This post highlights everything you need to consider before getting a nose job.
Are you planning to get a nose job or deciding whether you should get one? In this article, I’ll give you a, packed with useful info to help you decide whether getting a nose job is right for you.
I’ll also be answering all your burning questions, giving you a simple breakdown of how the procedure works, and sharing loads of helpful knowledge to make your decision easier. Ready to dive in and learn more about this life-changing journey? Read on.
Best Nose Jobs For Different Shapes and Faces
From health to aesthetics, there are various reasons why people want to reshape their noses. Knowing the best nose jobs for these issues helps you choose the right procedure.
Noses come in different shapes and sizes. Thus, a certain nose job fit for others might not be fit for you. In this article, I’ll discuss the different nose shapes, the reasons why patients get nose jobs, and the best nose jobs for certain issues.
What Is a Nose Job?
A nose job improves the symmetry, shape, and size of your nose.
As the central point of your face, your nose is important. However, not everyone has a perfect nose.
Whether it’s congenital (something you’re born with) or accident-related, reshaping your nose is crucial if it negatively affects your daily life. If you’ve been self-conscious or if your nose is not functioning well, a nose job can help.
Also known as rhinoplasty, a nose job enhances the symmetry, shape, and size of a patient’s nose. By doing this, a nose job helps your nose become proportionate with the rest of your face.
When performed by a skilled and experienced surgeon, a nose job can be life-changing. Patients will have an enhanced appearance. This can help boost their confidence and live well.
While often done to reshape the nose, a nose job can also be done for functional purposes. Septoplasty is a nose job done to enhance the function of the nose.
Types of Nose Jobs
There are two main kinds of rhinoplasty― closed and open.
A nose job is a procedure involving the nose. This term is more commonly referred to as rhinoplasty, a surgical procedure done to enhance the nose’s appearance. There are two main types of rhinoplasty― closed and open.
Open Rhinoplasty
Open rhinoplasty is the external type of rhinoplasty. It is done by making small incisions on the columella― the soft tissue between the nostrils.
This type of rhinoplasty allows for access to the cartilage and underlying bone structures. The main benefit of open rhinoplasty is higher accuracy for changing the nose’s shape. This allows the cosmetic surgeon to achieve the desired contour.
The open technique is best used during revision rhinoplasty. It’s because revision rhinoplasty is for noses with disturbed original structures. With better accuracy, an open technique is better than a closed one for revision rhinoplasty.
In addition, open rhinoplasty might also be used for patients with crooked noses and nasal tip irregularities. It’s because this technique gives a clearer view of the necessary correction. Open rhinoplasty also makes it easy for intricate grafting and/or suturing. The resulting scar is barely noticeable and fades over time.
Closed Rhinoplasty
Closed rhinoplasty is the internal type of rhinoplasty. It is done by making incisions totally hidden within the nostrils.
This type of rhinoplasty involves the surgical openings of the nose. The technique is done by separately operating in the right and left nostrils. The main benefit of closed rhinoplasty is the absence of external incisions. With a less invasive nature, closed rhinoplasty doesn’t produce visible scars.
The lack of external incisions can also result in less swelling after the surgery. This allows the patient to recover faster.
The closed technique is best used for standard rhinoplasty― a procedure that aims to change the nose’s appearance without prior damage. It’s because a closed rhinoplasty doesn’t produce any visible scars.
Open vs. Closed Rhinoplasty: Which is Better?
The differences between open and closed rhinoplasty are minor. With better accuracy, open rhinoplasty provides more precision for complex cases. On the other hand, a closed rhinoplasty requires less recovery and produces visible scars.
I can achieve your desired results using either of the two. With decades of experience in rhinoplasty, I am an expert in giving my patients the best nose surgery.
Nose Structure
Description: The nose is made of three parts namely the bridge, tip, and nostrils.
Before you can have your nose reshaped, it’s important for you to understand the structure of your nose. Here are the three main parts of your nose:
The bridge is the part that holds all other components of your nose together. Its main purpose is to serve as the physical structure for your nostrils and nasal passages. It also helps with the overall function of your nose in relation to your other body parts.
The tip of the nose is also known as the dorsum. This part is connected to the nostrils. It is supposed to be the furthest from the face. Interestingly, most patients want to enhance the tips of their noses.
The nostrils are the openings found at the bottom of the nasal cavity. They serve as channels that bring air in and out of the nasal cavity so you can breathe.
Nose Shapes
Noses come in different shapes including humped, hanging, and pinched.
