How Is a Cheek Lift Performed?

by Admin||The Centre London

Mid facelifts are procedures that put your cheek tissues back to their natural position. A cheek lift surgery is also known as a mid face lift. This procedure addresses one of the earliest signs of ageing, which is sagging cheeks. It also deals with the sagging found around the cheeks. But how exactly is a cheek lift surgery performed? In this article, I will discuss how much the lift usually costs and how it is usually performed. I will also answer commonly asked questions about the treatment. How much does a cheek lift cost? The cost of this surgical treatment for the cheek area depends on many factors. Depending on the location and the cosmetic surgeon in the UK, a cheek lift can cost £5,000 to £10,000. However, this is just a range. The actual cost depends on a lot of factors including your needs, goals, and the assessment of your doctor. It also depends on the type of facility used and post-care medications that you may need. To know the exact cost of the cheek lift, consult a facial plastic surgeon first. You may book a consultation with Dr. Julian De Silva here. You also have to take note that a cheek lift is a cosmetic treatment, so it’s not usually covered by insurance. This means that you have to pay out of your pocket. On the bright side, this procedure helps gain your confidence and improve your performance especially if you are in the entertainment business. Hence, a cheek lift it’s an investment that will give you a lot of benefits in the long run. How long does cheek lift last? The treatment can lift soft tissue for a decade or more. How long a cheek lift lasts depends on many factors. For one, it depends on how you maintain the results after the surgery. It also depends on your lifestyle and other health habits. For instance, if you are a generally healthy person and have a great skincare routine, the results of a cheek lift might last longer. In general, the results of a cheek lift can last for 10 years or more. In many of my patients, cheek lift results can last for over 10 years. Some of them enjoy the results for up to a lifetime, specifically those who had cheek lift surgery later in life. If you want the results to last longer, there are some things you can do. For one, you have to take care of your health. People who are healthy inside usually have healthy skin. Second, you need to have a proper skincare routine. You have to use the right products that will help you maintain the results of the cheek lift. Lastly, you need to sleep well and avoid stress. Stress can show up in your skin and this might affect the longevity of your cheek lift results. What is a cheek lift? This outpatient procedure deals with mid face sagging and restores your youthful contour. For most patients, a traditional face lift cannot totally treat the upper cheek of the face, which frequently flattens, sags, and lengthens with age. This is where a mid facelift comes in. By elevating the fat pads in the cheeks (also known as the malar fat pads), cheek lift surgery provides fullness to your cheeks and eyes. This results in a rejuvenated and refreshed appearance. Moreover, the results of a mid facelift are more permanent than the results of non-surgical treatments such as cheek fillers. In particular, a cheek lift reduces sagging on your cheeks. It also smoothens your nasolabial folds (also known as smile lines) on the sides of your mouth by removing excess skin. Adjusting the soft tissue of your cheeks to a higher position can also help fight the hollowing below your lower eyelid, which is another sign of the ageing process. A cheek lift is frequently done with other facial cosmetic surgical procedures, such as blepharoplasty or eyelid surgery, a neck lift, a brow and forehead lift, or rhinoplasty. When done all together, these cosmetic procedures offer full facial rejuvenation. As a result, you will look more refreshed and younger. You can also enjoy the results of this full facial rejuvenation for a decade or more. Because fat loss contributes a lot to midface ageing, an endotine midface lift is also frequently combined with cheek augmentation (via cheek fillers or cheek implants) or fat transfer to add volume. Another benefit of an endotine midface lift or cheek lift is that you can recover faster from the procedure compared to a traditional facelift. As you may well know, a checklist or midface lift is a surgical procedure. Hence, you should make sure that you consult reputable and experienced plastic surgeons like me, Dr. Julian De Silva. Doing so minimises the risk associated with the cosmetic procedure and ensures that you get the results you want. Doing so minimises the risk associated with the cosmetic procedure and ensures that you achieve the results you want. Can you get your cheeks lifted via a midface lift? This procedure is different from a traditional face lift. Yes, you can get your cheeks lifted. You can do this via midface lift surgery. During the side procedure, the cosmetic surgeon raises your cheek tissues back up where they’re supposed to be. By doing this, the tissues stay in place. The process makes your skin smoother and gives you a more refreshed appearance. When combined with a lower eyelid lift, the cosmetic surgeon removes the loose skin in the lower eyelid first and the bulging fat. Then, the procedure raises your cheek tissues higher using the same incision used for the eyelid lift. Moreover, during a cheek lift, fat it’s not removed that much. Instead, your cheek tissues are repositioned. By doing this, the line between your cheek and your lower eyelid decreases or goes away. A checklist procedure is usually an outpatient one. At last for approximately three hours. However, the duration will go longer if a cheek lift is done with other cosmetic procedures. Cheek Lift Surgery: What You Need to Know This treatment can be done with other procedures like eyelid surgery. If you see your cheeks are beginning to sag slightly, you can consider getting a cheek lift. This facial cosmetic treatment enhances the look of your saggy cheeks and the areas below your lower eyelids. As time passes by, the structure of your face depletes. Its once youthful shape sags and changes position. This leads to a tired and old appearance. This is where a mid facelift comes in. The procedure is designed to restore your face’s original shape by restoring volume to your cheeks and decreasing the appearance of smile lines. Since this procedure is a surgical one, recovery usually takes between two and three weeks. However, patients can resume their regular activities after a week or so. During recovery, you must avoid any vigorous or strenuous physical activity for at least two weeks. You should also take all of the medication and follow the aftercare guidelines that I will give. Cheek and Midface Lift This treatment enhances drooping cheeks and restores cheek volume. Contrary to popular belief, a cheek and midface lift are not different from each other. The terms are used anonymously in the cosmetic surgery or plastic surgery industry. So, if someone says that they want to get a midface lift, it means that they are considering having a cheek lift. What are the pros and cons of a cheek lift procedure? A cheek lift is a minimally invasive option to combat the ageing process. Here are the pros and cons of a midface lift: Pros of a Mid Facelift Procedure 1.Minimal Downtime The treatment helps restore your youthful appearance with minimal downtime, which is shorter than recovering from a traditional facelift. 2.Long-Lasting Results The results last for 10 years or more. 3.Easy and Convenient A cheek lift is one of the fastest facial surgeries. It’s also one of the easiest to perform. 4.Fast Results Most patients can see results a week after the said plastic surgery. 5.Longer than Fillers The results of the said plastic surgery last longer than dermal fillers which usually last for a year. 6.Safe and Effective When performed by a qualified and licensed cosmetic surgeon like Dr. Julian De Silva, a cheek lift is safe and effective. 7.Fights Ageing The procedure combats one of the first signs of ageing, which is sagging cheeks. 8.Gives You Confidence A cheek lift gives you the confidence and self-esteem that you need. 9.Helps With Your Work The procedure helps with your career, especially if you are working in the entertainment industry. Cons of a Mid Facelift Procedure 1.Surgical Treatment The treatment requires you to go under the knife, which some patients don’t like. 2.Risks Involved As with other cosmetic surgical procedures, the treatment involves risks such as numbness, swelling, bruising, and temporary hair loss. 3.Quack Doctors Many affordable plastic surgeons offer cheek lifts because of the procedure’s popularity. However, treatments as such are usually not safe and ineffective. Tense, you must only work with an experienced and board-certified cosmetic surgeon. Visit Julian de Silva – Facelift, London Are you looking for a reputable, experienced, and board-certified cosmetic surgeon to perform your cheek lift? Look no more. I, Dr. Julian De Silva can help you. Contact me now to start your journey to a more youthful appearance. As an alternative, you may visit my clinic at Harley Street, London.

