Why “Chinplants” Are So Popular

Guess which type of implant is sweeping the country by storm? Whenever plastic surgery is discussed, the first procedures to come to mind are typically breast implants or face lifts. However, according to London based facial cosmetic and plastic surgeon Dr Julian De Silva, there is a new procedure gaining popularity – the chin implant. As one of the most skilled and sought after cosmetic surgeons in London, Dr De Silva has seen the demand for chin plants increase in the last couple of years, the reason being that this is a relatively safe, quick procedure that can produce dramatic results. In addition, today’s social media generation has brought us all closer to celebrities. In the past, we can only admire their features in pictures from magazines or the big screen. However, because we can now zoom in on their features from every angle it makes it possible for a client to describe exactly how they want their surgery to change their own appearance. At the hands of an expert, a chin implant can improve a client’s overall facial symmetry. Dr De Silva’s Centre for Advanced Facial, Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery, based in the West London area, caters to both men and women who wish to improve their appearances through chin implants. Heart shaped chins like Scarlet Johansson’s are the most popular among women while Ryan Gosling’s defined jaw is the favorite among men. As a highly trained and accomplished facial plastic surgeon, Dr De Silva can help you achieve your desired aesthetic results. What are the benefits of a chin implant? Women can achieve a softer more feminine look while men can enhance their jawline. For both sexes, a chin implant improves facial symmetry and enhances attractiveness. In men the chin and jaw line is often a defining feature that characterises masculinity, with very handsome men such as Brad Pitt having a very strong and masculing jaw line. In women it is important that a more ‘V-shaped’ chin and jaw line is maintained as this is a more feminine and attractive chin. What happens during a chin implant procedure? A chin implant begins with an initial consultation with Dr De Silva, who walks you through the entire process, in addition to taking high definition pictures of your chin from several angles. He then uses state of the art software to correctly determine the size and position of the implant. Dr De Silva also uses this software to show clients how they would look once the procedure has been preformed. Local anesthesia will be used in order to numb the area where small incisions will be made. Dr De Silva makes the cut unnoticeable by choosing a natural crease in the skin and carefully maneuvering the implant through the incision. Silicone implants are sculped to fit the client’s unique jawline, providing natural results. What is chin implant recovery like? Because it is a minimally invasive surgery, there is little downtime required after the procedure. The client may go back to their normal activities the following day. Pain management and other pertinent information you need to know during the post procedure period will be discussed with you by Dr De Silva and his team. For most patients the recovery and time off work is limited to a week and many patients find they have a fast recovery. For some patients the procedure can be enhanced with neck fat reshaping and reduction, and Dr De Silva has a signature technique that enhances the neck further with specific tightening of the underlying neck muscle (termed platysma). Clients will have to go back to the Centre for Advanced Facial, Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery after a week to have the stitches removed. An expert medical team composed of experienced and licensed health care professionals support you through the entire process. The chinplant procedure is taking the world by storm because it is both minimally invasive and effective. Trust only the experts to ensure a safe and worry-free procedure. Book an appointment with expert facial plastic surgeon Dr De Silva and his team today!

The Perfect Jaw

The jawline is one of the most distinguishing characteristics of the face, and having a proportionate jawline can be one of the biggest contributors to overall facial harmony. Though the jawline can be often overlooked when considering cosmetic changes, slight modifications to the chin and jawline can have a great impact in correcting any facial imbalances. As with other facial features, there are different characteristics of an ideal jawline for men and women. The ideal jaw for a man is strong, with more prominent angles and a pronounced chin. The latest trend has been stronger, squarer jawlines than those of the past, and some men even choose a chin augmentation to balance out their naturally strong noses in lieu of a rhinoplasty. For women, the ideal jaw has softer, more feminine characteristics, though of course each patient will have a different definition of “ideal,” depending on their personal facial characteristics. A well-defined, proportional jawline and chin are characteristics of youth and attractiveness, and these factors can even improve your performance in the workplace. There are now many options, both surgical and non-surgical, to provide the desired facial changes. A great non-surgical option is a chin augmentation using fillers such as Radiesse and Voluma. A filler chin augmentation is not a permanent option, as the fillers will naturally be broken down and absorbed by the body within 6-12 months, but it is a great option for those who are not yet ready for surgery but would like to see what the changes would look like. For patients desiring a permanent solution, there is the option of a surgical chin augmentation, using a medical grade silicone chin implant. Dr De Silva tailors the implant to each individual, and offers great flexibility in both size and shape when determining what changes would best fit their face. Men and women need different sculpting of the implant to give the best natural looking result, men a stronger more square jawline and for women a more ‘heart-shaped’ jaw line. To achieve their desired results, some patients may even benefit from a jaw advancement surgery in conjunction with their chin augmentation. Though this surgery is more invasive, it can help correct a recessed chin or jawline and bring it into more prominence. With time everything has a tendency to sag as a result of laxity of soft tissue, gravity and general ageing, Dr De Silva ensures that the chin implant stays in its ideal position long-term by securing the implant with two tiny titanium screws, these ensure that no movement can occur with time. For those who already have a great underlying structure, but whose chin and jawlines have become less defined over the years due to the ageing process, face and neck lifts can help improve skin laxity. By addressing the sagging skin, the youthful contours are once more revealed, and can be a great way to look and feel younger and rejuvenated. If you are interested in learning more about improving your facial balance by addressing the jawline, please contact Dr Julian De Silva for a consultation. Dr De Silva is experienced with chin augmentations and can help determine the best solution for you.

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