Here are the most common nose shapes that people usually want to change:
As its name suggests, a humped nose is characterised by the presence of a hump on the bridge of the nose. It can either be inherited or accident-related. The size and shape of the hump differ from one patient to another. A humped nose is most noticeable from a side view of the nose.
A bulbous nose shape is characterised by a bulb-like shape with a droopy tip and narrow bridge. This nose shape is common among Eastern European men. Since most people prefer a more refined tip with a proportionate bridge, a nose job is needed to correct a bulbous nose.
Crooked or Asymmetrical
A crooked or asymmetrical nose makes your face look uneven and unbalanced. It is usually characterised by a great bump on the nasal structure. In some cases, a crooked nose can cause breathing issues. Hence, it needs to be corrected immediately.
Pointy Tipped
A pointy tipped nose is characterised by an excessive amount of cartilage at the very tip of the nose. This destroys a person’s facial balance. This can be easily corrected by eliminating the right amount of cartilage from the tip of the nose via surgery.
Boxy Tipped
A boxy tipped nose is characterised by a wide, rectangular shape at the very tip of the nose. Like its pointy counterpart, it destroys one’s facial harmony. A boxy tipped nose is most noticeable from a bottom view of the nose.
Long or Narrow-Bridged
A long or narrow-bridged nose is characterised by an excessively long, excessively narrow, (or a combination of both) shape. This unflattering nose shape often resembles a seagull’s beak. This can be easily corrected by shaving down, widening, and/or shortening the nose.
A hanging nose is characterised by a hanging columella, the tissue that separates the nostrils. The nostrils are in a strange position, making it look separated from the rest of the nose.
A pinched nose is characterised by a look as if you’re endlessly pinching your nose. Unlike the previous nose shapes on this guide, a pinched nose is often a result of a botched nose job. A pinched nose can also cause serious functional and structural issues if not corrected immediately.
Reasons for Nose Reshaping
Aesthetics and difficulty breathing are some of the reasons for nose reshaping.
From gaining confidence to correcting a previous procedure, people get nose jobs for many reasons. Here are the most common reasons for nose reshaping:
Not every nose is perfect. Some are born with a deformed nose. Others got a broken nose from an accident. Whatever the reason is, a deformed nose can hurt one’s confidence.
Since the nose is the center point of the face, many people get nose jobs for aesthetic reasons. Hundreds of patients come to my clinic with pressing aesthetic concerns.
If you’re suffering from an irregular nose, you might feel bad for yourself. As a result, your self-confidence decreases, leading you to believe less in yourself. When this happens, the way you approach life is negatively affected.
In addition, a deformed nose can seriously hurt careers in the entertainment industry. If you are an actor or a model, an irregular nose can have a negative impact on your work. Hence, it’s best to get it fixed as soon as possible.
Difficulty Breathing
When your nose’s bone and/or cartilage breaks, your breathing can be affected. You might notice a whistling sound when you breathe. You also might have difficulty breathing. A cold can make this worse by further blocking your nasal passages.
In some cases, people can breathe somehow. However, even the tiniest changes in one’s breathing can be a disturbance.
Moreover, some patients are born with a deformed nose. This can be in the form of uneven nostrils or a problematic bridge, among others. In these cases, parents often let their children get nose jobs to improve breathing.
While many people are not born with normally functioning noses, some ethnicities are predisposed to have noses that are not universally attractive.
Due to this, these people seek nose jobs. Some of my patients have ethnicities that tend to have bulbous or humped noses. In particular, Asians and African Americans tend to have bulbous noses. Caucasians have humped or hanging noses.
Yes, each nose has its own beauty. However, if you are not happy with the way your ethnicity predisposed your nose to look a certain way, feel free to fix it.
Your nose protrudes more than the rest of your face. Due to this, it is prone to damage during accidents.
A broken nose caused by a serious injury needs serious attention. More often than not, an injured nose that’s not immediately treated leads to complications. It can cause more problems such as nosebleeds and difficulty breathing.
If you have an injured nose, consult a doctor as soon as possible. If your physician sees the need for a nose job, have the procedure as soon as possible. Surgery realigns your nasal bones and/or reshapes cartilage so everything goes back to normal.
Previous Procedures
A majority of my patients come to me because of previously botched procedures. It’s either their noses get damaged during the process or they did not get the results they wanted. A pinched nose is a common result of failed nose jobs.
Nose jobs are major surgical procedures that require skill and experience. Hence, you must carefully choose a nose surgeon. Remember, the wrong surgeon can cost you thousands of dollars and a lot of stress.
Best Nose Jobs According to Nasal Issues
Specific issues call for specific nose jobs in London.