How to Reduce Swelling on Face After Facelift Surgery

Knowing how to reduce swelling on face helps you manage it. Swelling in the face is a common side effect of any facial surgery. Facial swelling usually increases for the first 48 hours following surgery, then begins to subside after about a week. Given this, there must be a way to reduce facial swelling symptoms. Well, you’re in luck. In this article, I will talk about how to reduce facial swelling. I will also answer the most common questions about facial swelling after cosmetic surgery. How to Reduce Facial Swelling After Surgery You can take medically reviewed steps to manage your swollen face after jaw surgery. Here’s how you can reduce facial swelling after a surgical cosmetic procedure such as rhinoplasty, facelift, and neck lift: 1. Use ice or cold pack. We don’t see athletes on the sidelines with ice packs on their injuries by chance. Lowering pain and inflammation will help kickstart the healing process. Since your body has been harmed by incisions after plastic surgery, you need to start its recovery. For the first three days after surgery, you should apply ice packs to the affected areas for at least 10 minutes. Place a piece of cloth with ice or cold pack on the inflamed area rather than placing the ice straight on your skin. 2. Avoid hot showers. You should avoid taking hot showers for the first three days following surgery. It’s because heat can cause facial swelling. In addition, if a powerful stream of water comes into touch with the operation site, healing might be impeded. 3. Keep your head elevated. Even when you’re sleeping, keep your head raised once you’ve returned home from surgery. Use a few pillows in your bed to prop yourself up. As an alternative, you can sleep in a reclining chair if possible. If you choose to lie on the couch, prop yourself up using the couch’s arms or couch cushions. Remember, facial swelling is produced by an excess of blood and fluids accumulating in and around the surgical site. Keeping your head raised will allow those fluids to flow away from the affected area. Doing so should help prevent or lessen facial swelling. 4. Do not eat or drink hot items. Avoid eating or drinking anything hot for the first 24-48 hours after your surgery (e.g., coffee, hot chocolate, soup). The heat in your meals and beverages may actually increase the amount of swelling in your mouth. 5. Avoid smoking and drinking. Stop smoking eight weeks before a cosmetic surgery to avoid difficulties. At the very least, stop smoking and drinking alcohol after your surgery. Don’t start again until you’ve recovered. Too much alcohol and tobacco might decrease your body’s ability to heal and raise your risk of infection and allergic reaction. Smoking reduces the quantity of oxygen in your blood, making it more difficult to avoid or recover from a bacterial infection. Meanwhile, alcohol impairs the function of your heart and immune system, which can lead to difficulties following surgery. 6. Use a warm compress after 48 hours have passed. You can go from cold water ice and cold packs to warm compresses once the first 48 to 72 hours have passed since your operation. You can also do this whenever you observe the swelling has started to reduce. This depends on your doctor’s instructions, but in general, you can do this four times a day, for 30 minutes at a time. Applying a warm compress or heating pad (on a low setting) to the swollen area of your head or face can help. The warmth will aid to stimulate blood flow to the area. Doing so can reduce swelling and speed up the healing process. 7. Change your bandages and clean your incision as directed. You may have stitches and/or bandages over an incision on your face as a result of your surgery. Follow your doctor’s recommendations for how often you should change your bandages and how you should clean the wound. In addition, closely follow your doctor’s recommendations for keeping the area dry. Keep an eye out for any infections as well. If you see any signs of infection, call your doctor and get immediate medical attention. 8. Make sure you get enough nutrients. Keep up a healthy diet that includes a reduction in the amount of salt you take in. Salt is harmful to the management of facial swelling and should be avoided while you are recovering from your injury. Vitamin K, which is a fantastic component to reduce facial swelling, may be found in abundance in greens, eggs, and yogurt, all of which are excellent sources of vitamin K. Consuming a sufficient amount of water is also essential to achieving optimal health and ensuring that your body continues to perform at its best. This is crucial during the period following surgical intervention. The body will be able to mend properly and will have less bruising and facial swelling after surgery if you keep your water level at a healthy level. How to Reduce Bruising After Surgery You can take medically reviewed steps to bruising on your swollen face after facial or jaw surgery. Here’s how to reduce bruising after surgery: 1. Apply some heat. Heat can be used to improve circulation and blood flow. This will aid in the removal of trapped blood once the bruise has formed. Heat can also be used to relax tense muscles and reduce discomfort. A heating pad or a hot water bottle can be used. As an alternative, you can enjoy a hot bath. 2. Elevate yourself. You must also raise the wounded area above your chest. This aids in the relief of pain and the drainage of fluid from the injured area. Pressure and compression can also both be reduced by elevating the body. This provides you with the opportunity to rest and relax, which can aid in the healing process. 3. Compress. Put a stretchy bandage around the hurt area. This squeezes the area and stops blood from spreading out. This pressure can make a bruise less severe and also reduce pain and puffiness. 4. Try arnica. Arnica is a homeopathic herb that is used to heal bruising. It is supposed to reduce inflammation and swelling. Topical arnica ointment effectively decreased laser-induced bruising. Apply arnica ointment or gel to the bruise many times a day. 5. Use vitamin K cream. Vitamin K helps blood clot. Studies show that vitamin K cream can make bruises from treatments like lasers less severe. For best effect, put vitamin K cream on the bruise two times a day. 6. Try aloe vera. Aloe vera can help relieve pain and inflammation. Make sure to use pure, less processed aloe vera gel. Carefully read the label to see if there are additives and other harmful ingredients before applying. 7. Use vitamin C. Vitamin C can reduce swelling and help wounds get better quicker. You can find vitamin C in gels, creams, and liquid forms to put on the skin. It’s also in pill form. Plus, many fresh fruits are rich in vitamin C. 8. Have some pineapple. Bromelain is something found in pineapples. It can make a bruise less noticeable and reduce redness and swelling. You can get bromelain by eating pineapples, taking pills, or using creams with bromelain in them. 9. Herbal supplements. Dr De Silva gives all patients a herbal medicine that has been shown to reduce inflammation and enhance recovery. This includes arnica and bromelain and can be used to treat bruises. How Long Does Facial Swelling Last? Generalised facial swelling and its accompanying symptoms don’t last long when you get proper medical attention. How long facial swelling lasts varies from one patient to another. If you had cosmetic surgery, swelling will usually go down in five to seven days. Meanwhile, bruising will dissipate in 10 to 14 days. Due to these, it could be difficult to eat at first. If you have stitches, they may need to be removed around a week following surgery. You’ll also probably need a few weeks to recover from cosmetic surgery. In addition, revision surgeries, such as revision blepharoplasty may require a longer recovery period. When you can go back to work also depends on the type of surgery you have and the job you do. As a rule of thumb, you may go back to work in as fast as two weeks, if your job doesn’t require intense physical activities. How to Deal With an Allergic Reaction A reaction won’t be a medical emergency when you follow professional medical advice. In some cases, facial swelling might lead to an allergic reaction. This may show up for up to a few days after your surgery. Severe allergic reactions after surgery may happen for many reasons, including allergies to certain medications or anaesthesia. If you suffer from medical conditions that produce allergies, inform your doctor immediately after your first consultation. Since allergic reactions can be caused by anaesthesia, make sure that your doctor is using sedation anaesthesia, since it’s safer than general anaesthesia. My clinic at Harley Street, London uses sedation, so you are in safe hands. When to See a Doctor If you’ve been experiencing facial swelling or trouble breathing, see a doctor. A post-operative appointment with the plastic surgeon will take place within the first two weeks after you have undergone surgery. At this appointment, your doctor will remove the majority of the stitches and/or staples that are currently on your face. The physician will also check to see if the wounds have a healthy appearance and are healing properly. You need to contact the doctor immediately if you encounter any issues before your scheduled appointment. This includes difficulty breathing, bleeding, a severely puffy face, and severe pain. Visit Julian de Silva – Facelift, London Facial swelling is a common, medically reviewed side effect of facial surgery. However, you must work with a medically reviewed clinic to make sure that you’re being taken care of after the surgery. This will help you manage the side effects and reduce swelling in the face. Want to know more about facelifts? Check out our Patient’s Guide to Facelift Surgery to learn more about the facelift surgery process. Do you want to have your cosmetic surgery done by an experienced and highly qualified surgeon in London? Contact us to book a consultation with me, Dr. Julian De Silva now!

How to Get Rid of Jowls Permanently With Cosmetic Surgery

by Admin||The Centre London

Decreased collagen production and hyaluronic acid levels cause jowls. As you become older, you tend to lose definition around your jawline. The supporting components that keep your features youthful, like elastin and collagen, begin to deplete. You might lose fat in the cheeks and temples and have excess or saggy skin. These lead to your chin and neck losing shape. On top of that, your skin becomes drier and thinner as you age. This makes it less robust and more susceptible to the forces of gravity. As a result, loose skin around your chin and jawline can form. This generates jowls that age your entire appearance. But how do you get rid of jowls? Can you permanently eliminate them? In this article, I will talk about how you can get rid of jowls and prevent future sagging skin. I will also answer the most common questions about jowls. Can You Reverse Sagging Skin and Jowls? Jowls are less pronounced in people who have thicker skin, but they become more noticeable as one age. Yes, you can reverse sagging jowls. While jowls are a natural sign of ageing, you can reverse them through many treatments. For one, injectable solutions such as dermal fillers are great for restoring your face volume. Ultrasonic treatments such as Ultherapy are also helpful for stimulating the creation of more collagen. This immediately lessens the sagging effect of jowls. Radiofrequency (RF) skin treatments can also recontour, smooth, tighten, and lift the skin on your jaw and chin areas. Each treatment has its own distinct advantages, and our professionals can assist you in selecting the best process for your specific skin needs. However, if you want a permanent fix for pronounced jowls, surgery performed by board-certified plastic surgeons like Dr. Julian De Silva, M.B.B.D, MD is the right way to go. Will Losing Weight Get Rid of Jowls and Saggy Skin? Unfortunately, weight loss isn’t the most effective way to eliminate frustrating jowls. Losing weight won’t help eliminate droopy jowls. In fact, for many, especially individuals with older skin, losing lots of weight might make the jowls stand out even more. That’s because weight loss can actually highlight them to begin with. However, according to some studies, facial exercises and exercise, in general, can help reduce the look and severity of droopy skin and jowls. They do this by improving the ability of the facial, jaw, and neck muscles to keep their form. The majority of prescribed exercises should be performed one after the other to ensure that the face muscles are exercised evenly. Each exercise should be held for 10 to 20 seconds before being released. The following are some common facial exercises that may help improve jowls: Yawning and opening the mouth as widely as possible, then gently shutting it without allowing the teeth to contact. Outward puckering of the lips This practice is most effective when performed laying down and drawing the sides of the lips downwards with the fingers. Blowing up the cheeks as far as possible. Chewing with the head slightly inclined up. Grinning as wide as possible, then tilting the head up and down gently. Tilting the head up and placing the lower lip on the top lip. Lying down flat, curving the neck in towards the chest, and pushing the tongue on the roof of the mouth. Humming while pressing the tongue on the roof of the mouth. Facial exercises are not statistically proven to treat jowls. However, all existing research on the effect of facial exercises on treating jowls is not enough to pull out statistical evidence. Hence, only a treatment plan that includes one or more procedures like jowl soft tissue reduction and plastic surgery ensures results. This should not stop you from exercising your body and facial muscles though. Exercise greatly improves various elements that contribute to your skin health. This may help lessen the age at which jowls form, as well as their severity. Any repetitive facial habits that evenly activate or stretch the face muscles without overusing them may also aid in the reduction of jowls. Jowls: Why It Happens and What You Can Do Bad lifestyle choices can cause jowls and saggy skin. Jowls are drooping or excess skin on the neck, directly below the jawline and chin. Almost everyone gets jowls as they become older, mainly because their skin loses elasticity. Several causes, including genetics, sun damage or UV rays, lifestyle factors, and lost volume can contribute to more prominent jowls. Though various variables are known to enhance the frequency and severity of jowls, age is the root reason. This is because the skin begins to lose some of the substances that help it maintain its form as it ages. These substances include fat and connective tissue proteins like elastin. The skin also becomes drier and thinner, making it more difficult to keep its shape. As the skin loses its elasticity and volume, it becomes more sensitive to gravity. Sagging skin around the lips and cheeks migrates to the chin and jawline, resulting in jowls and a sagging jawline. The following are risk factors for jowls: Sunburn history Excessive or chronic alcohol consumption Smoking Dehydration, whether chronic or severe Long-term or severe stress Diets deficient in antioxidants, good fats, and other vital elements Frowning, chewing gum, chatting on the phone, and other behaviors or expressions that use the cheek, mouth, and jaw muscles. Skin allergies A lack of skin hygiene Little to no physical activity Poor lifestyle choices How to Eliminate Jowls Fast: Treatment and Prevention A treatment plan for jowls can include more than one procedure. 1. Facelift and Neck Lift If you want to get rid of fat and tighten your face and neck, then a neck lift is for you. In most neck lifts, the incisions are made in front of and behind the ear, reaching into the hairline. In some circumstances, a complete neck lift and facelift may be necessary to enhance your look. This plastic surgery eliminates fat, makes your skin tight, enhances your cheek muscles, and repositions skin on the lower half of your face so that your neck and face look the same. While these procedures are promising, there are different type of facelift that can be tailored to your individual needs. For most patients a natural vertical lift, restoring the areas that have dropped to their original position is best (modified deep plane facelift), for some patients less is more (pony tail facelift, mini facelift). 2. Fat reduction & Chin Implant For younger patients with fullness under the neck and jaw line, another way to get rid of fuller neck is through fat reduction with or without a chin implant. During this treatment, the surgeon will use a microcannula to remove fat from your chin region. They will also restructure the skin and jawline to avoid sagging in the future. Combined with bringing the chin forward this can work well for younger patients with good skin elasticity. Fat reduction can also be done with radio frequency or laser therapy to ensure that your skin remains tight and smooth. Dr De Silva frequently tightens the neck muscle (platysma) to reduce seeing a band in the neck that commonly comes with age. Although this is a universal aspect of ageing these stitches can help hide this change. 3. Radiofrequency Jawline Tightening This technique tightens the skin around your neck and chin using heat and radiofrequency energy from a gadget. It may be repeated several times to guarantee that your skin remains tight. The recovery period is short, and the treatment may be completed in a single day. 4. Dermal Fillers Dermal fillers can help treat those stubborn jowls of yours. Dermal fillers are formed of a substance known as hyaluronic acid. In addition, dermal fillers are filler injections placed into the neck and chin to fill up jowls and make them appear less sagging. Some dermal jawline fillers also stimulate your body’s production of collagen, allowing you to keep your skin tight. Although most fillers are soft and made of a gel called hyaluronic acid. They can be mixed with a calcium filler that will give a stronger more defined and shaped jaw line. 5. Ultrasound Ultherapy is the use of ultrasonic therapy to encourage long-term collagen formation in the skin’s deep layers. It typically takes one session, and patients are able to resume their normal activities immediately following the operation. Several months following treatment, most patients report a continuous improvement in skin tightness and stiffness. This is a non-surgical treatment and often the results are relatively mild and conservative, not suitable for patients wanting marked change and the results are three to six months after receiving ultrasound therapy. 6. Radiotherapy Radiotherapy employs intense, radiating heat to promote collagen and elastin fibre bundles around 2 millimeters beneath the skin’s surface. As a result, the bundles recoil and the skin tightens. Radiotherapy also increases protein formation by deceiving the body into believing connective tissues are injured. For best outcomes, many patients need to repeat treatments a few times a year. Pelleve is the most commonly used brand name for jowl radiation. What Can I Do to Reduce My Risk? You can prevent jowls and reduce risk by avoiding smoking. Here are things you can do to reduce the risks associated with procedures involving the jowl area: Avoid smoking Cigarettes and other kinds of tobacco contain toxins that can harm your skin. Limit your exposure to the sun Before going out for the day, always apply sunscreen with at least SPF 30 on your face and neck. Make it a part of your morning routine to protect your skin from UV rays. Limit your screen time When using a computer or phone, try to maintain your head in a natural, comfortable position. Avoid bunching up or stretching out your neck skin. You may also safeguard your muscles by taking a 10-minute break for every hour spent on the computer. What if I Already Have Jowls? If you have jowls and a sagging chin area, know that you have many treatment options. There are various techniques for correcting drooping jowls or making them seem less saggy or droopy. Neck lifts, for example, can tighten your skin and make it appear less saggy. Non-surgical therapies such as thermage, lasers, and fillers can alter the collagen composition of your skin. To conceal empty regions around the jowls, fillers might be employed. When you go out, you can also disguise your jowls with clothes and cosmetics. What Causes Jowls? Jowls are caused by the same factors that cause wrinkles. Here are the common causes of jowls: 1. Loss of Elastin and Collagen The skin on your cheeks and the skin below your jaw loses a lot of elastin and collagen as time passes by. Collagen is a protein that builds up your body’s connective tissue. Elastin is another substance that gives your skin the ability to go back to its original form after being stretched. 2. Genetics Your genes can also influence whether you acquire jowls and how visible they become over time. For one, you are more prone to get jowls if either of your parents has them. If you have thin skin or a lack of collagen and elastin in your skin, you may develop jowls at a young age as well. Jowls can appear as early as your twenties or thirties. 3. Facial Expressions Making specific facial expressions often might stretch out your face or neck skin. 4. Sun exposure Overexposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation in sunlight might harm your skin. As a result, your skin may sag sooner. 5. Smoking Cigarette nicotine and other substances can harm your collagen and elastin levels. On top of that, smoking can cause your blood vessels to constrict. This reduces blood circulation and inhibits your skin from receiving essential nutrients such as vitamin A. 6. Using computers or phones Long durations of computer use or staring down at a smartphone can cause your neck area to lose its suppleness. The term “tech neck” refers to these jowls. What Are the Best Procedures for Jowls? The best treatment for jowls include a facelift and neck lift. The best procedures for sagging jowls are undoubtedly a neck lift and full facelift. For one, a neck lift and full facelift are permanent fixes. This means that you only have to get them once. In fact, many of my patients who get these procedures enjoy the results for a lifetime. Visit Dr. Julian de Silva – Facelift, London If you’re dissatisfied with your jowls, you have numerous alternatives for treating them. Talk to me, Dr. Julian De Silva, an experienced and qualified plastic surgeon about the best choice. Contact us to book a consultation with Dr. De Silva now! As an alternative, you may visit our Harley Street clinic, the Centre for Advanced Facial Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery.

