nose job

A higher nose job cost usually means better service and treatment.

One of the most popular cosmetic treatments in the world is nose reshaping. When done by a skilled surgeon, it can change your life. It can increase your confidence, boost your career, and solve nasal issues. Given this, those who want to get the procedure often ask how much is a nose job. When it comes to plastic surgery, knowing the nose job cost in the UK can help you make the right decision.

What Is A Nose Job?

nose job results

Nose job cost should not be a worry because it is more practical in the long run.

Also known as rhinoplasty, it is a surgical procedure that aims to change the shape of one’s nose. The procedure can change your nose’s appearance, improve its function, or both.

The upper vault of your nose is composed of bone. The lower part is made of cartilage. Nose surgery can change bone, cartilage, or both. Your cosmetic surgeon will decide what changes to make and to what extent.

When planning a nose job, your surgeon has to examine your nose relative to your face. Dr De Silva examines the patient’s nose in relation to other parts of the face including the eyes and chin.

After this, he will determine exactly what to change. In some cases, I recommend complementary procedures based on individual goals and needs. These procedures include a chin implant, facelift and eyelid lift.

While mainly done to reshape the nose, it can also be done for other purposes, such as correcting a prior nose job or enhancing an ethnic nose. These procedures are called revision- and ethnic rhinoplasty, respectively. My clinic offers these surgical procedures.

Cost Of Nose Job Components

nose cosmetic surgery cost

If you have been asking how much nose reshaping is, you must know how much each component costs. By doing this, you will arrive at a more accurate estimate. Here are the prices of nose surgery components:


Before getting rhinoplasty or nose surgery, you must consult a doctor. Some doctors charge an upfront fee for consultation, while others do not. Depending on the doctor, you might be required to pay a consultation fee in addition to the procedure fee.

During our consultation, I will walk you through the process. We will discuss your current health and medical history. Then, I will explain whether the procedure is best for you. I also might suggest other procedures that complement your new nose.

After we finalise your treatment plan, you can set an appointment for your surgery.

Medical Tests

Depending on the case, some patients have to get medical tests. These usually apply to those who need revision surgery.

Revision rhinoplasty is a kind of surgery that fixes the effects of severe trauma. Since revision involves corrective surgery, you might need to get an X-ray before the procedure. In addition, you might also be required to get a COVID-19 test because of the pandemic.

Depending on the test, you might have to allocate at least £100.


Rhinoplasty is a major surgery and therefore requires anaesthesia. Depending on the type of anaesthesia and your doctor, you might have to pay a few hundred pounds.

In my clinic, I use sedation anaesthesia. It is because sedation is safer than general anaesthesia. In addition, sedation anaesthesia has a shorter recovery period than general anaesthesia. For these reasons, I prefer sedation anaesthesia over general anaesthesia.

Though more expensive, sedation anaesthesia ensures your comfort and safety. They are worth spending a little bit more money on.

You might need to prepare up to a thousand pounds for sedation anaesthesia.

Surgeon Fees

Nose surgeons with more experience charge more than those with less experience.
Surgeon fees vary. It mainly depends on the experience and skill of the cosmetic surgeon.
For instance, cosmetic surgeons with more experience charge more than those with less experience. In addition, surgeons with more advanced skills charge higher than those who do not.

Given these, you have to allocate thousands of pounds for a more experienced surgeon. Despite this, more experienced and skilled surgeons are worth the price. It is because they are safer and deliver better results. You are, after all, investing in an improved quality of life.


Even though the procedure does not require you to stay overnight, you have to allocate funds for using the facility.

For one, the facility needs to be maintained. The maintenance fees are usually divided among the patients using it. In addition, tools have to be regularly cleaned to avoid infection.

Given these, prices usually include facility fees. The cost depends on the type of facility you are using. Private facilities cost more, but they are usually cleaner and less crowded. They are also safer because they have a low infection risk.

There are different types of facility some are private hospitals that have a mixture of different procedures, some are more specialist. Although I have used private hospitals with general facilities in the past, I now use a specialist facility that is only for facial surgery, this is more customized for the specific purpose of rhinoplasty.

Depending on the facility, you might have to pay a few hundred to a thousand pounds.


You might need medicine after your surgery. Your doctor might prescribe medicine and let you buy them. On the other hand, your doctor might give the medicine to you. If you get a prescription, you will most likely pay for the medicine. In contrast, you might get the medicine for free as part of your nose surgery cost.

Depending on what you need, your medicine can cost less than a hundred pounds.

Post-Op Care

You might need to buy other things such as ice packs for your nose job recovery. This is an additional cost you have to consider. Some cosmetic surgeons offer post-op support for free. You can usually contact the staff anytime if you have any concerns or queries after the surgery. Other cosmetic surgeons, however, might ask for an additional fee.
I personally include all of these fees with the surgery so there are no additional costs.

You might have to set aside a few hundred pounds for post-op care and support.