The shape of the nose greatly depends on genetics. An injury or previous procedure can also change your nose’s shape. If the shape of your nose is bothering you for any reason, consider getting it altered.
Whether you’re getting a nose job due to health or cosmetic reasons, here are the best nose jobs designed to suit your needs and improve the quality of your life:
Aesthetics: Reduction Rhinoplasty
If you want a nose job because of aesthetic purposes, reduction rhinoplasty might be the best treatment for you.
As its name implies, a reduction rhinoplasty mainly aims to reduce the size of your nose. Given this, a reduction rhinoplasty can correct a humped, bulbous, crooked, pointy tipped, boxy tipped, long, or hanging nose.
Reduction rhinoplasty reduces the overall size of your nose or decreases the size of specific areas such as the tip or bridge. Despite its name, a reduction rhinoplasty can also increase specific parts of the nose to make it look balanced.
Difficulty Breathing: Septoplasty or Septo-Rhinoplasty
If you need a nose job because you have difficulty breathing, septoplasty or septo-rhinoplasty might be the best treatment for you.
Septoplasty is the most common solution to breathing problems. It is a surgical procedure aimed at restoring your nose’s function. In particular, septoplasty is used to fix a deviated septum. It is a condition characterised by uneven nostrils that lead to difficulty breathing, nosebleed, and nasal infection.
Another procedure for breathing problems is septorhinoplasty. As its name suggests, it is a surgical procedure that combines septoplasty and rhinoplasty.
Septoplasty’s main goal is to restore your nose’s function. Rhinoplasty enhances your nose’s look. Hence, septorhinoplasty improves both the inside and outside of your nose.
Ethnicity: Ethnic Rhinoplasty
If you want a nose job because you are not satisfied with the nose your ethnicity predisposed you to have, ethnic rhinoplasty might be the best treatment for you.
Ethnic rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure usually done on non-Caucasian patients. It aims to enhance the beauty of your nose without changing the uniqueness of your ethnicity.
In other words, an ethnic rhinoplasty gives you a better-looking nose without totally losing its ethnic features. Since each nose is special, a customised plan must be carefully carried out to get the right results.
Trauma & Previous Procedures: Revision Rhinoplasty
If you suffer from a failed nose job or an injury that seriously affected your nose, revision rhinoplasty might be the best treatment for you.
Revision rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure done to correct the nose’s shape due to previous nose jobs and substantial trauma. It is usually done to patients whose original nose structures are compromised.
For one, patients are often dissatisfied with their prior nose jobs. This is mostly because they did not see the results they wanted. Second, patients’ noses are often damaged after a botched procedure. As a result, they suffer from health problems on top of a deformed nose.
Since revision rhinoplasty is a form of corrective surgery, it is among the most complex types of nose jobs. Given this, only a qualified and experienced surgeon should do it. Fortunately, I can do this surgery. Contact us if you want to know more about revision rhinoplasty at my clinic.
Nose Job Transformation: Before and After
The golden ratio, the universal measurement for beauty, has been widely used for centuries. With cosmetic treatments popping in and out of the market, nose job transformation remains popular.
Why is this so? One main reason is the nose job’s compliance with the golden ratio.
But how exactly does a nose job do this? Well, seeing is believing.
That’s why in this section, I will talk about the golden ratio, its relation to facial symmetry, and how a nose job helps you achieve your aesthetic goals. I will also show you before and after nose job transformation photos.
Golden Ratio, Nose Symmetry, and Facial Beauty
A nose job transformation can produce nose symmetry and facial attractiveness.
We have discussed the golden ratio, facial beauty, and nose symmetry. Now, it’s time to discuss their connection.
Nose symmetry plays a crucial role in facial symmetry. It’s because a symmetrical nose, being the central point of the face, greatly contributes to facial symmetry.
As you may well know, people see a symmetrical face as beautiful. Hence, nose symmetry plays a huge role in facial beauty.
We have also established that the golden ratio measures facial symmetry. When a face has features that fit the golden ratio, that face becomes attractive. Hence, the golden ratio also plays a crucial role in determining the beauty of one’s face.
Using this logic, an asymmetric nose, therefore, does not fit the golden ratio. As a result, an asymmetrical nose becomes unsightly, especially if it veers too far away from the golden ratio.
Remember, nose symmetry is and always will be an important aspect of facial symmetry. So, if you want your face to fit the principles of the golden ratio, you must treat your nose to make it symmetrical.
Fortunately, you have many options to fix your nose. From a nose job transformation to liquid rhinoplasty, you now have access to safe and effective treatments.
Nose Job Before and After Photos
As the famous saying goes, “Seeing is believing.” Hence, I compiled the before and after nose jobs pictures of my patients.
