My experience of a deep plane Facelift and neck lift with Dr Julian De Silva

by Admin||The Centre London

This wonderful patient had face and neck lift surgery combined with fat transfer, including deep neck surgery (Reduction in deep fat and shaving of submandibular glands). She shares her experience and recovery and the difference this procedure has made to her. This is Dr De Silva’s signature natural deep plane facelift and neck lift. Natural enhanced neck and jaw line. I combine facelift surgery with other facial treatments to give a better natural looking and longer lasting result. Dr. Julian De Silva For more information about facelifts with Dr De Silva, click here. Dr. Julian De Silva is a London facial cosmetic and plastic surgeon, he is an expert on the latest advances in facial cosmetic surgery and does not perform any body plastic surgery. Dr. Julian De Silva specializes in facelift & neck lift surgery, revision facelift and revision neck lift surgery, Blepharoplasty and Rhinoplasty. 20-40% of all the surgery he completes is revision surgery from other doctors. Find out more about us at our homepage. Transcript Well, to start with, I was terrified about having anything done because I didn’t want to walk around with that stretched look that everyone seems to associate with baselitz. So, coming here, it was very scary to begin with, until I met Dr. de Silva in which was lovely. I was still terrified, because I thought, my insecurities being I would always sit like this, all right, sit like this, and I’d hide my weak chin, I thought, you know, the wrinkles in the saggy skin as you get older. And I thought he might not agree that I’ve got this to begin with. So it was trying to convince him of what I actually felt which, you know, he was very, very good. He listened, which was lovely. And then when I say Jess, I want to go ahead because he talked about it being natural about not having that stretch. Look, the first thing he talked about was how he works. So it doesn’t look as if you’ve had anything done, which was my biggest fear. I didn’t want everyone to go what she had done, because sometimes it’s not a good thing for people to say think why, what’s wrong with it? Not that bad. But that’s why I went ahead. I got here this morning, which is quite early in the morning. absolutely terrified of the whole thing, but more so I thought I was gonna be awake. Because I was having the Twilight sedative. I’ve not had that before. literally walk straight in lovely atmosphere. Everyone was friendly. It was it was really nice. And I thought okay, right now comes the scary bit walked into I thought going to be a theatre, you know, like an operating theatre, but it wasn’t. There was music playing which was lovely. Everyone was chatting, literally got on the bed, talk to the neath the test had already talked to me in the room anyway. And literally, he put the jab in the back of my arm. I literally thought I’ve had a couple of gin and tonics. And that’s the last thing I remember. until six hours later, apparently, wow, six hours later, then six hours ago, it was over. And I literally woke up. But okay, is it done, walk back to the bedroom, and the nursing staff lovely. sat there, had a cup of coffee to the public group. And it was like I’ve not had anything done until I actually looked in the mirror at the or have had it done. They weren’t joking, I actually had it done. So if you’re scared about the sensitivity, you’re scared about a procedure, please don’t be you don’t feel a thing. Which is a shame, because it probably would have been nice to have chatted about it. But I don’t remember a thing about it. Absolutely no pain. And I went home the next morning with absolutely no pain. I mean, they literally had to force me to take some painkillers because I didn’t feel anything. I kept waiting the whole week after risk to this pain to get there, but nothing happened. No pain. The most uncomfortable thing, which the doctor had told me about was my drains. And they’re a drain, drain, but they’re not painful. They just get used to these things swinging around. And that was the most uncomfortable thing out of the whole procedure. But the rest, as they say is history. Right, so now where the eight, nine weeks post up and the differences, I can go out now and not have to sit down and worry about how I look. You know, I know I look okay, I know look nice. So I’m not worried about does my chin look, you know, does my neck look terrible? In actual fact, it’s nice because I don’t have to worry about it. You know, I feel more confident. I can wear my hair up now and not have to worry about it. I’m not sitting there constantly thinking in the mirror. Is it okay, going to the bathroom. And I think all women know this, that you look in the mirror and you see the reflection back and it’s not who you think it is. And your stomach sort of thinks you think, Oh God, I look terrible today. I haven’t had that. And that’s through all the bruising and everything. I haven’t had that feeling of not God. And that’s the fact is is lovely. Because every morning I get up and I see a different change. I see. Look at my neck, you know, and even my daughter My 40 year old daughter’s envious of this neck. I mean, come on, you know who wouldn’t be envious if neck? And even putting a necklace on now is you know I haven’t got that. That maglie bit. As ladies know what I’m talking about? Yeah, I haven’t got that handy bit of skin, you know, and it’s lovely. It’s like, wow. So the rest is just going to get better. And that’s lovely. Every morning I wake up and I can see the difference. I can see a change. And in me, I can see that change in me I just feel more confident. Exactly like knowing what no What are you doing now? Is there any advice you give to like family or friends who’s thinking about doing this? Hurry up, get it done. Don’t Don’t waste your time. Don’t waste your time worrying about it, do it because you’ll regret the time you’ve waited to do it. I regret the last sort of three or four years thinking or know what What if so, what is this? What is that? Do you research of course do your research, always do your research, feel comfortable with your surgeon and that’s the first thing I felt so comfortable with you You made me feel confident in you, which is so important. Because this is your face you got to go through the rest of your life in your face. So do your research. You know what you want done you’re you don’t be honest with the surgeon about what you want done. And if you aren’t honest with the surgeon, he can’t do his best work because you’re not telling him what it is you’re worried about or upset about. But ultimately, you only get one life. live it to the fullest and if that means you want to do this, you do it. You don’t need to make excuses for yourself. Why should you life’s for living Want to know more about deep plane facelift? Check out our post, “Deep Plane Facelift: Better Than Standard Facelift Surgery?” to learn more about the process.

My experience of a deep plane Facelift and neck lift with Dr Julian De Silva 2021

by Admin||The Centre London

This wonderful patient had face and neck lift surgery combined with fat transfer. She shares her experience and recovery and the difference this procedure has made to her. This is Dr De Silva’s signature natural deep plane facelift and neck lift. Natural enhanced neck and jaw line. I combine facelift surgery with other facial treatments to give a better natural looking and longer lasting result. Dr. Julian De Silva Find more information about Dr. De Silva’s facelifts here. Dr. Julian De Silva is a London facial cosmetic and plastic surgeon, he is an expert on the latest advances in facial cosmetic surgery and does not perform any body plastic surgery. Dr. Julian De Silva specializes in facelift & neck lift surgery, revision facelift and revision neck lift surgery, Blepharoplasty and Rhinoplasty. 20-40% of all the surgery he completes is revision surgery from other doctors. Find out more about us on our homepage. Speaker Dr Julian De Silva Transcript Well I’ve just come for a review appointment for five months since since I had my surgery and I’ve just been discussing how well it went I felt it went from the start to the end and really I didn’t feel nervous coming the the sedation was absolutely fantastic and all the team were were very supportive and climbed and preempted all the things that I needed from cups of tea to you know in helping me sit up in bed on the first morning in terms of the surgery itself and the sedation I didn’t feel a single thing it was just like having a nice sleep and it was it was good to wake up and be able to walk out to the theatre mister This is lovely and all the I know you call yourself doctor discipline Are you missing this and read my book and the my recovery went absolutely fine so I was a bit bruised I was a bit swollen but I got used to that and after a few days but just covered it all up and was out and about I I didn’t see many family and friends for a while but when I did they they really didn’t notice so I’ve been delighted with my surgery and I don’t regret it for a minute. What else can I say? And just just a bit more than the location I mean the the I stayed overnight and it was very comfortable here and the whole team from reception through to all the nursing staff were lovely. And overall it has made a big difference to my life because I feel more comfortable with myself. I feel very happy being able to just not think about my chin all the time. And yeah, it has definitely made me feel happier.