Facelift: The Answer for Double Chin Removal

A facelift paired with a neck lift or reduction of soft tissues (including fat) with tightening of the loose neck muscle (termed platysma) is a common procedure to reduce double chin removal. Many people wish their faces looked slimmer, but extra fat might give us a double chin. Different things can cause a double chin, like our genes, our weight, the shape of our face, or where our airway sits. When you’re unhappy and annoyed with that double chin of yours, know that you’re not alone. In fact, approximately 68% of individuals suffer from excess fat cells under their chins. So how do you get rid of a double chin? Can it be removed in the first place? If yes, how much does it cost? In this article, I will talk about double chin removal and how much it usually costs. I will also show you before and after photos of my patients who went through double chin treatments. How Do I Get Rid of the Fat Under My Chin? You can choose from many treatments to get rid of the fat under your chin. To get rid of your double chin, you need to go through a certain procedure. Now, the exact procedure depends on your needs and goals. For this reason, it’s crucial that you consult a plastic surgeon first. Together, you can decide which treatment will suit you the best. In general, treatments such as facelifts and neck lifts can get rid of the fat under your chin. Can a Double Chin Be Removed? You can have your double chin removed via double chin surgery. Thanks to the advanced in cosmetic surgery, you can eliminate ylur double chin. Depending on your goals, a double chin can be simply reduced or totally removed. In addition, the only real solution to this problem is decreasing your fat content through double chin surgery. This is where treatments like facelift and neck lift surgery come in. All of them are permanent solutions to your double chin. They also work when you can’t lose your double chin despite losing a lot of weight. Considering Double Chin Surgery? Know Your Options You can choose from double chin surgery or chin fat reduction that removes excess fat cells. Depending on your needs and goals, I may use one or a combination of the following procedures: Have a Facelift A facelift removes excess skin first. Facelifts also tighten muscles and underlying tissues. Moreover, the procedure eliminates drooping skin for a more youthful appearance. Depending on where the signs of age have appeared, different facelift methods are available. The upper face, mid-face, or lower half of the face, including the neck and chin, can all be treated. In addition, this procedure is often done with a neck lift to get rid of saggy skin and improve skin laxity in the neck area. Get a Neck Lift A neck lift offers the same advantages as a facelift. However, it concentrates on loose skin behind the chin and along the neckline. It can also be done with fat reduction to further tighten neck skin, address tiny fat pockets under the chin, and remove excess skin. The good news is that a neck lift cosmetic surgery can smooth and refine the neck skin and chin region without causing drastic alterations to your face. As a result, you will enjoy natural and subtle results. Remove Excess Fat Cells Through fat reduction Submental fat reduction is a surgical procedure that removes fat cells for patients who want a one-time treatment. A local anaesthetic or an injectable numbing medication can be used for this reduction of fat. After the skin has been numbed, a tiny incision is made beneath the chin in a hidden skin fold. Through a small incision, the skin is separated from the fat, and the excess fat is suctioned away. Try a Coolsculpting Treatment CoolSculpting or fat freezing for the chin is a non-invasive fat reduction treatment that doesn’t require any anaesthetic, needles, or incisions. It operates on the idea of fat freezing. In particular, fat freezing works by chilling subcutaneous fat to the point where the fat cells are destroyed and absorbed by the body. The fat layer right under your skin is known as subcutaneous fat. Fat freezing is meant to be used as a treatment for people who have already attained their optimum weight. You must take note that fat freezing is not a means of losing weight. Fat freezing is also not an alternative to living a healthy lifestyle. Before and After Photos Are you wondering what a double chin removal looks like? Here are before and after photos of my patients: Patient 1 This 40-year-old lady observed sagginess in her neck. She was also bothered by the lack of natural curves and contours. She came in for a consultation with me, Dr. De Silva, to evaluate neck lifting alternatives. However, she was not interested in invasive surgery with a lengthy recovery period. On examination, the skin around her jaw had begun to droop over time, with some fat deposit weakening her neck skin and jawline. This left her jaw looking uneven, which was exacerbated by her relatively tiny chin. I, Dr. De Silva, examined her neck. Then, we talked about the best way to rejuvenate her appearance with the least amount of downtime. As you can see, her double chin was removed after neck lift procedures. She couldn’t be happier with the results. Patient 2 This doctor in her fifties had observed that she was looking fatigued. She also had a drooping turkey neck and various creases and lines on her skin. A coworker sent her to me, Dr. De Silva, to explore face and neck lifting alternatives. On examination, the skin around her jaw had begun to droop with time. Plus, with some fat buildup, her jawline became weak and appeared uneven. I, Dr. Julian De Silva, examined her neck and talked with her about the best way to fix it with the least amount of downtime. To restore a more youthful jaw and neck angle, she had micro-cannula neck and chin fat reduction. Her neck and jaw angle were also contoured. As you can see, her double chin and turkey neck were gone. She also looked more alive and youthful. Patient 3 This 55-year-old woman was dissatisfied with the drooping soft tissues beneath her jaw and droopy neck muscles. There were noticeable soft tissues and slack skin around her jaw, giving her jaw an uneven appearance and deep nasolabial lines. She had facelift and neck lift surgery. I used my deep plane facelift technique, which incorporates triple-layered skin closure in the treatment area. This eliminates obvious scarring and assures optimum results. As you can see, her double chin was reduced and her neck became smoother. Patient 4 This patient’s mother had noted an increase in his fatigued look, including a sagging neck and various creases and lines in his skin. He had previously undergone a face and neck lift treatment and came to me, Dr. De Silva, a plastic surgery and chin fat reduction specialist, to discuss additional alternatives. On examination, he had a tiny chin with loose skin along his jaw that had begun to sag over time, as well as some fat buildup and weakening of his jawline. He had to undergo cosmetic surgery. Particularly, he had more than one treatment namely a neck lift and fat reduction. As you can see, his neck area became smoother and his double chin was removed. Patient 5 For many years, this lady in her 30s was unhappy with her neck and jawline. She wanted to improve her looks, so she started seeking a qualified facelift surgeon to assist her. I, Dr. De Silva, performed a neck lift and chin augmentation using my neck contouring guide, which resulted in a significant improvement in her neck, chin, and jawline. As you can see, the fat under her chin was gone. Her sagging skin improved as well. Patient 6 For almost ten years, this woman had been unhappy with the look and overall sagginess of her neck. Despite being offered non-surgical options, none of them had made a significant change in her neck. She came in for a consultation with me to evaluate neck lifting alternatives. On examination, the skin and fatty tissue around her jaw had begun to droop significantly over time, with loose skin and considerable fat deposits. The patient had various surgical procedures. She had face and neck lift cosmetic treatments with fat transfer. I also used biotechnology to speed up her recovery. As you can see, her double chin was gone. Her chin and neck significantly improved as well. Patient 7 This man in his fifties wanted to improve his looks, specifically his eyelids, drooping jowls, chin, and neck. With time, the skin around his jaw had begun to droop, giving him an uneven jaw and a web of surplus skin behind his chin and neck. He requested a meeting with me, Dr. De Silva, knowing that an expert London facial cosmetic surgeon could advise him on the best surgery for facial skin sagging. This patient had a facelift and neck lift. As you can see, his double chin and the surrounding tissues were greatly reduced. His neck also became smoother, making him look younger and refreshed. How Much Does Double Chin Surgery Cost? The cost of treatments that remove excess fat cells depends on many factors. While the exact cost highly depends on your goals, the surgeon, and the facility you’re going to, here’s how much the procedures for double chin removal usually cost: Neck Lift Because each patient’s neck lift is unique, there is no set fee for the operation. The average neck lift cost starts at £5,000, according to estimates. However, it varies widely depending on the patient’s goals and needs. The cost is also determined by the scope of the process. Plastic surgeons charge for the surgery depending on their competence, the method of the procedure, and the location. Facelift Facelift prices in the UK range from £10,000 to £20,000. Just like any procedure on this list, the exact cost can go up or down depending on your needs and goals. High-end surgeons might also charge more. However, the procedures they perform are more reliable, safer, and more effective than those with less experience. Visit Julian de Silva – Facelift, London Are you looking for one of the best plastic surgeons in London and the world? Visit my Harley Street clinic to see what I can do for you. As an alternative, you can contact us to book a consultation. See you around!

