You can get rid of under eye wrinkles through surgical and non-surgical procedures.

As you get older, things change. One of the most dreadful changes? Under eye wrinkles.

Eye wrinkles are common among ageing people because the skin loses its elasticity over time. Additionally, the skin under the eyes is thin. This makes people susceptible to having fine lines under the eye.

However, under eye wrinkles can be treated. You can get rid of them for good through cosmetic procedures― both surgical and non-surgical. There are also a few things you can do to slow down their progression.

In this article, I’ll discuss the causes, types, prevention and treatment of under eye wrinkles.

Common Causes of Under Eye Wrinkles

causes of eye wrinkles

From ageing to sleeping habits, there are various causes of under eye wrinkles.

Proper prevention and treatment of under eye wrinkles involves knowing what causes your under eye wrinkles.

1. Aging

Aging is the top cause of fine lines and wrinkles under eyes.

As you age, your skin becomes less elastic. Your under eye is prone to wrinkling because the periorbital hollow― the hollow part under your eye ― is covered with thin skin.
Thin skin with less elasticity means more under eye wrinkles.

Genetics also determine how early the signs of ageing will hit you. For instance, Caucasians are more prone to ageing than African Americans and Asians.

2. Smoking

Smoking is another common cause of under eye wrinkles, next to ageing.

For starters, smoking exposes your skin to oxidative stress. Extra oxidative stress lessens your body’s ability to detoxify harmful substances.

As a result, your body becomes less capable of fighting free radicals. This damages your skin, leading to under eye wrinkles and fine lines.

3. UV Rays

unprotected sun exposure

The sun’s ultraviolet rays can cause under eye wrinkles.

Collagen makes your skin supple. It is vital in keeping a youthful look.

Ultraviolet (UV) radiation breaks down collagen. UV rays also prompt the formation of free radicals, which damage your skin’s elastic fibers.

Unprotected sun exposure is the main cause of UV rays. Sunless tanning beds can also expose you to harmful UV rays.

4. Facial Movement

Repetitive facial expressions such as frowning, smiling, and squinting can cause fine lines to develop around your eye.

It’s because facial movements make the area around your eyes crease. Over time, minor creasing accumulates.

The more you do something over time, the more it has a tendency to stay that way. Since we express ourselves daily, repetitive facial motion eventually leads to under eye wrinkles.

5. Sleeping Habits

Surprisingly enough, your sleeping habits cause wrinkles.

If the same facial muscles are pushed against a pillow each night, your skin loses its ability to go back to its original place.

Hence, sleeping with your face buried in your pillow can cause under eye wrinkles.

Types of Wrinkles

types of undereye wrinkles

There are four main types of undereye wrinkles caused by various factors.

Aside from determining what causes under eye wrinkles, it’s also important to know what type of under eye wrinkles you have.

1. Gravitational Folds

Gravitational folds are usually caused by ageing.

As you age, gravity naturally takes its course. This causes your tissues to gradually deflate. As a result, your skin folds and droops.

In particular, gravity causes your skin to lose some of the attachments to the fascia. The fascia is composed of connective tissue, primarily collagen, found under the skin. The fascia stabilizes and encloses your muscles.

Once the attachments are not strong enough, your skin starts to fold and droop. Examples of this are under eye wrinkles and droopy eyelids.

2. Dynamic Wrinkles

Dynamic wrinkles are usually caused by repetitive facial motion.

When you smile or frown, the muscles under your skin contract and expand. These cause temporary lines.

As you repeat these expressions, the lines become deeper and more permanent. Dynamic wrinkles usually develop between your brows, forehead, and the area around your eyes.

3. Static Wrinkles

Static wrinkles are usually caused by UV rays and smoking.

As its name suggests, static wrinkles are visible even when your face is at rest. Static wrinkles are more permanent compared to dynamic wrinkles. Over time, dynamic wrinkles can become static wrinkles.

Static wrinkles appear due to skin damage caused by loss of elastic fibers and low collagen levels. These processes are prompted by UV rays and smoking.

In addition, static wrinkles are usually found under your eye and on your cheeks, upper lip, and base of your neck.

4. Compression Wrinkles

Compression wrinkles are usually caused by poor sleeping habits. This type of wrinkle is the most recent category to be discovered.

As its name implies, compression wrinkles are a result of compressing your face against a pillow while you sleep.

At an early stage, compression wrinkles usually disappear during the day. However, they can become permanent if you don’t treat them soon.

How to Prevent Under Eye Wrinkles

under eye wrinkles prevention

You can prevent under eye wrinkles by closely following some tips.

You can slow down the progression of under eye wrinkles if you start protecting your skin at a young age. Here are some tips that can help prevent under eye wrinkles. Take note that these steps are for prevention, not treatment.

1. Avoid UV rays.

UV rays expose you to free radicals, so you must avoid it as much as you can.

The best way of avoiding the sun is staying indoors during midday, or when the sun is at its hottest.

If you’re stepping outside, use an umbrella. Putting on dark sunglasses or a wide-brimmed hat also helps. Doing either of them protects your eyes and prevents you from squinting under the sun.

In addition, you must avoid indoor tanning. It is particularly harmful for young people. Those who start indoor tanning during early adulthood are prone to skin damage and skin cancer.

2. Always put sunscreen on.

sunscreen protection

Always use sunscreen with SPF 35 or higher to avoid under eye wrinkles.

Put your sunscreen on every day, whether you are going out or not.

As a rule of thumb, you must use sunscreen with SPF 35 or higher. Generously apply it to all exposed skin 30 minutes before sun exposure.

