I insert an endoscope (a long, thin tube with a light at one end attached to a camera) via microscopic incision sites in the scalp. The endoscope allows the cosmetic surgeon to examine and treat the various interior structures of the forehead. This technique calls for extremely small incisions. Then, I will lift your forehead tissues and anchor them in the right places. I might have to adjust your brow position as well. For this, I’ll consider the state of your upper eyelid. After this, I will close the small incisions. Interestingly, this type of brow procedure is, in a sense, the most minimally invasive type of brow surgery. FAQS for Brow Lift In this section, I’ll answer the most frequently asked questions about brow lifts. This lifting surgery is less complicated than reconstructive surgery. Here are the most commonly asked questions (with answers) about endoscopic brow lift surgery: How long does a brow lift procedure last? The cosmetic operation will last between one and three hours. However, the procedure can last longer if you need to have other complementary procedures. How long does the effect of a direct brow lift last? On average, a brow lift can last for up to more than a decade. In some cases, the effects can last for up to a lifetime, especially if you had it done later in life. Is a brow lift procedure safe? This cosmetic surgery, like any other operation, involves some risks. These risks include scarring, itching on the scalp, allergic reaction to general anaesthesia or local anaesthesia, swelling, and infections. However, when done by a qualified and experienced doctor like Dr. Julian De Silva, any brow lifting surgery (e.g. endoscopic, direct, or temporal brow lift) becomes safe and effective. Does brow lift surgery work? Brow lift surgery does work. It can give your face a more youthful appearance by elevating the soft tissue and skin of your forehead and brow. It can also highlight the beauty of your upper eyelid, making your eyes look more attractive. What type of anaesthesia is used for a brow lift? The precise type of brow lift determines the type of anaesthetic. However, I usually perform an endoscopic brow lift surgery using sedation anaesthesia (oral or intravenous). It’s also known as MAC (monitored anaesthesia care) or twilight anaesthesia. Can you do an endoscopic brow lift with other surgeries? Yes, this type of surgery can be safely done with other types of plastic surgery. These include upper blepharoplasty, transblepharoplasty brow lift, breast surgery, breast augmentation, facelift, rhinoplasty, and more. Before and After Photos Here are some before and after photos of my clients. In a nutshell, my clients suffered from various issues such as brow ptosis, heavy brows, and facial ageing. Patient 1 For many years, this Caucasian woman had been unhappy with her increasingly fatigued look. For many years, this Caucasian woman had been unhappy with her increasingly fatigued look. She wanted to make it look like her eyes naturally improved. She had open eyes but very low brows. While elevating her brows can help with this, it can also cause a change in a person’s natural appearance. So, she began investigating plastic surgeons in the UK to find out which surgery would be best for softening her looks and making her eyes look brighter. I, Dr. De Silva, inspected her eyelids during her appointment and advised upper and concealed incision lower blepharoplasty or eyelid surgery to correct the sagging skin around her eyes. She had never had any type of plastic surgery before and was nervous about the outcome. I tightened the muscles beneath the skin’s surface to generate a firmer, more youthful appearance (canthopexy). I also used cutting-edge procedures and best practices to provide natural-looking results and reduce scarring. Patient 2 This 42-year-old woman was concerned about the appearance of her brow. This 42-year-old woman was concerned about the appearance of her brow. Her eyes also gave her a worn and melancholic expression. So, she sought out cosmetic surgery with competence in the area of the eyes. She chose to speak to me, Dr. De Silva, a plastic surgeon who specialised solely in the face, after doing some research. She addressed her concerns with me during her consultation. The patient also asked me what I recommended for her. However, she was apprehensive about scars following surgery because she had many worries about her upper eyelids. I discussed all of her concerns with her and she decided to proceed with telescopic brow lift surgery (a specialised concealed incision procedure in which the cuts are hidden in the hair) and upper eyelid surgery with carbon dioxide laser skin resurfacing. Patient 3 This man in his fifties had observed an increase in tiredness in his face and eyes. This man in his fifties had observed an increase in tiredness in his face and eyes. He discovered that the changes were harming his look and well-being. I observed that while his eyelids were showing signs of ageing, he also had relatively low brows, with only millimetres between his upper and lower eyelids. He also needed extra care because he had dry eyes. His eyes might and facial nerve might be damaged by brow lifting and eyelid surgery. So, following a thorough examination, I performed a hidden-scar (3-D cameras) brow lift, upper and lower blepharoplasty with fat transfer, and CO2 laser. Brow procedures for men must be done with caution and artistry because over-lifting the brows can generate a shocked and feminine look. In the end, the patient was extremely pleased with the end outcome. He saw a noticeable natural change in his appearance. The patient also returned to me, Dr. De Silva, for additional surgeries. The photograph demonstrates the outcomes of the upper blepharoplasty and brow lift two months later. Conclusion A brow lift can help solve problems that have been bothering you for years. It can relieve constant stress, increase your confidence, and remove years from your face. If you’re planning on having a brow lift, contact our London office for a consultation now!