This Is Why You Should Consider Scar Removal Surgery

by Admin||The Centre London

Some scars do not fade over time. Scar removal surgery can help. We all had scars at some point in our lives. Some healed by themselves, others did not. If your scars affect your way of life, scar removal surgery can help. Since the skin acts like fabric does, it becomes vulnerable to wear and tear. This can be caused by many factors including burns and injuries. Now, people see scars as harmless especially if they come in small, concealable sizes. However, some scars become so huge that they negatively affect you. Rather than trying to conceal your scars through clothes or makeup, you must consider getting scar treatment. But what scar treatments can you have? Where do you go for scar removal advice? In this article, I will talk about how scars form, the types of scars, treatment, and benefits of scar removal. I will also give you some advice on when and where to get your scars treated. How Scars Form Scars can be a permanent issue affecting your daily life. Scars are a common issue. At some point in our lives, we all had scars. Hence, millions of people seek scar treatments regularly. While scars are harmless most of the time, they can negatively affect people’s lives. These effects range from decreasing your confidence to affecting your work performance. But how exactly do scars form? Your body’s healing process involves scars. When your skin gets cut or damaged in any other way, your skin repairs itself. In particular, your body grows new tissue to deal with the damage. It also fills in any gaps caused by burns, injuries, and the like. Collagen mainly composes scar tissues. This protein supports and strengthens your skin. In addition, it helps maintain your youthful appearance. However, when your skin repairs itself through this process, it leaves scars. Scars come in many shapes and sizes. Some of them are big, sensitive, and painful. Others are small and barely noticeable. Depending on their type, size, and location, your scars can be unsightly. Their sensitivity can also make it hard for you to move. Interestingly, not every scar requires scar removal surgery. In fact, many scars will fade over time. However, if your scar becomes big, sensitive, and painful, you should consider getting treatment. Thanks to advances in cosmetic surgery, you can choose from many scar treatments. Types of Scars There are many types of scars including normal and pitted scars. Before we dig into the many types of scar treatment, you must know the types of scars first. Doing so lets you know the best scar treatments for your scars. 1. Normal Scars Normal scars are the most common scars produced by the body’s healing process. They usually do not become large. Normal scars also eventually fade and flatten. In addition, minor wounds (e.g. cuts, slightly deep scratches) typically produce normal scars. These scars leave raised lines at first. However, these gradually fade as long as it does not get infected. These scars can take up to two years to fade. However, normal scars do not totally disappear. They leave visible marks or lines. Moreover, normal fine-line scars caused by a wound or surgery can be itchy for a few months. On the upside, they are not painful and flattens out as they heal. Lastly, normal flat scars often come in pink or red colors. They may eventually become slightly darker or lighter than the surrounding skin. 2. Keloid Scars Keloid scars are a product of an extremely aggressive healing process. They are huge, raised scars. Typically, keloid scars come in pink, purple, or red colors. They can also become darker than the surrounding skin. Sometimes, keloid scars become the same color as the surrounding skin. Keloid scars can appear anywhere in the body. However, they are commonly found on the head (mostly on the earlobes after having piercings), shoulders, neck, and upper chest. Anyone can get keloid scars. However, people with dark skin (e.g. African Americans, African-Carribeans, South Indians) have higher tendencies of getting keloid scars. Keloid scars can start developing after minor skin damage such as a piercing or acne mark. Then, they spread beyond the area subjected to initial damage. Since keloid scars extend beyond the original area of damage, keloid scars can hinder movement over time. Lastly, keloid scars do not fade away without proper treatment. 3. Hypertrophic Scars Like keloid scars, hypertrophic scars are a product of excess collagen built at the area where the wound occurred. Typically, hypertrophic scars come in pink or red colors. They develop one to two months after trauma. Hypertrophic scars can appear anywhere in the body. However, they commonly occur in areas with tight skin. While hypertrophic and keloid scars seem similar at first glance, they have many differences. For one, hypertrophic scars do not develop beyond the damaged area. On the other hand, keloid scars do. Hypertrophic scars also partially fade with time. They continue to become thick for up to six months. Then, they improve over a few years. 4. Contracture Scars Contracture scars are a product of burns. Since burns are painful, the scars they produce become painful as well. So, if your skin was burned, your scar is most likely a contracture scar. Burns can cause a lot of damage to your skin. In particular, contracture scars tighten your skin. They also become too sensitive. As a result, contracture scars lead to functional and aesthetic problems. For one, contracture scars affect the way you move. Contracture scars on joints and other body parts you always move can cause extreme pain. As a result, they limit your movement. Contracture scars also leave unsightly marks. These marks appear extremely wrinkly. They also come in red and pink colors. In addition, when these scars occur on your face, they can completely change the way you look. Lastly, contracture scars may go deeper into your skin. In a few cases, they can affect one’s nerves and muscles. 5. Pitted Scars Pitted scars are a product of skin conditions such as chickenpox and acne. Sometimes, they can be caused by an injury or loss of underlying fat. Pitted scars are also known as atrophic or ice pick scars. As its name suggests, pitted scars have a sunken appearance. Due to this, they become an aesthetic issue for many people. While the appearance of pitted scars improves over time, they might not totally disappear. Hence, you need to seek professional help if you want to get rid of them. Treatment for Scars There are many scar treatments including injections and scar removal surgery. Thanks to advances in medicine, you can have your scars treated. Depending on the size, location, and type of your scar, here are the treatments you can choose from: 1. Topical Creams, Ointments, and Gels Topical creams, ointments, and gels are among the most convenient ways to treat scars, Since you can buy and apply them yourself, this treatment requires no downtime. However, you need to see a doctor to get the right prescription for this treatment. More often than not, topical creams, ointments, and gels include steroids and antihistamines. These substances help alleviate the itching and sensitivity of scars. You can use topical creams, ointments, and gels caused by cuts or other moderate wounds. They can also help treat scars caused by acne. Hence, you can use topical creams, ointments, and gels to treat some normal and pitted scars. However, these products only work in mild to moderate cases. 2. Injections Another treatment for scars are injections. A medical practitioner directly injects medication into the scar. This makes the scar smaller and flatter. Similarly, a medical practitioner can inject additional medication to alleviate itching and pain. Steroid injections are the most common type of injection for scars. In particular, they can treat scars that stick out― keloids and hypertrophic scars. Depending on the severity of the scar, you might need complementary treatments such as dermal fillers, facelift, neck lift, and rhinoplasty. Dermal fillers are also injected into your skin. As its name implies, they fill your skin, making it smoother. 3. Dermabrasion Another common scar treatment is dermabrasion. Dermabrasion is a skin-resurfacing treatment that utilises a quickly rotating tool to remove the outer layer of the skin. This process has a “sanding effect” on the skin.As a result, the skin that grows back becomes smoother. Specifically, dermabrasion can decrease the appearance of scars caused by mild accidents, surgery, acne, chickenpox, and other diseases. Thus, you can have dermabrasion to treat your pitted and normal fine-line & flat scars. Dermabrasion can also help solve many skin issues such as wrinkles and age spots. It can stand alone or with other cosmetic procedures. 4. Chemical Peels Next on the list of treatments is chemical peeling. As its name suggests, this procedure involves chemicals that give your skin a “peeling effect”. Given this, chemical peeling is a common acne scarring removal treatment. Chemical peels can be done on your face, neck, and hands. Depending on your doctor’s advice, they can be done on other body parts as well. In general, chemical peels enhance the feel and appearance of your skin. During a chemical peel, a chemical solution exfoliates your skin. As a result, the solution removes the top layers of your skin. Just, like dermabrasion, a chemical peel triggers new skin to grow back. The said skin then becomes smoother and firmer. Hence, a chemical peel can help you get rid of normal fine-line, normal flat, and acne scars. 5. Laser Treatments Many types of laser treatments can help remove scars. As its name suggests, laser treatments use lasers that pulsate at certain rates. Sometimes, scars remain red or pink because the blood vessels that developed to heal the wound did not recede. Laser treatment can cauterise these vessels from the inside out. As a result, the scars fade. This process can also help scars to flatten. One of the most common laser treatments for scars is laser resurfacing. This treatment is best for acne scars and some normal scars. 6. Pressure Therapy Pressure therapy involves elastic bandages, stockings, or dressings. Medical practitioners use these to apply and keep pressure on the scar. In particular, the pressure applied to the scar can prevent it from forming. It can also help decrease a scar’s size. After wrapping the scar, a medical practitioner then massages the affected area. This helps break up the scar, allowing the scar tissue to remodel. Pressure therapy is one of the easiest and cheapest treatments for scars. However, they usually work on fresh scars. They do not usually work on scars that have been existing for long. Pressure therapy works best for hypertrophic scars, especially those found on the ear and body. 7. Scar Removal Surgery If you want a permanent solution to your scars, you must consider scar removal surgery. This surgical process is considerably one of the best treatments for scars. Unlike other treatments in this list, scar removal surgery can get rid of any type of scar. Scar removal surgery can also remove a scar despite its size, type, and location. In addition, scar removal surgery can address aesthetic and functional problems. If your face has scars, you can go under face scar removal surgery to get rid of them forever. Similarly, if a scar limits your daily activities, you can go under hypertrophic, contracture, or keloid scar removal surgery. Seeking Advice You should know when and where to get scar removal surgery from. Plastic surgery scar removal is an effective and permanent solution to scars. Hence, many people want to get it. However, you must know when and where to seek advice. To begin with, you need to know when to seek advice. If your scars bother you in any way (functional, aesthetic, etc.), you need to consult a highly qualified cosmetic surgeon. You can book a consultation with me if you want. Next, you need to get scar removal surgery at a reputable centre with top-notch customer service. The Centre for Advanced Facial Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery offers these. Benefits of Scar Removal Surgery Benefits of scar removal surgery include improving your look. Here are the benefits of scar removal surgery: 1. Scar removal surgery improves your appearance. Scars are unsightly. They make your skin look strange. When scars occur on your face, their aesthetic effect becomes worse. A cosmetic surgeon can get rid of your scars through scar removal surgery. As a result, your appearance improves. You don’t need to conceal your scars using clothes or makeup anymore. 2. Scar removal surgery increases your self-confidence. When you have an unsightly appearance due to scars, your self-confidence decreases. You feel bad about yourself. Worse, you think that others think the worse of you simply because of your appearance. A cosmetic surgeon can help boost your self-confidence through scar removal surgery. As a result, you become more ready to take on the world with your newly found confidence. 3. Scar removal surgery restores your daily routine. Scars can cause pain. They can also limit your daily activities. For instance, contracture scars cause pain and limit your movement. As a result, they affect the way you live. A cosmetic surgeon can get rid of pain and movement limitations caused by scars through scar removal surgery. As a result, you can get back to doing your daily routine before scars start limiting you. 4. Scar removal surgery can prevent complications. Though extremely rare, scar tissue can lead to cancer. In particular, scar tissue carcinoma arises from unstable scars and radiation injuries among others. A cosmetic surgeon can get rid of scars that might lead to other complications. As a result, you don’t have to be worried about your scars causing more problems. Conclusion When you look for plastic surgery scar removal before and after photos online, you’ll see the drastic changes scar removal surgery can make. If you want to know exactly how scar removal surgery can change your life, contact us today!

What Is the Right Age for a Nose Job?

by Admin||The Centre London

Knowing how old do you have to be to get a nose job helps you make the right move. Nose jobs, also known as rhinoplasty, have changed the lives of millions of people. If your nose suffers from medical or cosmetic issues, you might have thought of rhinoplasty. But how old do you have to be to get a nose job? In this article, I will talk about rhinoplasty and nose jobs for different ages. I will also tell you how old do you have to be to get a nose job. On top of that, I will show you some testimonials and before & after pictures, so you can make an informed decision. What Is Rhinoplasty? Rhinoplasty involves surgery that requires accurate techniques. Rhinoplasty involves operating on the nose. Also known as nose jobs, rhinoplasty changes the appearance of your nose. Since the nose is at the central point of your face, its appearance greatly contributes to your overall look. However, not everyone is born with an attractive nose. Accidents and illnesses can also change your nose’s function and appearance. Whether they’re medical or cosmetic, rhinoplasty can solve many nasal issues. Rhinoplasty being a major surgical procedure calls for a skilled and experienced surgeon. Hence, you must work with the best rhinoplasty surgeon if you want a safe and effective surgery. While some clinics offer rhinoplasty for low prices, their nose jobs are likely less safe and less effective. In addition, you should be aware of the best nose jobs for different nasal shapes and sizes. You should also know how long a nose job takes to heal so you can properly schedule your surgery. Rhinoplasty for Teens How old do you have to be to get a nose job? You can in your teenage years. Teen rhinoplasty is a complex procedure that can have long-lasting positive effects on a teenager. However, having a nose job can be life-changing for both parents and their children. Hence, parents and teens must decide together. Rhinoplasty for teens has pros and cons that parents and their children must consider. For one, some parents think that nose surgery should not be done at a young age. However, some teens need to have nose jobs because of accidents or congenital conditions. In addition, adolescence is a period in which teens become conscious of how they look. If they have strange-looking noses, their self-confidence decreases. As a result, their emotional growth and social development becomes affected. A deviated septum can also cause discomfort and difficulty breathing. Hence, parents should consider letting their children go through deviated septum surgery. While there are no laws banning minors from getting nose jobs, rhinoplasty requires parental consent. If your child is less than 18 years old, you need to give your consent for the surgical procedure to happen. In this sense, you carry the responsibility of making the right decision. In addition, you must talk to your child before making a decision. Consider your child’s perspective and educate them about the procedure. Lastly, consult a highly qualified surgeon before the procedure. By doing this, you become aware of the risks, benefits, and duration of the procedure. Rhinoplasty for Young Adults How old do you have to be to get a nose job? You can during young adulthood. Just like teens, young adults are also concerned about their appearance. With the pressure caused by social media, more and more young adults consider getting nose jobs. As a result, many young adults consult with cosmetic surgeons. While young adults are at the legal age to get rhinoplasty by themselves, they should make informed decisions about the procedure. The goals of young adults vary. Some want nose jobs because they want to change how they look. Others need nose jobs so their noses can function better. Whatever your goals are, you should be open about them during your consultation. By doing this, the cosmetic surgeon can determine whether rhinoplasty is the best procedure for you or not. In addition, you must be aware of the risks associated with rhinoplasty. These include swelling and bruising. Since a nose job is a major surgical procedure, you must consider recovery. Downtime can take many weeks so you have to prepare your work schedule. On top of that, you should consider how much a nose job is. On average, you have to spend thousands of pounds to get a nose job in the UK. How Old Do You Have to Be to Get a Nose Job? This section answers the question, “How old do you have to be to get a nose job?” If you have been asking, “How old do you have to be to get a nose job?,” this section explains the best age to get one. You can get a nose job at different points in your life. However, patients are recommended not to get nose jobs until their noses are fully grown. Typically, this occurs between 15 and 16 for females. For males, this typically occurs at 17.Since teenage rhinoplasty is more complex than adult rhinoplasty, parents must consider more factors. For one, nasal abnormalities usually show up until 10 or 11. Since the nose has to stop growing before a teen undergoes a nose job, parents must wait. By doing this, parents ensure that any nasal growth does not alter the results of their children’s rhinoplasty. You should also note that the nose reaches approximately 90% of maturity during teenage years. Minor changes may continue to happen during the person’s 20s. In addition, you have to take note that certain parts of your nose continue growing. Your bone may stop growing after maturity, but your cartilage will. Since cartilage composes your nose more than bone, your nose will continue to change. Even if patients get nose jobs after their noses matured, they may see minor changes over time. However, these changes are barely visible. On the bright side, age-related cartilage growth happens over many decades, so you don’t need to worry about these changes. Remember, you should only consider cosmetic surgery if it can improve their way of life. The need for rhinoplasty also has to be assessed on a case-by-case basis. Since patients mature mentally and physically at different ages, cosmetic surgeons have to carefully evaluate them. Therefore, you must consult a skilled and experienced surgeon before getting a nose job. You can book a consultation with me here. When Should Middle-Aged People Consider Rhinoplasty? How old do you have to be to get a nose job? You can during your middle age years. While many patients get rhinoplasty early in life (in their 20s or 30s), there are some signs middle-aged patients should look out for. These include: 1. Deviated Septum Deviated septa are common among people. In fact, about 80% of all septums deviate to some degree, according to the American Academy of Otolaryngology. Many patients have an irregular septum that makes one nostril larger than the other. Severe irregularity can cause problems such as difficulty breathing, nosebleeds, and nasal infection. If you have a deviated septum, you must correct it as soon as possible. 2. Severe Trauma Severe trauma can cause a broken nose. Accidents involving extreme heat also cause facial burns that often require nasal reconstruction. In addition, a botched nose job causes irregularities. It breaks or deforms your nose. Worse, it leads to many nasal complications. If your nose was subjected to severe trauma, you must consider having revision rhinoplasty as soon as possible. 3. Degrading Appearance While life is not all about looking good, a strange-looking nose can negatively affect your life. For one, it can decrease your self-confidence. A strange-looking nose can also negatively affect your relationships and work performance. If your nose’s appearance negatively affects your daily life, you must consider getting a nose job. Testimonials Rhinoplasty has changed the lives of many people. Here are some testimonials from my patients: “Had revision rhinoplasty with Doctor De Silva. The whole process from start to finish ran smoothly. Dr De Silva and his whole team were very warm and friendly. I was nervous the day before surgery and was worried about when to take one of the prescribed meds. One of the doctors got back to me more or less straight away and called me in the evening about what to expect the next day and when to take my meds. The day of surgery ran smoothly and healing time ran smoothly too. The facilities were lovely too. I love the way my new nose looks now. I mentioned to Dr De Silva I didn’t want my nose to droop after surgery as that is what happened with my previous surgery. He told me he would do something to my tip to apply strength and to ensure it wouldn’t droop. I had a consultation with another doctor and he said he wasn’t sure and there was a risk my nose would drop again. My tip of the nose is more firm now, but that is to make sure the tip doesn’t droop. I love love love how my new nose looks now, so elegant and femine. Thank you Dr De Silva and to your team!” Source: BirdEye “Dr De Silva is a remarkable surgeon – I couldn’t recommend anyone more highly. The surgery itself was an easy, pleasant experience – the staff were all very attentive and kind. I am so happy with the results of my rhinoplasty – I feel more attractive and more confident . You do have to give it at least a couple of weeks for the swelling to settle and to get used to the result, so don’t judge your new face against your old one when you’re still healing – as your new face will likely look worse to begin with! Overall it was a very easy experience. I love the results and I’m so happy I did it.” Source: BirdEye “Fantastic surgeon. I had a rhinoplasty and septoplasty with Dr De Silva and I could not be happier. Dr De Silva did exactly what we discussed beforehand and my nose is now cute but naturally looking. My breathing has improved a lot too. Dr De Silva listened to all my expectations and concerns and was explaining everything every step of the way. All the staff in the clinic were also very nice and helpful! I wanted to have a rhinoplasty done since I remember and I’m happy that I’ve chosen Dr De Silva.” Source: BirdEye Before and After Rhinoplasty Here are before and after photos of my patients: Patient 1: This patient suffered from a large hump and large nasal tip. After getting a nose job at my clinic, his nose became smaller and proportionate with the rest of his face. Patient 2: This patient suffered from a nasal bump and an undefined tip. After getting a nose job at my clinic, her nasal bump was gone. Her nasal tip became more defined as well. Patient 3: This patient had low self-confidence because of her large nose. After getting a nose job at my clinic, her nose improved. Her self-confidence increased as well. Conclusion Knowing how old do you have to be to get a nose job helps you make the right decision. A nose job is a major surgical procedure, so you must consult a doctor before getting it. If you want to get an extensive nose job consultation, contact the Centre for Advanced Facial Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery now!

