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Natural Brow Lift & Forehead Lift Surgery in Harley Street, London

A droopy brow is characterised by the eyebrow sagging downwards which can create more fullness in the upper eyelid and a more tired appearance. With time compensatory facial expression may result in the use of the forehead muscles to lift the eyebrow resulting in deep forehead lines.


What is a Brow lift & Forehead Lift?

Dr Julian De Silva - Harley Street, London

With respect to facial anatomy, there are measurements and positions of the eyebrows that are regarded as normal. In women, a youthful feminine brow is considered to be at the level or above the upper boney margin and has a higher arch towards the outside tail of the brow.

With facial ageing, there can be the descent of the brow as a combination of gravity and facial expressions that results in a lower and flatter brow. In men, the eyebrow position is youth is lower than in women with a flatter shape.

Although we know these are common positions of the eyebrows, the natural position of the brow is very variable and any brow lift procedures need to be customised for an individual based on their unique changes with facial ageing.

In the past brow surgery was over-used as a substantial proportion of people naturally have low eyebrows, including may famous actors and actresses, George Clooney, Tom Cruise, Nicole Kidman and Grace Kelly. In people who always had low eyebrows, it is unwise to have brow lift surgery as this procedure can change a person’s appearance by giving them a surprised look.

Grace Kelly had relatively low eyebrows in her youth. Dr De Silva would advise against forehead or brow lift surgery in patients with naturally occurring low eyebrows and the surgery can change one’s appearance.

Professional membership organisations that focus on Eyelid and Brow Lift Surgery


Why Choose Dr De Silva in Harley Street, London ?

Dr De Silva is a widely credited and celebrated facial plastic surgeon who specialises in the eyes, nose, face and neck areas only, and is known for natural results.


“My focus has and always will be to be the very best at what I do, to continually innovate to provide World Class leadership to all my team, all my patients and all my associates. My mission is to help every patient be the very best version of themself with World-Class services, life-long follow up with complimentary facial aesthetic procedures.”

In a world of increasing complexity and misinformation, his passion has been focused on providing sincere advice, low risk and fast recovery procedures.

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Only the Face

By focusing entirely on only facelift & facial cosmetic surgery procedures, Dr De Silva is able to provide the expertise that can only come with specialisation: facelift and neck lift, blepharoplasty, rhinoplasty and chin implants.

Natural Looking Results

Dr De Silva is a believer in the importance of artistry behind cosmetic results and focuses his skills at delivering natural looking results.

Fast Recovery

Dr De Silva has pioneered the advances in technology to speed up recovery with a combination regenerative medicine techniques, Oxygen and LED Therapy.

World Class Expertise

Dr De Silva also teaches other surgeons internationally and has contributed to the development of advanced surgical techniques, laser technology and stitch-less tissue adhesives.

World Class Facial Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery

Brow & Forehead Lift Before & Afters

Dr De Silva has transformed thousands of faces through his unique surgical techniques. Below is a small sample of some of his transformations.

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What our satisfied clients are saying

“I couldn’t recommend Dr. De Silva more highly as plastic surgeon. From my first interaction with Dr. De Silva he’s been consideration, compassionate, honest and professional. His skills are second to none.”


Brow & Forehead Lift Frequently Asked Questions

Endoscopic brow lift surgery utilises small hidden-incisions that are hidden within the hair and the use of a tiny camera to elevate the forehead with keyhole surgery.

The camera enables the surgeon to see the anatomy underlying the forehead with specialist equipment; the technique is advanced and requires skill to lift the brow effectively and long-term.

Dr De Silva uses a specialised US technique and 3D telescopic imageing to enable the smallest incisions and fastest possible recovery after forehead lifting.

The traditional techniques to lift the forehead and brow required a large incision in the forehead (Direct brow lift) or very large incisions in the hairline (Coronal brow lift from one ear to the other ear) although these techniques were effective in lifting the forehead, they left noticeable scarring and were associated with greater downtime and recovery period.

To complete Endoscopic surgery, the latest in state-of-the-art technology is required to give a 3D- Telescopic image of the anatomy through a tiny skin incision.

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