My experience of a deep plane Facelift and neck lift with Dr Julian De Silva 2021- Part 2

by Admin||The Centre London

This wonderful patient had deeper neck surgery combined with blepharoplasty, fat transfer, ptosis surgery and skin rejuvenation. She shares her experience and recovery and the difference this procedure has made to her. This is Dr De Silva’s signature natural deep plane facelift and neck lift. Natural enhanced neck and jaw line. I combine facelift surgery with other facial treatments to give a better natural looking and longer lasting result. Dr. Julian De Silva For more information, click here. Dr. Julian De Silva is a London facial cosmetic and plastic surgeon, he is an expert on the latest advances in facial cosmetic surgery and does not perform any body plastic surgery. Dr. Julian De Silva specializes in facelift & neck lift surgery, revision facelift and revision neck lift surgery, Blepharoplasty and Rhinoplasty. 20-40% of all the surgery he completes is revision surgery from other doctors. Find out more about us on our homepage. SPEAKERS Dr Julian De Silva From the minute I wake up, I’m always trying to present the best version of me. Whether it be my hair, my makeup, my face, my body, even to walk caption to write on a selfie, it’s never ending. And it’s not just me more than ever before young people are feeling the pressure to be perfect. So where is this pressure coming from? And when did being Little Miss perfect become the ultimate prize? To find out what’s driving this perfection pandemic I’ll make the people go into extreme lands for the perfect face. I just wanted to look at plastic and fake look and the perfect body had up lifts, live posts, and I felt like I needed that to feel better, and the perfect life. I think people think is perfect. We only share the things that we choose to share. I learn how social media and advertising is driving our obsession with perfection. We compare with celebrities and influencers on social media whose lives are just manufactured and calibrated to generate likes, and I’ll challenge myself to celebrate my own imperfection. What I used to be called hamster cheeks when I was younger. As I get to Trump the filter and attempt to embrace my flaws. Love the ideal postcard meeting the imperfect models who have learned to love the skin they’re in what other agencies might consider a flaw that their selling point and joining them for my own bare faced photo shoot. So for the next two weeks, I’ll dare to bet the real me as I go filter free have has given many of us a complex depth resume boom, cosmetic doctors and plastic surgeons have seen a drastic rise in bookings for facial treatments. What I want to know is what actually makes a face perfect. Dr. Julian De Silva, a Harley Street cosmetic surgeon thinks he’s found the answer to the server Pleased to meet you today. Demand for his work has skyrocketed after he developed a way to measure booty to help him recreate the perfect face for his clients. So john, why are we so obsessed with how we look since the beginning of time, there’s always been like a search for what is beautiful and all of us recognise like a beautiful face. But how can we measure it? Yeah, so I developed a tool analysing the human face based on the golden ratio and so Golden Ratio while we know from Renaissance times has been used in paintings to define beauty. using that same principle we can apply the golden ratio to a human face and that will give us an objective measure of beauty. A golden ratio is a mathematical equation commonly found in nature and often used to create beautiful art and architecture. By measuring various facial features. Dr. de Silva has discovered that the closer they ask the golden ratio, the more perfect the face. Taking a human face, you can broadly define 12 objective measurements so one could be the eyes, the eyebrows, the nose length, the lip proportions. taking those measurements, you can compare them with the golden ratio, which is a ratio of 1.618 and we can get a percentage of how close that is to perfection. So in a way it’s difficult to choose one characteristic on the face so that one characteristic will make a person beautiful, because it really is the sum of all the different characteristics. We applied our tool to a whole host of life celebrities and overall when we did this Amber Heard came up top and scored 97% and proportions of her nose are very elegant. The length of her nose compared to the width of the nose correlates very closely with the golden ratio. days. That’s not a good photo. Well the good news is you scored really highly you scored an 87% which is really good. I always thought I have a fat face. You have a beautiful face. Do you have like volume in the cheekbones to make your face look more feminine? I used to be called hamster cheeks when I was younger

The Deep Plane Facelift And Neck Lift: A Patient’s Experience

by Admin||The Centre London

A patient shares her experience of Dr De Silva’s facelift and neck lift surgery which she combined with the following surgeries: Chin implant, Brow lift blepharoplasty, and Fat transfer Sharing her anxiety prior to the surgery and what her recovery was like post-surgery. A unique insight considering that this is Dr Julian De Silva’s signature deep plane facelift and neck lift combined with other facial treatments to deliver a naturally enhanced neck and jawline that is longer-lasting. “I do not perform any body plastic surgery, my area of specialization is the face and neck lift surgery, blepharoplasty and rhinoplasty. With 20-40% of my work being revision surgeries, correcting previous surgeries done by other surgeons.” – Dr Julian De Silva, Harley Street, London Transcript Whenever you’re probably okay, well I was always wanting to have more nectar. I was never happy with it. I was really apprehensive before I had the surgery because I didn’t know what to expect. And Dr. Silva did explain things to me. But until you go through it, you don’t really know. I used to look in the mirror and think to myself, you know, why am I doing this? But always the answer was by looking into the mirror. It was most easy experience. It was so easy. I was worried about sedation because I’ve never had a operation before in my life. And but I knew nothing about it. I remember them telling me you’re gonna feel a bit woozy next thing on us. Seven and a half hours later, I was back in the room, felt absolutely fine. Went back to my room, walked back to my room. I had no pain throughout any of it. Sometimes a little bit of uncomfortable but never any pain. The girls were great, looked after me through the night and went home the next day and feels amazing and so glad I did. It was definitely the best decision should have done it years ago. Thinking about having somebody do it called Dr. de Silva. And do it. Honestly, it was a he I saw a few surgeons but as soon as I met him, I knew he was the right person. And I was right. He is the best that you face. Don’t trust your face with anyone but the best. But yeah, it was it was a really good experience and they’ll recommend it to anyone who’s not happy.

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