Achieve a More Youthful Appearance With a Mini-Facelift

by Admin||The Centre London

A mini facelift gives the same benefits as a traditional facelift. Are you bothered by deep wrinkles? Do you get annoyed seeing your sagging skin? A mini-facelift can help you. A mini-facelift is minimally invasive. Unlike other types of facelifts, a mini-facelift involves less surgery. Given this, patients choose mini-facelifts because of their safety and shorter downtime. In addition, a mini-facelift poses fewer risks compared to a traditional and deep plane facelift. But what exactly is a mini-facelift? What problems can it solve? How does the procedure go? In this article, I will talk about what a mini-facelift is, the problems it can solve, and what you can expect before, during, and after the procedure. I will also answer frequently asked questions about mini-facelifts. What Is a Mini-Facelift? A mini-facelift can combat various signs of ageing such as wrinkles. As you age, your skin becomes weaker. As a result, it becomes vulnerable to signs of ageing. These include fine lines, wrinkles, facial volume loss, and sagging skin. Moreover, signs of ageing can take a toll on you. They affect your confidence, self-esteem, and even your work performance. A facelift can solve these problems. However, as promising as a regular facelift is, not every patient wants to go through it. Hence, a mini-facelift helps. This innovative treatment gives you the benefits of a regular facelift, but with less surgery. Since a mini-facelift is less invasive than other facelifts, it poses fewer risks. A mini-facelift also requires less downtime compared to a regular facelift. As its name suggests, a mini-facelift involves small incisions. Using special surgical techniques, I effectively hide the incisions I make on my patients. Despite involving small incisions, a mini-facelift greatly impacts one’s appearance. It can reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. A mini-facelift can also add volume and make your skin firmer. In general, a mini-facelift focuses on the lower part of your face. The procedure tightens the skin in certain areas of your face. These include your jaw and chin. Since these areas tend to show signs of ageing, a mini facelift can help enhance your look. If you’re looking to solve issues in these problems areas, you may have a mini-facelift. In addition, if you want fewer incisions and less skin removal, you may have a mini-facelift. However, a mini facelift only works if it is done by an experienced and skilled cosmetic surgeon. Despite the small incisions involved, practitioners consider a mini facelift a major cosmetic procedure. Hence, you need to do your own research to make an informed decision about it. To give you a heads up, how much a facelift costs varies depending on your goals. Mini facelift London costs £5,000 on average. The mini facelift UK cost varies depending on your goals, facility type, and complementary procedures. Problems a Mini-Facelift Can Solve A mini facelift can get rid of fine lines, wrinkles, and sagging skin. Thousands of people all over the world get mini facelifts each year. Here are the problems a mini facelift can solve: 1. Fine Lines As its name implies, fine lines appear shallow. They are usually the first indicator of ageing. Since they are shallow, fine lines are not extremely noticeable. You can typically find fine lines around your eyes and mouth. It’s because these parts get used the most for facial expressions. As you age, your collagen and elastin levels decrease. This causes fine lines. Other factors such as sun exposure, poor lifestyle habits, and genetics can also aggravate fine lines. Fortunately, your cosmetic surgeon can reduce the appearance of your fine lines through a mini-facelift. 2. Wrinkles When fine lines become worse, they turn into wrinkles. They are usually the second indicator of ageing. Since wrinkles are deeply seated in your skin, they are easily noticeable. Just like fine lines, you can typically find wrinkles around your eyes and mouth. It’s because these parts get used the most for facial expressions. The breakdown of collagen and elastin mainly causes wrinkles. Other factors such as sun exposure, poor lifestyle habits, and genetics can also aggravate them. Fortunately, your cosmetic surgeon can reduce the appearance of your wrinkles through a mini-facelift. 3. Facial Volume Loss Another sign of ageing people commonly experience is facial volume loss. Just like fine lines and wrinkles, facial volume loss is caused by decreasing collagen levels. Collagen provides structure to your skin, so your face loses volume once it decreases. In addition, your fat balance changes― you gain it in some areas and lose it in others. Your genes can also aggravate the process. Fortunately, your cosmetic surgeon can add volume to your face through a mini-facelift. 4. Sagging Skin Sagging skin is often linked with fat loss. While fat loss is a common factor, decreasing collagen and elastin levels also cause sagging skin. As you may well know, ageing causes the breakdown of collagen and elastin. So, while anyone can get saggy skin, it tends to occur in ageing people. When you’re young, your skin is firm. It easily stretches and snaps back to its original place. Once your skin loses this ability, it begins to sag. Sagging skin occurs almost anywhere on your body. It commonly occurs on your eyelids, jowls, chin, and neck. Fortunately, your cosmetic surgeon can reduce sagging skin through a mini-facelift. 5. Jowls As you age, your jawline and neck become less defined. Consequently, you get fleshy jowls. Your jowls describe the area below your jaw that leads to your neck. In addition, less elasticity makes your jowls look worse. Even if your face bounces back, your jowls might not do the same. It’s because the skin on your neck is thinner than most parts of your body. Therefore, your jowls are more prone to becoming fleshy and looking worse. At times, your jowls look worse before you see signs of ageing on your face. Fortunately, your cosmetic surgeon can reduce fleshy jowls through mini facelift jowls. Mini Facelift: The Whole Process Knowing how a mini facelift goes helps you make an informed decision. In this section, I will explain what usually happens when you get a mini-facelift. Here are the things you can expect to happen before, during, and after a mini facelift: What to Expect Before a Mini-Facelift You need to consult a doctor before getting a mini facelift. Before getting a mini facelift, you need to consult a surgeon who specialises in it. I specialise in mini facelifts, so you can book a consultation with me. First of all, we have to talk about your medical history and current condition. As part of my initial assessment, I will ask you to discuss surgeries you had, if applicable. I will also ask you to talk about past or current conditions. These include allergies and other diseases that may affect how you react to the surgery. Moreover, I will ask you about the medicines you take, and whether you smoke and drink. After this, we will talk about your goals. Whether it’s tightening your skin or boosting your confidence, please explain what your goals are. Depending on your goals, I will then explain whether a facelift mini will work for you or not. If you are a suitable candidate for a mini-facelift, I might suggest complementary procedures. These procedures include neck lift, laser resurfacing, and brow & forehead lift. If you need complementary procedures, I will explain to you how these procedures usually go. Once you approve and agree with everything we discussed, you can set an appointment for your facelift mini. Preparing for a Mini-Facelift: What to Do Preparing for a facelift mini involves avoiding smoking. Before going to surgery, you need to stop taking aspirin, ibuprofen, and any other medication that can increase bleeding. Your doctor will tell you when you need to stop ingesting these kinds of medicine. If you are smoking, you need to stop weeks before your facelift. It’s because smoking can decrease your ability to recover faster. You also have to arrange for someone to drive you to and from the clinic. Plan ahead to have someone stay with you on the first night after coming back home from the facelift. Right before a mini facelift, you have to go through an assessment. These include measuring your face and examining your skin. The staff will also take photos of your face from different angles. These photos help with planning the facelift and assessing its short & long-term effects. Once these are done, you can proceed to the procedure. What to Expect During a Mini-Facelift Expect to have small incisions during a mini facelift procedure. First, I will mark your face, so I can accurately perform the mini facelift in London. Then, I will administer anesthesia. This is a crucial step because it minimises the pain you’re supposed to feel because of the surgery. We use sedation anaesthesia at my clinic because it is safer than general anaesthesia. In addition, sedation anaesthesia enables my patients to recover faster than general anaesthesia. Once the anaesthesia settles, I will make small incisions on your hairline and around your ears. I do this carefully so that the scars won’t become visible after the procedure. Next, I will manipulate the tissue under your skin. I will lift them. If needed, I will remove excess tissue from your skin. Once everything is in place, I will close the incisions. I use a special technique to stitch your skin, so the resulting scars become barely visible. What to Expect After a Mini-Facelift You have to follow some guidelines to properly recover from a mini-facelift. After I finish the stitches, you need to stay in our facility so we can observe you for any short-term effects. Once we clear you, you can go home. You should have someone drive you home after the surgery. Your face is extra fragile, so it’s best if you don’t drive. A mini facelift does not require an overnight stay. However, you have to take care of yourself or have someone take care of you 24 hours after the surgery. After the surgery, you may temporarily experience: Swelling Bruising Redness Sensitivity Numbness Pain or Discomfort Take note, these effects are temporary. You will recover from them after some time. In addition, you can take the following steps for proper and quicker recovery: Apply ice packs on your face for 10 minutes every hour the night after your facelift. The day after the surgery, you can put ice packs on your eyes four to five times throughout the day. Keep your stitches clean and dry. Use prescribed medicine or ointments. Refrain from straining, heavy lifting, swimming, and other intense activities for at least two weeks after the facelift. Avoid smoking. Avoid putting pressure on your face. Sleep with your head elevated days after the facelift. Avoid aspirin, ibuprofen, and other medicines or supplements that may increase bleeding for at least a week after the facelift. Testimonials Testimonials help you determine how well a cosmetic surgeon performs facelifts. Here are what my patients said after getting facelifts from my clinic: Dr De Silva is an Outstanding Surgeon “The decision for me to have a face lift in my mid 50’s was a very difficult one. I am quite an anxious person and have always suffered from claustrophobia so the thought of having a very tight neck post surgery was a terrifying prospect. Nevertheless, I had become increasingly depressed with my tired appearance and sagging neck and knew that this would only get worse with time. So, after two consultations with Dr De Silva I decided to take the plunge. From the moment I met him, I felt reassured; he is very calm and sincere as well as having brilliant credentials as a surgeon. I just knew I was in the hands of an expert and would be OK. It’s now six months since my surgery and I am absolutely thrilled with my new look. I look fresher and have a much more youthful neck yet don’t look ‘done’. I have definitely got my Mojo back! Having said all that, I did struggle for the first three months as my neck did feel very tight which Dr De Silva warned me about before I decided to have the surgery. However, thanks to his reassurance and the brilliant aftercare I received from his team I got through it all. Has it been worth it? Absolutely. But, only because I went to the best.” ― TracySource: RealSelf Never Worried – 60 Years Old, Face and Neck Lift “At 60 years of age, I felt that my face and neck were letting me down. I looked morose even when smiling. After consultation with Dr De Silva, I felt totally confident that he understood exactly what I wanted and trusted him implicitly. It is now just over two months since I had the procedure (face and neck lift in combination with laser skin resurfacing) and I am thrilled. The result (and it is still improving all the time) is incredible. I feel young and happy again. I am so glad I did it. Dr De Silva and his team are professional, courteous and an absolute pleasure to have contact with. I was never worried and knew what to expect during recovery. The first two weeks after surgery are a bit difficult but swelling and bruising disappears relatively quickly. I actually saw improvements daily. I would unreservedly recommend Dr De Silva and his team to anyone contemplating facial cosmetic or plastic surgery.” ― CeciliaSource: RealSelf Facelift, Upper & Lower Blepharoplasty and Milia Removal “After many months of research I decided on two surgeons and finally made my appointments. During my research I looked at other procedures and was particular impressed with the results of the lower face and neck lift. My jaw line and neck had been getting lax and I had developed a jowl and as well excess skin on the neck. Now vanity was taking over. I wanted to discuss this as an option too. After my appointment with Dr De Silva, I knew he was the surgeon for me. He was informative, professional, very approachable, obviously passionate about his work and had a very pleasant and calming personality. I felt I could trust him. Having discuss various options, I decided to opt for both the eye surgery and the lower face and neck lift. The post op appointment was very reassuring and informative. With my photo up on the screen Dr De Silva marked out the areas where he would make the incisions and showed me the procedures he would perform. I handed in my blood test results which I obtained from my GP for free. A few days before my operation, both Dr De Silva and the nurse Stephanie phoned to reassure me that all was prepared and to check if all was ok with me and to give me last minute instructions. On the morning of the surgery I arrived five minutes late due to train delays so was a little flustered when I got to the clinic. However, everyone was very calm and told me not to worry and to relax. Once I had dress into the op gown, Dr du Plessis, the anaesthetist came to prepare me for sedation. He explained to me in the detail of the sedation process and gave me a pre relaxing sedative. I had opted for sedation rather than local anaesthesia as the recovery period is much shorter and I also felt it was safer. Dr de Silva then came to let me know that everything was ready. Once I was comfortably laid down in the surgery room, Dr du Plesse gave me last minute instructions before administering sedation and that was all I could remember until waking up seven hours later. Within 30 minutes after waking up I was able to go to the bathroom and get dressed with the help of my care giver Jane. Soon after, a taxi was called and Jane and myself made our way to the hotel a short distance from the clinic where I would spend my recovery night.” ― HelenSource: RealSelf Mini Facelift Before and After Photos Patient 1: This patient was suffering from wrinkles, facial volume loss, and a tired appearance. She went through a neck lift and facelift at my clinic. After the surgery, her face became smoother and her jaw became sharper. She also looked more alert. Patient 2: This patient was suffering from wrinkles, fleshy jowls, and an undefined jawline. He went through a neck lift and facelift at my clinic. After the surgery, his face became smoother, his jawline became defined, and his jowls improved. Patient 3: This patient was suffering from wrinkles, a heavy jawline, and volume loss. She went through a neck lift and facelift at my clinic. After the surgery, her face became smoother and her jawline became sharper. Volume was restored as well. Conclusion A mini facelift is a revolutionary approach to dealing with signs of ageing. Due to its minimally invasive yet effective nature, a mini facelift London is a common choice among patients. Wondering what a mini-facelift can do for you? Contact us to book a consultation now!