In this section, you will see how my patients’ noses have changed. The picture on the left shows the patient before the surgery. The picture on the right shows the patient after the surgery.
Patient 1: As you can see on the left, the patient had a noticeable bump on his nose. He also had a large nasal tip. After the surgery, the noticeable bump was gone.
His nasal tip was also adjusted. By doing this, his nose became more symmetrical and proportionate with the rest of his face.
Patient 2: As you can see on the left, the patient had a large nose. This was mainly due to her large nasal tip. Her nose was also asymmetrical mainly due to its tip.
After surgery, her nose became smaller. Her nasal tip was also adjusted to make her nose look symmetrical. As you can see on the right, her nose now matches her face. The patient’s self-confidence increased as well. After getting rhinoplasty, she became more confident in her looks and capabilities.
Patient 3: As you can see on the left, the patient had an undefined nasal tip. She also had a sizable bump on the bridge of her nose. To correct these issues, she asked for help from my clinic.
During the surgery, I adjusted her nasal tip. I also removed the bump on her nose. As you can see on the right, her nasal tip became more defined. The bump was also gone. Moreover, the patient was so glad that her nose became symmetrical and proportionate with the rest of her face.
Patient 4: As you can see on the left, the patient had an asymmetrical nose. Her nose looked asymmetrical mainly because of her nostrils. In an attempt to correct these issues, she had nose fillers. However, since the nose fillers are temporary, she looked for a permanent solution.
So, she went to my clinic for help. During the surgery, I adjusted her nostrils, tip, and bridge. She wanted natural and subtle results, so I laid out a customised plan for her.
As you can see on the right, her nose became more symmetrical after the surgery. The results look subtle and natural as well.
Patient 5: As you can see on the left, the patient had an asymmetrical nose. Her nose looked asymmetrical mainly because of her nasal tip. She also had a bump on her nasal bridge. In an attempt to correct these issues, she asked me for help.
During the surgery, I adjusted the parts of her nose that affected her nose symmetry. Just like many of my patients, she wanted natural and subtle results. So, I used customised techniques.
As you can see on the right, her overall appearance improved after the surgery. This is mainly because of her improved nose. Aside from that, the patient was also so happy for getting natural and subtle results.
Find out more in our detailed blog post on nose job transformations: before and after.
Best Nose Jobs in London
Through experience and expertise, we offer the best nose jobs in London.
I lead the Centre for Advanced Facial Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery in London. Our state-of-the-art facility ensures you get nothing but the best nose jobs in the UK. From ethnic to revision rhinoplasty, I will walk you through the best noses for nose jobs. I will answer your questions so you can make an informed decision about your nose job.
My clinic offers the best nose jobs in London because of many factors. For one, my clinic specialises in facial procedures. This means that my team and I are nose job experts.
On top of that, I have decades’ worth of research about facial anatomy. Because of this, I have extensive knowledge of nose jobs. This knowledge is enhanced by decades’ worth of experience in the field. Over the years, I have operated on thousands of patients.
Lastly, I use special anaesthesia for the nose jobs I administer. Unlike many cosmetic surgeons, I don’t use general anaesthesia.
I highly prefer sedation anaesthesia because it is safer. It poses fewer risks than general anaesthesia. You will also recover faster from sedation anaesthesia than from general anaesthesia.
Candidacy and Pricing
Consultation is crucial in determining candidacy and pricing for the best nose jobs.
Nose jobs are generally suited for healthy adults. Since each patient’s need is unique, candidacy can only be accurately determined by consulting with a doctor. During our pre-operative consultation, I can determine whether you are an ideal candidate for the nose jobs I mentioned in this article.
Furthermore, a nose job’s cost depends on many factors. To start with, it depends on the type of nose job and the techniques it needs. For instance, a reduction rhinoplasty that only involves the tip of your nose will more likely cost less than revision rhinoplasty.
Second, a nose job’s price depends on the location. In the UK, standard rhinoplasty ranges from £4,000 to £7,000. Septoplasty approximately costs £5,000 to £10,000, while septorhinoplasty costs about £6,000 to £12,000.
Since each patient’s nose is different, the type, complexity, and scope of nose jobs vary. Book a consultation with us to determine if you’re an ideal candidate and get more accurate pricing.
What Is Considered a Perfect Nose?
While the concept of the perfect nose has changed over time, it follows a set of rules and symmetry.
Because the nose is the most visible part of our face, it is easy to notice when we have a problem with it. The concept of what constitutes the optimal nose has evolved over time to meet the needs of a changing world and a changing ideal of beauty.