Reapply the sunscreen after swimming, sweating, or drying off your skin. This is a must because the sunscreen gets rubbed off by water. If you’re outside for a long period, reapply your sunscreen every two hours.

3. Use the right products according to your skin’s condition.

There are many anti-ageing products in the market. The best products to prevent wrinkles? Those that boost your collagen levels.

Products with hyaluronic acid (HA) are the best for people who are starting to see signs of ageing. The moisturising and collagen-boosting effects of HA effectively helps slow down the appearance of under eye wrinkles.

I can attest to HA’s effectiveness as it’s a component of the dermal fillers used in my clinic.

4. Change your sleeping habits.

A poor sleeping position can cause compression wrinkles.

I highly encourage you to sleep on your back. It’s because sleeping on your side or face is a breeding ground for wrinkles.

While we’re at it, make sure to get at least eight hours of high-quality sleep each night. Make sure that there are no distractions that can wake you up in the middle of the night. Sleeping at a certain time each night also helps.

5. Quit smoking.

Smoking is one of the main causes of under eye wrinkles. Like UV rays, it exposes you to free radicals that damage your skin.

Hence, it’s best if you quit smoking. I know that the process won’t be easy, but I assure you that it is worth it.

Patients who quit smoking not only prevented further skin damage. They also became physically and mentally healthier.

6. Drink enough water every day.

drink enough water

Drink at least eight glasses of water each day to avoid under eye wrinkles.

Hydrating your skin from the inside is just as crucial as hydrating it from the outside.

As a rule of thumb, drink at least eight glasses of water every day. Avoid sugary drinks such as soda, sports drinks, and artificial juice.

Remember, skin that is hydrated retains its elasticity. Plus, well hydrated skin keeps its shape despite decreased collagen levels.

7. Cut the alcohol down.

If you are drinking at least two servings of alcohol per day, it’s time to cut it down.

Alcohol affects any mucous membrane― from the skin to the liver. It takes the fluid out of your skin, leaving it prone to damage.

In addition, drinking makes you look older. A person drinking for 20 to 30 years has more wrinkles compared to someone with the same age who doesn’t drink.

8. Avoid stress.

Stress can make your skin less elastic. It’s because it can affect the proteins that help keep your skin supple.

Repeatedly frowning and furrowing your brow can also lead to wrinkles. Hence, it’s best to avoid what’s causing you to frown and furrow your brow.

When you’re stressed, try using healthy coping mechanisms such as watching a movie, reading, or cooking.

How to Treat Under Eye Wrinkles

Under eye wrinkles can be treated through non-surgical and surgical treatments.

Tear Trough Fillers: Non-Surgical Option

non-invasive treatment options

Tear trough fillers are a non-invasive treatment for under eye wrinkles.

Tear trough fillers are gel-like substances injected under your eyes. These dermal fillers add volume to your eyes. By doing this, wrinkles and other damages under your eyes disappear.

This under eye wrinkles treatment is done by injecting a needle with hyaluronic acid (HA) in the tear trough― the crease between your upper cheek and lower eyelid.

The tear trough becomes more evident as you age. It’s also a breeding ground for puffiness and under eye wrinkles. Thus, treating this area can effectively treat eye wrinkles.

The procedure lasts for 10 to 15 minutes, with instantaneous results. It’s vital to choose an experienced specialist, since the positioning of the needle is crucial.

After two weeks, you can return to the clinic for a post-treatment checkup. If you and I feel that more product is needed, you can have more fillers injected.

I always take a conservative approach with dermal fillers. It’s because fillers can always be added but not easily taken away.

However, tear trough fillers are only a temporary solution to under eye wrinkles. Its results can last for up to 2 years.

Blepharoplasty: Surgical Option

surgical options

Blepharoplasty is a surgical treatment for under eye wrinkles.

Blepharoplasty is more commonly known as eyelid surgery or under eye wrinkle surgery.

There are two types of blepharoplasty― upper blepharoplasty and lower blepharoplasty.

Upper blepharoplasty is done on the upper eyelid. A small incision is made in the area to remove and reposition the fat.

On the other hand, lower blepharoplasty involves under eye wrinkles surgery. The procedure removes tissue and repositions it on your lower eyelid.

While lower blepharoplasty is for the under eye, it is ideally done along with upper blepharoplasty. It’s because a complete blepharoplasty procedure enhances your eyes’ overall appearance.

One of the main concerns of patients planning to get blepharoplasty is the presence of scars.

The trans-conjunctival technique solves this. I use this technique to hide the scars on the natural creases around your eyes. This technique also keeps your eyelid’s shape.

Additionally, I use sedation anesthesia, which causes faster recovery compared to traditional anesthesia. Due to this, all of my patients recover within 30 minutes after the procedure. Some of them even go back to work or school on the same day.

Blepharoplasty in my clinic can last for more than 10 years, without the need for fillers.


Under eye wrinkles - before and after treatment

A thorough consultation is needed to determine the right under eye treatment for you.

Under eye wrinkles can be treated by using tear trough fillers or blepharoplasty.

Both are effective treatments for under eye wrinkles. However, the right treatment depends on your goals, genetics, and medical history.

If you don’t want to go under the knife, a tear trough filler treatment is for you. If you want more permanent results, blepharoplasty is for you.

Take a look at my patients’ under eye wrinkles before and after photos to see what my treatments can do for you.

Want to know which under eye wrinkle treatment is the best for you? Book a consultation today!