Golden Ratio: Achieve the Perfect Nose Job for Man

by Admin||Rhinoplasty

An increasing number of men now get nose jobs as cosmetic or revision surgery. Nose jobs used to be popular among women. All of that is changing now. Men are increasingly getting rhinoplasty surgery with the aim to enhance their nose shape. One method for determining the ideal nose shape for your face and proportions is to use the Golden Ratio. The Golden Ratio, as the name implies, is a mathematical method for facial plastic surgery, including nose reshaping. But how exactly does the Golden Ratio affect a male nose job? How much does a male nose job usually cost? In this article, I will talk about male nose job, how the Golden Ratio relates to rhinoplasty, and how much the said cosmetic surgery usually costs. I will also discuss how the procedure usually goes. What is nose surgery for men? Men now get nose jobs for many reasons such as improving their confidence. Male rhinoplasty is one of the most common cosmetic treatments for men, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. With over 200,000 surgical operations done on males in 2018, rhinoplasty was the most common, accounting for over 52,000 procedures. Men receive nose jobs for the same reasons that women do, such as: Improved Nose SymmetryMen benefit from a natural-looking nose that suits their face. Male rhinoplasty can produce a manly facial appearance. Repair of Nose Structural ProblemsMale nose surgery is frequently performed to repair structural defects in the nose, such as a deviated septum. Nose reshaping surgery can enhance airflow and reduce snoring and difficult breathing habits. Improved Self-ConfidenceMen’s nose jobs can improve the patient’s face look, resulting in improved self-confidence and more favorable social interactions. This surgical procedure can make a significant impact on individuals who are concerned about their personal looks. How is nasal cosmetic surgery done? Rhinoplasty procedure changes the nose’s form or function. Before plastic surgeons perform nose surgery, they usually assess the medical history of the male rhinoplasty patient. They also discuss the patient’s goals during the consultation. In addition, experienced surgeons discuss the differences between the male and female nose. Once both parties agree to a surgery date, the patient then prepares according to guidelines given by their cosmetic surgeon. During rhinoplasty procedures, specialist surgeons like me, Dr. Julian De Silva first administer anaesthesia. Then, I make surgical incisions. Most rhinoplasty incisions are done using specific techniques. After this, I will manipulate what needs to be manipulated. This can include the bone, cartilage, muscles, or all of them. Lastly, I will close the incision and dress the patient’s nose. By doing this, the patient will have an evenly proportioned nose shape. In a gist, nose job surgery includes the following: Eliminating a hump on the nose Repairing the bridge Reshaping the tip Increasing or lowering the nostril size Putting the nose back together after an injury Passageways become more open Increasing or decreasing the size of the nose The best nose jobs can be done to enhance your look or to solve medical issues like breathing difficulties and pain. For instance, some individuals have top undergo treatment to fix a deviated septum. Others may only want to decrease the size or form of their nose to enhance their facial features. Rhinoplasty often doesn’t require an overnight stay. You can leave the facility right after the procedure. Can males get nose jobs? Yes, men can get nose jobs. Yes, males, just like females, can get rhinoplasty. Male nose jobs are becoming more common with celebrities and social media influencers. Due to this, several men got nose jobs. Why do the majority of men do it? Of course, motivation varies, but certain common elements may be at work: Breaking the Stereotype An increasing number of men are more willing to get nose jobs these days since they are no longer constrained by the stereotype that only women can get cosmetic treatments. Even if the traditional prejudice holds that men don’t care about their appearance, when we’re being honest, we have to recognise that men do care about how they look. Enhancing Their Appearance Because today’s society is more focused on appearances, notably those appealing pictures on social media, more guys step forward to enhance their noses. What about the ever-increasing emphasis on physical fitness and health? Of course, people eat well and exercise for health, but there’s also an attractiveness factor at work. Moreover, some males wish to get rid of the “family” nose they received, while others prefer a smaller or more refined version of the nose they acquired. Increasing Their Confidence Male rhinoplasty tends to promote confidence or self-esteem. These are frequent beneficial side effects for most guys, even if nose surgery is not their primary objective. The motive for male rhinoplasty is an intriguing subject to consider, but in the end, each man has his own unique set of motivations and goals for male rhinoplasty. Ideal Patients for Male Rhinoplasty Those in good health and the right age are ideal candidates for male rhinoplasty. You are likely an ideal patient for the procedure if you have great health and if your expectations are realistic. If you’re a male teen, the cosmetic surgeon has to check you to make sure the bones of your face are ready for teenage rhinoplasty. Male rhinoplasty success is dependent on a few factors. Most significantly, rhinoplasty patients need surgeon expertise, especially if it’s their first time getting primary rhinoplasty. What is the perfect golden ratio for a man? The Golden Ratio determines how beautiful one’s face is. People in Ancient Greece were quite knowledgeable about beauty. They devised a formula called the Golden Ratio to determine how near each person’s face was to the ideal one. I, Dr. Julian De Silva, a celebrity cosmetic surgeon, wanted to use his computerised mapping skills to see if these theories are still relevant today. The Greeks devised the Golden Ratio of Beauty Phi as a mathematical calculation to assess beauty. It is divided into three components. First, the width and length of the face are measured, and the results are split. The closer the outcome is near 1.6 (number Phi), the better the face. The dimensions from the hairline on the forehead to the spot between the eyes, the spot between the eyes to the bottom of the nose, and the tip to the bottom of the chin are also taken into account. A person is considered attractive if all of the numbers are equal. Lastly, the eye width should be equal to the distance between the eyes and the length of the ear should be equal to the length of the nose. How much is a nose job for a male? The cost of a male nose job depends on many factors. If you hurt your nose and need surgery to restore its form, or if you need a rhinoplasty to breathe correctly, your insurance might cover it. If you only want the procedure for cosmetic reasons, you will have to pay for it. On average, rhinoplasty cost for males ranges between £5,000 and £10,000. The exact nose job cost depends on where it is performed and the experience of your surgeon. If you do it with more cosmetic procedures such as chin augmentation, cheek implants, blepharoplasty, and facelift surgery, the cost will be higher. A cosmetic surgery package pricing often includes all costs of your procedure. These include facility charges, surgeon fees, and anaesthesia. The charges differ from one surgeon to the next and from one facility to the next. After your initial appointment, you should be offered a definite fee and ample time to decide. How much does a good nose job cost? High-end nose jobs often cost more than those performed by less experienced surgeons. In the UK, nose reshaping costs between £5,000 and £10,000. However, high-end nose jobs may cost more than this. You must also factor in the cost of any additional consultations, surgery, or follow-up treatment you may require. At my Harley Street clinic, the cost of your initial consultation will be deducted from your rhinoplasty fee. It is difficult to provide a completely accurate estimate of the cost of your operation until we have met and thoroughly analysed your needs and goals. We strive to provide all of our nose job at the most affordable costs while maintaining the greatest standards of quality at all times. About Rhinoplasty Surgery It is critical to understand what you can expect before undergoing nose surgery. The shape of your nose has a big influence on your overall face look. A nose modification might influence your perceived beauty, physical ties to your ethnicity, family history, and the distinctive features that make you look like you. You should also look at nose job transformation images or before and after photos of real patients so you can set realistic expectations. I, Dr. Julian De Silva use computerised imagery to anticipate how surgery could change your nose and facial look. Before Rhinoplasty To avoid delays, you must come on time for your nose surgery. If you’re unfamiliar with the location, allot additional time to look for a parking area. As the surgery time begins, you’ll be led to an area or room. Inside this room, the doctor will check your vitals. You will also receive a medical gown to wear while you wait. The anaesthesiologist will administer the sedation anaesthesia first. Then, I will enter the operating room to do the procedure. During Rhinoplasty Once you’re sedated, I will make a cut to elevate your skin. Doing this will also reveal your nasal cartilage and bones. I may carve your nasal cartilage & bone, manipulate your tissues, or add a graft. After Rhinoplasty After your nose surgery, you’ll probably go home after the procedure without staying overnight. You might have some gauze and possibly internal supports. It’s uncommon to have a full cast, but you might have a firm cover over your nose. This cover is made from a stiff material, warmed in warm water to make it flexible, and then shaped to your nose. Once it cools, it stays firm. Painkillers might upset your stomach, so many people start with clear drinks until they feel like eating regular food. In the first days after the operation, it’s a good idea to consume soft and mildly-flavored food. Things like yoghurt, cooked veggies, and porridge are good. Avoid anything too chewy or crunchy because it might be hard to bite and chew. It’s best to steer clear of items containing caffeine and alcohol until you’re feeling better. Remember, extremely cold or hot foods might feel uncomfortable on your healing nose. To avoid getting constipated, make sure you’re drinking enough and eating foods with fibre. Conclusion Whether it’s for medical reasons, aesthetics, or a combination of the two, nose surgery may drastically enhance your self-image and quality of life. Take the time to look for a surgeon who is familiar with the surgery and will listen to your desires. Finding the proper expert to help you through the rhinoplasty procedure or nose surgery is critical since your nose may have a big influence on how you view yourself. Visit Julian de Silva – Rhinoplasty, London Want to know more about nose jobs? Check out our post about everything you should consider before getting a nose job to learn more about the rhinoplasty process. Dr. Julian De Silva is an expert rhinoplasty surgeon based at Harley Street, London, UK. He has performed hundreds of nose surgeries that changed his patients’ lives for the better. You may visit Dr. Julian De Silva at his Harley Street Clinic. You may also book a consultation with Dr. Julian De Silva now.

What Maintenance Do I Need After a Facelift?

