This is a very topical question that many of my patients have asked me. It is difficult not to be curious when you come across photos of Renee and how much her appearance has changed over the past few years. Many articles in the media have suggested she has had some radical plastic surgery, so what has really happened?
What Has Changed?
Renée’s appearance has changed, specifically her eyelids. When she was younger she had very full upper eyelids, relatively low eyebrows and a relatively short distance between her eyebrows and her eyelid. As a result, you could barely see her upper eyelids. They were quite hooded. Now you can see a great deal more of her eye and her upper eyelid.
While most women have relatively high eyebrows and a more open eyelid appearance, it can be an error to over-generalize appearance.
Why Has This Happened?
It appears that Renee had an upper eyelid blepharoplasty. It looks as if too much soft tissue was removed with the eyelid surgery, changing her appearance. All of us look at each other’s eyelids in communication whether socially or professionally, and a change in the appearance around your eyelids can really alter person’s appearance.
As a specialist in facial cosmetic and plastic surgery, I only perform facial surgery and blepharoplasty (also known as an eyelid lift.) Eyelid surgery is the most common procedure that I perform. A key factor in eyelid rejuvenation and blepharoplasty is maintaining the patient’s facial identity. A surgeon must consider what the patient looked like when they were younger so as to avoid an unrecognizable change in his/ her countenance.
Eyelid surgery is both delicate and intricate as the human eye can notice even a one millimeter difference between the two eyes. A general plastic surgeon is accustomed to performing surgery of the centimeters of the breast and body. Eyelid surgery requires fine millimeter precision work for a great result. It is important to discuss what the patient would like to achieve; the surgery can then be tailored to achieve this.
I use my own customized techniques to ensure my patients receive natural-looking results. The attention to detail does require a longer surgery time, however my philosophy is to do things only once and with the best outcome.
Can This Appearance Be Changed?
The upper eyelid is anatomically and functionally intricate. It is challenging to reverse the previous surgery and to restore more volume to it. Approximately 20% of all eyelid surgeries I perform are revision surgeries on patients who have had an initial blepharoplasty elsewhere. Once volume is taken away from the upper eyelid it can be difficult to restore the appearance while still maintaining a natural look. Fat transfer to the upper eyelid is a viable option for restoring volume to the upper eyelid, but it is a highly intricate and specialized procedure that requires an expert hand. Do you want to know more about eyelid surgery? Check out this web page on eyelid surgery.
Avoid the Situation in the First Place
The advice I would give anyone looking to have eyelid surgery is to take your time, and research both the procedure and your surgeon. Watch my video for suggestions and tips for choosing the best blepharoplasty surgeon for you.
Natural surgery requires a degree of artistry by the surgeon to ensure that your appearance is only a rejuvenation of how your eyes used to look.
Although Renee’s appearance has changed she still looks healthy, rejuvenated and happy.
About the Doctor
Dr Julian De Silva is a London facial cosmetic surgeon who
specializes in the eyes, nose, face and neck areas only. Dr De Silva is recognised as an expert on the latest advances in facial cosmetic surgery, and previously worked in both Beverley Hills and New York before London.
- Top Qualifications from World Class Cosmetic Surgery Centres
- International Speaker and Surgical Trainer in Facial Cosmetic Surgery
- Voted Best leader by colleagues, Awarded the only Distinction in Masters
- Known for Innovative techniques that deliver Natural Looking Rapid Results
- Nomination by Peers for best Cosmetic Surgeon in 2011-2012-2013
Talk through your concerns with a facial cosmetic surgery expert. Contact us today.
Centre for Advanced Facial Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery
The Centre, 89 Hammersmith Grove, London, W6 0NQ, UK
10 Harley Street, London, W1G 9PF
Phone: 033 0808 3923
(Photo: Brian To /