Revision Blepharoplasty London | Corrective Eyelid Surgery image 1

Revision Blepharoplasty World Renowned Harley Street London

Dr Julian De Silva #1 Specialist Blepharoplasty Surgeon

Over 1000 5-Star Patient Experiences

Revision Blepharoplasty Specialist

Fast Recovery Technology

Natural Artistry 



Revision Blepharoplasty

Revision Blepharoplasty in London

The eyelids are a complex part of the face with a unique anatomy and function—millimetres are the difference between success and failure during blepharoplasty procedures.

Dr Julian De Silva common has patients come to him for revision blepharoplasty with issues including upper eyelids is asymmetry, visible scars, remaining bulging of fat in the inner aspect of the eyelid, excess lose skin the outer aspect of the eyelid, puffiness & asymmetry of the lower eyelids, inadequate evaluation of brow position and many more. The upper eyelid has an important function protecting the eye and in the prevention of dry eyes and the removal of too much soft tissue and skin is problematic if not performed correctly.

Complications of excessive soft tissue removal are best avoided by seeing a specialist eyelid surgeon with Oculo-Facial Plastic Surgery or Facial Plastic Surgery expertise. Dr Julian De Silva has worked in some of the best specialise eye hospital in the world including Moorfields Eye Hospital in London, Jules Stein eye hospital at UCLA in Los Angeles and University Hospital for Albert Einstein in New York. Approximately thirty percent of Dr De Silva’s blepharoplasty surgeries are revisions surgeries.

Corrective surgery is complex and often requires specialist techniques to ensure preserving natural anatomy. Often additional measures are required to help with recovery.

How do you approach revision upper eyelid surgery?

Previous eyelid surgery results in scarring and changes in the underlying anatomy. Although scars can be modified and enhanced previous surgery cannot be reversed.

Dr De Silva uses a spectrum of specialised techniques to restore the position and function of the eyelids, including a variety of graft tissues (including tissue taken from the roof of the mouth, termed hard palate and spacer materials), eyelid tendon suturing, HD visualisation and bony orbital support to ensure a long-term result.

Each revision eyelid surgery is unique and requires customised treatment with respect to the position, shape, scarring and function of the eyelid.

Dr De Silva uses specialised anti-inflammatory medications to reduced scarring—a technique he has pioneered in the UK.

Dr De Silva is able to achieve excellent results in revision blepharoplasty, and will operate on cases where he feels he can achieve a success that is within the patient’s expectations. If he cannot achieve this he may advise against further surgery.

Why Choose Dr De Silva in Harley Street, London ?

 Dr Julian De Silva is a widely credited and celebrated facial plastic surgeon who specialises ONLY in the FACE. Eyelid surgery, AKA blepharoplasty is the No.1 procedure that he helps patients with every day. Your face has intricate anatomy; your eyes, nose, face and neck areas, and relatively unique.  Dr Julian De Silva is known for Natural Results & Fast Recovery technology

“We are proud to have over 1000 5* reviews. My focus has always been to be the very best at what I do, to continually innovate to provide World Class leadership with my team, my patients and my associates. My mission is to help every patient be the very best version of themself with World-Class services, life-long follow up with complimentary facial aesthetic procedures.” 

Author of the Blepharoplasty Book, The Patient Guide to Blepharoplasty & Eyelid Surgery, to help our patients make the best decisions we gift this book to all our patients.  In this book is a discussion on revision blepharoplasty with case studies of Dr Julian De Silva’s revision blepharoplasty patients.

As an Artist, Dr De Silva’s paintings can be see on the walls in the World Class Facility at 23 Harley Street, custom built for Facial Procedures. 

As a father and a Family Man he understands how important our appearance, health and well being is for happiness. Dr De Silva is in demand, please be patient if we are unable to offer you an appointment immediately, Dr De Silva is a detailed surgeon, he takes extra time with every patient to understand your needs and expectations, facial treatment is a blend of both precision and artistry, and takes time.

    Featured Logos

    Only the Face

    By focusing entirely on only facelift & facial cosmetic surgery procedures, Dr De Silva is able to provide the expertise that can only come with specialisation: facelift and neck lift, blepharoplasty, rhinoplasty and chin implants.

    Natural Looking Results

    Dr De Silva is a believer in the importance of artistry behind cosmetic results and focuses his skills at delivering natural looking results.

    Fast Recovery

    Dr De Silva has pioneered the advances in technology to speed up recovery with a combination regenerative medicine techniques, Oxygen and LED Therapy.

    World Class Expertise

    Dr De Silva also teaches other surgeons internationally and has contributed to the development of advanced surgical techniques, laser technology and stitch-less tissue adhesives.

    Revision Blepharoplasty Surgery Overview

    Will I be happy after revision eyelid surgery?

    Dr De Silva only provides patients with honest information about the likely expectations from revision surgery. In a minority of patients, he advises against surgery altogether.

    Although most patients’ symptoms are improved significantly, it is important to have a discussion regarding realistic expectations, as previous scarring can only be improved upon, not reversed. A small proportion of patients may require two procedures.

    Can the blepharoplasty complications be corrected?

    As a first step Dr Julian De Silva completes a thorough examination of your eyes to look at the unique characteristics of your eyes, anatomy and asymmetry (…eyelid tendon laxity, skin shortage, functional dryness). Although this is best evaluated in person, for patients living long distances from London a virtual consultation with good quality photographs can be used. 