Maintenance after facelift is an important step. A facelift may be a game changer for you in terms of a fresher and rejuvenated look. However, you need to maintain its results. Hence, doing much-needed maintenance is crucial if you want to enjoy your facelift’s results for a long period of time. But how exactly do you do that? Are there guidelines you can follow for maintenance after a facelift? In this article, I will talk about how long a facelift usually lasts and the things you can do to maintain its results as long as possible. I will also discuss non-surgical treatments for maintenance after a facelift. How Long Does a Facelift Last? You can make a facelift’s results last longer with maintenance after facelift. Facelift surgery usually lasts for up to one decade. However, a facelift might last longer if you invest in yourself and maintain your appearance year after year. I, Dr. Julian De Silva l, offer to continue to care for all my patients after your facelift surgery. In particular, I offer life-long care. I will see you annually and give you continuous care by forming long-term connections with you, should you choose to be my patient. The patient’s skin quality, the specific technique used by their plastic surgeon and the lifestyle they lead in the years after their procedure are all factors that can influence the lifetime of facelift surgery outcomes. In general, healthier, younger skin that has retained some suppleness is more resilient after surgery. The quality of one’s skin is frequently a good indicator of whether or not a facial rejuvenation procedure will be successful. Facelift procedures that just tighten loose skin don’t usually provide benefits that endure as long as those that elevate and tighten both the skin and the underlying muscles of the face. Patient Measures for Maintenance After Facelift Maintenance after facelift includes playing your part in it. Here are the things you can do for maintenance after facelift: Wear sunscreen. The sun’s UV radiation can hasten facial ageing and cause more wrinkles and sun damage, including hyperpigmentation. Apply sunscreen every day to protect your skin from UV damage (SPF 30 or above). Maintain a healthy lifestyle. Avoid smoking, which causes skin ageing, extra facial wrinkles, and a loss of natural facial fat and elasticity. Healthy living entails moderate alcohol use, as well as avoiding weight fluctuations, which can wreak havoc on your facelift outcomes. Eating healthily, drinking enough water to stay hydrated throughout the day, and exercising can all help you achieve your goals. Use high-quality skincare products. A consistent skincare routine, which includes sun protection and, in certain cases, retinol, can be beneficial. We can recommend specific products for you, although we have no commercial interest and do not sell skincare products. Manage your stress levels. Chronic stress is bad for the entire body, so it’s important to control it. Stress has been demonstrated in studies to hasten cellular ageing, which has health concerns. Working on anxiety management, positive energy, and overall well-being goes a long way toward enhancing health and well-being. Drink plenty of water every day. Hyaluronic acid is one of the key components in many dermal fillers. The extraordinary ability of hyaluronic acid to capture and retain water is one of the reasons it is utilized to restore volume at injection sites. Thus, you must maintain hydrated if you want your skin to seem as tight and smooth as possible, whether or not you use hyaluronic acid injectable treatments. Make it a habit to drink at least two liters of water (eight glasses) every day after you’ve had a facelift. Get your rest. Another severely underappreciated skin care tip is to make sure you’re getting enough sleep. This is particularly important during and after your facelift recuperation. When you don’t get enough sleep, your body creates more cortisol, the stress hormone. It not only aids weight gain as your body prepares to deal with increasing stress levels, but it also causes significant inflammation and increases edema. Make getting your z’s a priority if you want healthy, smooth skin. Non-Surgical Treatments Non-surgical treatments help with maintenance after facelift. My aim is to provide lifelong support to our patients. Here are non-surgical treatments for maintenance after a facelift: anti-wrinkle treatment Despite the fact that anti-wrinkle treatment is a highly effective non-surgical treatment option, it’s crucial to know what it can and can’t achieve. For one, anti-wrinkle treatment is an injectable neurotoxin that works to relax the muscles that cause wrinkles on the face. It is commonly used to reduce wrinkles on the forehead, around the eyes (crow’s feet), and between the brows. The effects of anti-wrinkle treatment usually last three to four months before requiring a follow-up treatment. Patients frequently inquire about whether or not they will require anti-wrinkle treatment after undergoing a surgical facelift. While a facelift will undoubtedly result in a dramatic and striking new appearance, patients should be aware that a standard facelift focuses on the mid and lower face. Hence, patients who use anti-wrinkle treatment to smooth out action lines on the forehead and around the eyes on a regular basis can benefit from ongoing injections, even if they may be able to get treated less frequently than before their facelift. Laser Resurfacing Laser skin resurfacing is a technique aimed at diminishing facial lines and various skin flaws such as blemishes and marks from acne. Essentially, focused pulses of laser light target the irregular skin, meticulously removing it layer after layer. If you have fine lines or wrinkles around your eyes, lips, or forehead, superficial acne scars, or non-responsive skin after a facelift, laser skin resurfacing may be right for you. However, you may not be a candidate if you have acne or have very dark skin. Stretch marks should not be treated with this method. Before undergoing laser resurfacing, you should consult with your doctor to see if it is the best operation for you. I, Dr. De Silva, have invested in the latest state of art laser that tightens deeper and superficial skin. I use this in combination with PRP (platelet-rich plasma) to heal your skin faster. Radiofrequency Radiofrequency (RF) tightens the skin millimeters at a time. Tighter skin and a smoother surface – meaning fewer wrinkles – are the two most evident effects of this procedure. However, because RF therapy is so adaptable, you can also anticipate seeing a reduction in solar damage. Patients reported clinically significant improvements in mild to moderate indications of sun damage after three months of RF treatment, according to studies. RF treatments stimulate the body to manufacture new collagen and elastin. Old, damaged skin is replaced by new, healthy skin as a result of these impacts. These cells are inherently firmer and tighter, but it takes time for them to mature. You will not appear one way on Thursday and another on Friday or Saturday. The majority of patients seek gradual changes because they want to appear like themselves, but better. They’re searching for modest changes rather than drastic ones, and RF gives exactly that. Fillers Dermal fillers help with maintenance after facelift. Occasional fillers made of hyaluronic acid will replenish lost volume, in moderation, as too much filler looks fake. Many of my patients are worried about having fillers as we have all seen people who do not look natural. However, good filler treatments are subtle, conservative and natural. Plus, you would not be able to tell if someone had treatment! Larger portions of your face lose volume and shape as a result of ageing changes beneath the surface of the skin, where the gradual loss of supportive tissue structures and the long-term effects of gravity cause larger areas of your face to lose volume and shape. The cheekbones and chin are particularly affected by these changes. Dermal filler treatments are used to increase volume to beauty spots or to replenish volume that has been lost. We employ dermal fillers to lift and sculpt the face for immediate effects that last 6 to 24 months. Advanced dermal fillers also help to replace hollows and build up cheekbones, restoring ageing volume loss in our cheeks. Although numerous hyaluronic acid filler products can be used, some offer qualities that benefit the cheeks and function well in places where there is more volume loss. With our filler treatments, you may expect to see immediate results. After treatment, there will be some little swelling that will go away overnight for the majority of individuals. Mild swelling can last up to five days in rare cases. There’s also a chance that you’ll get a slight bruise, but it’ll go away in a few days. The complete results of fillers will be seen roughly five days after the swelling has subsided for most individuals. The benefits of our cannula-based approach, deeper filler application, and filler selection may last 18–24 months, though results vary from patient to patient Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) PRP injections or regenerative medicine is characterized as a vampire facelift because it improves skin quality. A vampire facial, often referred to as PRP facial rejuvenation, is a cutting-edge skincare treatment tapping into your body’s natural healing abilities. The wonder unfolds when platelets within plasma are intensified. By separating all the elements of your blood based on their density, we achieve a rich concentration of platelets in the plasma. Oxygen Therapy An oxygen facial is a procedure that involves using a machine to enhance collagen formation while also nourishing your skin. The epidermis, or the outer layer of your skin, is sprayed with extremely concentrated oxygen molecules by the oxygen facial machine. This concentrated oxygen is given to your face and neck using the equipment. An oxygen facial works by infusing your skin’s outer layer with all of the important vitamins and minerals, as well as botanical extracts, using a machine. In fact, many famous celebrities, including Madonna, favor this option. This is your path to smoother, healthier, and plumper skin, and we’ll show you how it’s done. Furthermore, skin cells are constantly dying and regenerating, and an oxygen infusion can speed up the process. This helps the skin repair more quickly, which aids in the healing of acne and accompanying scars. An oxygen facial is a popular anti-ageing therapy. This is because it increases the creation of collagen, a protein that helps hold skin cells together. Collagen deteriorates with age, as does the link between skin cells, resulting in wrinkles. With its collagen-boosting characteristics, an oxygen facial can help counteract this effect. LED Therapy LED therapy helps with maintenance after facelift. LED therapy (Light Emitting Diode) is a non-invasive treatment that uses light-emitting diodes for a number of aesthetic and medical goals. This sort of light treatment has been around for a while and can be used by people of various ages and skin tones. It can also be used in conjunction with other procedures, such as facials and radiofrequency treatment, with no harmful side effects Some of the benefits of choosing this type of light therapy include increasing the production of elastin and collagen and supporting the detoxification of cells. If you want an effective LED therapy in London, you should work with a board-certified specialist like me, Dr. De Silva, who has a track record of producing amazing, natural-looking results utilizing non-invasive methods. Any region of the body might be affected by skin problems. Fortunately, at Harley Street Face Clinic, LED therapy can be utilized to effectively treat a range of issues without the use of intrusive procedures. LED therapy with me on Harley Street in London can help speed wound healing, renew the skin, and decrease visible scars, in addition to the list above. This is dependent on the wavelength of the light being used, therefore selecting a reputable skincare specialist will increase your chances of achieving excellent results. Conclusion Maintenance after a facelift is crucial to making the results of your facelift last. Do you want to talk to a doctor who will take care of you after your facelift surgery? Contact us to book a consultation with Dr. Julian De Silva now!

What Can Help You Recover Faster After Facial Surgery?