What Is the Average Cost for a Facelift in the UK?

by Admin||The Centre London

A facelift helps you solve many problems, so knowing how much a facelift cost helps. When you look at the mirror, do you see some fine lines and wrinkles? Do they bother you? If yes, knowing the face lift cost helps. You probably heard the term facelift or rhytidectomy. From its name, you probably have an idea of how it works. By lifting your face, this procedure can correct many problems such as wrinkles. In addition, a facelift is a surgical procedure, so it can be expensive. While a cheap face lift cost exists, it endangers your health and well-being. At this point, you might be wondering how much a safe face lift cost. In this article, I will talk about facelift, how it goes, and how much it costs. I will also discuss what you can expect before, during, and after a facelift. What Is a Facelift? A facelift improves your appearance by making your skin smoother and tighter. As its name suggests, a facelift enhances your appearance by lifting your face. A cosmetic surgeon executes this procedure using several techniques. In my clinic, I use certain techniques to make sure that my patient’s face comes out with minimal scars. In addition, the facelift procedure done at my clinic produces natural results. People barely notice that my patients went under surgery. In a nutshell, I perform a facelift to lift saggy skin. A facelift also reduces fine lines, wrinkles, and other signs of ageing. However, a facelift is not just for old people. Young people can also use it to prevent signs of ageing. Interestingly, some types of facelift are designed to help young people. Depending on the condition, a facelift can stand alone. It can also come with other complementary procedures such as a neck lift and eyelid lift. If you’re thinking of getting a facelift, be sure to do your own research. Do not rush into it without knowing your options first. Furthermore, a face lift cost can be expensive. There are certain risks involved as well. Hence, you must consult with your doctor first to know if a facelift suits you. Since a facelift involves surgery, only certified and skilled surgeons should do it. Ideally, you should know how to choose a facelift surgeon and work with the best facial plastic surgeon. How Is a Facelift Done? Cosmetic surgeons use many techniques to perform facelifts. There are many kinds of facelifts. How a facelift goes mainly depends on the kind of facelift done. As you may well know, a facelift or rhytidectomy involves cosmetic surgery. This procedure lifts up and pulls back the skin. As a result, your face becomes tighter and smoother. To give you an idea of how a facelift goes in general, I’ll explain it here. Many surgeons usually perform facelifts under general anaesthesia. Some use sedation anaesthesia. In my clinic, I use sedation anaesthesia. It’s because sedation anaesthesia is safer than general anaesthesia. Recovery also becomes faster under sedation. There are various kinds of facelift, but in general, cosmetic surgeons cut, remove, lift, and pull the skin backwards. Depending on the facelift type, surgeons make incisions on the target area. This can be above the hairline, on the temples, or behind the ear. Then, surgeons remove excess skin or fat if needed. After this, they lift the skin, hence the term facelift. They pull the skin before giving stitches. A facelift usually takes two to three hours, depending on the type. If a patient needs complementary procedures such as brow & forehead lift. If a patient experiences pain, cosmetic surgeons give pain medication after the procedure. Why People Get Facelifts Patients get facelifts due to many reasons, including gaining more confidence. There are many reasons why people get facelifts. Here are the most common reasons for getting a facelift: 1. A facelift fights many signs of ageing. As you grow older, your face changes. You get fine lines, wrinkles, and saggy skin among others. You also lose volume in some areas of your face. Since these changes are natural, they will continue happening unless you take action. A facelift helps you deal with these changes. By getting a facelift, you can look younger. Specifically, a facelift can help reduce: Fine lines Wrinkles Sagging skin Nasolabial folds (lines from the edge of the nose to the mouth) Jowls (excess skin at lower jawline) While facelifts fight signs of ageing, they suit younger people as well. People in their early 30’s can get facelifts under the right circumstances. Facelifts can also effectively prevent the onset of many signs of ageing. 2. A facelift restores one’s confidence. When you get wrinkles and sagging skin, your face becomes less attractive. As a result, your confidence decreases. You also become conscious of what others say about you. A facelift improves your appearance. As it lifts your skin, it lifts your confidence as well. My patients who had low confidence stepped out of my clinic feeling more confident. In addition, when you maintain a youthful appearance, you feel great about yourself. This reflects in the way you treat others and how they treat you. While a facelift mainly changes your look, it changes how you feel inside as well. This makes the cost of facelift an investment worthy of your time and money. 3. A facelift improves work performance. Many jobs such as modeling, acting, and singing rely on appearance. When a model, actor, or singer gets affected by signs of ageing, their work suffers. If your job relies on your appearance, a facelift helps with your career. As I mentioned, a facelift fights signs of ageing. If you maintain a youthful look, your job does not have to suffer. You might even have more opportunities on the way. In addition, in jobs such as lecturing and selling, looks matter. Thus, severe wrinkles and sagging skin might affect these jobs. If you teach or sell for a living, getting a facelift improves your job performance. You become more confident at work. You also help more clients. 4. A facelift produces natural and subtle results. One of the many concerns people have regarding facelifts is others noticing they had some work done. However, that is not always the case. If you get a facelift done by an excellent surgeon, the results will look natural and subtle. No one will notice you had work done on your face. All of my patients who had facelifts at my clinic enjoyed natural and subtle results. None of them complained about the results looking too plastic. In addition, their family and friends did not notice extreme changes. This happens because the facelift I do is customised and based on my patient’s current look. 5. A facelift lasts long. A professionally done facelift can last for ten years. Depending on your situation, a facelift can last up to a lifetime. Many of my facelift patients enjoy life-long results. Since a facelift can last for many years, it becomes a long-term investment. While some cheap facelifts promise long-lasting results, they cannot live up to people’s expectations. Hence, getting a high-end facelift saves you money in the long run. Remember, treating complications and fixing botched surgeries cost a lot. Face Lift UK Cost Face lifts London are not cheap, so you have to set aside money for it. There are many types of facelifts. These include deep plane facelifts and mini facelifts in London. Every facelift procedure is unique and this affects how much a face lift cost is. Face lifts UK cost also depends on other factors set by the cosmetic surgeon. In addition, a full face lift cost also depends on the techniques and equipment used. The complementary procedures that go with it also matter. For instance, some patients want to see the results they expect. This requires 3D computer modeling to happen. This adds to the face lift cost. So, how much does a face lift cost? I can only respond with a facelift cost range. On average, a facelift costs £10,000 to £30,000. It can increase or decrease depending on the factors I mentioned above. What Does a Face Lift Cost Include? Face lift cost usually includes surgeon, anaesthesia, and facility fees. Facelift packages vary from one place to another. For instance, a general hospital might not offer the same package as a private clinic. Hence, face lift prices vary in London. But to give you an idea of how much a face lift cost, here are what facelift packages usually include: Surgeon Fees Fees differ from one cosmetic surgeon to another. More experienced cosmetic surgeons expectedly charge more than less experienced doctors. Despite the high cost, more experienced surgeons are worth your investment because the facelifts they do are safer and more effective. Anaesthesia Cost A facelift involves surgery. As you may well know, surgery calls for anaesthesia. Anaesthesia cost is always included in face lift cost unless the doctor says otherwise. Facility and Equipment Use You also have to pay for using the facility and the equipment. The facility and equipment need to be cleaned, so a face lift cost usually includes fees for maintaining them. Moreover, the following can be included in a face lift cost. However, they are often not. Hence you should ask for the inclusions before agreeing to the face cost. Depending on the clinic, face lift cost also includes consultation, medication, and aftercare fees. Here are other things that can be included in a face lift cost: Consultation Fees Some cosmetic surgeons charge an upfront fee for a facelift consultation. Others do not. Depending on your surgeon, you might be required to pay a consultation fee in addition to your facelift cost. Medication You might need medication for recovery. Some doctors charge you for these. Others do not. Instead, they include the medicine’s price in your face lift cost. Aftercare Some patients need aftercare support. Others might need another consultation after the facelift. Depending on your cosmetic surgeon, you might be charged for anything related to aftercare and recovery. At my clinic, your face lift cost includes everything mentioned above. Though we charge a consultation fee of £300, this amount will be deducted from your face lift cost should you wish to pursue surgery. Planning for a Facelift Planning for your facelift includes leverageing your paid leave. Now that you know how much and what a face lift cost usually includes, you can now plan for your facelift. First, know everything you can about the procedure. I explained how it usually goes earlier in this article, so you can save time. Second, know the benefits you can get from getting a facelift. Since it is a surgical procedure, you can take time off of work. Use your paid leave. As an alternative, you can ask your company to allow you to work from home until you recover. Lastly, you have to be prepared for recovery. You must get ice packs, medication (if the pain becomes unbearable), extra pillows, and other things to help you heal. Conclusion Every face is unique. Hence, your facelift cost depends on your goals and current condition. Want to know more about facelifts? Check out our Patient’s Guide to Facelift Surgery to learn more about the facelift surgery process. To know how much a facelift for you costs, book a consultation with me.