What exactly is the ideal shape? A nose that is regarded as ideal, or perfect, is one that has a shape that complements your other face structure. The goal of facial plastic surgery is never to change your appearance entirely but rather to improve your natural features with a nose that has a more harmonious form.
The Golden Ratio and the Perfect Nose
The nose width and nose length are taken into account for the Golden Ratio.
The Golden Ratio is used for determining the ideal nose shape. When combined with the competent, technical expertise of a skilled plastic surgeon, you can achieve your aesthetic goals.
There is a reason why people seeking rhinoplasty, non-surgical rhinoplasty, or revision rhinoplasty spend so much time evaluating different plastic surgeons before deciding on the surgeon who will operate on their nose.
If only a few mathematical ratios were required to achieve the optimal nose form, plastic surgeons would not be nearly as crucial.
Ideally, the ratio of 1 to 1.618 applies to the nose width and nose length, respectively.
Golden Ratio: Achieve the Perfect Nose Job for Man
Nose jobs used to be popular among women. All of that is changing now. Men are increasingly getting rhinoplasty surgery to enhance their nose shape.
One method for determining the ideal nose shape for your face and proportions is to use the Golden Ratio. But how exactly does the Golden Ratio affect a male nose job?
In this section, I will talk about male nose jobs and how the Golden Ratio relates to rhinoplasty.
What Is Nose Surgery for Men?
Men now get nose jobs for many reasons such as improving their confidence.
Male rhinoplasty is one of the most common cosmetic treatments for men, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. With over 200,000 surgical operations done on males in 2018, rhinoplasty was the most common, accounting for over 52,000 procedures.
Men receive nose jobs for the same reasons that women do, such as:
Improved Nose Symmetry
Men benefit from a natural-looking nose that suits their face. Male rhinoplasty can produce a manly facial appearance.
Repair of Nose Structural Problems
Male nose surgery is frequently performed to repair structural defects in the nose, such as a deviated septum. Nose reshaping surgery can enhance airflow and reduce snoring and difficult breathing habits.
Improved Self-Confidence
Men’s nose jobs can improve the patient’s look, resulting in improved self-confidence and more favorable social interactions. This surgical procedure can make a significant impact on individuals who are concerned about their personal looks.
Can Males Get Nose Jobs?
Yes, a perfect nose man is possible through a nose job.
Yes, males, just like females, can get rhinoplasty.
Male rhinoplasty is quite popular. Due to this, several men got nose jobs. Why do the majority of men do it?
Of course, motivation varies, but certain common elements may be at work:
Breaking the Stereotype
More guys may seek nose reshaping these days since they are no longer constrained by the stereotype that only women, actors, and models have plastic surgery.
Even if the traditional prejudice holds that men don’t care about their appearance, when we’re being honest, we have to recognise that men do care about their appearance.
Enhancing Their Appearance
Because today’s society is more focused on appearances, notably those appealing pictures on social media, more guys step forward to enhance their noses.
What about the ever-increasing emphasis on physical fitness and health? Of course, people eat well and exercise for health, but there’s also an attractiveness factor at work.
Moreover, some males wish to get rid of the “family” nose they received, while others prefer a smaller or more refined version of the nose they acquired.
Increasing Their Confidence
Male rhinoplasty tends to promote confidence or self-esteem. These are frequent beneficial side effects for most guys, even if nose surgery is not their primary objective.
The motive for male rhinoplasty is an intriguing subject to consider, but in the end, each man has his own unique set of motivations and goals for male rhinoplasty.
What Is the Perfect Golden Ratio for a Man?
The Golden Ratio determines how beautiful one’s face is.
People in Ancient Greece were quite knowledgeable about beauty. They devised a formula called the Golden Ratio to determine how near each person’s face was to the ideal one.
I, Dr. Julian De Silva, a celebrity cosmetic surgeon, wanted to use his computerised mapping skills to see if these theories are still relevant today.
The Greeks devised the Golden Ratio of Beauty Phi as a mathematical calculation to assess beauty. It is divided into three components.
First, the width and length of the face are measured, and the results are split. The closer the outcome is near 1.6 (number Phi), the better the face.
The dimensions from the hairline on the forehead to the spot between the eyes, the spot between the eyes to the bottom of the nose, and the tip of the nose to the bottom of the chin are also taken into account. A person is considered attractive if all of the numbers are equal.
Lastly, the eye width should be equal to the distance between the eyes and the length of the ear should be equal to the length of the nose.
Find out more in our detailed blog post on the golden ratio and how to achieve the perfect nose job for men.
What Is Augmentation Rhinoplasty?
