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Out of Town Patients

London has long been a centre of excellence for medical treatments, the World famous Harley Street is known for its excellence in health care provision.



Out of Town Patients

Dr Julian De Silva - Harley Street, London

London has long been a centre of excellence for medical treatments, the World famous Harley Street is known for its excellence in health care provision. Harley Street remains a centre for cosmetic procedures with patients travelling from all continents on the globe for specialist care. Dr De Silva is recognised as an expert specialist in facial cosmetic and plastic surgery by his peers, teaching facial surgery techniques in Europe and the USA, setting higher standards of practice, pioneering surgery and bringing innovation from the cosmetic centres of Los Angeles and New York. Dr De Silva specialises only in the face and has experience of treating several hundreds of patients in three major cosmetic hubs of the World. Many of our patients travel a long distance for their care.

Dr De Silva is friendly and caring and has treated patients from all continents of the world, and has frequently been asked to treat colleagues’ families and friends.

As an expert in facial cosmetic treatments in one of the most ethnically diverse cities in the World, Dr De Silva’s sees patients from all over the world. He can comfortably schedule appointments and plan their return home in a predictable manner. Our goal is to make the experience at The Centre for Advanced Facial Cosmetic Surgery as easy and comfortable as possible.

Dr De Silva practices in Central London, which is readily accessible by transport links (taxi, underground, train). Cosmetic surgery usually requires appointments spaced several weeks apart and we have developed some strategies to improve the experience for out-of-town patients.

Heathrow Express: Heathrow Airport to Paddington Station, Short Distance from Paddington Station to 23 Harley Street.

Gatwick Express: Gatwick Airport to London Victoria Station, Short Distance from London Victoria Station to 23 Harley Street.

If you would like a consultation with Dr De Silva, please do the following:

Contact our office at info@londonfacialplasticsurgery . co. uk

Please take several high-resolution photos of your face from front and side.
Include a history of previous treatments and what you would like to achieve.

Only the Face

By focusing entirely on only facelift & facial cosmetic surgery procedures, Dr De Silva is able to provide the expertise that can only come with specialisation: facelift and neck lift, blepharoplasty, rhinoplasty and chin implants.

Natural Looking Results

Dr De Silva is a believer in the importance of artistry behind cosmetic results and focuses his skills at delivering natural looking results.

Fast Recovery

Dr De Silva has pioneered the advances in technology to speed up recovery with a combination regenerative medicine techniques, Oxygen and LED Therapy.

World Class Expertise

Dr De Silva also teaches other surgeons internationally and has contributed to the development of advanced surgical techniques, laser technology and stitch-less tissue adhesives.

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You can only book a surgery date by paying a non-refundable 20 percent deposit. Once a surgery date is booked, you will be emailed before and after surgery instructions for your procedures.

Dr De Silva offers his patients VIP concierge services. Dr De Silva will answer any questions prior to your trip to London and the day before surgery. Dr De Silva will meet with you to review your procedure, meeting you, if needed, even after office hours and on weekends. Dr De Silva will also visit your hotel room after surgery to ensure your procedure’s success and monitor the healing progress.

Our friendly staff will help you make suitable hotel arrangements for your stay in London and make your visit as comfortable as possible.


Recommendations for local hotels:
Please ask our helpful staff for further assistance.


What our satisfied clients are saying

“Dear Mr. De Silva, Thank you very much for your careful examination of my ageing eyes yesterday and for your advice about how to tackle my ageing eyes. Armed with my eye drops, ointment, flannel, cotton wool, buds and pills I’m following your guidance as carefully as I can. Thank you for going to so much trouble on my behalf. I’m very grateful to you and to your team for treating my small problems with much care and efficiency. With best wishes.”

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