How to Get Rid of Dark Circles Under Eyes With Blepharoplasty Surgery

by Admin||The Centre London

Knowing how to get rid of dark circles under eyes helps solve your issues. When there’s something odd with your eyes, everyone will notice it. One of the most common issues patients have are dark circles. Knowing how to get rid of dark circles under eyes helps you solve this problem. Your eyes are among the most noticeable parts of your face. When anything near it looks strange, your eyes do as well. This is the main reason why people with dark circles under eyes are bothered. Dark circles under eyes make you look tired and generally unattractive. They can also affect how people see and treat you. Given these, it’s crucial that you know how to get rid of dark circles under eyes. In this article, I will talk about dark circles, their causes, how to get rid of dark circles under eyes, and how the procedure goes. I’ll also discuss what you can expect before, after, and during the surgery. Dark Circles Under Eyes Lower blepharoplasty is a long-term solution to your dark circles. As its name implies, dark circles under eyes are characterised by dark skin beneath both of your eyes. While often associated with bruising or redness from an injury or infection, dark circles are different. Dark circles last longer than bruising or redness. They can also be more noticeable sometimes. Other times, they are less visible. If this is the case, dark circles are caused by stress and tiredness. Sometimes, dark circles can also be shadows cast by puffy eyes or hollows under eyes. The said issues develop because of ageing. They are normal and inevitable. In addition, dark circles under eyes are associated with under eye bags. As you age, the tissue around your eyes, specifically those that support your eyelids become weak. Due to this, fat moves more into the front, making your under eye look puffy. Fluid can also accumulate beneath your eyes. This adds to the puffiness. These can aggravate or cause dark circles. On the upside, dark circles are usually not a sign of a serious medical problem. However, if dark skin and swelling persist beneath one eye, you should talk to a doctor. Despite not being a sign of a serious medical issue, dark circles are a common cosmetic problem. They make you look tired and generally unattractive. Moreover, they can affect how people see and treat you. Hence, if you want a long-lasting solution that makeup or creams cannot provide, book a consultation with me. Depending on your goals and the causes of your dark circles, I may recommend one or more treatments for you. For instance, lower blepharoplasty alone can solve the issue. Other times, you might need to go complementary procedures like facelift and upper blepharoplasty. Causes of Dark Circles Under Eyes There are many causes of dark circles under eyes. From ageing to ageing to hyperpigmentation, there are several causes of dark circles under eyes. Here they are: 1. Aging Aging is one of the primary causes of dark circles under eyes. As you get older, your collagen levels decrease. Collagen is a protein that provides strength and structure to your skin. Hence, low collagen levels make the tissue around your eyes become weak. This decrease in collagen can also cause fat to go beneath your eyes. As a result, your eyes suffer from dark shadows and puffiness. The most common reason dark circles under eyes form is the hollowing beneath your eyes from the loss of support. This is why patients who tried every cream in the market did not improve. In addition, ageing-related dark circles occurs in layers. Due to this, you will see your skin gradually sag from your brows to your eyelids. Deep under your eyes, there is a framework for muscles, ligaments, bones that hold everything in place. Since they do not age at the same time, their ageing can lead to hollows, bags, and dark circles under your eyes. 2. Heredity Aside from ageing, heredity is also a common cause of dark circles under eyes. You can inherit conditions that can aggravate or cause dark circles. Some families have more prominent dark circles than others. Thus, if prominent dark circles are common among your family members, you will probably have them, too. You might have more prominent dark circles compared to kids your age. As you get older, your dark circles become worse. Moreover, there are certain medical conditions that can cause or contribute to the development of your dark circles. For one, pigmentation disorders can be inherited. They are a condition in which your melanin production becomes abnormal. Since your skin gets its color from melanin, pigmentation disorders cause discoloration. Some affect certain parts (e.g. forehead, neck, under eyes), while others affect your whole body. In addition, thyroid disease can cause dark circles under the eyes. It is because thyroid disease promotes fluid retention. This can be more intense around the eyes. Consequently, the skin under the eyes goes down. This creates under eye bags and shadows. Moreover, some people are genetically prone to subluxation, which is the moving of fat under the eyeball to the front of the eye. 3. Ethnicity Ethnicity also plays a role in one’s dark circles under eyes. Since ethnicity determines one’s skin color, it can contribute to the appearance of dark circles. To begin with, dark circles are more noticeable in people who have pale skin. These include Caucasians, who are predisposed to have skin. As you may well know, a pale complexion aggravates the appearance of dark circles. This is also the reason why people with pale skin and dark circles have a hard time concealing their dark under eye using makeup. In addition, when people with fair skin develop dark circles, they become more noticeable. It is because dark circles are in contrast with their overall skin color. People of color can also develop dark circles under their eyes. Even if their dark circles are not as prominent at the beginning, they can develop over time. It is because people of color generally produce more pigment around their eyes. Due to this predisposition, they cause darkened eyelids and under eye. 4. Sunlight Another cause of dark circles under eyes is sunlight. Since sunlight contains harmful UV (ultraviolet) rays, overexposure can contribute to dark circles. For one, the skin under your eyes is the thinnest in your body. When it is affected by the sun’s harmful rays, the damage becomes prominent. Sun damage also dilates your blood vessels. This increases blood flow to your under eye. As a result, dark circles come out. Moreover, sun damage promotes melanin production. This darkens the areas which have been exposed to the sun for long periods of time. Since the skin under the eye is always exposed, you must take preventive measures. Wearing sunscreen and eyeglasses can help. You can also opt to use an umbrella when you go out. Limiting your sun exposure also helps. 5. Poor Lifestyle Habits Poor lifestyle habits are another factor contributing to the appearance of dark circles under eyes. These habits include drinking excessive alcohol, lack of sleep, poor diet, stress, and not drinking enough water. When you smoke, your body is exposed to free radicals that break down collagen in your skin. As I mentioned, collagen is a substance that supports your skin. It makes your skin tight and elastic. Hence, collagen breakdown makes your skin more prone to hollowing and darkening. Moreover, smoking damages the vitamins that repair your skin. Without their help, the skin under your eyes becomes vulnerable to darkening. On top of that, cigarettes have nicotine, a substance that can negatively affect your sleeping pattern. Speaking of sleeping, lack of sleep can also aggravate dark circles. If you pay attention to your eyes after not sleeping the night before, dark circles appear. Lack of sleep also makes your eye bags heavier. This happens due to fluid buildup. As a result, your dark circles look more visible. This explains why your dark circles become more noticeable after staying up for more than 24 hours. In addition, lack of sleep causes your skin to look pale and dull. This makes dark blood vessels and tissues under your skin to show. Stress also has the same effect. When you are stressed, the blood spreads out under your skin. Then it oxidises. Consequently, a dark purple hue under your eyes appears. Not having enough nutrition from food can aggravate your dark circles as well. A diet filled with a huge amount of sugar causes inflammation. This irritates your skin. Sometimes, you will be compelled to rub your eyes, which makes your dark circles worse. Lastly, not drinking enough water each day can worsen your dark circles. When your body does not have enough water, the skin under your eyes looks sunken. This casts a shadow that makes your dark circles worse. How to Get Rid of Dark Circles Under Eyes The best way to get rid of dark circles is through lower blepharoplasty. There are several ways — both natural and surgical — that you can use to deal with dark circles. However, not all of them offer a permanent solution. While creams and patches can help, they do not offer long-lasting solutions. They also just lessen the visibility of dark circles. They do not eliminate it. Only surgery can. For your information, here’s how you can get rid of dark circles under eyes: 1. Makeup Wisely applying makeup on your dark circles can help lessen their appearance. Concealers in particular can help lighten your dark circles. However, makeup can only hide your dark circles for a few hours. It is not a permanent solution to a permanent problem. 2. Skincare Wearing sunscreen is crucial to reducing the appearance of dark circles under the eyes. Eye creams with collagen can help. In addition, brightening creams can help lighten your dark circles. However, just like makeup, they are not a permanent solution to your problem. 3. Non-Surgical Treatments Non-surgical treatments like laser resurfacing and dermal fillers can also help reduce the appearance of your dark circles. While they are not permanent, they are better solutions to dark circles than makeup and skincare. 4. Lifestyle Changes Eating a healthy diet, drinking enough water, and getting enough sleep can also help. Healthy lifestyle habits have positive effects on your body. These effects show on your skin. 5. Surgery Surgery is the best solution to dark circles. Eyelid surgery or blepharoplasty produces the longest results. The procedure can get rid of your dark circles permanently. The results can last up to a lifetime, making it a great investment in yourself. Blepharoplasty: The Best Solution to Dark Circles Under Eyes Eyelid surgery effectively helps eliminate dark circles under eyes. As I briefly stated, eyelid surgery or blepharoplasty is the best solution to your dark circles. It is a surgical procedure performed on the eyelids to eliminate dark circles and eye bags. There are two types of blepharoplasty. The first is performed on the upper eyelid (upper blepharoplasty). The second type is performed on the lower eyelid (lower blepharoplasty). While these two procedures are performed on specific areas, they often complement each other. Many of my patients choose lower and upper blepharoplasty because it makes their eyes look more attractive overall. It also gives patients a younger-looking appearance― one that cannot be achieved by eye creams or makeup. At my clinic, blepharoplasty lasts for an hour to an hour and a half. The surgical procedure may take longer if there are complementary procedures needed. The duration can also vary according to your condition and goals. Lower blepharoplasty has several benefits including getting rid of dark circles and eye bags. As I briefly said, blepharoplasty is the best way to get rid of dark circles under eyes. Let me explain why. Here are the several benefits of removing dark circles through blepharoplasty: 1. Lower blepharoplasty removes your dark circles. One main benefit of lower blepharoplasty is removing your dark circles. Aging, heredity, and ethnicity are natural causes of dark circles. Dark circles caused by natural processes cannot be often solved by over-the-counter products. Only lower blepharoplasty can completely get rid of your dark circles. It is a permanent solution to your dark under eye. 2. Lower lid blepharoplasty eliminates your eye bags. Your dark circles are not the only problem that can be solved by surgery. Lower lid blepharoplasty also gets rid of your eye bags. Since eye bags are usually caused by fat going forward, removing that fat can solve it. During lower lid blepharoplasty, I remove the excess fat under your eyes. By doing this, the procedure effectively gets rid of your heavy eye bags. Since your eye bags cast a shadow over your under eye, this helps with your dark circles as well. 3. Lower blepharoplasty smoothens your under eye. Under eye wrinkles are among the most common issues for ageing people. It worsens the appearance of other signs of ageing like crow’s feet. Eye bag surgery can permanently solve these. During lower blepharoplasty, I will sew your skin back after removing excess fat under your eyes. This makes your under eye tighter, giving you smoother, younger-looking skin. Before the Surgery You must have a consultation before having lower lid blepharoplasty. Blepharoplasty for dark circles is a major surgical procedure that requires careful planning and execution. Hence, you should have a consultation before going through the procedure. During the consultation, I will listen to your goals. I will also check your current condition and medical history. Based on this information, I will tell you whether you are an ideal candidate for lower lid blepharoplasty. I will further evaluate your face and see if you need other treatments. If yes, I will explain each of them. Rest assured, you can then determine the schedule for your surgery. During the Surgery Blepharoplasty involves fat transposition and fat removal. I will give you anaesthesia first of all. For full disclosure, my clinic uses sedation anaesthesia. It is because it is safer than general anaesthesia. Sedation anaesthesia also allows you to recover faster. During surgery, I open a fibrous layer. It is called the orbital septum. Once this is opened, your eye’s orbital fat pockets reveal themselves. I then transfer the fat from your under eye to your cheek. I do this conservatively because you can always add but not lessen. This process is called fat transposition. If you have severe dark circles and eye bags, I will do fat removal as well. To enhance the result, I do a canthopexy stitch to support your lower eyelid. This stitch is totally concealed and dissolves a few weeks after the surgery. After the Surgery Lower blepharoplasty involves side effects that usually go away one to two weeks after surgery. All of my patients’ sight returned to normal right after the surgery. In addition, they go home 30 minutes after the surgery. Many of them go back to work or school on the same day, given that they do not do intense physical activities. Though this rarely happens, you might have dry eyes after the lower blepharoplasty. However, it only lasts for up to seven days. You might also experience bruising and swelling after the surgery. However, these side effects go away one to two weeks after the procedure. Before and After Blepharoplasty Photos Here are some photos of my patients before and after blepharoplasty: Patient 1: This 63-year-old woman was concerned about her eyes being overshadowed by puffy & dark lower eyelids and drooping brows. She had complete blepharoplasty. After the surgery, her eyes became more alive. Her dark circles and drooping brows went away as well. Patient 2: This 46-year-old woman was concerned about people asking her if she is tired all the time. She had complete blepharoplasty. After the surgery, her eyes became more youthful. Her dark circles and eye bags were gone and her brows were lifted. Patient 3: This young man was concerned about his large eye bags and dark circles. He had lower blepharoplasty. After the surgery, his eyes became more alive. His eye bags and dark circles were removed as well. Blepharoplasty Reviews UK Here are some verified reviews from my patients: “I wanted to have an upper blepharoplasty for many years and had consultations with several of the well known London plastic surgeons, however, I never quite felt comfortable enough until I had my consultation with Dr De Silva. I live overseas and although my consultation was via Skype, I immediately felt that Dr De Silva listened to me, understood my concerns and was realistic about the results I would achieve by having surgery. I have found with many of the so called ‘celebrity’ plastic surgeons that the consultation can be like a conveyor belt, they can be very over powering and dismissive and you are made to feel that they are doing you a favour by seeing you! Not so with Dr De Silva, the whole experience from booking the Skype consultation through to arriving in the UK, having the face to face consultation and on the day of the surgery was amazing. The front of house team are incredibly knowledgeable, friendly and reassuring, I called several times throughout the process and every time I called the team were friendly, reassuring and never made me feel like I was being a nuisance. I had twilight sedation which I have to say I was very nervous about, however, the anaesthetist was very calm, caring and reassuring, I didn’t feel anything apart from a little bit of discomfort from the laser but it was over so quickly that it would certainly not put me off having another procedure. I did bruise quite severely after the surgery and had significant swelling but the swelling subsided within a few days and the bruising was easily camouflaged with make up. It is just over a year since my surgery and I am absolutely thrilled with the results,I am so glad I had the surgery and Dr De Silva will be my surgeon of choice for future procedures.” Source: RealSelf “Had lower blepharoplasty surgery with Dr De Silvia. I have wanted it done for such a long time but it was a big decision to make. I decided to go for it and it’s the best thing I’ve ever done. I finally look fresh and not constantly tired. The whole experience was amazing. I can not fault anything. The recovery was only a week and two weeks for the swelling to completely go. I am so pleased with the results. Thank you so much.” Source: BirdEye “I live in Liverpool and travelled to Dr De Silva for my blepharoplasty after a lot of research. I am so happy I did! I can’t recommend him & his team enough. They are the most professional, caring and reassuring team. The clinic is very clean, organised and welcoming. I was really nervous beforehand but there was absolutely no need to be, as it was the best experience it could have been- I wasn’t aware of anything happening under the sedation, I felt like I just had a nap, woke up and it was done. The sedation doctor was also lovely. The whole thing was (unbelievably) totally pain-free and the aftercare was second to none. I am delighted with the results! 2 months on and there is no scarring at all and the result keeps on getting better and better. So if you’re considering blepharoplasty – do not go to anyone else. It’s your face!” Source: RateMDs Conclusion Knowing how to get rid of dark circles under eyes is crucial in making an informed decision about which treatment to take. Every patient is unique and therefore needs a customised treatment plan. If you are ready to take the next step to a better you, book a consultation now!