How Much Do Nose Jobs Cost in the UK?

results after nose surgery

Nose job cost usually include surgeon fees, anaesthesia cost, and facility use.

Now that we have discussed the components of a nose job, it is easier to estimate costs.

Nose jobs cost between £5,000 to £15,000 in the UK. The price varies depending on location, facility type, cosmetic surgeon, and goals. The cost can vary from one city to another. In London, it might be priced differently compared to Birmingham or Asia.

In addition, costs can add up if you want to improve the overall look of your face, because you need other procedures to achieve this.

Expensive vs Cheap Nose Job Cost: Which Is Better?

factors affecting rhinoplasty price

Depending on some factors, your nose job cost can go higher or lower.

Frankly put, rhinoplasty can take 1 hour or it can take 2.5x longer, 2.5 hours. The detail involved in this procedure means measuring and meticulous technique takes time which adds up to more time in surgery and a higher cost.

Some nose jobs attract patients mainly because of their low prices. However, you might end up spending more when the cheap procedure gets botched. For one, a cheap nose operation has a higher chance of failing. When this happens, you will need another surgery to correct your nose. This means that you have to pay another set of fees.

A cheap nose procedure also has a higher chance of deteriorating compared to its costly counterpart. A high-end nose procedure, on the other hand, can last for up to a lifetime. In addition, an affordable one can cause complications. When this happens, you need to pay for another set of medical bills. In this case, you end up paying more than the high-end cost.

Given these, an expensive nose job is more cost-effective than a cheap one in the long run.

Why Pay For The Best Rhinoplasty Surgeon in London?

high quality cosmetic surgery

A high-end nose job is always better than a cheap one.

A nose job is a big yet rewarding investment. Given this, you need to work with the best rhinoplasty surgeon. Here are the reasons why paying for the best nose surgeon is worth it:

1. You get the best results.

Skilled and experienced surgeons give you the best results. These results match the existing features of your face. They do not look artificial.

I, for one, give natural and subtle results that complement your face. After the surgery, people will notice your appearance improving. However, they won’t be able to pinpoint how it exactly changed. That is the beauty of getting treated by a high-end surgeon.

In addition, the results of your surgery are based on the Golden Ratio, a universal standard for beauty.

2. You are as safe as possible.

Cheap procedures can come at a price, i.e. botched. It is because the doctors performing them have less experience, skills, or training.

In addition, a botched operation might cause complications that you need to recover from. These complications can be harmful in the long run. Hence, you must ensure that your operation does not get botched.

A competent rhinoplasty surgeon ensures your safety. I, for one, check your medical history and current condition before the surgery. I do this to ensure you won’t have any complications. Using state-of-the-art equipment and techniques, I guarantee your nose job will be as safe as possible.

3. You experience minimal pain.

A nose job is major surgery. Therefore, it is painful. However, surgery does not have to be extremely painful. The best rhinoplasty surgeon makes sure that you experience minimal pain. Aside from anaesthesia, your surgeon must use certain techniques to minimise pain.

I use sedation anaesthesia instead of general anaesthesia. It is because sedation is safer and lets you recover faster. On top of that, I use special techniques to further decrease the pain. After the surgery, I can prescribe pain medicine depending on your situation. I will also give you tips to minimise pain as you recover.

4. You get the best value for your hard-earned money.

You have to spend thousands of pounds on a nose operation. It is a huge investment and therefore, you must make the most out of it. Working with the best surgeon lets you get the best value for your hard-earned money. It lets you make the most out of your investment― one that can last up to a lifetime.

5. You have a customised treatment plan.

A treatment plan customised for your face is important. Every patient’s face is unique. Due to this, there is no one-size-fits-all approach. Hence, you must have a treatment plan customised for your face.

I always tell my patients that what works for others might not work for them. Sometimes, I have to recommend complementary procedures like deep plane facelift and brow lift. Other times, I do not.

A customised treatment plan is crucial to achieving your goals. If your goal is to be more attractive or look younger, your treatment must be tailored according to your current face condition.

6. You get the best customer service and patient-centred care.

An excellent surgeon works with an excellent team that understands patient-centred care. Thus, you get the best customer service possible.

At my clinic, my staff is fully trained to serve you. My team ensures that you get nothing but the best service― from the moment you contact us to after the surgery. The receptionists, nurses, and other specialists at my clinic will treat you with the utmost respect.

Choose To Work With One Of The Best Rhinoplasty Surgeons

cost, safety and success of nose job

There are several reasons why a better nose job costs more.

When it comes to getting cosmetic surgery, you get what you pay for. If you want to get the best rhinoplasty results in London, then you must work with the best nose surgeon in the UK.

I am proud to be one of the best rhinoplasty specialists in the UK. I was also given several awards like the Imperial College London Innovation Award and West London Gold Medal Research Award.

To know exactly how much is a nose job, book a consultation with me. Call us to book your consultation today!