The procedure can enhance or augment various parts of the nose, such as the bridge and tip.
Rhinoplasty, also known as a nose job, changes the shape and size of the nose. Doing so improves the overall balance and proportion of the nose in relation to the other facial features.
Nose augmentation UK is performed under sedation or general anaesthetic and can take anywhere from one to several hours, depending on the case’s complexity. During the procedure, the surgeon will make incisions inside the nose and may use cartilage or other materials to add shape and structure to the nose. Then, the incisions are closed, and the nose is bandaged to promote healing.
The recovery time for nose surgery can vary, but most patients can return to work and other normal activities after at least two to three weeks. However, strenuous exercise must be avoided for the first week to 12 weeks. The final results of the procedure may not be visible for several weeks or months as the nose continues to heal and the swelling subsides.
Nose Reduction Cost: How Much Is a Nose Job UK?
Nose reduction cost highly depends on the patient’s needs and other factors.
Have you been wondering how much for nose job? You’re at the right place.
The cost of a nose job in the UK is between £4,000 to £7,000. Nose job prices will depend on the cost of each component.
First, nose reduction surgery cost depends on consultation.
You must consult a doctor, before getting a nose job and accurate rhinoplasty costs. During the consultation, some doctors charge an upfront fee.
You might be required to pay a consultation fee. It’s in addition to your nose job fee. However, it depends on the doctor.
Medical Tests
Second, nose reduction surgery cost depends on the medical tests you need.
Depending on one’s needs, some patients are required to undergo medical tests.
Additionally, due to the pandemic, getting a COVID-19 test might be required. This ensures that you’re virus-free and non-infectious.
Third, nose reduction surgery cost depends on the anaesthesia used.
My clinic uses sedation anaesthesia. It’s because sedation is safer compared to general anaesthesia. Additionally, sedation anaesthesia offers a shorter recovery period.
Though more expensive, sedation anaesthesia ensures your comfort and safety during the procedure.
Surgeon Fees
Nose reduction cost also depends on the surgeon’s fees.
Surgeons with advanced skills charge higher than those who don’t. Due to their safety and better delivery of results, more experienced and skilled surgeons are always worth the price.
Facility Use
Nose reduction cost also depends on facility use.
Usually, maintenance fees are divided among the patients using it. Additionally, regular sanitation of tools is done to avoid infection.
The cost will depend on the type of facility you’ll use. Private facilities cost more. However, they’re cleaner and less crowded. They’re also safer due to their low infection risk.
Post-Op Care
Lastly, nose reduction cost depends on post-op care.
After the surgery, a few things must be purchased like ice packs and medicine. These will be used for your nose to immediately recover.
Some cosmetic surgeons provide post-op support without additional charges. However, other cosmetic surgeons might ask for an additional fee.
You also have to consider your time off of work to let your nose job heal properly.
Can Rhinoplasty Fix a Nasally Voice?
While it is often performed for cosmetic reasons, rhinoplasty can also be used to correct breathing difficulties and other functional issues.
One lesser-known benefit of rhinoplasty is its ability to improve the quality of a person’s voice, particularly if the individual has nasal speech. In this section, I will explore how surgery can fix nasal speech.
How Do You Tell if Your Voice Is Nasal?
A few signs can indicate that a person’s voice is nasal.
It’s important to note that some people naturally have a more nasal voice than others. However, you must consult a doctor if you notice a sudden change in the quality of your voice or if you’re experiencing nasal congestion or difficulty breathing.
Here’s how to tell if your voice sounds nasal:
- Your voice sounds higher pitched and more nasal than usual.
- You sound like you’re speaking through their nose instead of your mouth.
- Your voice is muffled or harder to hear, indicating that the sound is not passing through the mouth as it should.
- You have difficulty speaking certain sounds like “s” or “f,” which are known as fricatives produced by turbulent airflow.
- Your voice has a whistling or buzzing sound, indicating air flowing through the nose’s passages.
How Do You Fix a Nasally Voice?
There are several surgical and non-surgical ways to fix nasal speech. Here’s how to fix nasal voice:
This surgical procedure can alter the shape of the nose and improve the way air flows through the passages, which can help improve the air escaping through the nose.
As a nasal voice fix, the rhinoplasty surgeon may focus on reshaping the internal structures of the nose, such as the septum or the turbinates, to improve airflow and reduce nasal congestion or obstruction.
Septoplasty corrects a deviated septum, a displacement of the bone and cartilage that separates the nose’s passages. When the septum deviates, it can cause nasal congestion or obstruction, affecting the voice by making it sound nasal or congested.