    As a specialist in revision blepharoplasty, Dr Julian De Silva has helped many patients with complications from previous surgery, these include: visible scarring, asymmetry, retraction, change in natural eyelid appearance and many more. Key is to assess in detail the changes that have occurred and then use advanced techniques including revision blepharoplasty, fat transfer, skin resurfacing, regenerative medicine and vertical deep plane facelift techniques (if pulling of the lower eyelid to elevate this area naturally without older school unappealing skin grafts). Expectations for improvement are important, often eyelid shape can be improved however perfection is so challenging to obtain. 

    Revision Blepharoplasty

    Revision eyelid surgery is carried out to correct previous unsatisfactory blepharoplasty surgery.

    The anatomy and soft tissues of the lower eyelid are highly intricate, and once surgery has been completed there is a degree of scarring and change in anatomy that is unique to each individual patient.

    The level of scarring is dependent upon multiple factors, including the previous surgery, the surgeon, the ethnicity of the patient, their individual genetic makeup and their body’s ability to heal.

    The treatment of patients who have undergone previous lower blepharoplasty is challenging, and is dependent upon the degree of change required and the patient’s expectations from surgery. Although for most patients a substantial improvement can be made, the key to success is achieving the patient’s expectations.

    In the eyelids, removal of too much soft tissue results in the increased appearance of the white sclera and the eyelids not closing, or hanging below the coloured iris. This can be improved though for some patients advanced techniques including fat grafting, elevation of the cheek (deep plane facelift surgery) and graft material may be required. 

    Revision lower eyelid surgery (lower eyelid retraction)

    • There are a variety of causes for lower eyelid retraction including trauma, eyelid tumours and the commonest—internal scarring after a lower eyelid blepharoplasty.
      Lower eyelid retraction is often the result of a combination of factors, including the removal of too much skin tissue during lower blepharoplasty surgery, scarring and the lower lid being pulled downwards
    • The lower eyelid has intricate anatomy with three fine anatomical planes in the eyelid. Damage to any of these structures may lead to scarring and lower lid retraction. The results can be devastating to the patient as scarring changes the shape of the eye resulting in a compromised cosmetic result, tearing and discomfort.
    • Dr De Silva’s preferred technique for lower eyelid surgery involves a hidden incision on the inside lining of the eyelid. This technique preserves the natural anatomy of the eyelid and hides scarring.
    • The more traditional method that is used by surgeons practicing older surgical techniques is termed trans-cutaneous blepharoplasty. In patients with a specific anatomy, termed negative vector, it is of absolute importance not to use these techniques to ensure a risk-free result.
    • Dr De Silva’s preferred technique for lower eyelid surgery involves a hidden incision on the inside lining of the eyelid. This technique preserves the natural anatomy of the eyelid and hides scarring.
    Revision Blepharoplasty London | Corrective Eyelid Surgery image 7

    Case Study

    A 59-year-old Asian patient who works as a nurse in a London Hospital had two previous eyelid procedures in UK hospitals with plastic surgeons.

    She felt that she had continued to look tired as there was hooding of the upper eyelids, with swelling of fat at the inner aspect of the eyelids. In the lower eyelids she had fat bags despite the previous surgery.

    She came to see Dr Julian De Silva in his London practice, for revision eyelid blepharoplasty.

    On examination, there was asymmetry with double skin creases on the upper eyelids, asymmetrical scars in the lower eyelids and fat prolapsing in the lower eyelids, as well as noticeable scarring.

    Dr De Silva evaluated her changes and discussed with her what aspects of her eyelids could be improved. With clear expectations from the surgery, she had revision upper and lower eyelid surgery under sedation anaesthesia.

    After surgery there was an improved appearance to her upper and lower eyelids. Dr De Silva hid the previous scars in natural creases in the upper eyelid and used hidden incision techniques in the lower eyelid (termed transconjunctival blepharoplasty).

    The patient was very happy with the results and has subsequently returned to her home country.

    World Class Facial Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery

    Blepharoplasty Before & Afters

    Dr De Silva has transformed thousands of faces through his unique surgical techniques. Below is a small sample of some of his transformations.

    Photo of the patient’s eyes before and after the Blepharoplasty surgery. Patient 4 - Set 1
    Photo of the patient’s eyes before and after the Blepharoplasty surgery. Patient 5 - Set 1
    Photo of the patient’s eyes before and after the Blepharoplasty surgery. Patient 6 - Set 1
    Photo of the patient’s eyes before and after the Blepharoplasty surgery. Patient 1 - Set 1
    Photo of the patient’s eyes before and after the Blepharoplasty surgery. Patient 2 - Set 1
    Photo of the patient’s eyes before and after the Blepharoplasty surgery. Patient 3 - Set 1



    What our satisfied clients are saying

    “Having Lower Blepharoplasty with Dr. De Silva gives you the benefit of years of experience, qualifications not only in the U.K. but also the U.S. and yet you don’t lose the gentle bedside manner from this doctor. From our first meeting, Dr. De Silva won me over because he gave me the time to obtain answers and explanations to all my questions in kind details, as many times as I needed.”


    Eyelid/Blepharoplasty Frequently Asked Questions

    Blepharoplasty is commonly completed in a general hospital with other surgical procedures. Although this is the norm, it does not lead to an optimal patient experience as the staff are not specialised.

    Dr De Silva has built a custom state of the art facility on Harley Street to enable complete specialisation for every patient. This can avoid issues with hospital-acquired infections, such as MRSA, providing the safest environment for patients.

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