by Admin||The Centre London

Certain measures facilitate faster recovery after facial surgery. Most of my patients want faster recovery after facial surgery and to get back to doing normal activities as soon as possible. Hence, I, Dr. Julian De Silva, have developed a range of treatments based on the latest scientific evidence to aid healing and recovery. A combination of treatments is often best indicated that is tailored to the specific facial surgery, including facelift, neck lift, blepharoplasty and rhinoplasty. In this article, we will talk about the treatments that help patients recover faster and the measures you can take for faster recovery after facial surgery. The two main aspects of healing are swelling and bruising, so most of these measures are focused on reducing these as soon as possible after plastic surgery. Treatments That Will Enhance Recovery How long one can recover from facial surgery varies. In general, I advise patients to take at least three weeks to rest before getting back to joining social events. However, some patients take longer. Given this, how long one recovers from facial surgery varies. Fortunately, certain treatments can help you recover faster after facial surgery. Here are the treatments for faster recovery after facial surgery: 1. Proper Rest and Time Proper rest helps you recover faster after facial surgery. I highly stress the importance of resting after facial surgery. It’s because, during sleep, your body does a lot of healing. Since your body does the majority of its healing while you’re asleep, it’s crucial that you take naps and sleep at least eight hours each night. In addition, when your body feels tired, it means that your body has some healing to do. Moreover, facial surgery isn’t just stressful on the day of the procedure. In fact, several patients struggle with emotional or psychological issues for weeks or months after the procedure. Most of these issues are related to the procedure they had, so they need a lot of rest. Proper rest and adequate time are needed for patients to heal mentally and accept the procedure they had. Hence, having two to three weeks of rest without any intense activities such as exercising will promote faster recovery from facial surgery. While many of my patients lead busy lives, my staff and I make sure that they take time to rest after getting surgery. 2. Oxygen Therapy Oxygen therapy helps with maintenance after facelift. In this treatment, individuals inhale pure oxygen within a specialised, pressurised chamber. Originally, hyperbaric oxygen therapy was designed to address aerobullosis or decompression sickness, a risk associated with scuba diving. Over time, this method has proven beneficial for severe infections, wounds that have difficulty healing due to conditions such as radiation injury or diabetes, and air bubbles in one’s bloodstream. Under the cosmetic realm, it’s frequently adopted to enhance recovery after facial surgeries. Inside the therapy chamber, the mechanism amplifies the air pressure to triple the normal amount. Consequently, our lungs can absorb significantly higher levels oxygen relative to usual circumstances. This additional oxygen in our bloodstream aids in fighting off bacteria and stimulates components such as stem cells and growth factors, all crucial for rapid healing. Our body tissues require ample oxygen to work properly. When they sustain damage, their oxygen demand increases. The treatment caters to this need, ensuring the bloodstream is rich in oxygen. Following multiple sessions, tissues enjoy sustained oxygen levels, persisting even when you’re done with the procedure. I, Dr. De Silva, offer this therapy to my patients consistently. Solid scientific research backs its efficacy in enhancing post-operative recovery. Moreover, it can also elevate one’s general well-being. 3. Light Therapy Light therapy can help facilitate faster recovery after facial surgery. Part of healing after surgery included a healing process (termed inflammation) this can be seen as areas of pink colouration or redness, which is your body’s natural healing mechanisms . Light therapy or LED therapy enhances recovery of the skin and healing as well as being as a treatment for the skin in its own right. LED (Light Emitting Diode) therapy uses light-emitting diodes for various medical and aesthetic purposes. People of all ages and skin tones can benefit from this type of light therapy, which has been around for some time. Additionally, it can be combined with other procedures, such as facials and radiofrequency treatment, without any adverse effects. The machine that I, Dr De Silva uses includes combined therapy (tri-wave therapy), which is a large machine the size a desk, which provided more powerful treatment than currently available in home devices. To enhance healing and recovery after surgery, I offer all of my patients complementary LED therapy. 4. Manual Lymphatic Drainage MLD helps reduce swelling after facial surgery. MLD or Manual Lymphatic Drainage is a gentle form of massage that helps move lymphatic fluid out of swollen limbs. However, a traditional massage should not be confused with MLD. This treatment is specifically aimed at lymph vessels so that lymphatic fluid can flow freely. Your unaffected areas first get the treatment. As a result, the fluid moves out of the affected area. This decongests the said region. MLD also helps open the remaining functioning lymph collectors. The treatment then helps move the protein and fluid into them. In addition, MLD helps speed up lymph fluid flow through the lymphatics. More often than not, manual lymphatic drainage gets recommended as a treatment plan. This means that it can be combined with other forms of treatment. My clinic helps organise MLD for our patients to help reduce swelling caused by facial surgery faster. We have skilled specialists who we recommend our patients to see, alternatively there is a national database that can be used to find a specialist local to you. Each therapist is unique and there is a degree of personal customisation of MLD techniques. 5. Cold Therapy Cold therapy decreases swelling and discomfort after facial surgery. Cold therapy or cryotherapy is another treatment that facilitates faster recovery after facial surgery. It is similar to pressing an ice pack on a swollen knee or ankle or knee. By doing this, you are relieving pain with a modern (although basic) version of cool therapy. In particular, cold therapy can be applied in several ways such as using coolant sprays, ice packs, ice massage, ice baths, and whirlpools. When used to treat injuries at home, cold or cool therapy refers to remedies involving frozen peas or gel and ice packs left in the freezer until needed. Interestingly, this remains one of the most basic, yet time-tested remedies for manageing swelling and pain. Specifically speaking, cold therapy can reduce swelling, which is linked to pain. Hence, cold therapy can decrease one’s sensitivity to pain. Cold therapy can also work when one wants to manage swelling with pain, especially those around tendons and joints. Cool therapy acts to counter swelling, reduce bleeding, swelling and inflammations, by reducing the level of oxygen required by the damaged tissue, as well as helping eliminate harmful substances by activating lymph drainage, which serves to accelerate the regeneration of the tissue concerned. Science behind cooling therapy For years, the cold temperature has been known to provide people comfort, relieve them from pain, decrease swelling, and facilitate faster recovery after facial surgery. Hence, I invested in the latest technology to enhance recovery using a treatment that involves 24-hour cooling of your face after surgery so that you heal faster. 6. Regenerative Medicine (i.e. PRP Skin Rejuvenation Therapy) Regenerative medicine or PRP therapy helps with maintenance after facelift. What Is PRP Therapy (Platelet Rich Plasma)? PRP, or Platelet-Rich Plasma therapy, harnesses the power of platelets from your own blood. These platelets are bursting with growth factors, little wonders that help wounds heal and tissues regenerate. Here’s how it works: a sample of your blood is taken and then spun in a centrifuge, a machine that concentrates the platelets. The resulting mix is the golden juice called Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP). One great thing about PRP? It kickstarts collagen production and ramps up blood flow in tissues, both heroes in the fight against ageing. This means it can freshen up your skin by encourageing the birth of new skin cells. You might’ve heard of athletes, like golfer Tiger Woods, turning to PRP. They use it to mend injuries quicker, relying on the body’s natural healing touch. It’s all about sparking the body’s repair and growth mechanisms. I, Dr. De Silva, am all about offering my patients the latest and best. That’s why I’ve embraced biotechnological treatments – they amplify the body’s natural healing prowess. And although the science of all this is still budding, I’ve made sure to equip my clinic with top-of-the-line PRP equipment. So, for some patients, I bring out the big guns – PRP and stem cell tech. How Will PRP Help Me? Many athletes swear by PRP for its knack to speed up recovery. Take Tiger Woods; there’s chatter that he’s had PRP injections ahead of major tournaments. Skin loses its bounce due to ageing. It can’t hold moisture well, lacks hyaluronic acid and has dwindling collagen. Enter PRP: using your own tissue, you’re giving your skin a facelift, quite literally with your blood. PRP therapy rejuvenates the skin. It’s like giving your skin a dose of vitality, revving up blood flow and firing up collagen production. The beauty? Results peak at around four to six weeks and outlast many other treatments. Plus, PRP can iron out wrinkles and tackle marks like acne scars. Pair it with other beauty routines, and you’re on track for radiant skin. Among the things PRP can fine-tune are: Recovery of soft tissue post-surgery or laser treatment Pores Skin feel and texture Laugh lines and tiny wrinkles How Do We Do PRP at the Centre? First, we’ll need a small blood sample. We’ll then put it through a high-tech process, concentrating those precious growth factors and platelet-rich plasma. The next step? Separating it all to get a growth factor concentrate and the PRP gold. This magic mixture is then gently introduced back into your skin, calling upon your body’s repair squad. At The Centre, we use micro-needling to deliver PRP into your skin. It’s non-invasive and complements the PRP treatment, making it a holistic therapy for your skin. Is Every PRP Treatment Created Equal? Most readily available PRP methods utilise a basic laboratory centrifuge. While it’s quick and handy, this approach often yields a lower-tier PRP. Simply put, subpar equipment generally leads to subpar PRP. I, Dr. De Silva, rely on top-notch equipment designed to produce top-notch PRP (with a concentration exceeding 1.5 million platelets/uL). Over my career, I’ve explored three different PRP technologies. Our current system takes roughly half an hour to prepare the PRP for application. This is then incorporated into a therapeutic method I’ve fine-tuned. I often blend PRP with other surgical procedures to enhance healing by harnessing the power of natural growth factors. This treatment helps to expedite skin and soft tissue recovery following injuries. Essentially, we’re tapping into your body’s innate healing powers. Any Potential Risks or Setbacks? Since platelet-rich plasma comes from your body, it’s tailor-made for you. In effect, we’re utilising your blood to rejuvenate your skin. This means allergic reactions and adverse effects to your platelet-rich plasma are virtually impossible. PRP (platelet-rich plasma) has been globally employed in countless procedures for over three decades, especially in areas like oral surgery, orthopaedics, and cardiac operations. However, technological strides in recent years have allowed for a higher calibre of PRP production. Prominent figures, such as Tiger Woods, have even turned to PRP to speed up their healing process after injuries. As per research on PRP’s safety, when administered by skilled hands, the treatment is safe with little to no complications. Side effects like minor redness or bruising at the injection site are typically fleeting, lasting just a few days. That said, some patients might face temporary side effects like redness, swelling, or mild bruising post-treatment. Infections are a rare occurrence, and to guard against them, we provide our patients with antibiotics. However, it’s paramount that the procedure happens at a CQC-approved facility, ensuring sterile conditions throughout the treatment. Rest assured, all procedures at The Centre unfold at our dedicated facial hub on Harley Street. Nutritional Supplements Nutritional supplements make recovery after facial surgery easier. Currently, we have introduced nutrition supplements to improve patient recovery. We are committed to only providing our patients quality products and information based on sound scientific results. I, Dr Julian De Silva, am continually modifying this list of supplements as science and technology evolves. Here are the benefits of taking nutritional supplements along with the specific supplements for each benefit: 1. Reduce Bruising Arnica montana Typically, arnica montana, also known as wolfsbane, is used to relieve pain caused by osteoarthritis. Arnica is commonly applied to manage post-surgical bruising, swelling, and bleeding. In addition, arnica montana is often used in drinks, sweets, baked goods, and other foods as a flavouring agent. Bromelain Following trauma and surgical procedures, bromelain reduces oedema, bruising, pain, and healing time. To increase absorption, it must be taken along with quercetin (included in the formula). 2. Stimulate Healing and Faster Recovery Collagen Peptides Collagen peptides are formed by breaking down full collagen proteins into smaller segments. When ingested, they seem to concentrate in your cartilage and skin. Some skin and joint issues may benefit from this. Furthermore, collagen peptides are employed in the treatment of aged skin and osteoarthritis. MSM (methylsulfonylmethane) MSM is essential for elastin formation. It is crucial in repairing and remodeling connective tissues. Furthermore, MSM is a potent detoxifier. It has anti-inflammatory qualities as well. Nettle Leaf 2% Silica Powder Extract Silica (SiO2) is required for the production of connective tissues and collagen post-surgery. Other ingredients Cardus Marianus Cardus marianus is a homeopathic medicine traditionally used to treat hepatic problems. It’s also been used to treat high cholesterol and high triglycerides. Furthermore, it focuses on lymphatic drainage. Thiosinaminum Thiosinaminum is used to treat scarring. They are solvents for dissolving scar tissue, tumours, enlarged glands, lupus, strictures, and adhesions both externally and internally. L-Glutamine L-glutamine is an amino acid that is also known as glutamine. Amino acids are chemicals that help the human body produce protein for nutrition. They can be found in protein-rich foods originating from plants and animals. Protein is, therefore, a nutrient essential for good health. The most prevalent amino acid is L-glutamine. It increases accessible nitrogen, which helps repair damage and produce protein. 3. Support Healing and Recovery: Vitamin Supplements Vitamin C (As Calcium Ascorbate) Vitamin C is required for fibroblast cells to produce collagen. It’s also a powerful antioxidant. Furthermore, considerable scientific data shows that it aids healing and recovery. Vitamin B Complex Vitamin B complex is a vital anti-oxidant compound. The vitamin supports nutrient delivery through optimizing capillary dilation. Since patients may experience low moods after surgery, taking vitamin B6 and B12 can help them feel good. Vitamin A Vitamin A is required for epithelial tissue differentiation, development, and maintenance. In fact, less vitamin A equates to increased keratin release. This makes membranes rigid and messes with how they function. It is also involved in the regulation of normal cell growth. Natural Mixed Carotenoids To decrease oxidative stress to your DNA, natural mixed carotenoids are transformed into vitamin A. Vitamin C aids in the preservation of one’s tissue carotenoids. Citrus Bioflavonoids Citrus bioflavonoids aid in the reduction of edema and bruising. They are also required for the absorption of vitamin C. Furthermore, they work together to preserve and restore capillaries. Finally, they have anti-viral characteristics, which support your immune system. 4. Stimulate Immune System L-Lysine L-lysine is an essential amino acid. It aids in the cellular integration of collagen. Furthermore, L-lysine is a potent immune system enhancer. N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine Cysteine is found in the alpha-keratin component of fingernails, skin, and hair. It aids in the detoxification of toxic substances. Cysteine is also a precursor to glutathione, a powerful antioxidant with anti-ageing properties. This substance also promotes recovery after surgery and serious burns. It is most effective when combined with selenium. Zinc Gluconate Zinc gluconate is a potent immune booster. It is necessary for skin repair. Furthermore, matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are a zinc-dependent protein family that is involved in tissue remodeling and wound healing. It is essential for the creation of enzymes such as the potent superoxidant dismutase. 5. Reduce Discomfort and Pain Papain Papain is a well-known traditional pain, inflammation, and swelling therapy. It has also been used to treat infections, diarrhea, allergies, and to aid digestion. Moreover, it aids in the relief of pain, swelling (inflammation), and fluid retention following trauma and surgery. Magnesium Citrate Magnesium, in particular, can help with chronic pain by counteracting the relaxing effects of calcium on muscles and neurons. It acts as a stifling agent in overstimulated neural receptors. As a result, magnesium can assist to alleviate postoperative discomfort. Hypericum Perforatum Hypericum perforatum is a well-known treatment for shooting or jabbing pain, particularly in the presence of neurological impairment. It focuses on pain and discomfort following surgery. Additional Cream Arnica Cream (100 ml) Arnica cream is recommended for the treatment of mild injuries. It can be used both before and after playing sports. The gel swiftly penetrates deep into the tissue layers, offering a pleasant sensation of comfort. The cream can also be used to treat minor injuries. It protects inflamed tissue and reduces swelling caused by bruises, sprains, strains, tendonitis, and haematomas (not on the skin). Arnica cream can also be used for sports massages. The gel aids in the maintenance of correct muscle tone during physical exertion and facilitates recovery thereafter. To use this cream, apply a layer of gel several times a day to the affected area. Massage until the gel is fully absorbed. It is non-greasy and will not stain. The cream also contains no preservatives or dyes. 8. Patient Measures for Faster Recovery After Facial Surgery Having a healthy lifestyle helps facilitate faster recovery after facial surgery. Here’s what you can do to further facilitate faster recovery after facial surgery: ● Wear sun protection. Ultraviolet rays from the sun and other sources speed up facial ageing. They also contribute to more fine lines, wrinkles, and hyperpigmentation. Hence, I advise you to protect your skin from the sun by applying sunscreen with at least SPF 30 every day. ● Maintain a healthy lifestyle. I also suggest that you maintain a healthy lifestyle to speed up your recovery after facial surgery. For one, avoid smoking at all costs. Smoking decreases the oxygen delivered to your body. It also slows recovery down and makes your skin prone to scarring. In addition, healthy living means saying no to alcohol and eating a well-balanced diet during recovery. Getting enough nutrients and drinking plenty of water to maintain daily hydration have positive effects on your recovery and your general health. ● Avoid exercise for three weeks after surgery. Intense physical activity raises your blood pressure. Increased blood pressure makes bruising and swelling more intense. As a result, you need more time to recover from facial surgery. For this very reason, I recommend avoiding exercising and doing other intense physical activities for three weeks after surgery. ● Proper hydration helps you heal. Proper hydration helps facilitate faster recovery after facial surgery. Make sure you have plenty of water available and in arm’s reach. Drink plenty of water to keep your body’s natural healing mechanisms working. Drinking water will also flush out the remnants of the medication you are taking, so it’s a win-win situation. ● Have your surgeon’s number at all times and follow instructions. You must always have your surgeon’s contact number or email to clarify and confirm questions. After your surgery, your doctor may give you aftercare guidelines. Follow them closely. Your doctor may also recommend over-the-counter products to counteract the side effects of the surgery. Make sure to get all these products and use them as directed. Pre-Surgery Instructions for Faster Recovery After Facial Surgery What you do before the surgery is just as crucial as what you do after the surgery. Make sure to follow the pre-surgery guidelines I give. These guidelines include the following: Avoid medicines or herbal treatments with blood thinners. These include non-steroidal anti-inflammatories (e.g. ibuprofen), aspirin, vitamin E, and fish oils. You must avoid them for two weeks before and after surgery. Remember, blood thinners can result in increased bruising, swelling, and risk of bleeding after surgery. Make sure to take your prescription to a reputable pharmacy. Tell them to fill it at least a week before your surgery. You must do this to make sure you get all the medicine you need, in case the pharmacy doesn’t have them in stock. Usually, I prescribe three to four medications (depending on your procedure), which you need to take a day or two before your surgery. Please do not schedule any important social events, commitments, trips, and the like for three weeks after your surgery. Resting during this period is essential. If you don’t rest properly, you will likely suffer from increased swelling and a slower recovery period. Alcohol and caffeine-containing beverages are potent blood vessel dilators. Hence, they promote bruising, swelling, and bleeding in the target area. Given this, I strongly advise avoiding alcohol and caffeine intake for a minimum of one week before and after your surgery. If you are a daily consumer of alcohol, caffeinated beverages, or both, I recommend slowly reducing your intake to prevent headaches. Avoid Viagra and Viagra-like medications (Cialis) for two weeks before and one week after your surgery. Conclusion Physical and emotional healing are both required for faster recovery after facial surgery. If you follow the tips I gave above and take care of your mental health after your surgery, healing tends to be faster and my patients have a smoother recovery. My team and I will support you during your journey and recovery. We will do everything we can to help you recover as fast as possible. If you are looking for a world-class plastic surgeon who will take care of you before and after your surgery, book a consultation with Dr. Julian De Silva now.