Deviated Septum Surgery: Causes, Costs, and Aftercare

by Admin||Rhinoplasty

Knowing how much a deviated septum surgery cost helps determine the best procedure for you. Some people are born with a deviated septum. Others get it from accidents. Knowing how much a deviated septum surgery cost helps you make an informed decision about treatment. Whatever the cause of your deviated septum is, having the condition negatively affects your daily life. From difficulty breathing to nasal infection, a deviated septum must be treated. Sometimes, medicine can help. However, it is often not enough. A deviated septum surgery is the only permanent solution to your problem. In this article, I’ll discuss deviated septum surgery cost, causes, and recovery. What Is a Deviated Septum? A broken septum can be corrected through deviated septum surgery. The nasal septum is the cartilage that separates your nostrils. It is usually found at the center. The nasal septum is supposed to divide the nostrils evenly. However, for some people, it isn’t the case. Many patients have an irregular septum that makes one nostril bigger than the other. This irregularity is known as a deviated septum. Severe irregularity can cause complications such as difficult breathing and nasal infection. A deviated septum is highly common. The American Academy of Otolaryngology states that approximately 80% of all septums deviate to some degree. In addition, a deviated septum requires medical attention if it causes health issues or negatively impacts one’s quality of life. Causes of a Deviated Septum A deviated septum surgery is attributed to many factors. A deviated septum has two main causes― congenital malformation and accidents. A fetus can develop a deviated septum while in the uterus or womb. It can also be caused by the birthing process, making a deviated septum a congenital condition. This means that some people are born with a deviated septum. In particular, heavy babies whose mothers had difficult deliveries are more prone to having a deviated septum. Deviated septums that occurred at birth usually have a C or S shape. They typically occur in the front of the nose and are smooth. The appearance of the deviated may increase as the patient ages. Those who did not have deviated septums at birth might develop it later in life due to accidents. Falls, sports injuries, or car accidents can cause a deviated septum. Injury-related or traumatic deviated septums tend to look irregular and have a severe angle. They also equally impact nasal septum regions and can include fractured or dislocated cartilage. Due to these, deviated septums caused by accidents are often severe. Deviated Septum Symptoms There are various symptoms associated with a deviated septum. Here are deviated septum symptoms you must know about. 1. Difficulty Breathing A deviated septum blocks the nostril/s. Due to this, people with deviated septums can’t breathe properly. This becomes more intense when you have a cold that causes your nasal passages to swell. 2. Nosebleeds A patient with a deviated nasal septum might suffer from frequent nosebleeds. Worse, these nosebleeds can happen out of the blue. It’s because the broken septum causes one or two nostrils to dry and form crusts. When you blow or hit your nose, the crusts dislodge and cause bleeding. 3. Sinusitis A deviated nasal septum can cause inflammation of the sinuses― the four paired cavities in the head. They make mucus that keeps your nose moist, protecting it from bad bacteria. Normally filled with air, the sinuses become blocked by a deviated septum. As a result, they become inflamed, making your nose prone to harmful bacteria. 4. Nasal Infections Since your sinuses can’t drain properly, a deviated septum can also cause nasal infections. Your nose becomes a breeding ground for harmful bacteria. Consequently, you get frequent and painful nasal infections. 5. Headache A deviated septum can also lead to headaches. When you get a nasal infection, your sinuses get pressured. This pressure alone is enough to cause a headache. This can also aggravate the condition of people suffering from migraines. 6. Whistling Breath The irregular size of your nostrils can cause nasal whistling. When one nostril is extremely large while the other is extremely small, you might hear whistling sounds when you breathe. 7. Sleep Apnea In some cases, a deviated septum can worsen sleep apnea. It is a condition where breathing stops during sleep. In particular, a deviated septum worsens sleep apnea by further obstructing the nostrils during sleep. However, a deviated septum doesn’t cause sleep apnea― it only makes the condition worse. Deviated Septum Treatment Deviated septum surgery offers a permanent fix. Whether you’ve had your deviated septum at birth or developed it after an accident, there are many treatments for you. Medication can relieve the symptoms of a deviated septum, but it is not a permanent solution. If you want a permanent solution to your deviated septum, consider getting surgery. There are two kinds of surgeries that you can have to fix your deviated septum― septoplasty and septorhinoplasty. Deviated Septum Surgery Preparation You must have a consultation before any deviated septum surgery. During this consultation, we’ll talk about your goals. Then, I will discuss the options with you. After arriving at the best procedure for you, we can set a schedule for it. Deviated Septum Surgery Recovery Deviated septum surgery recovery depends on many factors such as the type of surgery and presence of complementary procedures. Septoplasty: Deviated Septum Surgery Septoplasty is a deviated septum surgery that aims to restore function. Septoplasty is the most common permanent solution to a deviated septum. Septoplasty is a surgical procedure that is done to fix a deviated septum. Septoplasty takes around one to one and a half hours to complete. Septoplasty surgery can last longer depending on the complexity of the condition. During septoplasty, an incision is made to access the septum. Then, the protective covering (mucous membrane) of the septum is lifted. The septum is then moved to the right position, removing or repositioning bones or cartilage on the way. Lastly, the mucous membrane is repositioned. Deviated Septum Surgery Cost: Septoplasty A septoplasty or deviated septum surgery cost depends on many factors. To begin with, it depends on the expertise of the doctor doing the surgery. For instance, septoplasty with a cosmetic surgeon with decades of experience costs more than a surgeon with less experience. Septoplasty cost can also go higher depending on the procedures done with it. In some cases, complementary procedures (e.g. rhinoplasty, cheek fillers) are needed to maximise the results of septoplasty. In the UK, septoplasty can range from £5,000 to £10,000. The deviated septum surgery cost can go lower if your health insurance covers the procedure. Since each patient’s nose is different, the complexity and scope of septoplasty vary. To get a more accurate cost, book a consultation with us. Septorhinoplasty: Deviated Septum Surgery Septorhinoplasty is a deviated septum surgery that aims to restore function and enhance appearance. Septorhinoplasty is a surgical procedure that combines septoplasty and rhinoplasty. Septoplasty’s main aim is to fix your deviated septum. Rhinoplasty, on the other hand, enhances your nose’s appearance. Hence, septorhinoplasty fixes your broken septum and nose’s appearance. Think about it this way: septorhinoplasty fixes both the inside and outside of your nose. It improves your nose’s look and function. Septorhinoplasty takes around one to two hours to complete. The deviated septum surgery can last longer depending on the complexity of the condition. During septorhinoplasty, an incision is made to access the septum. Then, the protective covering (mucous membrane) of the septum is lifted. The septum is then moved to the right position, removing or repositioning bones or cartilage on the way. The tip of your nose is then refined by removing some cartilage. If you have a hump on your nose, it will be removed. The nasal bones can also be straightened and narrowed as needed. Deviated Septum Surgery Cost: Septorhinoplasty A septorhinoplasty or deviated septum surgery cost depends on many factors. To begin with, it depends on the expertise of the doctor doing the surgery. For instance, septoplasty with a cosmetic surgeon with decades of experience costs more than a surgeon with less experience. Septorhinoplasty cost can also go higher depending on the procedures done with it. In some cases, complementary procedures (e.g. facelift, neck lift) are needed to maximise the results of septorhinoplasty. In the UK, septorhinoplasty can range from £6,000 to £12,000. The deviated septum surgery cost can go lower if your health insurance covers the procedure. Since each patient’s nose is different, the complexity and scope of septoplasty vary. To get a more accurate cost, book a consultation with us. Conclusion A deviated septum can cause many complications such as difficulty breathing, nosebleed, and nasal infection. Worse, it can aggravate sleep apnea, which can be fatal. If you want a permanent solution to your deviated septum, consider surgery. Book a consultation with us now!