As a nasal voice correction, the surgeon will access the septum through the nostrils and then reshape, reposition, or remove any parts of the septum blocking the passages. This can improve airflow through the nose, leading to a clearer and more resonant voice.
Speech Therapy
If the nasality is caused by a speech or language disorder, speech therapy can help to improve the patient’s speech. When done well, speech therapy can also reduce the nasality in the patient’s speaking voice.
Voice Therapy
A speech-language pathologist can teach exercises and techniques to help change how a person produces too much sound and reduce nasal air emission. This may include learning to control the velopharyngeal valve, breathing exercises, and using different vocal tract parts (e.g., vocal cords) and voice box to speak.
It’s important to note that each case of hypernasal speech is unique. The best course of treatment will vary depending on the individual and the underlying causes.
Find out more in our detailed blog post on can rhinoplasty fix a nasally voice?
How Old Do You Have to Be to Get a Nose Job?
If you have been asking, “What age can you get a nose job?,” this section explains the best age to get one.
You can get a nose job at different points in your life. However, patients are recommended not to get nose jobs until their noses are fully grown.
Typically, this occurs between 15 and 16 for females. For males, this typically occurs at 17.
Since teenage rhinoplasty is more complex than adult rhinoplasty, parents must consider more factors.
For one, nasal abnormalities usually show up until 10 or 11. Since the nose has to stop growing before a teen undergoes a nose job, parents must wait. By doing this, parents ensure that any nasal growth does not alter the results of their children’s rhinoplasty.
You should also note that the nose reaches approximately 90% of maturity during teenage years. Minor changes may continue to happen during the person’s 20s.
In addition, you have to take note that certain parts of your nose continue growing. Your bone may stop growing after maturity, but your cartilage will.
Since cartilage composes your nose more than bone, your nose will continue to change. Even if patients get nose jobs after their noses matured, they may see minor changes over time. However, these changes are barely visible.
On the bright side, age-related cartilage growth happens over many decades, so you don’t need to worry about these changes.
Remember, you should only consider cosmetic surgery if it can improve their way of life. The need for rhinoplasty also has to be assessed on a case-by-case basis. Since patients mature mentally and physically at different ages, cosmetic surgeons have to carefully evaluate them.
Therefore, you must consult a skilled and experienced surgeon before getting a nose job. You can book a consultation with me here.
Rhinoplasty for Teens
Teen rhinoplasty is a complex procedure that can have long-lasting positive effects on a teenager. However, having a nose job can be life-changing for both parents and their children. Hence, parents and teens must decide together.
Rhinoplasty for teens has pros and cons that parents and their children must consider.
For one, some parents think that nose surgery should not be done at a young age. However, some teens need to have nose jobs because of accidents or congenital conditions.
In addition, adolescence is a period in which teens become conscious of how they look. If they have strange-looking noses, their self-confidence decreases. As a result, their emotional growth and social development becomes affected.
A deviated septum can also cause discomfort and difficulty breathing. Hence, parents should consider letting their children go through deviated septum surgery.
While there are no laws banning minors from getting nose jobs, rhinoplasty requires parental consent. If your child is less than 18 years old, you need to give your consent for the surgical procedure to happen. In this sense, you carry the responsibility of making the right decision.
In addition, you must talk to your child before making a decision. Consider your child’s perspective and educate them about the procedure.
Lastly, consult a highly qualified surgeon before the procedure. By doing this, you become aware of the risks, benefits, and duration of the procedure.
Everything You Need to Know Before Your Nose Job Surgery
Getting a nose job can boost your confidence, and improve work performance and nasal health. However, you must properly prepare for a nose job surgery if you want to maximise its benefits.
How exactly do you do this? What are the best practices during nose job recovery?
In this section, I will talk about preparing for a nose job surgery, reasonable expectations for recovery, and the best practices during recovery.
How to Prepare for a Nose Job
You must consider a lot of things before and after a nose job.
Here’s how to prepare for getting a nose job:
1. Consider Your Diet and Lifestyle
When you have a healthy body, you get better chances at recovering efficiently from a nose job. You also have less risk for complications.
Thus, taking care of your health through a proper diet and other lifestyle habits can help you properly prepare for a nose job.
In addition, eating fiber-containing food help decrease problematic digestive effects such as constipation that may occur after you receive anaesthesia.
You must also avoid alcohol and smoking before and after the nose job to ensure proper healing. All the other specifics can be discussed during our consultation, should you choose to book a consultation with me, Dr. Julian De Silva.
2. Plan Your Transportation Ahead of Time
You must also plan your transportation before getting a nose job. Rhinoplasty is a delicate procedure that requires someone to drive you home after the surgery.