Supermodel Bella Hadid’s Teen Rhinoplasty

by Admin||The Centre London

Victoria Secret’s top model Bella Hadid shared that she underwent nose surgery at the age of 14. The news of Bella Hadid’s teenage nose reshaping at such a young age caught the attention of many and validated the rumours surrounding her procedure. In this piece, we’ll delve into Bella Hadid’s decision to have a nose job as a teenager, the potential risks linked to the surgery, and UK guidelines on the matter. Plus, I’ll offer my thoughts on this surprising revelation about the model. Bella Hadid’s Vogue Confession On March 15, Vogue released its intimate interview with supermodel Bella Hadid. In the cover story, Hadid shared her experience on intimate topics such as manageing mental health issues and dealing with an eating disorder. What’s more noticeable is Bella Hadid’s teenage rhinoplasty confession. The 25-year old Victoria Secret supermodel who’s been featured in Tatler many times admitted that she had a nose job when she was 14. Was Bella Hadid Too Young For Teenage Rhinoplasty? When Is the Right Time for It? Teenage rhinoplasty is more complicated than adult rhinoplasty. Was supermodel Bella Hadid too young for the nose job? Those who are in great health can get a nose job at different points in their lives. However, patients are recommended not to get nose jobs until their noses are fully grown. Typically, this occurs at ages 14 and up for females. For males, this typically occurs at ages 15 and up. In addition, it’s best to get teenage rhinoplasty once the person stops growing in terms of height and shoe size. Rhinoplasty Regulation in the UK Due to the popularity of nose jobs, the UK government has released regulations related to it. In the UK, those aged 18 and up can get a nose job by themselves. However, the General Medical Council (GMC) states that teenagers below the age of 18 can get a nose job if it’s in their best interest. For instance, a teenager who’s bullied at school can get a nose job if they and their parents consent to it. Why Celebrities Deny Surgery Celebrities usually deny surgery because they are afraid of being judged by the public. Celebrities often get famous and successful, thanks to cosmetic surgery. In some cases, celebrities regret it. However, being completely honest about their transformations help the public see that cosmetic surgery is something not to be ashamed of, since it helps people increase their confidence and self-respect. Risks of Teenage Rhinoplasty Risks of teen rhinoplasty include safety and mental well-being. Here are the risks of teenage rhinoplasty: Safety Results Mental Well-Being Non-Surgical Treatments As an alternative, teenagers can get non-surgical rhinoplasty. As an alternative, teenagers who want to enhance their appearance without going under the knife can get non-surgical nose jobs instead. Dr. Julian De Silva’s Perspective Patients and their parents must carefully discuss teenage rhinoplasty. Understanding the procedure and ensuring it is the right choice for you or your child is crucial. You must also remember that improvement triumphs over perfection. Furthermore, patients must manage their expectations and parental support must be extended to them. As for me, Dr. Julian De Silva, one of the best rhinoplasty surgeons in the UK, I think that anyone who wishes to have a nose job must have the right reasons. They must also be mature enough and have the full support of their parents. In addition, I think it’s best for teenagers to have a nose job at the age of 16+. This makes the risk for complications extremely low. If you have any doubts, I suggest waiting until you turn 18 or over 20. Conclusion Do you have any other rhinoplasty questions for me? I’ll be glad to answer all of them. Book a consultation with me now and start your journey towards a safe, effective, and Golden-Ratio-based nose job.

What Procedures Can Enhance Facial Beauty and Harmony i.e. Make You Better Looking?