Eye Bag Removal Surgery (Blepharoplasty) Explained

by Admin||The Centre London

Blepharoplasty or eyelid surgery is the best solution to eye bag removal. As you get older, the skin around your eyes deteriorates. Loose skin and excess fat can change your eyelid’s appearance, giving birth to eye bags. The solution? Eye bag removal. Thanks to advances in cosmetic procedures, there are now many options for eye bag removal. However, if you are looking for a permanent solution, blepharoplasty is the best choice. In this article, I’ll talk about eye bags and how you can have them removed. Causes of Eye Bags There are many reasons why eye bags appear. Aging is the most common. Contrary to popular belief, ageing is not the only reason why eye bags appear and become more noticeable. Here are the causes of eye bags. 1. Age Aging is the most common cause of eye bags. As you age, the skin under your eyes becomes less elastic and thinner. The bony foundation under your eyes changes as well, allowing fat to go forward. Tear troughs, the hollow part under your eyes, also become deeper and more noticeable. The same thing happens to under eye wrinkles. As a result, you develop eye bags. The fat sinks further, making your under eye look swollen. The older you get, the bigger your eye bags get. 2. Heredity It’s also possible for you to inherit eye bags. Some families have more prominent eye bags than others. Hence, if eye bags run in your family, you will probably have them, too. Heredity can also contribute to a condition called periorbital hyperpigmentation. This condition makes you predisposed to having dark circles. As you may well know, dark circles emphasize the presence of eye bags. Moreover, some people are genetically prone to subluxation, which is the moving of fat under the eyeball to the front of the eye. 3. Ethnicity Eye bags are more noticeable in people who have pale skin. It’s because a fair complexion cannot hide eye bags. Hence, when people with pale skin develop eye bags, they become prominent. For this reason, Caucasians tend to have deeper, more noticeable eye bags compared to African Americans. On the other hand, African Americans produce more pigment around the eye area. This can cause general darkening on the lids and under the eyes. 4. Smoking When you smoke, your body gets exposed to free radicals. Free radicals break down collagen and elastin in your skin― two substances that keep your skin tight and elastic. As a result, your skin sags and swells. In addition, smoking robs you of vitamins that repair your skin. It also causes dehydration, which aggravates eye bags and dark circles. On top of that, cigarettes contain nicotine, a chemical that can disrupt sleeping patterns. 5. Lack of Sleep Your sleeping habits can also cause eye bags. This explains why your eye bags become bigger after staying up for more than 24 hours. In particular, lack of sleep can cause fluid buildup under your eyes. As a result, your eye bags become bigger. Lack of sleep also causes your skin to become dull and pale. This allows dark tissues and blood vessels under your skin to show. 6. Sun Exposure Too much exposure to the sun causes your body to excessively produce melanin. Melanin is a pigment that gives your skin pigment. Hence, too much exposure to the sun can cause the area surrounding your eyes to darken. Excessive sun exposure can also make the skin under the eyes thinner. This causes dark circles and eye bags to become more visible. 7. Stress When you are stressed, blood circulation in your eye area slows down. This allows blood to pool there. Specifically, your thin blood vessels leak and stretch. The blood spreads out under the skin and oxidizes. This process leads to puffy eye bags and a dark purple hue over them. In addition, more blood is directed away from your face, making it look pasty. Consequently, your eye bags become more visible. 8. Poor Diet A poor diet can lead to eye bags as well. To begin with, a diet mostly composed of sugar can cause inflammation. Since the skin under your eyes is thinner compared to other body parts, inflammation can aggravate your eye bags. Salty food including canned goods can also make your eye bags swell. It’s because they have a lot of sodium in them. Excessive sodium can make you retain water, which aggravates your eye bags. 9. Allergies When you experience allergies, your body releases histamine in response to it. Histamine then causes symptoms including redness, itchiness, and puffy eyes. It also makes your blood vessels dilate and become more visible. In addition, allergies urge you to scratch and rub the skin around your eyes. This can worsen your dark circles and make your eye bags more prominent. 10. Dehydration Not drinking enough water each day can worsen your eye bags. When your body doesn’t receive enough water, the skin under your eyes starts to look dull. Your eyes become sunken as well. Drinking alcohol also dehydrates your body. Hence, you might want to watch out how much and how often you drink. Disadvantages of Having Eye Bags Eye bags cause problems that can be solved through under eye bag removal. Most people hate having eye bags for many reasons. Here they are. 1. Eye bags make you look tired. Having prominent eye bags makes you look tired all the time, even if you are not actually tired. If you have noticeable eye bags, people around you will often say that you look tired. Some of them might say that you lack sleep, despite sleeping a lot the night before. 2. Eye bags can stress you out. What others say about our appearance can bring us down. If someone says that you look unpleasant because of your eye bags, you might get hurt. As a result, you’ll keep thinking about your flaws, including your eye bags. The constant thought of your flaws can stress you out. If going through eye bags removal surgery helps reduce your stress levels, go for it. 3. Eye bags can be a permanent problem. Since most eye bags are caused by ageing and genetics. If not dealt with, they will be a permanent problem. Eye cream and makeup, while somehow effective, are not permanent solutions to eye bags. Cream can slightly lighten your eye bags, but they will still be there. Makeup can conceal them, but they will remain. Remember, a permanent problem needs a permanent solution. 4. Eye bags affect your self-confidence. Looking at the mirror every day and seeing those prominent eye bags can affect your self-confidence. If your career is mainly based on your appearance (e.g acting, modelling), eye bags affect your confidence to do your job. As your self-confidence decreases, so does other people’s confidence in you. It’s because your confidence determines how other people see you. Eye Bag Removal through Surgery Removal of eye bags through surgery is the only permanent solution to your problem. As I mentioned, eye bags caused by genetics and ageing are permanent. While over-the-counter products somehow help, they cannot get rid of your eye bags. Blepharoplasty or under eye bag removal can. What is Blepharoplasty? Knowing how to get rid of eye bags help you explore your options. Blepharoplasty is also known as eyelid surgery. As its name implies, blepharoplasty is a surgical procedure done on the eyelids to get rid of its problems. There are two kinds of blepharoplasty. One is done on the upper eyelid (upper blepharoplasty). The other one is done on the lower eyelid (lower blepharoplasty). While lower and upper blepharoplasty are done on distinct areas, the two procedures often complement each other. A complete blepharoplasty procedure enhances your eyes’ overall appearance, giving you that youthful glow. At my clinic, blepharoplasty lasts for an hour to an hour and a half. It may take longer depending on your condition and the presence of other procedures. Lower Blepharoplasty Lower blepharoplasty is specially tailored to remove eye bags. As I stated, lower blepharoplasty is done on the lower eyelid. In this section, I’ll explain how lower blepharoplasty or eye bag removal surgery is done. During lower blepharoplasty, a fibrous layer called the orbital septum is opened. This is done to reveal the eye’s orbital fat pockets. Since the eye bags develop because of fat pushing forward, I follow a conservative approach to fix it. Known as fat transposition, I immediately transfer the fat below the eyelid to the cheek. However, fat transposition is usually done with fat removal in patients with bigger eye bags. To improve the result, I use a canthopexy stitch to support the lower eyelid. This stitch is completely hidden. It dissolves a few weeks after the surgery. Recovery Recovery depends on many factors such as sleep and activity. All of my patients’ eyesight return back to normal immediately after the surgery. They usually return home 30 minutes after the procedure. Many of them go back to work or school on the same day. In addition, I use sedation anesthesia. It causes faster recovery compared to traditional anesthesia. Though this rarely happens, you might have dry eyes after the procedure. However, it only lasts for a week. Some bruising and swelling might be there as well. However, they will go away one to two weeks after the surgery. There are a few things you can do to speed up recovery. To start with, putting ice on the affected area for 10 minutes each day after the surgery can help reduce swelling. Resting and taking things easy also helps. It’s because a low and stable blood pressure reduces the risk of worsening symptoms. In addition, elevating your head while sleeping can help decrease bruising and swelling. Removal of Eye Bags Without Surgery: Is It Possible? Skincare products can somehow help. However, they are not a permanent solution to eye bags. Many people think that skincare products can help remove their eye bags. While over-the-counter products are somehow effective, they are not a permanent solution to your eye bags, especially for those caused by ageing and genetics. Another notion is the use of fillers to remove eye bags. Fillers can reduce the appearance of eye bags, but they are temporary. If you are looking for a permanent solution that is more cost-effective in the long run, I suggest going under blepharoplasty. Blepharoplasty produces better and longer results. It can last up to a lifetime for older people who want their eye bags removed. Is There a Clinic Doing Eye Bag Removal Near Me? The Centre for Advanced Facial Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery offers eye bag removal in London. Yes, there is. My clinic is located in Harley Street, London. We offer high-quality eye bag removal. My techniques aim to give you the least pain and scarring possible. My clinic also offers patient support after the surgery to make your recovery as seamless as possible. Conclusion Having eye bags is one of the most common problems among ageing people. Some teens and young adults can have prominent eye bags, often are genetically predisposed to having them. Eye bag removal can be a life-changing process that helps boost your confidence and work performance. Looking for a permanent solution to your eye bags? Book a consultation now!