While rhinoplasty usually doesn’t require an overnight stay, you should make sure that you get home as safely as possible.
Moreover, you will have bruises that may affect your line of sight. Hence, you must have someone drive or assist you in going home.
You can ask a family member or friend to drive you to and from surgery. Lastly, you might want someone to stay with you for at least three days after getting a nose job.
3. Take Some Time Off Work
Getting a nose job surgery means that you have to take some time off from work. I usually recommend taking at least two weeks off from work to give yourself time to properly recover.
Doing so can help facilitate healing and avoid complications.
4. Stock on Cold Compresses At Home
One of the most important things that you should do before and after a nose job is stocking on cold compresses.
When preparing for your nose job, make sure to buy ice packs so that you’ll have them when you get home after the procedure. You may also want to buy soft food and easy-to-digest items, so you won’t have to move your mouth as much when eating.
5. Avoid Certain Medications
There are certain medications that you must avoid before rhinoplasty. These include aspirin, vitamin E, and NSAIDs. Any other substances that may disrupt how anaesthesia works must be avoided as well.
You must have reasonable expectations for nose job recovery.
After getting a nose job, a metal or plastic splint will be placed on your nose. The splint will help your nose maintain its new shape as the best nose job for your nose shape and face takes effect.
Nasal packs or splints may also be placed inside your nostrils to stabilise your nose, especially the part found between your nostrils
You will also be monitored in a recovery room after your surgery. This ensures that you get out of the clinic safe and sound. Once your release gets approved, you can go home.
As I mentioned, you’ll need to have someone assist or drive you home as the anaesthesia and bruises on your face will affect you.
You might experience the common effects of nose job surgery immediately after the procedure. These include slow reactions, impaired judgment, and memory lapses.
In addition, for a few days after getting a nose job, you might also experience bleeding and drainage. A drip pad can help you with these. Simply tape it below your nose. It will absorb your mucus and blood.
You might also get a headache. Your face will feel puffy and you will experience some pain. However, medications greatly help.
Getting a nose job can also affect the area around your eyes. You might temporarily experience the following:
- Numbness
- Bruising
- Sensitivity
- Swelling
- Discoloration around your eyes
You also have to avoid the following activities for a few weeks after getting a nose job:
- Running
- Swimming
- Blowing your nose
- Intense tooth brushing
- Pulling clothes over your head
- Excessive chewing
- Wearing eyeglasses
- Laughing, frowning, smiling, or other expressions that require significant facial movement
Moreover, you have to be extremely careful about sun exposure. Avoid it at any cost, as it can permanently change the color around your nose.
Follow-up care is crucial after getting a nose job. Thus, you must show up to your appointments and closely follow your doctor’s instructions.
Best Practices During Nose Job Recovery
Here are the best practices during nose job recovery:
1. Take Time Off to Rest and Recover
After getting rhinoplasty, your body will have to focus on healing itself. Hence, you must take your time to recover.
This also means that you should avoid intense sports or any activity where you can bump your nose. Since your new nose shape is not yet stable, bumping it can lead to deformities that require revision rhinoplasty.
2. Plan for Your Recovery
You must also plan your activities during your recovery. This includes making a schedule and a meal plan that strictly follows your doctor’s guidelines.
For instance, you must make it a habit to regularly change your drip pads and eat soft, easy-to-digest food.
3. Consume Healthy Food and Plenty of Water
Consuming healthy food and drinking water will help you recover faster. Doing these can also make you feel better faster.
Proper nutrition gives your body what it needs to heal itself. Water, on the other hand, helps facilitate healing by flushing out toxins from your body. It also allows oxygen and nutrients to be delivered to the right tissues. This allows proper drainage to occur.
4. Lower Your Salt Intake
Salt can increase your blood pressure. High blood pressure levels can increase swelling on your face.
Hence, you must avoid adding salt to your meals and eating salty food. Doing so can minimise swelling, making your nose job recovery more comfortable.
5. Have a Lot of Rest
Rest lets your body heal faster. Resting and sleeping well with your head supported and elevated will minimise swelling around your nose and eyes.
Thus, you must keep your head elevated while you rest or sleep. Doing so also helps keep fluid from building up around the target area.
I hope this blog has been helpful in explaining everything you need to consider before getting a nose job.
Remember, every nose job journey is unique, but this guide is designed to help you at every step. If you have more questions or are ready to take the next step, don’t hesitate to book a consultation with me. I can give you personalised advice and answer any other questions you might have.
Remember, getting a nose job is all about helping you feel more confident and happy. Contact us to book a consultation now and start your journey to a better, more confident you. All the best!