Facial procedures to beautify face help increase your confidence. Thanks to advances in cosmetic surgery, you can choose from a lot of facial procedures to beautify face. These procedures help increase your self-esteem, work performance, and self-respect. But what exactly are the procedures that can help you do all of these? In this article, we will talk about what defines a beautiful face and the facial procedures to beautify face. What Is a Beautiful Face? Facial procedures to beautify face help you get closer to the Golden Ratio. I, Dr. Julian De Silva, spent years analysing the most beautiful faces on the planet. Thanks to my research and observation, I can now define what a beautiful face is. In a gist, a beautiful face coincides with the principles of the Golden Ratio (more about this later). I also use a personalised treatment plan to enhance someone’s look. To do this, I ask every patient to bring an old photograph, ideally from their 20s or 30s. This gives me an idea of how they used to look. Then, I create a treatment plan that will rejuvenate their faces and restore them to what they used to look like in their younger years. Moreover, there are three universal aspects of ageing. These are gravity, increased skin laxity, and volume loss. However, everyone ages differently. Hence, each facial rejuvenation should be tailored to the individual. For some patients, minor tweaks can enhance their facial balance and increase their relative beauty. I also did extensive research on using the Golden Ratio to assess facial beauty and how a face can be naturally enhanced using minor tweaks and refinements. Analysis of Beautiful Male Face Facial procedures to beautify face help achieve an attractive male face. Running The Centre For Advanced Facial Cosmetic And Plastic Surgery in London for several years has allowed me to study the male face more. In fact, my experience and research in the field have led me to give safe and effective male facelifts. In addition, I have invested in new computer mapping equipment and techniques to discover more about what makes males look physically attractive. The Phi ratio of 1.618 has long been regarded to hold the secret of beauty. Thanks to the equipment and techniques my clinic uses, we can now determine exactly how it relates to males. The Golden Ratio was a mathematical formula devised by the Greeks to quantify beauty. While the ratio can be used on anything, Leonardo Da Vinci used it in his classic work, The Virtruvian Man, to depict the ideal human male body. Hence, the nearer a face, object, or body’s proportions are to 1.618, the more attractive it is. Given these, George Clooney has been the planet’s most handsome man for several years. His status was also proven by science, giving it more validity. Firstly, Clooney possesses an impressive facial balance, closely mirroring what ancient Greeks believed to be the epitome of male beauty. In particular, Clooney received the highest total score across the 12 essential criteria. The proportion of his nose and lips is impeccable, scoring a striking 99.6%. Additionally, the spacing between Harry’s eyes and chin is near perfection. Based on the Golden Ratio, which assesses physical perfection, Clooney is 91.9 percent accurate. Moreover, according to the same formula, Ryan Gosling has the most gorgeous nose. Meanwhile, Harry Styles has the most ideal eyes and chin, while David Beckham possesses the most ideal facial shape. Harry Styles is the fourth most attractive man globally, based on Dr. De Silva’s findings. Based on my mapping techniques, here are the world’s ten most attractive men: These outcomes are based on a composite assessment of 12 crucial facial markers. Such markers encompass features like the eyes, lips, nose, chin, eyebrows, forehead, and overall shape of the face. George Clooney 91.86% Bradley Cooper 91.80% Brad Pitt 90.51% Harry Styles 89.63% David Beckham 88.96% Will Smith 88.88% Idris Elba 87.93% Ryan Gosling 87.48% Zayn Malik 86.5% Jamie Fox 85.46% Bradley Cooper is the second most gorgeous man globally, based on Dr. De Silva’s evaluation. Here’s the overall ranking according to the techniques I, Dr. Julian De Silva, developed: Nose – Ryan Gosling 99.7% Eyes – Harry Styles 98.15% Chin – Harry Styles 99.7% Face Shape – David Beckham 96.4% Analysis of Beautiful Female Face Dr. De Silva (based on his specific criteria) has stated that Amber Heard possesses features closely aligning with the Greek Phi ratio of beauty, Now that we have covered the analysis of a beautiful male face, let’s talk about the female face. Using the same facial mapping techniques, I, Harley Street surgeon Dr. Julian De Silva, discovered that Amber Heard’s face is closest to the Golden Ratio. Her features including her eyes, nose, eyebrows, chin, lips, jaw, and overall facial structure were meticulously evaluated, with 12 significant points taken into consideration. It was discovered that AMber Heard’s eyes, nose, brows, chin, lips, jaw, and facial shape closely matched the Greek Phi ratio of 1.618, scoring 91.85%. Kim Kardashian is the second most beautiful woman in the world, based on Dr. De Silva’s evaluation. After that, computer mapping technology combined Amber Heard’s nose, Kim Kardashian’s brows, Rihanna’s facial shape, Scarlett Johansson’s eyes, Kate Moss’ forehead, and Emily Ratajkowski’s lips to produce an image of the most beautiful female face. Combining the different facial parts of the prettiest women in the globe produced the picture above. Moreover, Kim Kardashian followed closely in the ranking with 91.39%, Kate Moss was next at 91.06%, Emily Ratajkowski secured the fourth spot with 90.8%, and Kendall Jenner rounded off the top five with 90.18%. I also determined which celebrity’s nose, eyes, brows, chin, lips, forehead, and face shape were the most attractive. Here are the outcomes: Nose – Amber Heard 99.7% Eyes – Scarlett Johansson 97.25% Lips – Emily Ratajkowski 96.7% Eyebrows – Kim Kardashian 94.85% Chin – Amber Heard 99.6% Forehead – Kate Moss 98.8% Face Shape – Rihanna 91% In addition, we have developed a brand-new computer mapping technology that can determine how to modify facial contours in subtle ways. We have cracked some of the riddles of what makes someone physically beautiful thanks to this ground-breaking technology. Emily Ratajkowski is the fourth most beautiful woman in the world, according to Dr. De Silva. The average of 12 essential markers throughout the entire face, including the lips, eyes, nose, brows, chin, forehead, and facial shape. Here are the results: Amber Heard 91.85% Kim Kardashian 91.39% Kate Moss 91.06% Emily Ratajkowski 90.8% Kendall Jenner 90.18% Helen Mirren 89.93% Scarlett Johansson 89.82% Selena Gomez 89.57% Marilyn Monroe 89.41% Jennifer Lawrence 89.24% Kate Moss is the third most beautiful woman in the world, based on Dr. De Silva’s research. Golden Ratio and Art After completing extensive research on the Golden Ratio, I discovered that it is the ultimate determinant of universal beauty. So, I also compiled the most beautiful women in art, according to the techniques I developed that were inspired by the Golden Ratio: 1. Marilyn Monroe by Andy Warhol – 89.1% Marilyn Monroe by Andy Warhol is the most beautiful woman in art, according to Dr. De Silva. 2. The Birth Of Venus by Sandro Botticelli – 89% The Birth Of Venus is the second most beautiful woman in art, according to Dr. De Silva. 3. Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci – 86.6% Mona Lisa is the third most beautiful woman in art, according to Dr. De Silva. 4. Girl With A Pearl Earring by Johannes Vermeer – 86.3% Girl With A Pearl Earring is the fourth most beautiful woman in art, according to Dr. De Silva. 5. Olympia by Edouard Manet – 85.4% Olympia is the fifth most beautiful woman in art, according to Dr. De Silva. Most Common Facial Procedures to Beautify Face The most common facial procedures to beautify face can improve your life. Here are the most popular facial procedures to beautify face: Fat Transfer One of the common features of facial ageing is the loss of natural fat. However, using your own fat with fat transfer can replenish this volume, resulting in a longer-lasting facelift. Moreover, the effects are subtle and natural. Yet, they improve the condition of your skin by eliminating shadows and wrinkles. Furthermore, regenerative cells found in your own fat help to improve the condition of your skin. Laser Resurfacing, Radiofrequency, and PRP (Regenerative Medicine) Over the last decade, I’ve refined my rejuvenation procedures to a trio of laser resurfacing, radiofrequency, and PRP. Radiofrequency tightens skin by two to four mm, while laser resurfacing stimulates collagen. I also created my own PRP-based treatment. Laser resurfacing Because there is no prolonged recovery or redness, the method is a huge improvement over standard carbon dioxide (CO2) lasers. Depending on the skin type and degree of facial ageing, laser skin resurfacing must be adjusted to the needs of the patient. Radiofrequency Morpheus8 Morpheus8 focuses on the deeper layers of the skin and tissue to reshape collagen on both the face and body. This fractional treatment stimulates the production of collagen in the foundational layers of the dermis. Additionally, the adaptable tips of Morpheus8 enable treatments to be customised for various areas of the body, regardless of their size. Facetite FaceTite is a cosmetic technique that targets wrinkles and sagging skin on the lower half of the face. The operation combines the use of radiofrequency radiation and fat reduction with a small device and requires only a few incisions. PRP Platelet Rich Plasma or PRP, is a common injection treatment for cosmetic purposes. This is due to its capacity to use our own platelet-rich blood cells to naturally regenerate the skin and mend the signs of ageing. Upper Third of the Face Blepharoplasty Facelifts can be improved with eyelid surgery. The most popular cosmetic procedure that I, Dr. De Silva, do for patients is blepharoplasty, sometimes known as eyelid surgery. The skin and muscle around the eyelids loosen as a result of age and heredity, resulting in loose skin, puffiness, and dark rings that can make you look exhausted. Endoscopic Brow Lift Endoscopic brow lift surgery elevates the forehead through keyhole surgery, using small hidden incisions hidden beneath the hair and a tiny camera. With sophisticated equipment and a camera, the surgeon can see the anatomy beneath the brow; the method is complicated and takes skill to raise the brow successfully and long-term. Temporal Brow Lift A temporal brow lift or lateral brow lift involves making alterations to the forehead while also raising the brows It is used to enhance the appearance of your eye while correcting the outer one-third position of your brow. The Lower Third of the Face Chin augmentation is a common facial procedure to beautify face. Chin Augmentation or Chin Implant A chin implant balances a person’s face and is a low-risk procedure that can improve facial harmony significantly. When glancing at a person’s side profile, chin insufficiency is usually visible, as the chin should line with the philtrum (junction between the nose and upper lip). Masculine Face The neck and eyes are the most essential features of a man’s face; these two places might give him a fatigued appearance due to loose skin. Blepharoplasty Male blepharoplasty is a procedure that involves an upper and/or lower blepharoplasty to give the eyes a more manly appearance. We can achieve an appearance that better suits the natural features of the male face and its structures by making minor changes to the method. Though these alterations may appear simple, they can help many patients achieve a far more appealing and natural result. Neck Lift Male jawlines are often larger and sharper than female jawlines. When tightening muscles or skin tissue in male patients, surgeons must be aware of Adam’s apple; overdoing it or being careless could cause discomfort or injury to the patient’s neck. Although there aren’t many distinctions between male and female neck lift patients, it’s critical to have a trained surgeon who understands the slight differences. Chin Augmentation/ Chin Implant The ideal chin position is established by placing the individual’s Frankfort horizontal. It is defined as an imaginary line drawn from the bottom of one’s eye socket to the top of one’s ear canal parallel to the ground. The chin should protrude forward to an imaginary line formed from the lower lip downward in this position (Frankfort horizontal). While chin projection to this line is good, chin projection beyond this line is masculinizing, whereas chin projection behind this line is feminizing. Prior to undergoing a facelift or neck lift, the location of the chin should be evaluated, as proper chin projection will improve the outcome. For guys, increasing the facelift effect while also producing a more masculinizing appearance is possible. Conclusion Do you want to enhance your look and get closer to the Golden Ratio? Facial procedures to beautify face can help you. I believe that these procedures can improve your life, so I invested in the latest technology for you. In particular, we bought three new machines in 2021 and 2022 to perform facial procedures to beautify face. Contact us to book a consultation with Dr. Julian de Silva now!

Dr. Julian De Silva Hailed as One of the Best Cosmetic Doctors by the Tatler Cosmetic Guide 2022

by Admin||The Centre London

The Tatler Cosmetic Guide 2022 features the best of the best in the industry, including Dr. Julian De Silva. When you have been immersed in the beauty and cosmetic industry, you likely heard of Tatler. If you have been diving in deeper, you likely know about the Tatler Beauty and Cosmetic Surgery Guide. As its name suggests, the said guide features the best of the best cosmetic doctors, brands, and clinics in the world. I am proud and humbled to say that I, Dr. Julian De Silva am one of them. Tatler Cosmetic Guide 2022 and Address Book: Featuring the Best of the Best The prestigious Tatler Address Book also features Dr. Julian De Silva. More than 300 years since its first appearance in the limelight, Tatler Magazine has been at the forefront of all things related to lifestyle. From beauty to books, Tatler Magazine has been featuring the cream of the crop in several industries. Backed with reputable journalists, extensive research, and impeccable attention to detail, Tatler Magazine has been the to-go magazine for millions of readers all over the world. Tatler was also at the forefront of proper journalism― one that readers deserve today more than ever. With high-quality features and lists, Tatler is a force to be reckoned with in the print and digital magazine industry. Tatler Magazine has been trusted by thousands of experts, executives, celebrities, and the like. With its prestigious guides and lists, Tatler has always lived up to readers’ expectations. As part of Tatler’s effort to deliver the best of the best to its readers, it releases the Tatler Cosmetic Guide each year. The guide features the best of the best cosmetic doctors, beauty brands, and clinics annually. This year, the Tatler Cosmetic Guide 2022 featured Dr. Julian De Silva, a leading cosmetic surgeon in the UK. Aside from the Tatler Cosmetic Guide 2022, Tatler also has its own address book. The Tatler Address Book features the best hotels, spas, gyms, restaurants, and cosmetic doctor in the UK. I, Dr. Julian De Silva, have been in the Tatler Address Book for many years now. Combined with the Tatler Cosmetic Guide 2022 feature, these accolades position me as the best of the best cosmetic doctors in the UK. Dr. Julian De Silva: A Frontrunner in the Cosmetic Industry The world’s longest-running magazine, Tatler, regularly features Dr. Julian De Silva. With more than 20 years of experience, I trained in the world’s most prestigious institutions found in New York, London, and Los Angeles. After this, I decided to do private practice by establishing the Centre for Advanced Facial Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery and The Harley Street Filler Specialists London. Both are located at Harley Street, London’s most famous area for cosmetic treatments. They’re also considered as the top skin clinics in London. When it comes to cosmetic procedures such as non-surgical facelift, lip filler enhancement, and fat transfer, having full confidence in your doctor is key. With your face being the most important part of your body, the expert to go to, according to Tatler is me, Dr. Julian De Silva. I am truly humbled by this recognition. Being hailed as the best of the best by the world’s leading magazine is a great honor. For this reason, I will continue to work tirelessly to give every patient that walks into my clinic nothing but the best cosmetic treatments. Seeing someone’s life change for the better is something I always look forward to. The changes I saw in my patients let me know that what I do helps people improve their lives and get what they deserve. My patients include celebrities, executives, and even doctors. They seek to improve their looks, confidence and sometimes work performance and career. Conclusion After performing thousands of surgical and non-surgical procedures on the face and neck over decades, I am well known for delivering natural and subtle results. My passion lies not just in the technicalities of the treatments, but in artistry as well. I believe that cosmetic treatments must be looked at as both an art and science. The scientific component of the treatment deals with the measurements and accuracy of techniques. On the other hand, the artistic part involves delivering results that don’t look artificial. It’s like sculpting the patient’s face in a way that suits them.

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