Mini Facelifts in London

A mini facelift can be good options for people noticing increasing facial ageing in the lower half of their face, lose skin, notable effects of gravity and increase squareness of jaw line . A natural mini facelift is a procedure Dr De Silva completes for patients every day, it is key that it is customised to your individual needs and ageing, sometimes additional procedures such as volume enhancement (fat transfer) and skin resurfacing (laser) will enhance your results. People often turn to facelift for age-related issues. Aging causes many facial changes, that can result in you looking more tired particularly with certain movements such as lowering your chin. Many of our patients have exhausted non-surgical treatments and come to the realisation that these treatments have limited impact on the jaw line and effects of gravity. As promising as a full-on surgical facelift is, not everyone is willing to go under it. This is where a mini facelift comes in. This revolutionary procedure allows you to get the benefits of a standard facelift, but with minimal surgery. Dr De Silva believes in less surgery is an advantage if it means less recovery, less scars, ONLY if it gives a good natural result. Many patients have come to Dr De Silva for revision facelift & neck lift surgery where there initial surgery did not achieve the rejuvenation they were looking for. A minimally invasive surgery that gives you the benefits of a traditional facelift. What Is a Mini Facelift? Despite the small incisions made, a mini facelift’s results are impactful. A mini facelift is a modified version of a traditional facelift. Just like a traditional facelift, a mini facelift is invasive. Both involve making incisions to lift the skin. However, a mini facelift is not as invasive as other types of surgical facelift. As its name implies, a mini facelift involves small incisions. A mini facelift is significantly less invasive than a standard facelift. In addition, the scars are effectively hidden. Despite the small incisions made, a mini facelift’s results are impactful. They can make a big difference when done by a skilled cosmetic surgeon. A mini facelift generally focuses on the lower portion of your face. The procedure tightens the target area including the chin and jaw. Since these areas are generally prone to showing signs of ageing, a mini facelift can help. You may be fit for a mini facelift if you’re looking to solve issues in these problems areas. If you want fewer incisions and less skin removal, a mini facelift is a great option. Despite the small incisions involved, a mini facelift is still considered a major cosmetic procedure. It requires careful consideration and research. Why Choose Dr De Silva? Dr Julian De Silva #1 Specialist Facelift & Neck Surgeon Over +10years developed a Natural signature technique by focusing on the individual characteristics of each person. Natural technique: Mini Deep Plane Facelift Safety Focus: Patented Twilight Sedation Anaesthesia (avoid side effects and risks of General Anaesthesia) Natural result is the best version of You. Dr Julian De Silva is a widely credited and celebrated facial plastic surgeon who specialises ONLY in the FACE. Facial surgery is intricate, your eyes, nose, face and neck areas, and is known for Natural Results and Rast Recovery technology. “We are proud to have over 1000 5* reviews. My focus has always been to be the very best at what I do, to continually innovate to provide World Class leadership with my team, my patients and my associates. My mission is to help every patient be the very best version of themself with World-Class services, life-long follow up with complimentary facial aesthetic procedures.” Author of the Facelift Book, The Patient Guide to Facelift & Neck lift Surgery, to help our patients make the best decisions we gift this book to all our patients. In a world of increasing complexity and misinformation, his passion has been focused on providing sincere advice, low risk and fast recovery procedures. As an Artist, all of Dr De Silva’s portrait paintings are vision in the World Class Facility at 23 Harley Street, custom built for Facial Treatments. Dr Julian De Silva has Taught Facelift Surgery to other surgeons in the USA for over 8 years. “I have always been a passionate teacher and as director of the course I am committed to inspiring the next generation of surgeons.” As a father and a Family Man he understands how important our appearance, health and well being is for happiness. Dr De Silva is in demand, please be patient if we are unable to offer you an appointment immediately, Dr De Silva is a detailed surgeon, he takes extra time with every patient to understand your needs and expectations, facial treatment is a blend of both precision and artistry, and takes time. Benefits of Mini Facelift A mini facelift has many benefits including a short downtime and subtle results. Here are the benefits of a mini facelift. 1. A mini facelift is minimally invasive. A mini facelift is often chosen by patients because it’s minimally invasive. Interestingly, a mini facelift’s incisions are significantly smaller compared to other types of facelift. Due to this, the procedure can be completed in less time. Specifically, I make small incisions around your hairline. I do this to effectively hide the scars. I then remove some excess skin to tighten your face. At times, complementary procedures are done with a mini facelift. This helps maximize results, as a mini facelift only involves your face’s bottom section. 2. A mini facelift has a short downtime. Due to its minimally invasive nature, a mini facelift requires shorter downtime than other kinds of facelift. Since I use sedation anaesthesia at my clinic, my patients feel little to no pain after the procedure. They also heal faster. Recovery time is as fast as 1 week. You can assume activities the next day, given that they are not strenuous. To be safe, you must wait for at least 3 weeks before doing strenuous activities like exercising. 3. A mini facelift produces subtle results. If you’re looking for subtle and natural results, a mini facelift is an excellent choice. Since the incisions are smaller, the scars will be smaller as well. Though the results are not as dramatic as a full facelift, they still enhance your overall appearance. In addition, a mini facelift can only treat mild to moderate skin laxity, so the results look natural. 4. A mini facelift comes with minimal risks. A mini facelift results in less swelling and bruising than a more extensive facelift surgery. Additionally, scars are barely visible. The incisions are hidden beneath your hairline and facial contours. Moreover, a mini facelift typically doesn’t come with serious complications like nerve damage. It’s because it is a minimally invasive procedure. All of my patients never had such complications. 5. A mini facelift increases your self-confidence. Self-confidence is crucial in living a happy, fulfilling life. Unfortunately, signs of ageing decrease your self-confidence. When you look at the mirror and see those wrinkles and fleshy jowls, your confidence goes down. A mini facelift enhances your self-confidence. By getting rid of the issues that bother you, you become more confident about yourself. Your newfound confidence then reflects on the way you treat others. It helps you perform better at work, especially if you are into acting or modelling. Mini Facelift vs. Other Kinds of Facelift There are many kinds of facelift, so you should weigh the pros and cons to decide which one to choose. The best facelift for others might not be the best for you. While a mini facelift offers various benefits with less surgery, it helps knowing the differences between a mini facelift and other kinds of facelift. Mini Facelift vs. Skin-Only Facelift A skin-only facelift is among the most traditional kinds of facelift. It’s because cosmetic surgeons use to manipulate just the skin of the patient. However, advances in cosmetic procedures led to other kinds of facelift. As the term implies, a skin-only facelift will only operate on your skin, without touching the tissues underneath it. Interestingly, a mini facelift works similarly, but with fewer and smaller incisions. A skin-only facelift, just like a mini one, can also give you instant results. However, a mini facelift’s results more frequently last longer than the results of a skin-only facelift. In addition, a skin-only facelift calls for a shorter recovery period (about one to two weeks) than a mini facelift (about one to three weeks). A skin-only facelift is best for people aged 30 to 40. On the other hand, a mini facelift is best for those in their late 30’s to 40’s. Mini Facelift vs. SMAS Facelift An SMAS facelift operates on the superficial muscular aponeurotic system (SMAS). Just like a mini facelift, it also targets the lower part of the face. However, an SMAS facelift can have a larger scope than a mini facelift. However, the primary difference between a mini facelift and SMAS facelift is that the latter raises the skin and SMAS layers separately. A mini facelift manipulates the tissue by lifting and then pulling them up. If needed, excess tissue will be removed. An SMAS facelift requires more downtime (3 to 8 weeks) than a mini facelift (1 to 3 weeks). An SMAS facelift is best for people in their 40’s to 60’s. On the other hand, a mini facelift is best for those in their late 30’s to 40’s. Mini Facelift vs. MACS Facelift A MACS (minimal access cranial suspension) facelift involves the underlying muscles of the face.This procedure targets a larger area than a mini facelift. It’s tailored for people with excellent skin tone and limited facial sagging. In addition, a MACS facelift usually covers a larger area than a mini facelift. A MACS facelift requires a longer recovery time (3 to 4 weeks) than that of a mini facelift (1 to 3 weeks). A MACS facelift is best for people in their late 30’s to 60’s. On the other hand, a mini facelift is best for those in their late 30’s to 40’s. Mini Facelift vs. Deep Plane Facelift A deep plane facelift is an extensive facelift surgery. On the other hand, a mini facelift is a minimally invasive procedure. Due to this, a deep plane produces more dramatic results than a mini facelift. In addition, a mini facelift only involves the skin. In contrast, a deep plane facelift includes manipulating the skin and supportive layer of the face. A deep plane facelift usually has a longer recovery time than that of a mini facelift. However, due to the special techniques I use, my signature deep plane facelift requires a shorter recovery time (approximately 2 weeks) than that of a mini facelift (1 to 3 weeks). A deep plane facelift is best for people in their 40’s to 60’s. On the other hand, a mini facelift is best for those in their late 30’s to 40’s. Mini facelift cost is also lower compared to that of a deep plane facelift. Mini Facelift vs. S-Lift The S-lift includes S-shaped incisions, which are usually larger compared to incisions made during a mini facelift. An S-lift requires a shorter recovery time (3 to 5 days) than that of a mini facelift (1 to 3 weeks).An S-lift is best for people in their late 30’s to 60’s. On the other hand, a mini facelift is best for those in their late 30’s to 40’s. Mini Facelift: What to Expect Before the Procedure A consultation must be done before having a mini facelift. Before going under any procedure, we must have an extensive consultation. To start with, we will discuss your goals and needs. I will then look at your medical records to make sure that there are no possible complications. If there are, I will tell you about it. After checking your medical history, I will explain the procedure and the risks associated with it. A mini facelift is a minimally invasive procedure with few risks, so you don’t have to worry about it. Based on what you hear, we will then determine the best procedure for you. It could be a mini facelift or other procedure. I might also suggest complementary procedures so you can get the most out of a mini facelift. For this, I will consider your face and neck. Rest assured, we can then set a schedule for the mini facelift surgery. Mini Facelift: What to Expect During the Procedure You should know what to expect during a mini facelift so you can make an informed decision. First of all, we will administere anaesthesia on the target area, so it becomes numb. I use sedation anaesthesia at my clinic because it’s safer than a general one. In addition, sedation anaesthesia lets your body recover faster than general anaesthesia. After this, I will make small incisions around your hairline and ears. I will carefully do this so that scars will be barely visible after the mini facelift. Next, I will move the tissues beneath your skin around. Some might be lifted and repositioned, while excess tissue will be removed if needed. Once everything is in place, I will close the incisions. Mini Facelift: What to Expect After the Procedure You can do a few things to speed up your mini facelift recovery. You will experience minimal bruising and swelling after the procedure. Since a mini facelift is a minimally invasive procedure, recovery time is short (1 to 3 weeks). There are a few things you can do to speed up your recovery. To begin with, you can put ice for ten minutes on the affected area to reduce swelling. Getting a lot of rest as you recover also helps. Remember, don’t resume strenuous activities like exercising or hiking before you completely recover. Mini Facelift Cost in London A mini facelift is a long-term investment. While a mini facelift is a minimally invasive procedure, it is still considered a major one. If you’ve been wondering about the cost of mini facelift London, here’s what you need to know. On average, a mini facelift costs from £10,000. The mini facelift cost varies depending on your aesthetic goal, and the complementary procedures that come with it. On the upside, a mini facelift is a long-term investment. The procedure is worth it especially if you want to get rid of your age-related problems with less surgery. How to Pick the Right Mini Facelift Surgeon You must carefully pick the cosmetic surgeon that will do your mini facelift. A mini facelift must be done by the best cosmetic surgeon you can find. Here are some tips on how to find the right surgeon. 1. Look for a cosmetic surgeon with proper credentials. You must look for a mini facelift surgeon who is board-certified. Surgeons specialise in various areas. Hence, it’s in your best interest to look for one that specialises in facial cosmetic surgery. My clinic in Harley Street London solely specialises on cosmetic procedures for the face and neck. Hence, you are assured that I am fully trained and certified to do cosmetic surgery. In addition, you should also look for a surgeon with other credentials like awards and publications. 2. Look for a cosmetic surgeon with experience. Experience is a reliable indicator of how a cosmetic surgeon works. The experience you’re looking for should be divided into two categories― the number of years and experience in doing the procedure. In this case, it’s a facelift. The number of years a surgeon has practiced is not enough if that surgeon doesn’t have experience in doing the procedures you need. I specialise in natural looking results, I like looking at patients old photos to see how their individual face has aged with time, and turn back the clock with natural techniques. Some patients require combination techniques including fat transfer, skin tightening and boney augmentation. 3. Look for a cosmetic surgeon offering excellent customer service. Customer service is a part of getting any cosmetic procedure. The way the doctor and staff treat you determines whether you should do the procedure with them or not. Before finalising your procedure, you must have a great sense of the staff. How does the receptionist approach you? How does the doctor treat you? At the end of the day, if the staff doesn’t treat you well, the procedure will end up being a horrible experience. 4. Look for a cosmetic surgeon with a world-class private facility. While general hospitals give patients the best care, it’s always better to choose a cosmetic surgeon with a private facility. It’s because general hospitals nowadays are home to infectious diseases including COVID-19. Hence, choosing a private facility ensures that you are safe from harm. If possible, visit the facility before scheduling a mini facelift. This allows you to have a sense of the facility and determine if it’s the right one. 5. Look for a surgeon with positive reviews. Another reliable indicator of a cosmetic surgeon’s performance are reviews. Thanks to the internet, you can now easily read reviews from the comfort of your home. Ask others for recommendations. You can then write down a list of potential doctors. After that, check their reviews online. If you like what you see, then it’s time to vet them. Call their office, visit the facility, and look at before and after photos if you can. Advantages of Getting a Mini Facelift at My Clinic The Centre for Advanced Facial Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery specialises in mini facelift. Here are the common reasons why you should have a mini facelift at my clinic. 1. Extensive Credentials My clinic in Harley Street London solely specialises in cosmetic procedures for the face and neck. Hence, you are assured that I am fully trained and certified to do cosmetic surgery. I am an author, global educator, and board-certified cosmetic doctor. I have operated celebrities and been featured in magazines & TV shows. In particular, I was featured in Elle, CNN, Vanity fair, Sky News, and the Late Night Show With Stephen Colbert, among others. Additionally, I was recognised as one of the best cosmetic doctors in the UK. I also received awards like the Imperial College London Innovation Award and West London Gold Medal Research Award. 2. Right Experience With more than 20 years of experience in facial cosmetic procedures, I have helped thousands of patients. My experience is enhanced by my extensive research on facial anatomy. I also have written and published articles and books. By specialising only on the face, my team and I deliver nothing but the best results. 3. Excellent Customer Service It is my goal for you to have the best trip to my clinic, whether you avail of my procedures or not. Due to this, I always say to my staff that we must treat each patient with care and respect. From the receptionist to the nurses, my team members proudly offer the best customer service possible. The highlights of my former patients’ experience at my clinic involve customer service, so you are assured of the best. 4. Private Facility If you want to get the best mini facelift in London and remain safe, you must choose a surgeon with his own facility. My custom, world-class facility was built over the years for my patients. It includes a relaxing lounge, clean rooms, and a private operating theatre. 5. Positive Reviews As of writing, I have 551 facial cosmetic reviews on my website alone. You can check more of my reviews on other independent websites. I have an average rating of 5 out of 5. This proves that my patients are highly satisfied with the results. Plus, a majority of my patients had procedures done in other clinics, and they go to me for cosmetic correction or improvement. Conclusion Mini facelift cost in London brings great value to your well-being. Despite its name, a mini facelift is a major and complex procedure. It requires a skilled and experienced cosmetic surgeon to do it. If you want to have the best mini facelift cost in London, look no further. My clinic specialises in facial cosmetic procedures. Book a consultation today!

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